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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Story: manipulating MPD numbers + 3 more


Story: manipulating MPD numbers 


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. Sadly, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

This below letter was posted on this network around seventeen years ago. This is the account how Tiljala organisers lure and pay non-margii villagers to come to their dogmatic program in Kolkata 21 Oct - 26 Oct to falsely boost the attendance and other reasons of political somersaulting - all done in support of their mahaprayan program which itself is a direct contravention of Caryacarya. 

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: This below letter was first posted on this network on 19 April 2007.


Non-margii villagers are duped into going to Tiljala


Year after year, it is quite evident that non-margiis are brought to the function held in Tiljala from 21st Oct to 26th Oct. Often they are drawn in by the free board & lodging for six days by the organisers to observe such a dogmatic function. All in all, there is a multi-layered strategy of deception going on here:

(a) First of all, the non-margii villagers are initially led to believe that they are going for a Prout rally, not so-called mahaprayan, where they will get free food and lodging and have lots of time to go sightseeing in Kolkata.

(b) Second, those non-margii villagers are led to believe that for just 10 rupees (20 cents US) they got an actual train ticket as well as free lodging, free food, and all other expenses free. But that is not true - they only got a badge to attend the B group function - not a train ticket. So, in reality, they are traveling on that train illegally and could be put in jail. But they do not realise it.

(c) Those organising Dadas tell the train officials that these people are traveling to attend a political rally and should not be charged for their ticket. That is the unwritten rule in India.

(d) The railway personnel think that if they do not give free train travel to those non-margii villagers then they will be attacked, because these travelers are political activists.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

Ticketless train travel: MPD

(e) So all along those Dadas travel with tickets and those non-margii villagers think that they are all in the same boat. But they do not know that if the police intercede then they will go to jail for ticketless travel and those Dadas will be safe and secure - those Wt leaders will not go to jail because they have tickets. And verily this happens. On certain occasions, police and guards check the trains and those non-margii villagers are arrested for not having a train ticket and sentenced to six months jail. As those villagers and their families cannot afford to pay the bail - and since those Dadas will never come and rescue them - those few non-margii villagers have to pass the jail term where they are given the duty to clean and sweep all day long. A few of those non-margii villagers incur loan and pay bail, but the rest pass their time in jail and they get a big lesson. They lose all trust and faith in such Dadas.

(f) Those Dadas collecting ten rupees keep that money and more importantly PRS Dada gets to brag and propagate in their email that so many people attended their MPD program.

(g) The margiis who attend so-called think that all those villagers are bona fide margiis when in fact they are just simple non-margii villagers.

(h) Those simple non-margii villagers are pleased because they will pass their time touring Kolkata in exchange for participating in the program for 1 hour or so each day.

So that is the layered strategy of deception.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

Similar to annual death day ritual

Whether it is named as "so-called mahaprayan" or "shraddha’njali" or "samkalpa divas", the non-margiis will name it "annual shra’ddh (annual death ceremony)". And as we all know, the annual shra’ddh (annual death ceremony) tradition is a dogma as explained in Ananda Marga philosophy. On such annual shra’ddh (annual death) ceremonies, religious mourners feed people for free, and donate clothes or valuable articles to their guests and the public to please their ancestors. 

Now let's suppose a margii is traveling by train, tram, or bus to Kolkata to attend so-called mahaprayan divas (MPD). If one co-passenger asks him about the purpose of his visit, he will reply that, "I will attend mahaprayan."

Immediately the co-passenger will state, "Oh, You are attending an annual annual shra’ddh (annual death ceremony) of your guru."

The margii traveler will explain, "On this particular day our Gurudeva left His physical body, so we call it so-called mahaprayan. On this grand occasion in Tiljala they arrange mass feeding, and distribute clothes and medicines."

Then that co-passenger will conclude by saying, "Indeed, you are going to attend a traditional annual shra’ddh (annual death ceremony)."

Here the point is that those outside the AMPS organisation will think of it as a typical shra’ddh or death anniversary. Because the so-called mahaprayan program organised each year in Tiljala is an exact replica of the dogmatic shra’ddh ceremony.

Yet we know how Sadguru Baba has condemned this dogmatic annual shra’ddh (annual death ceremony) throughout Ananda Marga philosophy. Plus in Caryacarya He has clearly mentioned that our dharmic Ananda Marga shra’ddh function should be observed within 12 days. That means there must not be an annual shra’ddh ceremony; annual shra’ddh (annual death ceremony) is never to be done for Sadguru because He is ever present. Whereas the dogmatic shra’ddh program is an annual ceremony where they "send" gifts and food to their deceased family member in heaven. In Ananda Marga, we wholly reject such a notion. Yet that is what non-margiis will think what is going on by having an annual "so-called mahaprayan" gathering.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

Snowballing: MPD

Every earthquake produces aftershocks, which occur in response to the initial quake. The same phenomenon is present in our AMPS related with so-called mahaprayan.

At its very core, the so-called mahaprayan function in Tiljala is an annual death-day ceremony. No one can claim that it is something different. Naturally then, seeing the example put forth by a few top Dadas in Tiljala, a few simple and naive margiis decide to do the same with their deceased ancestors. Some have begun honouring their grandfather and other family members or relatives each year on the anniversary of their death by hosting a feast, and distributing blankets, medicines, and clothing etc. This is the unfortunate yet growing trend. And the root cause is the annual death day ceremony observed each year in Tiljala.

Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji's aim is to wholly eliminate all kinds of dogmas including the annual shra’ddh (annual death ceremony), but now some Dadas are doing the exact opposite. Supporters of dogma are propagating and spreading this dogmatic ritual. That is the aftershock of the so-called mahaprayan program.

Certain dogmatic leaders do this dogmatic MPD commemoration because (1) leaders of dogma benefit economically, and (2) leaders of dogma get some followers. This we all know. For such reasons leaders of dogma are willing to propagate that Sadguru Baba is gone, and fool some naive and innocent margiis to participate in their dogmatic programme, as well as large numbers of non-margiis.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

How non-margiis are allured to attend

How are non-margiis allured to attend? Well, just like in the above account. Leaders of dogma present it as a gift to travel and tour Kolkata. This is indeed a very unique opportunity for rural villagers. It is like one monumental event or a dream-come-true to move around Kolkata and have someone else pay for their trip. To do this, they only have to chant kiirtan a few minutes here and there. Those villagers think it is a great deal.

It is just like if you invite common people to take a free holiday to some exotic place on the other side of this earth, then people will jump at the opportunity. Similarly, for rural Indian villagers, going to Kolkata is something very exotic. They will talk about it their entire life. Plus, the time of so-called mahaprayan is when their agricultural work is less so they have free time to travel.

You can also think of it this way: If you want to do some sightseeing in Mecca, and Muslims offer to pay for your trip then you will feel obliged to attend their namaz program and participate in their feast. Side by  side, group leaders entice, cajole, and convince margiis (who have never been to MPD) to attend by using the allurement of kiirtan and visiting Sadguru Baba's room.

Finally, some margiis are verily confused and do not know right or wrong. So they just go to so-called mahaprayan because of their friendship with various Dadas or Didis.

All in all, this universe is colourful - if you organise any type of activity then some people will be ready to follow. So-called mahaprayan is like that. It is just like how various religious leaders have lots of followers. The followers naively adhere to the dogmatic edicts of those religious leaders. That is the way those religions work. Same is the history with the dogma of so-called mahaprayan. However, as more and more margiis understand that mahaprayan is anti-bhakti because it says that Sadguru Baba is gone, they will give up attending this dogmatic programme. And that is what we see happening nowadays.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

Ulterior motive

This so-called mahaparayan is what makes them who they are - it is their defining feature. Just as McDonald's is known for their hamburger, similarly B group is known for their so-called mahaprayan program. That gives them their identity. It is their flagship program and it is their aim to make it more and more lucrative each year.

Sadguru Baba resides in the heart of bhaktas

Sadguru Baba alone is the infinite, eternal Entity who is the Goal and He resides forever in the hearts of His bhaktas.

Those who observe the so-called mahaprayan programme should reconsider this dogmatic approach and come onto the path of bliss and realise His Divine and Eternal Self.

Note: Sadguru is ever-present so any use of the mahaprayan (death) term with Him is preposterous. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

A group of about 200 people from our village area led by samaj LFT Bhaskar Jena went to Kolkata by train in a rally in the name of Proutist Sarva Samaja Sammelan [All Indian Samaj Unions], and a badge was given to every one of them in lieu of rs.10 only, i.e. 17 cents. They were fed nicely and performed BNK kiirtana for a few hours on those days and the rest of the time was spent visiting different sites in and around Kolkata. They showed their gratitude to AMPS because of the free lodging and boarding provided by the mahaprayan organisers.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings-- That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamurtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (2)

True bhaktas know that in the true sense, there is no such thing as mahaprayan for Sadguru Baba. As the Sadguru He never dies so those who think He is dead are hypocrites. Why? When those acaryas give initiation to anyone they say, “I am just a medium; Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is teaching you, and He is ever-present. So in one breath leaders of dogma say that Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is guiding you, and in the next breath they say He is dead - mahaprayan. That is hypocritical and sinful.
at His lotus feet,

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

Sinful deed

Any type of annual shra’ddh (death day ceremony) is prohibited in Ananda Marga. Per Caryacarya it is not allowed. Doing so is sinful.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Shráddhánna: Shráddhánna (food offered at a memorial service) is neither priityanna nor ápadanna, hence it is not to be taken.” (3)

One time I went back to my village and I learnt that uncle, Harihara Dasha (a non-margii), had been to Tiljala to attend our Gurudeva's annual shra’ddh (annual death ceremony) function. I asked him how he could attend it. After all, my non-margii uncle was a simple, non-margii villager and I wanted to know how he had the means to go to Kolkata.

He replied, "What a grand gathering! 24 hours the people were taking delicious food! 24hours kiirtana was going on!"

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony
2. Caryacarya - II, Sadhana, Point #1a
3. Caryacarya - II, Society, Point #37

== Section ==

== Section ==

Nobler the task, the mightier the obstacle--
crush the towering peaks of obstacles with a benevolent intellect
- Ananda Vanii #56

Ananda Vanii states, “The entire humanity must be looked upon as one integrated existence – and move collectively towards the all-round perfection of human life. All actions are bound to confront obstacles. It has to be borne in mind that the nobler the task, the mightier the obstacle. For human emancipation, there is no other way but to march ahead crushing the towering peaks of obstacles with a benevolent intellect and collective endeavour. Hence I reiterate, go ahead with courage and unity. You have to move on ensuring real justice to all individuals and all geographical people. (1)

Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #56

== Section 2: Links ==

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