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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Sadguru insulted + 3 more


Sadguru insulted

Note: This letter discusses reverence to Guru. Those who do not have reverence for Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji will not be able to understand this matter.


At the recent New Year’s 2020 DMS, Baba’s photo has been been presented in a very poor and disrespectful way. And that is what is addressed herein.

All bhaktas know that Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is Taraka Brahma and Sadguru; He is the omni-present Parama Purusa. And that is why the system is to always use a white lotus. Those practicing higher sadhana understand this well. And verily this point is common as all those doing Guru sakash also use a white lotus. Because the white lotus represents the sentient force and spiritual effulgence.

Pink lotus is rajasik or worse

In contrast, the pink colour is far inferior as it represents rajoguna and tamoguna etc. That is why avidya tantrikas use that colour. So using a pink colour lotus with Guru is completely inappropriate and demeaning. No Ananda Margii can appreciate seeing Sadguru Baba’s photo on a pink lotus. But look at the tragedy that unfolded at the recent DMS. Indeed, awareness and interventions are needed.

Guru sakasha shloka

We must always use a white lotus with Sadguru Baba. That is the designated system as the white lotus is purely sentient. In our external presentation - with Baba’s photo on the dais - then a white lotus must always be used. Plus, in the inner world, those doing higher sadhana, lower sadhana, and Guru Sakash - i.e. everyone knows this point.

Prátah shirasi shukla’bje dvinetraḿ dvibhujaḿ gurum;
Varábhayakrtahastaḿ smarettann ámapúrvakam.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the Guru cakra. Shukla means “white”; abje means “in the lotus”; shukla’bje means “in or on a white lotus”. And you have to meditate on the Guru who is dvinetra [endowed with two eyes] and dvibhuja [endowed with two hands]." (1)

Scene at New Year’s DMS: pink lotus

At the recent January 01 DMS in Ananda Nagar, Sadguru Baba’s below photo was presented in this sinful manner - i.e. on a pink lotus. As noted above, pink represents the mutative (rajoguna) and static (tamoguna) forces.

At the recent January 01 DMS in Ananda Nagar, Sadguru Baba’s above photo was presented in this sinful manner - i.e. on a pink lotus., which represents the mutative and static forces.

White lotus should be used

Next we have a photo of Lord Krsna on a white lotus - that is the proper colour. This was done by a different spiritual group (i.e. not AMPS) that takes Lord Krsna as their Guru. And they properly understood that the white lotus should be used.

Accordingly, in our AMPS, we must always use a white lotus with Sadguru Baba. A pink lotus must never be used.

How DMS organisers are undermining Guru's image

Unfortunately, nowadays, the proper standard is not being upheld as they just recently depicted Guru on a pink lotus. But the pink lotus is not sentient in nature; rather, it is rajasik as it represents fight and blood. It does not stand for purity like the white lotus.

Sadly, this is not a stand alone problem. These B group organisers consistently undermine Guru in public forums. Either they have His photo placed too low so that PP Dada's dais is higher, or those B group organisers stand in front of Guru's photo - blocking the view entirely, or they place Guru’s photo in the newspaper where it gets soiled and used in degrading ways - as a diaper or rag etc. And then there is this issue: using a pink / rajasik lotus with Guru.

Those B group organisers are always doing something to bring down the stature of Guru. This approach is so untoward it can only be characterised as being the work of lowly persons. No bhakta, no disciple would do like this. Yet time after time, incident after incident, this is the degrading approach that the B group organisers pursue. It can no longer be thought of as a simple mistake; it is a devious and premeditated plan to bring down Guru and give more stature and power to their own group. 

And this pink lotus ordeal is not an isolated incident. Overlooking the matter amounts to pratyavaya - the worst sin: Failing to dod what should be done.

Conclusion: intervention needed

As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, we are to uphold His stature at all times. This is the first and foremost work of any bhakta. If this basic tenet is not done - then what is left. In tantra, reverence to Guru is everything.

Now is the time to put a halt this degrading approach. The B group organisers must be pressured and warned:
(a) Never use a pink lotus with Guru;
(b) do not stand on the stand with their back towards Baba as they block His photo;
(c) do not keep Guru's photo lower than that of PP / Central Wts etc; and
(d) do not do anything that undermines the sanctity and stature of Guru’s unparalleled and divine status.

in Him,
Sunil Sen

~ In-depth study ~

Reverence to Guru

Ananda Marga ideology states, "One who has no respect [shraddha'] for the goal can never attain success. Shrat satyam tasmin dhiiyate iti shraddhá. “Shraddhá is the pursuit of Supreme Truth.” " (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Only when one has embraced the Supreme Cognitive Force with utmost reverence, single minded devotion and extreme sincerity, can one hope to be established in immortality, the permanent cessation of the triple afflictions." (3)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru." (4)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Observe uncompromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of the Iśt́a (Goal)." (5)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya guides us, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (6)

