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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Inner secret of MPD songs + 3 more

Inner secret of MPD songs


Some have instilled the faulty notion that certain Prabhat Samgiita are mahaprayan songs. Verily they are trying to turn Baba's eternal collection of Prabhat Samgiita into something dogmatic. This is about how the organisers of so-called mahaprayan, and how they have led others astray.

Unfortunately, some became victims of such propaganda. The organisers of so-called mahaprayan have configured their false logic of how melancholic Prabhat Samgiita are so-called mahaprayan songs. As a result of this booming (constant repetition), some started thinking that must be correct.

Just like Hitler’s right-hand man

Hitler's chief of propaganda worked in a similar manner. Joseph Goebbels just boomed the same Nazi propaganda of Aryan supremacy: "Our Fuhrer Hitler and Germany are unparalleled, Now, people rise up, and let the storm break loose and bring victory to Germany!” This occurred day after day until even good citizens became fully brainwashed and convinced. Here the point is that when anything gets repeated again and again then people start believing it.

With regards to Prabhat Samgiita, the inventors of so-called mahaprayan have repeated over and over again that melancholic songs are so-called mahaprayan songs. By this approach, some simple people began believing this. Along the way, they even convinced a few others that Baba's melancholic songs are actually mahaprayan songs. With their propaganda machine, those inventors of so-called mahaprayan have led many astray.

Baba has composed thousands of such melancholic songs, and selfish, political motivations should never lead one to mislabel these songs or misguide others. Such persons are tempting the response from prakrti.

Many spiritual & mystic poets have expressed melancholic longing

There is an entire tradition of devotional songs that are grounded in the idea of melancholic longing. Their Lord is not as close as they want. So the seeker is longing for their Lord to come within their vision or grasp. This type of melancholic feeling is found in Sufi songs, Buddhist songs, Christian songs, Hindu songs, and songs of other traditions etc. And, in each one, the message is the same: My Lord is not coming as close as I wish. Thus, in these songs the idea is not that their God has died. These compositions were not written for an annual death ceremony.

Rather, the prevailing theme is that every bhakta longs for God and wants to have Him in greater proximity. That feeling of longing gave birth to this style of composition known as melancholic songs. Indian mystic poets like Miirabai, Surdas, Vidyapati, Candidas and others including Ravindranath Tagore have written hundreds and even thousands of bhajans like this. In such songs, these spiritual poets express the desire to have greater proximity with their Lord, and when that desire is not fulfilled then with deep longing they cry for more intimate closeness with their Ista. Such songs do not mean that their God has died.

Devious designation as death song

At so-called mahaprayan and in their propaganda materials, PS #2085 has been sung and mislabeled as "The MPD song". The meaning gets explained in such a way to encourage the emotion that Parama Purusa has died. They created this vibration by their tall talks and tried to permanently label PS #2085 (and other melancholic songs) as so-called mahaprayan songs. Just like a marriage song is only sung at marriage ceremonies; similarly they want this song, PS #2085 as well as other melancholic songs, to be exclusively designated as the so-called mahaprayan song. That is the sinful dealing that is going on. May we always remember that Parama Purusa is always in the heart of His bhaktas. It is completely dogmatic that the feeling of death is imposed during this sinful program of "mahaprayan."

Conclusion: maintain purity of PS

As disciples of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, it is our duty to protect His teachings and literature. We should not allow anyone to alter or mislabel His melancholic songs as a so-called mahaprayan song or death song of Parama Purusa. We should not listlessly watch this unfold. We should come forward and save bhagavad dharma. All these deeply spiritual songs should remain as they were intended as melancholic songs. They should not be mislabeled and used for some other agenda like so-called mahaprayan.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "We will not deviate an inch from our ideology, nor will we allow others to do so...If one is not able to give the people proper guidance, then at least one should not misguide them [the common people]. One must not divert them from the proper path." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (2)

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,

Naive blames Parama Purusa Baba

One person shared these words on a public forum as he attempted to justify the existence of so-called mahaprayan songs in Prabhat Samgiita:
How do you justify the sorrowful and pining agony expressed in Prabhat Samgiita by the versifier (viz. Baba)?...If Baba is present all the time with us, what is necessity for the pain of separation and agony of separation? Why has Baba scripted so many verses on this subject, which are fit and advisable for the devotees to voice and sing? (Written by one margii)
Sadly, such a person has been misled by the inventors of so-called mahaprayan. When a sadhaka of that calibre can be led astray then really all should be careful and request Baba's help to stay on the right path - all the time, always.

