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Thursday, October 10, 2024

How Tiljala duped Bangla readers + 2 more


How Tiljala duped Bangla readers


Margiis raised the important point about the use of the dogmatic term “mahaprayan” in the Bengali translation of the discourse, “The Coming of Taraka Brahma”, from Ananda Vacanamrtam part 12. As we know, this discourse was originally given by Baba in English on 13 May 1979 in Fiesch, Switzerland. And in His spoken discourse Baba did not use the term “mahaprayan”. In fact, Sadguru Baba never used the term “mahaprayan” in any Ananda Marga discourse or book.

So when the Bengali translation was done in 2006, then it has to be questioned why the publisher - i.e. Sarvatmananda - inserted such a term like “mahaprayan”', when this term was never used by Baba. Here below then is an examination of both the Bengali translation as well as a look into the possible motives behind such a maneuver.

Pasting dogmatic term into AM scripture

In general, in this post-1990 era, the term mahaprayan has two very clear meanings.

(#1) In the general Bengali society, the term “mahaprayan” means the death of an ordinary human being. Each and every day in the Bengali newspaper there are innumerable listings about the mahaprayan of such-and-such person. Because mahaprayan is the standard word to use in an obituary listing in Bengali. So “death” is one meaning of the term “mahaprayan”.

(#2) The term “mahaprayan” refers to the dogmatic function held each year in Tiljala by B group. That is the bogus and dogmatic of that term these days. The proof is that if you ask any Ananda Margii, “What is Mahaprayan?”, then they will invariably say that it refers to one dogmatic ceremony held each year in the month of October in Tiljala. This is the very dogmatic connotation within our AM society. 

So it is just plain wrong to insert the word “mahaprayan” in AM discourses. First and foremost because Baba never used the term 'Mahaprayan'. Furthermore, the term “mahaprayan” does not just have a literal meaning. It also carries a distinctly dogmatic meaning. Thus, in using the so-called mahaprayan term in our AM scripture, it undermines our dharmic teachings. Rather, as discussed below, it is one political ploy by one faction to give legitimacy to their dogmatic programme.

Distorted Bengali edition

Look here below. This is page 135 of the Bengali Edition of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 12. The third word of the second line (marked in red) is where they inserted the dogmatic term “mahaprayan” into Baba’s discourse. Bear in mind, this discourse, “The Coming of Taraka Brahma”, was originally given by Baba in English in Fiesch, Switzerland. So Baba never spoke the term “mahaprayan”. The appearance of this dogmatic term in our AM book is entirely the plan of the Tiljala faction. Verily, it holds not a shred of authenticity. 

~ Below image courtesy of WhatsApp Forums, not the text overlay ~

~ Above image courtesy of WhatsApp Forums, not the text overlay ~

The above is page 135 of the Bengali Edition of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 12. The third word of the second line is where Tiljala Publications wrongly inserted the dogmatic term “mahaprayan” into Baba’s discourse.

Motivation behind use of so-called mahaprayan

This is a clear-cut instance of B group trying hard to legitimize their dogmatic programme. They know well the so-called mahaprayan term is their own invention. But they are desperate to have Baba's name linked with their dogmatic MPD programme because MPD is their big money-maker. In search of legitimacy, they inserted so-called mahaprayan into our AM books. This is all part and parcel of Sarvatmananda’s strategy to bolster his dogmatic mahaprayan programme.

What terms would have been better to use

Instead of using the term mahaprayan, there is a better term or collection of words to use as a translation of the English term “death”. We have to remember that a translation should not be literal; rather, it should express the idea and spirit of a discourse using appropriate language. So we should aim to use terms that convey the idea that Mahasambhuti withdrew His form and remains eternally as Taraka Brahma. 

The main point is that so-called mahaprayan is associated with a dogmatic occasion, i.e. that annual Islamic style event held in Tiljala. So to include this term in our AM books is to pollute our scripture and succumb to dogma.


Our main duty is to implement the Sadguru Baba’s divine teachings. So when some are resorting to tactics like sticking dogmatic terms such so-called mahaprayan into our AM scripture, we should take strong measures to keep our scripture untainted and pure. Baba has blessed us with a perfect body of scripture and given us the special responsibility of keeping them intact. 

