This email contains three distinct sections:
1. Posting: Dadaji, Chair Game, & Females
2. Reply: Dogma ‘‘बाबा इस मिशन में मर्ज हो गये हैं‘‘
3. Links
Warning: If you do not care about the teachings of Ananda Marga and Guru's given Wt conduct rules for monks, then there is no need for you to read this letter.
1. Ananda Purnima celebrations were held in H group central office (Ranchi).
2. DS Dada Nityapremanandji was given the role to organise games like "musical chairs", for males and females.
3. Reportedly Dadaji was intimately involved in directing young sisters in this game.
4. Yet complaints have recently been levied against DS Dada for counts of alleged sexual misconduct.
5. Central Dadas are seemingly ignoring complaints by local margiis against this Dada.
6. Instead, Centre is intentionally putting DS Dada in high-profile situations at public gatherings in order to snub margiis.
7. Centre indirectly is telling Ranchi margiis that, "We do not care about your complaints you have about WT conduct."
Here are some observations from the recent Ananda Purnima (May 2014) celebrations in Ranchi where H group has its central office. All that is reported below occurred under the auspices of PP Dada and the Ranchi central body.
This below account is important and relevant for margiis around the globe because what is transpiring in Ranchi may happen in your area as well. One margii who attended narrated this to me.
Because of Nityapremananda’s alleged engagements with the opposite sex, the margiis of Ranchi vehemently complained to Centre. This has been an ongoing issue and point of contention. Even then during Ananda Purnima celebrations in Ranchi, Dadaji was appointed by Centre as the director / organiser of the game "musical chairs" during the Ananda Purnima celebrations. Most know this game; for those who don't there is a description below. What was awkward and embarrassing is that Ranchi DS Dada reportedly directed this game amidst many young women participants.
So there are are two fundamental issues:
1. This type of dealing - i.e. organizing "musical chairs" for the opposite sex (i.e. young women) is way outside the realm of proper WT conduct. No dada should do like this.
2. DS Dada already has an allegedly sketchy history with women and complaints have been levied about his sexual misconduct etc.
As we all know, Guru is very strict on such matter.
"One should not look at the face of the opposite sex." (WT Conduct Rules, 37 Rules, pt #15)
Yet what to speak of not adhering to this rule, Ranchi DS Dada was directing, watching, giggling, and gossiping with young females as they played this game of "musical chairs." So Dadaji was standing quite close to all those sisters and directing the game. And then he participated in trying to capture the chair when the brothers played. This is what margiis present that day recounted.
We should also keep in mind that this game - "musical chairs" - is a juvenile game for kids aged 4 - 8 years old. Pre-schoolers and kindergarteners play this game - not grown adults, and certainly not avadhutas. Yet at the Ananda Purnima function, Dadaji was very involved in playing this game with brothers. And when the sisters played Dadaji was in a key place to watch the females and organise the game.
Needless to say, this entire scene is completely against the WT code of conduct. Yet, this was all done in the presence of Ranchi Central Administration as they were present for much of the Ananda Purnima activities - including the game of "musical chairs."
This however is not the whole story - there is an undercurrent as well.
Remember, this very DS Dada - i.e. Ac Nityapremananda Avt - who is already weak in this regard. Because of Nityapremananda's alleged engagements with the opposite sex, the margiis of Ranchi vehemently complained to Centre. So this dada has a very checkered history, yet here in public he is allegedly directing and watching the opposite sex (young females) in "musical chairs."
Many say Ranchi administration wanted to highlight and glorify DS Dada in this way as a payback to margiis. Because Ranchi margiis lodged complaints about Nityapremanandji for his loose character and side by side many in the Ranchi unit have taken silent action against Centre as well. So H group Administration is internally furious with the local margiis. To retaliate and show then up, those Central H group Dadas purposely arranged for DS to organise the "musical chairs" game with females. This was Centre's way of telling those Ranchi margiis that, "We do not care about complaints you have about WT conduct."
Such was the underlying tension that day as reported by many who gave account of the day's events.
Around the globe, there is growing awareness about sexual predators. One key point is that sexual predators are not allowed be be near children. Nityapremanandji allegedly committed crimes that lead in that direction. So it is highly questionable and risky to allow Dadaji to organise games for young girls. First and foremost is the safety of those girls; and then there is the matter of Dadaji's legal standing.