But such logic is the same as those meat-eating religions that argue that, "God has created goats for us to slaughter and eat them, otherwise what is the use of such goats." Or it is like the pickpocket who thinks that, "God has created scissors so that I can cut the garments of others and rob them, otherwise what is the use of such scissors." In both cases in order to justify their selfish ends, they attempt to blame God.

Likewise, those who want to justify their dogmatic program of mahaprayan argue that Baba has created Prabhat Samgiita for this very purpose: To express the pain of "mahaprayan", otherwise why has He created such songs. Thus we see that those inventors of so-called mahaprayan suffer from the same defective mentality as those Islamic worshipers and pickpockets.

More about MPD songs

History of MPD “theme songs”

Example of false propaganda by opportunists

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching == 

Simple formula for unity


Ananda Marga philosophy says, "How far is the unification of all religions possible?"

"Ans.: – To seek infinite bliss is the only dharma of humanity. Humanity has but one dharma. Thus, the question of the unification of religions does not arise. The apparent dissimilarity between various religions arising due to differences in their ritualistic practices is not a spiritual difference. Whenever rituals dominate and efforts to attain bliss are feeble, whatever that may be, it is not spirituality." (1)

Mixing the various religious dogmas

According to the above guideline, the only way to create ek manav samaj (one human society) is to rid society from all such dogmas and build a neo-humanistic social order based on the pure spiritual ideals of Ananda Marga. However, in the general society, the prevailing confusion is that if we mix the rituals of various religions like Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and people follow the religions accordingly then society will be harmonious. In many countries there are religious places where all kinds of believers attend and practice their dogma. The organisers think by this way there will be unity in the society. But according to the above teaching there will not be harmony. Only they can create a pseudo type of harmony by superficially following their religious edicts. But the moment they become strict in their religious dogma a fight will break out.

For instance, religion A preaches, “My religion [religion A] is the real thing and others are heathens, so you can forcibly convert them or even kill them.” And in response, religion B preaches “This religion [ i.e. religion B] is the real thing and others are heathens, so you can forcibly convert them or even kill them.” So if both religions A & B think like this and believe only their religion is great, then they can never unite. As long as their religious feeling is superficial then they can sit in one room, but the day they become strong adherents of their religion they cannot bear seeing each other. So humans cannot be united on the point of religion.

AMPS must be dogma-free

Sincere margiis want to unite various factions of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. However, unity cannot be achieved by mixing various group agendas and dogmas. Please again see Guru’s above teaching highlighted in yellow. The summary is that the first work is to remove all factional dogma from our landscape. No group agenda can be in vogue. For example, so long as mahaprayan (MPD) and Jamalpur holy land dogma exist there cannot be unity. To unite and move together all dogma must be removed, including the dogma of geo-socio sentiment etc.

The idea and reality of ek manav samaj can only be achieved by creating one human society based on the universal, dharmic teachings of neo-humanism and Ananda Marga ideology. In that endeavour there is no scope or question of creating organisational or social unity by merging the various sects, or the dogmas of the different groups of AMPS, or compromising with their dogmas. That will never bring harmony, inside or outside the organisation.

in Him,

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, question #49

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why dearth of aspirants

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Among so many people in our human society, very few get the opportunity to acquire spiritual knowledge. And among these, a still smaller percentage get the chance to undergo practical training. Why? Because the science is rare, the aspirants are rarer, and the teachers are rarer still.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, The Three Prerequisites for Spiritual Knowledge

== Section 2: Links ==

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