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (1)

In Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

We must be vigilant about “rats” & “termites”

As we know, rats and termites are Baba's way of describing how some attempt to destroy His original teachings.  In the conclusive part of His discourse of Victory Day on 29 Sep 1990, Baba warned all of us. Here is the culminating section which was originally given in two languages: Hindi and Bangla. It has been printed in AV Hindi part 24 on page 149, and here is the English summary.

You have to build up society by your collective efforts. You know when the weaver weaves the clothes then rats and termites engage in trying to cut it. Then the weaver has to protect the clothes from rats and termites. In the same way when you are building anything then without any delay various types of "termites" and "rats"* will try to destroy that. You must be careful.  Above all those who have a pious motive to build up something, they ultimately get victory. But "rats" and "termites" do not have a pure motive so ultimately getting destroyed is their fate. Just they leave some dirty, ugly mark in the pages of history.

By seeing those ugly, black marks, in future people think 'oh, it seems this was attacked by termites and rats. Oh, it appears that the termites and rats which came to attack and destroy this, but instead those rats and termites broke their teeth and got annihilated'.  "It is the universal law. So as you build up good things, be vigilant to keep sharp eyes all around. Be sure to protect your work from "rats" and "termites".

In the past, females were preparing mango jelly in summer. And to shoo away the crows and to protect the mango jelly, one boy from the house was always standing guard with a large stick in his hand and sharp eyes watching for those crows. In the same way you should always be alert and vigilant to save your work from termites and rats. Then work will be done..." 

Today again you take oath to build up the earth by your own individual and collective efforts. We have come here to beautify this earth. We will make it so and we will go on doing this our whole life. This will be our main collective vow. (English summary)

In the above teaching, Sadguru Baba is guiding us to be alert and vigilant with regards to the enemies trying to destroy AM scripture by inserting dogmatic terms like “mahaprayan”. So when some have a devious agenda to annihilate and distort the divine teachings of Taraka Brahma, then every Ananda Margii should be vigilant to ensure such a tragedy does not happen.

The nuances of literal translation

Each and every language has its own vibration and unique way of working. Many terms do not carry the same meaning when translated into another language. For example, take the Hindi term, a'm jant'a. The true meaning of this phrase is 'common public', but if it is literally translated then it means 'mango man'.

Similarly, the English term “underdog” has a very specific meaning. It refers to that party or team which is not favoured to win. But if we literally translate underdog into Hindi then it would be niche ka kutta', i.e. 'that dog which is sitting below'.

This all goes to show that from one language to the next there are innumerable cases where the literal translation does not do justice to the term. Thus for one dogmatic team to sit back and say that the mahaprayan term is the literal translation, and that therefore it should be used is just an outcry and a sham. This is another way of looking at their distortion.

Certain words carry dogmatic meanings 

Let's look at the matter this way. In AMPS, we refer to our Wts as 'acaryas'. This is our special term to refer to our monks and nuns. Someone outside AMPS might refer to our Wts using a dogmatic religious term like “priest” or “mullah”; but, we will never resort to such terms. Because those terms carry a dogmatic meaning related with the Christian, Hindu, and Muslim religions.

Theoretically all these terms - priest, mullah, and acarya - are the same, but in the practical sphere sense they carry extremely different meanings. That is why when our AM books are translated into English, or Hindi, or Arabic etc, then the terms “priest” and “mullah” are never used to refer to our Wts. For example in chapter 2 of Caryacarya part 1, it does not say, "At the age of twelve, the child should take initiation from a mullah"; nor does it say, "At the age of twelve, the child should take initiation from a priest". Rather Baba says, "At the age of twelve, the child should take initiation from an a'ca'rya/a'". (2)

So we use our own term, acarya, in our AM books. That is Baba's system, and that is the divine example He has put forth. And the reason is obvious: The term “acarya” carries a dharmic meaning, whereas the religious terms “priest” and “mullah” carry a dogmatic meaning. That is why we use our own Ananda Marga term, “acarya”, to refer to our AM monks and nuns.

Similarly, when the term “mahaprayan” refers to one dogmatic ceremony invented by B group, we have no interest in using that word in our AM books. Because our AM books are 100% dharmic and meant to express Baba's ideas, whereas the so-called mahaprayan term is associated with an illogical, dogmatic, annual ceremony in Tiljala. occasion. For this reason it is inappropriate to insert the term “mahaprayan” into our AM books.