For those who may not be aware, to play the game of musical chairs, three things are needed: Music, chairs, and people. But the number of chairs must be less than the number of people. The chairs are put in a line and everyone parades around the chairs while the music plays. As soon as the music stops, then everyone immediately rushes to sit in a chair and the person who does not get a seat is out of the game. When rushing to get a chair to avoid getting out of the game, all kinds of pushing and bumping goes on. Sometimes one participant will even end up sitting on the lap of someone else. It is a very touchy game where people's bodies are bumping up against one another. Because when one person does not get a chair then they are out of the game. In this way the game proceeds round after round until there is a clear-cut winner.
Obviously for any Wt Dada to organize this game with a bunch of young ladies is highly objectionable. Yet this was how Dada Nityapremananda was allegedly passing his time at the Ananda Purnima celebrations in Ranchi.
In Him,
Those who are non-Hindi readers but interested in this letter can use Google Translate to get a sense of what the letter is about. If you need help with this let us know. - Eds
आदरणीय दादा जी
सादर नमस्कार।
वास्तव में मेरी टिप्पणी अनेक दादाओं के द्वारा प्रचारित किये जा रहे निम्नांकित वाक्य/ संदेश पर की गयी है जिसे पूज्य बाबा के द्वारा कहा जाना बताया जा रहा है।
“I am not this physical body, this physical body is not me. If you want to know me, work for my mission, because I have merged myself with my mission.”
मेरा कहना यह है कि बाबा के नाम पर फैलाये जा रहे इस प्रकार के वाक्य जनसामान्य में भ्रम पैदा करते हैं और भावजड़ता की ओर ले जाते प्रतीत होते हैं। यह उसी प्रकार है जैसे कर्मकाडियों ने उपनिषदों की भ्रामक व्याख्या कर समाज में अनेक जड़वादी परम्पराओं को जन्म दिया है जिन्हें समाप्त करने और समाज को नयी दिशा देने के लिये ही पूज्य बाबा ने आनन्दमार्ग दर्शन दिया है।
आपके इस कथन :-
” परम पुरुष एक अनादि अनन्त सत्ता हैं लिकिन उन का दिया भाव, आईड्यालोजी, मार्ग ,धर्म या मिशन भी अनन्त, सार्वभौम तथा शास्वत ही होता है दो नहीं । उसे चाहे नाम कुछ भी दिया जाए । उन का मिसन क्षुद्र नहीं हो सकता । “
में इस वाक्याॅश से असहमति बिलकुल नहीं है कि परमपुरुष अनादि अनन्त सत्ता हैं, पर शेष वाक्याॅंश और अन्य वाक्य निम्नाॅंकित कारणों से मान्य करने योग्य प्रतीत नहीं होतेः-
1. आनन्दमार्ग दर्शन के अनुसार, यह विशाल ब्रह्माॅंड उन परम निर्पेक्ष सत्ता की कल्पना धारा है जिसे उन्होंने ही ‘‘ देश काल और पात्र‘‘ में बाॅंध रखा है। इसमें , हमारी इस जीवों से भरी धरती के अलावा सौर परिवार सहित आकाशगंगा के असंख्य सूर्य और उनके परिवार, इतना ही नहीं इस प्रकार की अरबों खरबों आकाशगंगाओं सहित उन सब को, खा लेने वाले ब्लेक होल भी हैं। हमारे मन में इन सब का विचार आने पर लगता है ये सब अनन्त हैं पर ऐंसा नहीं है, जो भी काल से बंधा है वह अनन्त नहीं हो सकता।
2. आनन्दमार्ग दर्शन और उसके प्रसार के लिये चलाये जा रहे सभी अभियान भी उनकी ही भावधारा हैं पर उपरोक्तानुसार वह भी देश काल और पात्र में बंधे होने के कारण अनन्त नहीं है। ब्रह्माॅंड की अनेक अन्य गेलेक्सियों के अनेक सौर परिवारों में हमसे अधिक उन्नत जीवों की संभावना को अस्वीकार नहीं किया जा सकता, अतः उन्हें भी यही आदर्श उपयुक्त होगा यह कहना उचित नहीं होगा।
3. हमारी धरती पर बाबा के द्वारा दिया गया आनन्दमार्ग दर्शन तभी तक जीवित रहेगा जब तक सदविप्र समाज की स्थापना नहीं हो जाती, इसके बाद अन्य वह दर्शन आ जायेगा जो भी उनकी प्रतिसंचर क्रिया के लिये तात्कालिक रूप से उपयुक्त होगा। इसलिये भी आपका शेष वाक्याॅंश ग्राह्य करने योग्य नहीं है।
4. दादाओं के द्वारा प्रचारित यह वाक्य कि ‘‘ बाबा इस मिशन में मर्ज हो गये हैं ‘‘ भी उस अनन्त सत्ता को सीमाबद्ध और कालबद्ध कर देता है और कर्मकांडियों की तरह जनसामान्य को भ्रमित कर शोषण करने के नये द्वार खोलता है। यही कारण है कि उन महासम्भूति बाबा के जाने के दस से बारह वर्षो के बाद ही उनके आदर्श मिशन को इन पद और सत्ता लोलुपों ने अनेक ग्रुपों में बाॅंट कर अपना अपना राग अलापना प्रारंभ कर दिया है जो किसी भी प्रकार से समाज को हितकारक नहीं है।
