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Friday, April 22, 2022

Margiis’ rights


Margiis’ rights

Note: The term Wt has been used in this letter to refer to those in so-called central office and many sectorial level Wts as well etc, yet does not refer to all Wts per se.

Note: Always at local DMCs, the host or local BP - not the local DS or RS - was blessed with the opportunity to offer a garland to Baba daily. Always in local DMCs, the local BP was allowed to sit near Baba on the dais beside PA. This was not extended to the local DS or RS. Always in local DMCs, Baba would ask local BP about what topic He should give a discourse on; Baba did not ask the local DS or RS, or even SS or GS; rather, He regularly asked the local BP.


As Ananda Margiis, our duty is to pass down a healthy Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha to the next generation. That means keeping all systems and guidelines in tact.

So-called central Wts distorted Guru's historic guidelines

Before 1990, by the grace of Sadguru Baba, central Wts and margiis had full freedom of participation in coordinated cooperation in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Baba bestowed distinct rights and responsibilities to both family people and monks whereby both held a respected place and had a meaningful voice. Verily, this was the first time in human history where family people were given the power to govern side by side with Wts in coordinated cooperation, and not just passively get exploited by CWts. So this was an historic mandate given by Sadguru Baba.

In stark contrast, in all the various religions, the family people are told to dutifully follow the dogmatic commands of - and ultimately be exploited by - those priests. But this is not the way it is supposed to be in AMPS. Sadguru Baba wants margiis to be on equal footing in committees and boards, in coordinated cooperation, with central wholetimer (central Wts). But, nowadays, one is the master, and the other is the slave.

Unfortunately, since 1990, things have step-by-step gone in the reverse direction and the balance of power has been utterly lost. With each passing year, those so-called top central Wts have snatched away margii rights. Margiis have essentially become the exploited mass and a mute audience to the CWts power culture. Now, one is the master, and the other is the slave.

In the past, the exploitative priests tossed aside and distorted many of the divine teachings given by Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna. And now we see the rumblings of similar things happening in AMPS: Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji has given supreme guidelines and certain so-called top Dadas are tampering with and changing those teachings. We must not let history repeat itself and allow this fateful error to occur again where exploitative priests distort the guidelines given by Taraka Brahma.

How the role of margiis has been reduced or eliminated

Here are a few of the many ways family margiis have been stripped of their place in AMPS:

(1) Bhukti Pradhan (BP): This margii post has essentially become a pawn of the Wt elite. In the past, margiis elected their chosen candidate and put forth dharmic platforms. Now, so-called central Wt leaders manipulate the scene and rig elections to install their chosen stooge as the postholder. This is the trend. Indeed, the Fake 1997 BP Manual - which grades candidates and voters based on their "clean image", being "debarred" and "disqualified" etc - has been a major weapon for controlling elections and manipulating voter lists etc. By this way, exploiter Wts remove, sideline, or torment free-thinking, ideologically-minded margiis and insert their own person as BP. This has occurred in many of the biggest and most influential units across the globe. Tragically, this trend is only spreading, thereby shutting down a major aspect of the margii voice. So margiis all over should beware.

(2) Bhukti Committee: Not only is the bhukti pradhan often relegated for stooges or pawns of the exploiters, but the factional heads have made inroads for taking over the entire bhukti committee. They have laid down the mandate that the bhukti committee must be approved by certain so-called central Wts, or the local DS Dada - who himself is a tool of the factional leader. In this manner, the committee itself is just an extension of the exploiting faction.

Tragically, whatever exists today in the name of the above posts and titles are for show only - not for dharmic engagement. While the above pertains primarily to family margiis, here it should be added that general Wts have also suffered at the hands of so-called top Dadas. Their rights have also been diminished, but that is not the central topic of this letter.

How to recognise if you lost your rights

Some new margiis may not understand the significance of what is being discussed in this letter. They may be thinking that everything in their unit is going on fine. Here then are key indicators of when margiis in a particular unit have lost their rights.

1a. If so-called top Wt Dadas suggest and campaign that xyz person should be the bhukti pradhan, then it means that the margiis in that unit have lost their rights.

1b. If so-called big Wt Dadas are encouraging margiis that they should support a particular candidate, then it means that the margiis in that unit have lost their rights.

2. If so-called central Wts are rallying those who do not attend DC regularly to vote in BP elections, then it means that the margiis in that unit have lost their rights.