Are namaz, prayer, & sadhana the same?

Now let's take another example. We can see a similar pattern with regards to our sacred sadhana practice. Some outside AM may claim that the terms 'sadhana', 'prayer', and 'namaz' are all the same thing. But we in AM will never accept such a statement. Because in AM sadhana refers to the spiritual practice of bhagavad dharma, whereas the term 'prayer' refers to the dogmatic Christian form of worship, and the term 'namaz' refers to the dogmatic Muslim style of prayer.

So in AM we will never accept these terms - 'prayer' and 'namaz'-- as being the equivalent of our own term, sadhana. And we will certainly never allow for the term sadhana to be translated as 'prayer' or 'namaz' and placed in our AM scripture.But tragically now such type of distortion has occurred in the Bangla version of AV-12. In that book the publishers have wrongly inserted the dogmatic term 'mahaprayan'. This is the tragedy and injustice happening with our AM scripture.

Dogmatic mahaprayan losing ground

Each and every year more and more margiis and field workers around the globe are rejecting the dogmatic mahaprayan programme. Just like rational margiis are rejecting the Jamalpur tiirtha program. So when the so-called MPD program in Kolkata is just looked upon as dogmatic event and when no one attends anymore, then B group is very desperate to salvage their "prized program". Because their entire reason for creating MPD was to show that Kolkata is the capital of AMPS, and by this way margiis will come and give huge money to those in Tiljala. This was B group's plan from the very beginning. So when year after year the so-called mahaprayan programme is just becoming a dud, then B group was anxious to do something radical to save it. And that was why all Sarvatmananda inserted the term “mahaprayan” into the discourse “The Coming of Taraka Brahma”. Sarvatmananda was desperate; that was why he did it. Top Dadas like Sarvatmananda and Rudrananda always resort to deceitful and cunning tactics.

Days of cheating are over

Sarvatmananda knows that the days are gone when he can do massive distortions to Baba's scripture. The days of cutting and deleting paragraphs like he did with Baba's historic 'Ananda Marga: A Revolution' discourse are mostly gone. Nobody can do that type of huge distortion anymore. Because margiis are watching carefully and they do not want to see anymore injustices done to Baba's Books. So now B group’s only option is to change a few words here and there. And that is the attempt Sarvatmananda tried to take with his insertion of the so-called mahaprayan term into the Bengali version of AV-12.

Hindi edition: no use of mahaprayan

~ Below image courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~

~ Above image courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~

Cover of distorted Bengali edition

~ Below image courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~

~ Above image courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)
2. Caryacarya - 1, The Process of Initiation

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: News from Nov 2019 ==

AMPS Bokaro quarrel


Ramendrananda dada ( Ranchi AMPS) does not have good relations with ideological margis of Bokaro. They have been fighting for more than 10 years. Two days before, Ranchi AMPS locked the Jagriti doors. Ideological margis asked them to unlock the door so that they can conduct Dharma Cakra. But Ranchi AMPS did not. Hot discussions were on. Police intervened and allowed both parties to use the Ashram with giving one key to each warring party. 

In Him, 
Pradiip Deva

~ The below is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~ 

प्रभात कालोनी स्थित एएमपीएस के आश्रम का मामला पुलिस के हस्तक्षेप के बाद एक सप्ताह का समय देते हुए सुलझाया गया। इस आश्रम को लेकर दो पक्षों में अनबन चल रही थी। 

विदित हो कि एक पक्ष ने इस आश्रम में ताला मारकर चाबी ले लिया था। जिसके कारण दूसरे पक्ष के लोगों ने बताया कि ताला बंद रहने के कारण आश्रम में आने वाले अन्य लोगों को परेशानी होती है। इस पर पुलिस ने दोनों पक्षों के विवाद को देखते हुए तालाबंद कर दोनों पक्षों को थाने में बुलाया। वहां पर दोनों के विवाद को देखते हुए चास थाना प्रभारी चुनमुन सिंह ने एक सप्ताह में अनुमंडलाधिकारी के यहां से मामले को सुलझा लेने का आश्वासन देते हुए पहले पक्ष से दो में से एक चाबी लेकर दूसरे पक्ष को दे दी।

~ The above is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~ 

== Section 2: Links ==

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