मुझे पूर्ण आशा है कि मेरे विनम्र अनुरोध से आप कृपा पूर्वक अवश्य ही सहमत होंगे।
आपका अत्यंत आभार ।
उनके चरण कमलों में अश्रित
उनका ही,
डाॅ0 टी0 आर0 शुक्ल
The above was written in reply to this letter:
This email contains three distinct sections:
1. Posting: Dadaji, Chair Game, & Females
2. Reply: Dogma ‘‘बाबा इस मिशन में मर्ज हो गये हैं‘‘
3. Links
Warning: If you do not care about the teachings of Ananda Marga and Guru's given Wt conduct rules for monks, then there is no need for you to read this letter.
1. Ananda Purnima celebrations were held in H group central office (Ranchi).
2. DS Dada Nityapremanandji was given the role to organise games like "musical chairs", for males and females.
3. Reportedly Dadaji was intimately involved in directing young sisters in this game.
4. Yet complaints have recently been levied against DS Dada for counts of alleged sexual misconduct.
5. Central Dadas are seemingly ignoring complaints by local margiis against this Dada.
6. Instead, Centre is intentionally putting DS Dada in high-profile situations at public gatherings in order to snub margiis.
7. Centre indirectly is telling Ranchi margiis that, "We do not care about your complaints you have about WT conduct."
Here are some observations from the recent Ananda Purnima (May 2014) celebrations in Ranchi where H group has its central office. All that is reported below occurred under the auspices of PP Dada and the Ranchi central body.
This below account is important and relevant for margiis around the globe because what is transpiring in Ranchi may happen in your area as well. One margii who attended narrated this to me.
Because of Nityapremananda’s alleged engagements with the opposite sex, the margiis of Ranchi vehemently complained to Centre. This has been an ongoing issue and point of contention. Even then during Ananda Purnima celebrations in Ranchi, Dadaji was appointed by Centre as the director / organiser of the game "musical chairs" during the Ananda Purnima celebrations. Most know this game; for those who don't there is a description below. What was awkward and embarrassing is that Ranchi DS Dada reportedly directed this game amidst many young women participants.
So there are are two fundamental issues:
1. This type of dealing - i.e. organizing "musical chairs" for the opposite sex (i.e. young women) is way outside the realm of proper WT conduct. No dada should do like this.
2. DS Dada already has an allegedly sketchy history with women and complaints have been levied about his sexual misconduct etc.
As we all know, Guru is very strict on such matter.
"One should not look at the face of the opposite sex." (WT Conduct Rules, 37 Rules, pt #15)
Yet what to speak of not adhering to this rule, Ranchi DS Dada was directing, watching, giggling, and gossiping with young females as they played this game of "musical chairs." So Dadaji was standing quite close to all those sisters and directing the game. And then he participated in trying to capture the chair when the brothers played. This is what margiis present that day recounted.
We should also keep in mind that this game - "musical chairs" - is a juvenile game for kids aged 4 - 8 years old. Pre-schoolers and kindergarteners play this game - not grown adults, and certainly not avadhutas. Yet at the Ananda Purnima function, Dadaji was very involved in playing this game with brothers. And when the sisters played Dadaji was in a key place to watch the females and organise the game.