1. Yoga Psychology, Under the Shelter of the Guru
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Psychic Assimilation in Psycho-Spiritual Practice
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 6, The Only Way to Salvation
4. Caryacarya - 1, Treasures of Ananda Marga
5. Sixteen Points, Point #10
6. Caryacarya - 2, Point 1a

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *
== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Will You come in my dry heart, I do not know

"Ámár e kat́hin hiyáy,ásabe tumi ki ná jáni ná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3378)

My Parama Purusa, will You ever come in my dry heart, I do not know. You are mine. By Your blessing, I am calling Your divine Self again and again - day and night. I want Your close proximity. Whether or not You will come to my parched, aspiritual mind, I do not know. But if, by mistake, or by any means You come in my soul, then You will not lose anything; Your prestige will not be ruined. Now due to my low bhakti, I can't do sadhana properly.

Cosmic Entity, by Your mercy I have decorated Your supreme seat with countless lamps and a display of light. By Your krpa’, with all my feeling, I go on singing Your song non-stop, continuously. I have composed those melodies in Your ideation, in Your tune, in Your language. Whether You come and take Your seat in the core of my being I have no idea.

Baba, in my mind, I have so many hopes and aspirations - several desires and so much love. Among these many wants, I have no idea if You will satisfy some of them; I do not know. Only I request You to please come and sit on my Guru cakra forever...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Awful way of taking food

Note: Here eating means holding the food putting that food in the mouth with that hand.
Ananda Marga ideology says, "There is a difference, however, between the cave-dwellers and the aboriginal human beings of the prehistoric period, and present day human beings. Human beings have brought more subtle beauty into the daily tasks and habitual behaviour, which they used to do in a crude way. Before eating, prehistoric human beings did not wash their hands, and they used both hands to eat. Today, we wash our hands, and use the right hand, or a spoon and fork. We enjoy eating in a more subtle fashion." (1)

In some parts of the world people eat using both hands - i.e. they touch their food with both their left and right hands, and use both hands to directly put food into their mouth. That is poor hygiene. Humans have two hands - one of which is used for cleaning their backside. So one should not use that hand for eating purposes - i.e. holding food and placing that hand into the mouth etc. The only exception can be on medical grounds or if one has only one hand. Otherwise, if one has two hands then only use the right for eating - not for the back side. The left hand will be for that purpose. Think of it this way: No matter how clean the bathroom sink is no one will like to use the sink basin as a bowl to hold your food and eat out of that sink. So those who eat and place food into the mouth using both hands are dirty. Their behaviour is uncivilised.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, The Supreme Aesthetic Science and the Cult of Devotion

== Section ==

Train Yourselves In The Ideal Of The Lily

"You exist in a vast, limitless ocean of rasa or essences. A never-ending, radiant wave of manifestations is surging within and without you and radiating through all the ten directions – the indescribable vibrational expressions of small and great, accented and unaccented, eternally flowing thought-waves. Behave properly and reasonably with every expression, with every manifestation of the Cosmic mind. But always remember the One, Who is the essence of all these diverse vibrational manifestations. Train yourselves in the ideal of the lily, which blossoms in the mud and has to keep itself engaged in the struggle for existence day in and day out, parrying, bracing and fighting the shocks of muddy water and the force of storms and squalls and various other vicissitudes of fortune; and yet it does not forget the moon above. It keeps its love for the moon constantly alive. It seems but a most ordinary flower: there is nothing extraordinary about it. Yet, this most ordinary little flower has a romantic tie with the great moon. It has focused all its desires on the moon. Similarly, perhaps you are an ordinary creature – perhaps you have to pass your days in the ups and downs of worldly existence – yet do not forget that Supreme One. Keep all your desires inclined towards Him. Always keep yourself merged in His thought. Go deep into the mood of that Infinite Love. By this your worldly activities will not be hampered in any way."

Kumud candramá dúrete rahiyá yemati rákhaye priiti,
Temati Shrii Rádhá kánu páne cáhi grha káj kare niti.

"No matter what circumstances you are in, never lose sight of the Infinite One. Degradation is impossible for those who have accepted the Supreme Being as the Ideal of their lives. Indulging in mean thoughts only engenders crude vibrations in the Citta, as the result of which you will have to take rebirth in lower species in order to suffer the lowly Saḿskáras created by those crude vibrations. Thus you must arouse higher vibrations in your Citta. Even a man of King Bharata's calibre had to take rebirth as a deer because at the time of his death he was deeply anxious about a fawn. Thus regardless of what you are at present or what you may possibly become in the future, do not digress from the ideal of the Great in any circumstances: do not stray even a step away from the path of realization of Absolute Bliss. Ananda Marga or the path to eternal bliss is the only path for you." (SS-3, p. 65)

== Section 4: Links ==

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