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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Dogma inserted into Ananda Purnima + 2 more


Dogma inserted into Ananda Purnima


Kindly have a look at what is going on.

Scene during Ananda Purnima

See what is happening in the below photo:
(A) In the lower right section, there are a bunch of bananas.
(B) On that same platter there are a bunch of grapes.
(C) And there is also a fancy melon on that platter.
(D) Directly to the left of the fruit there is a plate of fried sweets.
(E) All of these above listed food items have been placed in front of Sadguru Baba’s photo. Because His photo should not be displayed on the internet, we have edited it accordingly.
(F) The below scene is a mirror image of what dogmatic Buddhists and Hindus do etc. They offer all kinds of sweets and fruits and put it on a plate in front of the photo of their favorite deity: Hanuman (mythological monkey god), Ganesh (mythological elephant god), Buddha etc.
(G) Then when those dogmatic worshipers conclude their rituals they eat those sweets.
(H) Now the same thing is going on in AM households for the occasion of Ananda Purnima. See below.

~ Dogmatic Ananda Purnima celebrations at one margii household ~

Next, let’s look at the second photo which is below.
(A) On the puja table there are two dishes.
(B) The plate on the right has cake
(C) And the plate on the left has fancy fruit and nuts. 
(D) These food items have been placed in front of Sadguru Baba’s photo. Because His photo should not be displayed on the internet, we have edited it accordingly. And to the right of Baba’s photo they have placed the pratiika. 
(F) The below scene is exactly what dogmatic Buddhists and Hindus do etc. They offer all kinds of sweets and fruits and put it on a plate in front of the photo of their favorite deity: Hanuman (mythological monkey god), Ganesh (mythological elephant god), Buddha etc.
(G) Then when those dogmatic worshipers conclude their rituals they eat those sweets.
(H) Now the same thing is going on in AM households for the occasion of Ananda Purnima. Kindly see this next image.

~ Dogmatic Ananda Purnima celebrations at one margii household ~

The above photos depict how various margiis have latched onto religious dogma in the way they celebrated Ananda Purnima in May 2020.

However, in our dharmic approach, Baba guides us that all material offerings should be given to the needy. Parama Purusa does not need any mundane gifts. Rather, one should offer their mind to Parama Purusa and surrender unto Him, while all sweets and dainties should be given to hungry beggars etc. 

Ananda Marga is 100% pure dharma and condemns those dogmatic rituals of the various religions. Hence, it is so ironic that on the occasion of Ananda Purnima, various sadhakas copied the prevailing religious dogma.


Sadguru Baba has given the dharmic teachings of Ananda Marga ideology in order to eradicate religious dogma and goad people along the path of pure spirituality. So it is most unfortunate that the opposite is happening in AMPS these days.

In Him,
Dharmendra Deva

Ananda Purnima: Hindu dogma seeping into AMPS

The tradition in Buddhist / Hindu dogma is to make all kinds of material offerings (sweets, cakes, tasty delicacies etc) to their chosen deity. And, in return, those worshipers put forth their requests and wishes. They ask for a fine spouse for their daughter, tuition money for their son, the cure for their baby’s illness etc. There is no end to their requests. In that case, their form of worship is not an unconditional offering, but a type of bribe. Those dogmatic followers give sweets and dainties to their Hindu priest with the sole aim of getting something in return. It is a give and take. Verily, this is rampant amongst the Buddhist and Hindu communities, as well as numerous other religions.

Sadly, that same brand of dogmatic ritualistic approach has seeped into various margii households in Delhi sector. During the recent Ananda Purnima celebrations, numerous sadhakas posted photos of their festivities and what they did looks exactly like what is done in a typical, dogmatic religious household. Kindly see the photos above.

See dogmatic puja of Buddhists

Here is a typical show that is prevalent in various religions including Buddhism. Take a look at the below photo:

(A) At the bottom of the photo there are two rows of fruits, delicacies, and sumptuous dainties.
(B) The lower row contains oranges, pears, persimmons, red grapes, apples, green grapes, along with several bottles of fancy oils and other special treats etc
(C) The upper shelf contains a wide array of fruit including bananas, citrus fruit, and several types of apples.
(D) This massive offering of expensive, exotic fruit and delicacies are all placed on the altar of their deity Buddha.
(E) This is the regular way that idol worshipers of Lord Buddha perform their puja.
(F) They think that by offering fruit, sweets, and fancy treats their prayers for mundane gains and worldly riches (money, job promotion, prestige, fame etc) will be fulfilled.

~ Dogmatic way Buddhists do their puja ~

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

The misty pollen fragrance

"Path ceye base chinu yuga dhare, ele áji ghan varaśáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3226)


My Parama Purusa, since ages I have been waiting for You looking toward the path of Your arrival - hoping to have Your darshan. All the good days have passed by, yet now, in the pouring rain, You have taken a lot of trouble to come to me. You are so gracious. In this rainy season, the misty pollen fragrance of my ketakii flower is floating all around. Its aroma is permeating throughout this cloudy rainy season.

Parama Purusa, with deep yearning in my heart, in the refulgence of the day, I have sought to find You. I have looked for You in the pitch dark night, in the stars, planets, nebulae, everywhere. Baba, I have searched You in every nook and corner of the deep blue sky. In which unknown place were You hiding. I could not get You anywhere.

Through the scorching heat of the daylight hours, I hunted for You until the day was over. Then, in calling and longing for You, the tired night finished and the new dawn arose. In this way, ages have gone - and still I don’t have a trace of You. Parama Purusa Baba, in the course of waiting for You, in that long span, the garland which I prepared for You has become dry and withered away. Now only the thread is in my hand. Finally, in this late hour, You have come. How shall I honour You and decorate You, my Dear One?

Supreme Entity, in this situation how will I receive You. Now in this pouring rain You have taken advent next to me. Baba, it is Your infinite grace. I surrender at Your lotus feet...

Notes For Prabhat Samgiita #3226:

[1] Ketakii flower: The screw-pine flower or tree is part of the Pandanaceae family or genus Pandanus. This tree has dagger-like leaves and is commonly found throughout SE Asia. This flower is known for its charming fragrance. It flowers especially in the rainy season and the strong aroma permeates the air for miles around. In addition, the plant contains many thorns.

[2] Bhor: After a long span of life, when much time has passed then finally the awaited moment arrives. Hence, the literal meaning is early morning or dawn, but the poetic idea is that of having passed a long time in waiting for the time to come.

== Section 3: Links ==

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