Needless to say, this entire scene is completely against the WT code of conduct. Yet, this was all done in the presence of Ranchi Central Administration as they were present for much of the Ananda Purnima activities - including the game of "musical chairs."
This however is not the whole story - there is an undercurrent as well.
Remember, this very DS Dada - i.e. Ac Nityapremananda Avt - who is already weak in this regard. Because of Nityapremananda's alleged engagements with the opposite sex, the margiis of Ranchi vehemently complained to Centre. So this dada has a very checkered history, yet here in public he is allegedly directing and watching the opposite sex (young females) in "musical chairs."
Many say Ranchi administration wanted to highlight and glorify DS Dada in this way as a payback to margiis. Because Ranchi margiis lodged complaints about Nityapremanandji for his loose character and side by side many in the Ranchi unit have taken silent action against Centre as well. So H group Administration is internally furious with the local margiis. To retaliate and show then up, those Central H group Dadas purposely arranged for DS to organise the "musical chairs" game with females. This was Centre's way of telling those Ranchi margiis that, "We do not care about complaints you have about WT conduct."
Such was the underlying tension that day as reported by many who gave account of the day's events.
Around the globe, there is growing awareness about sexual predators. One key point is that sexual predators are not allowed be be near children. Nityapremanandji allegedly committed crimes that lead in that direction. So it is highly questionable and risky to allow Dadaji to organise games for young girls. First and foremost is the safety of those girls; and then there is the matter of Dadaji's legal standing.
For those who may not be aware, to play the game of musical chairs, three things are needed: Music, chairs, and people. But the number of chairs must be less than the number of people. The chairs are put in a line and everyone parades around the chairs while the music plays. As soon as the music stops, then everyone immediately rushes to sit in a chair and the person who does not get a seat is out of the game. When rushing to get a chair to avoid getting out of the game, all kinds of pushing and bumping goes on. Sometimes one participant will even end up sitting on the lap of someone else. It is a very touchy game where people's bodies are bumping up against one another. Because when one person does not get a chair then they are out of the game. In this way the game proceeds round after round until there is a clear-cut winner.
Obviously for any Wt Dada to organize this game with a bunch of young ladies is highly objectionable. Yet this was how Dada Nityapremananda was allegedly passing his time at the Ananda Purnima celebrations in Ranchi.
In Him,
== Section 2 ==
Those who are non-Hindi readers but interested in this letter can use Google Translate to get a sense of what the letter is about. If you need help with this let us know. - Eds
Dogma ‘‘बाबा इस मिशन में मर्ज हो गये हैं‘‘
आदरणीय दादा जी
सादर नमस्कार।
वास्तव में मेरी टिप्पणी अनेक दादाओं के द्वारा प्रचारित किये जा रहे निम्नांकित वाक्य/ संदेश पर की गयी है जिसे पूज्य बाबा के द्वारा कहा जाना बताया जा रहा है।