3. If sincere margiis who opposed wrongdoing of so-called central Wts are stripped of their voting rights, then it means that the margiis in that unit have lost their rights.

4. If any margii who opposed wrongdoing by centre is not allowed to run for the post of bhukti pradhan, then it means that the margiis in that unit have lost their rights.

5. If any bhukti pradhan had to get the approval of DS Dada when forming the bhukti committee, then it means that the margiis in that unit have lost their rights.

6. If unknown faces come onsite to vote in the BP election and they are on the voter list, then the margiis in that unit have lost their rights. Because only sadvipras can vote in the BP election - not random people that DS Dada has chosen to add to the list.

7. If the BP election or related protocol is done according to the Fake Bhukti Pradhan manual, then it means that the margiis in that unit have lost their rights. Because that Fake BP manual ('1997) was made to make margiis slave.

To get your rights back, you must follow the pre-1990 Caryacarya and Eraws BP guidelines. All manuals crafted after 1990 were constructed for exploitative purposes only. Remember, before 1990 no Wt had the ability to coerce and manipulate who should be the bhukti pradhan, or affect the BP election and its outcome in any way. In those days margiis had complete freedom and autonomy. The post of bhukti pradhan was exclusively a margii institution without any Wt coercion / interference.

Unfortunately, many margiis lost their rights and are (a) not aware that they lost them, and (b) not aware that they ever had such rights.

In no religion do family people have rights, that is why some may feel comfortable with the fact that they have lost their rights and they are content be subservient to so-called central Wts. That is a most unfortunate state. Baba does not want to see such a deplorable condition, and that is why He has graciously bestowed margiis with distinct rights and a platform to have their voice.

Why a strong BP is needed

Baba has devised an ideal organisational structure - including the post of bhukti pradhan. A true dharmika as the bhukti pradhan will stand tall in the face of injustice, oppose any wrongdoing by so-called central Wts, and bring the organisation back on track. Then the system of checks and balances will be properly upheld and the margii side of the organisation will be able to hold its own with the Wt structure. That is why it is needed to have a strong, righteous person as the bhukti pradhan, and not some stooge of the exploiter Dadas.

Since the time of the introduction of the BP system by Baba, certain narrow-minded so-called central Wts had been searching for the opportunity to ruin this BP system - and step by step, take away all the rights of BPs, UBPs, and general margiis. And that is what they have been doing since 1990.

1. Baba’s system should be implemented. Failing that, so many problems have sprouted up in our AMPS.

2. In this current exploitative environment, margiis are not getting proper scope to serve in the organisation. After all, who likes to work in slave-like conditions. For this reason, margiis remain suppressed and passive. They are not empowered to engage in a dharmic manner and reach their full potential.

Conclusion: both are at loss

Due to this exploitation of margiis only unqualified people are getting BP post. And they cannot run the bhukti properly. All the while, spirited and dedicated margiis keep away to uphold their moral principles. They do not want to compromise with sin so they keep themselves at a distance. This generates a toxic atmosphere in the bhukti. Since 1990, three decades have passed, and AMPS is shrinking, let alone expanding its programs. And margiis are getting exploited so they are at a loss and Wts are also at a loss because the unit is sick. The things they are dedicated for are spiraling in a downward direction. And service projects are falling by the wayside. The solution is that we should follow Baba’s mandate and margii rights should be returned back. Those negative people who stole margiis rights should be forced to follow asteya.

In Him,

More about the Fake BP Manual

Question: What is one of the key differences between the pre-1990 BP Manual and the 1997 Fake BP Manual?

Answer: Please know that the system is that margiis will elect the bhakti pradhan (BP) as per the guidelines of the original BP manual. Wts have no role in suggesting or voting in the BP election. But the fake BP manual states that Wts select the candidate and then margiis will elect that person as BP. And if Wts don't like the outcome they will arbitrarily remove the BP and put anyone else, without margiis having any input.

And here is more info...

The 1997 Fake BP manual (1997) was written by Sambhutyananda and Sarvatmananda. And this Fake BP Manual is supported by most of the purodhas AMPS from the era of the undivided AMPS. All those whom you can imagine - alive or dead - supported this Fake BP Manual.

Margiis were making hue and cry but were humiliated by purodhas  and at present they capitalise on this fake BP manual in order to exploit margiis.  The key person is Rudrananda, who supported the Fake BP Manual. Other so-called purodhas are either dead or living like a dead person. They do not have a backbone to stand for the right cause. Otherwise, even today, they should come forward.

Here is an overview of B group’s most recent Fake BP manual:

Fake & original BP manual

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba, You are the quintessence of my life

"Toma're bha'labese toma're paoya'ra a'she..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0766)


Baba, in Your love and in the hope of getting You, I am ready to fight against hundreds of obstacles. Baba, I love you so much; I am ready to do anything and everything to have You close. Singing Your song and looking towards the path of Your arrival, ensconced in Your ideation, my days and nights are passing. Baba, my time drifts by like this in awaiting Your arrival.

Divine Entity, days are going by in Your absence -- without You. Baba, I do not know whether You love me or not, or if my longing for You is resonating in Your heart. But You must know, You are the quintessence of my life, the essence of essence. Because of that, nothing comes in my mind other than You. I surrender unto You time and again.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, in the three worlds, crude, subtle, and causal, You always remain ever-present in an invisible way, enabling others to float towards the heavenly source, the nucleus. You always remain ever-present with everyone and everything. You pull everyone towards the spiritual realm with Your supreme attraction. You never get tired and never stop.

Baba, please be gracious and come before me...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #0766:

[1] Fight Hundreds of Obstacles: When one first starts on the path of sadhana then there are so many external / worldly clashes and obstacles. Relatives and friends oppose what you are doing. Your whole lifestyle changes - including food etc - and your family members take issue with how you are living. As one progresses further along the path, obstacles come from within. Vrtiis, propensities, the sadripus and astapashas try to drag you down. There is a huge fight and if one meets defeat then their journey on the path is over. Such is the path of AM. That is why we see that if 100 people take initiation then 99 disappear; they get defeated along the way.

[2] When a sadhaka advances on the path of bhakti and falls in love with Parama Purusa, then the bhakta thinks about Him always. Without even realising it, one is just thinking about Baba every moment. The mind naturally gravitates towards Him. That is dhruvasmrti (fixed or perfect memory). Then one's ista mantra is always being repeated in the mind and one does not waste time in idle gossip or extravaganza.

[3] This is the expression of surrender - the sadhaka is surrendering everything. Without surrender one cannot get Parama Purusa. When devotion reaches in the higher stages then it is very natural. As long as one's devotional feeling is lower, people think that they are something: Their unit ego is dominating. And when devotion is higher they yearn to give everything to Parama Purusa - to surrender at His lotus feet. This feeling is expressed in this song: Parama Purusa, let Thy will be done.

[4] The name Parama Purusa itself means that He resides in each and every iota of this universe.

2- 13: Puruśadehe jagadábhásah

"Purport: All that is manifest and unmanifest in the world is embodied in the Bráhmiidehe [Cosmic Body]. No one and nothing is outside Brahma. The name “outsider” is a misnomer – a nonentity." (Ananda Sutram)

[5] You are present invisibly: It is the liila of Parama Purusa that He does not like to be seen by others; He prefers to remain in hiding and do His work from behind the scenes. That way He goes on playing His liila. If He is visible then people will not leave Him alone. So He remains out of eyesight. He is there but people cannot see Him with their crude eyes. Why? Because the mind is filled with impurities. That is why people cannot see Him. On the other hand, those with extreme love for Him see Him everywhere. But because of the spell of avidya maya, ordinary persons cannot see Him. Only when the veil of maya is removed can one see that everything is nothing but Parama Purusa. To reach that stage one must do sadhana.

[6] In the cycle of creation, along the path of saincara and pratisaincara, everything moves. That is why we see that gradually matter gets transformed into plant life, and plants become animals, and animals become humans, and normal humans become elevated sadhakas, and finally that sadhaka becomes one with Parama Purusa. That is what is described in srsti cakra (cycle of creation). Srsti moves according to His attraction. That is what is described here.

[7] Srsti never stops because Parama Purusa is pulling all towards the Cosmic Nucleus. Lower beings become higher beings and they ultimately become one with Him. In this way the cycle of creation is constantly moving. It never comes to a halt. In pratisaincara, all move closer to Him. This happens non-stop. That is the proof that Parama Purusa never gets tired. Because His creation unfolds eternally and His energy and love are what keep it going. 

== Section 3: Links ==

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