“I am not this physical body, this physical body is not me. If you want to know me, work for my mission, because I have merged myself with my mission.”
मेरा कहना यह है कि बाबा के नाम पर फैलाये जा रहे इस प्रकार के वाक्य जनसामान्य में भ्रम पैदा करते हैं और भावजड़ता की ओर ले जाते प्रतीत होते हैं। यह उसी प्रकार है जैसे कर्मकाडियों ने उपनिषदों की भ्रामक व्याख्या कर समाज में अनेक जड़वादी परम्पराओं को जन्म दिया है जिन्हें समाप्त करने और समाज को नयी दिशा देने के लिये ही पूज्य बाबा ने आनन्दमार्ग दर्शन दिया है।
आपके इस कथन :-
” परम पुरुष एक अनादि अनन्त सत्ता हैं लिकिन उन का दिया भाव, आईड्यालोजी, मार्ग ,धर्म या मिशन भी अनन्त, सार्वभौम तथा शास्वत ही होता है दो नहीं । उसे चाहे नाम कुछ भी दिया जाए । उन का मिसन क्षुद्र नहीं हो सकता । “
में इस वाक्याॅश से असहमति बिलकुल नहीं है कि परमपुरुष अनादि अनन्त सत्ता हैं, पर शेष वाक्याॅंश और अन्य वाक्य निम्नाॅंकित कारणों से मान्य करने योग्य प्रतीत नहीं होतेः-
जो भी काल से बंधा है वह अनन्त नहीं हो सकता
1. आनन्दमार्ग दर्शन के अनुसार, यह विशाल ब्रह्माॅंड उन परम निर्पेक्ष सत्ता की कल्पना धारा है जिसे उन्होंने ही ‘‘ देश काल और पात्र‘‘ में बाॅंध रखा है। इसमें , हमारी इस जीवों से भरी धरती के अलावा सौर परिवार सहित आकाशगंगा के असंख्य सूर्य और उनके परिवार, इतना ही नहीं इस प्रकार की अरबों खरबों आकाशगंगाओं सहित उन सब को, खा लेने वाले ब्लेक होल भी हैं। हमारे मन में इन सब का विचार आने पर लगता है ये सब अनन्त हैं पर ऐंसा नहीं है, जो भी काल से बंधा है वह अनन्त नहीं हो सकता।
2. आनन्दमार्ग दर्शन और उसके प्रसार के लिये चलाये जा रहे सभी अभियान भी उनकी ही भावधारा हैं पर उपरोक्तानुसार वह भी देश काल और पात्र में बंधे होने के कारण अनन्त नहीं है। ब्रह्माॅंड की अनेक अन्य गेलेक्सियों के अनेक सौर परिवारों में हमसे अधिक उन्नत जीवों की संभावना को अस्वीकार नहीं किया जा सकता, अतः उन्हें भी यही आदर्श उपयुक्त होगा यह कहना उचित नहीं होगा।
3. हमारी धरती पर बाबा के द्वारा दिया गया आनन्दमार्ग दर्शन तभी तक जीवित रहेगा जब तक सदविप्र समाज की स्थापना नहीं हो जाती, इसके बाद अन्य वह दर्शन आ जायेगा जो भी उनकी प्रतिसंचर क्रिया के लिये तात्कालिक रूप से उपयुक्त होगा। इसलिये भी आपका शेष वाक्याॅंश ग्राह्य करने योग्य नहीं है।
सत्ता लोलुपों ने अनेक ग्रुपों में बाॅंट कर अपना अपना राग अलापना प्रारंभ कर दिया है
4. दादाओं के द्वारा प्रचारित यह वाक्य कि ‘‘ बाबा इस मिशन में मर्ज हो गये हैं ‘‘ भी उस अनन्त सत्ता को सीमाबद्ध और कालबद्ध कर देता है और कर्मकांडियों की तरह जनसामान्य को भ्रमित कर शोषण करने के नये द्वार खोलता है। यही कारण है कि उन महासम्भूति बाबा के जाने के दस से बारह वर्षो के बाद ही उनके आदर्श मिशन को इन पद और सत्ता लोलुपों ने अनेक ग्रुपों में बाॅंट कर अपना अपना राग अलापना प्रारंभ कर दिया है जो किसी भी प्रकार से समाज को हितकारक नहीं है।
मुझे पूर्ण आशा है कि मेरे विनम्र अनुरोध से आप कृपा पूर्वक अवश्य ही सहमत होंगे।
आपका अत्यंत आभार ।
उनके चरण कमलों में अश्रित
उनका ही,
डाॅ0 टी0 आर0 शुक्ल
The above was written in reply to this letter:
आदरनीय दादा जी टी अर शुक्ल जी, नमस्कार ,
आप के आज के 9 / 30 ए एम वासे पत्र के विष्य
में कुच्छ कहने की इज़ाजत चाहता हूं, कृपया भूल क्षमां करें । परम पुरुष एक अनादि अनन्त
सत्ता हैं लिकिन उन का दिया भाव, आईड्यालोजी, मार्ग, धर्म या मिशन भी अनन्त,
सार्वभौम तथा शास्वत ही होता है दो नहीं । उसे चाहे नाम कुछ भी दिया जाए । उन का
मिसन क्षुद्र नहीं हो सकता । अतः ---समथिंग मुन्डेण या मिसिअन --- कहना थोड़ा अट
पटा लगा ।
परम पुज्य बाबा मे पावन श्री चरणों में
== Section 3 ==
Here is the initial posting (English) on the topic (Merge in Mission) of the Hindi letter:
Other Critical Letters:
Here is the initial posting (English) on the topic (Merge in Mission) of the Hindi letter:
Other Critical Letters: