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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

How to exploit Margiis + 4 more


How to exploit Margiis 


This entire letter looks at how the Fake Bhukti Pradhan Manual was fabricated in December 1997, and how the Fake BP Manual has since been used as a tool by Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha leaders to make the BP position a puppet post.

Everybody knows that the Bhukti Pradhan (BP) post is part and parcel of a unique system given by Baba wherein family people are actively involved in the leadership of a socio-spiritual organisation (AMPS). In the past, no one had the courage or vision to put forth such an idea. Only our all-knowing Sadguru Baba has put the plan in motion that all people - sannyasis and family people - should be actively involved in the administration of a socio-spiritual organisation, thereby spreading dharma to the masses. This is the revolutionary approach of the BP system given by Baba.

Fake BP Manual: tool to alter elections

At present in AMPS, our bhukti pradhan system is being manipulated and exploited. The BP post has become a puppet position in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha whereby dharmic margiis who oppose corruption are ousted from the post. In that way, so many BPs have been marginalised as the corrupt leaders aim to place their own handpicked puppet BP in the chair.

The next question becomes how did all this happen. It cannot be denied that group incharges threw away Sadguru Baba's original BP guidelines and instead fabricated  their own Fake BP manual (1997). Then, armed with their Fake BP Manual ('97), those corrupt leaders turned the BP post into a mere puppet position etc.

The Fake Bhukti Pradhan Manual has been the cause of so many fixed elections: 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013,  2016, and 2019. Awareness and vigilance are the only cure.

Debarment to ideal BP’s

One of the principal tenets of our Ananda Marga society is that it incorporates one and all. Everyone is looked upon as a child of the Supreme and a member of our universal human family. In that light, Baba has firmly declared that no one can be expelled from AMPS. In our Ananda Marga way of life, there is no such thing as expulsion.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Ananda Marga has formed a society which frames its laws on the basis of common ideals in order to develop the idea of one-ness of all humanity. This society is radically different from any existing society, for it provides a society with a common bond where there is no distinction between class or sex, where no one is declared an outcast..." (1)

And here below Baba reiterates the same idea: That expulsion is not accepted in Ananda Marga way of life.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Harsh social punishment such as creating not find any place in our society." (2)

So, by all this, it is clear that expulsion, debarment, and disqualification etc are not facets of our Ananda Marga way of life.

Poison pills in Fake BP manual - 1

Now let us take a look at one of the many ways how the Fake BP Manual contravenes our Ananda Marga ideology. Already it has been established that expulsion is not allowed in our universal Ananda Marga society.

In the Fake BP Election Manual (Dec 1997), chapter one is titled: “Election of Bhukti Pradhan (G)”; and chapter one of the Fake BP Manual is comprised of 25 sections. Section 13 is called “Criteria of Voter for the Election of Bhukti Pradhan.” And Section 13 has ten points outlining who can vote in BP election. Here below is point #9.

Following is one of the fabricated rules from the Fake BP Manual. In order to vote or be a BP candidate, the Fake BP Manual declares that:
  • "He or she must not be expelled." (Fake BP Manual 1997, chapter 1, section 13, point #9, pg 12)

Look how the group in-charges have put forth the edict that no one may vote in the BP election or run for the BP post if they have been expelled. By this maneuver, the Fake BP Manual is legitimizing expulsion in Ananda Marga society - as if expulsion is an acceptable outcome. According to the Fake BP Manual, a person may be expelled, but if they are they cannot vote.

Poison pills in Fake BP manual - 2

Yet, according to Baba, expulsion is not allowed in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. So the Fake BP Manual clearly ignores Baba's dharmic teaching and puts forth the unjust and fake policy that expulsion is allowed, and that if anyone is expelled then they cannot participate in the BP elections - neither as a candidate nor as a voter. This is the type of manipulation that is rampant throughout the Fake BP Manual.

According to the Fake Manual, if you oppose groupism, dogma, or corruption then you will be "expelled" and forbidden to participate in the BP election process. So when courageous and dharmic margiis or BPs protest against groupism, dogma, corruption or various wrongdoings, then the leaders expel them and point to chapter 1, section 13, point #9, pg 12 of their Fake BP Manual and declare that "expelled" margii(s) ineligible to participate in the BP elections or hold the post of BP.

Verily, there are innumerable cases where AMPS leaders used the Fake BP Manual as a weapon to wrongly punish dharmic margiis. Such leaders applied the fabricated rules of the Fake BP Manual for their own political gain - i.e. to serve their own agenda.

In the past, both Rudrananda's faction and Sarvatmananda's faction have used expulsion as a way to railroad BP elections, control the BP post, and turn it into a puppet position. And what is their justification? Chapter 1, section 13, point #9, pg 12 of their Fake BP Manual. So long as this bogus rule exists, this sin will continue.

Turned BP into a puppet post

We should be well-informed and ready to discard Fake BP Manual (1997) - banishing this fake manual in the upcoming elections. Failing that, it is a guarantee that during the BP elections the group incharges will use the Fake Manual to manipulate the BP position and turn it into a puppet post.

When in fact you know that the post of Bhukti Pradhan is a dharmic seat in our Marga and the post should be held by a strong margii who upholds the teachings of Ananda Marga. That is Baba's vision: That the BP chair will play a vital role in standing up for Ananda Marga ideals. But nowadays the leaders use the Fake Manual to have their stooges placed in the chair.


We should all be alert and vigilant and demand that the Fake BP Manual be put in the dustbin. Baba's dharmic BP guidelines should be implemented. The tide is changing and all the dogmatic rules like those in the Fake BP Manual are being rejected by brave margiis. And a new era has arrived.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Humanity is now at the threshold of a new era. We do not want any dogma. The age of dogma is gone. What we want is an idea based on Neohumanism. We are for the entire created world; and not only for human beings or living beings, but for the entire animate and inanimate universe." (3)
in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

To get true or fake BP manual

For a copy of the original or Fake BP manual, please write us at:

The Fake BP Manual of 1997 is a tool to appoint a puppet BP. So know your rights and oppose all wrongdoing with regard to BP elections and the Fake BP Manual. This is the main duty of every Ananda Margii.

History: Birth of the Fake BP manual

Everyone knows that Sarvatmananda's name itself is printed in bold letters on the inside cover of the Fake BP Manual. Because in those days B group and H group were all in power together under the same roof. And they gave the very important ISMUB Secy post to Sarvatmananda. That is why the Fake BP Manual says "published by" Sarvatmananda. Because as ISMUB Secy, Sarvatmananda is the one who first published the Fake BP Manual - for the interest of B group. In due course, Rudrananda became a staunch supporter of  Sarvatmananda’s Fake BP Manual. The proof is that Rudrananda quickly adopted Sarvatmananda’s Fake BP Manual for his own group’s agenda, i.e. H group. And as we speak, Rudrananda is using the Fake BP manual for the interest of H group in these current BP elections. Similarly, still to this day, B group imposes their Fake BP Manual in whatever regions they lord over. So effectively speaking, both H group and B group use the Fake BP Manual whenever the opportunity arises, i.e. for their own group’s gain.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Ananda Marga – A Revolution
2. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Ananda Marga – A Revolution
3. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Humanity Is at the Threshold of a New Era

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Era of neo-humanism

“Áji, nútaneri álo eseche, kálo kuyáshá shuńye mishe geche…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1166)

Today, the Spiritual Refulgence of evernew has come. Due to Its arrival, the black fog, which was enveloping everything, just disappeared and vanished into thin air. By Your grace, a brand-new era of neo-humanism has come. Now there is boundless happiness in life, overflowing across the entire universe. This exquisite brilliance has ushered in a phase of tremendous speed. 
From this very moment on my spiritual journey, I will no longer cow down or be afraid of any kinds of obstacles. I will never stop this movement, be scared of anyone’s threats or ominous gestures, or surrender to those dark forces. By Your propulsion, I will courageously move forward. Today, new tidal waves of spirituality and cosmic unity have inundated this whole creation. Everything has been transformed. By Your grace, those suffocating days of old are bygone.

By Your krpa, today I understand that marching forward is the sign of vitality and life, whereas looking back into the past means inviting my death and demise. By Your mercy, I realise this supreme truth. There will be no more wallowing in my memories of defeats or miseries. Now, my eyes have been blessed with a spiritual awakening. By Your sweet will, I view the world in a whole new light. Someone has come, broken my slumber, and given me Your grand assurance that this life will be successful...

== Section: News of 14 May 2017 ==

Various issues of margii rights

Courtesy of WhatsApp - STO Forum:  It is obvious that this below news is not original content by Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

*स्वयं को असली AMPS कहनेवाले ध्यान दें*

 निम्नलिखित मुद्दों पर अपनी स्थिति साफ करे,

1) भुक्ति प्रधान के अधिकार में कटौती।

2) बीपी चुनावों के लिए मतदाता सूचियों को बदलना,

3) मार्गियों और जूनियर wts  के दिलोदिमाग मे नियमित रूप से यह बात भर देना कि सेंट्रल दादा लोग सर्वश्रेष्ठ, सर्वशक्तिमान, कानून से उपर और श्रध्येय हैं।

4) एसीबी (सलाहकार समिति और बोर्ड) को हटा दिया।

5) नकली बीपी मैनुअल आविष्कार किया।

6) केंद्र द्वारा आर्थिक रूप से मार्गियों और डब्ल्यूटीएस का लाभ उठाना और ठगना ।

7) अनगिनत निर्दोष मार्गियों और wts का शिकार किया, जिन्होंने केन्द्रीय वर्करों के अन्यायपूर्ण संगठनात्मक लेनदेन के बारे में चिंता व्यक्त की।

8) गुरु की संपत्ति को अनाधिकृत रुप से बेचना

9) चरित्रहीनता, मार्गियों पर झूठे आरोप की धमकी देना । इसके अलावा और भी पाप हैं।

10) बाबा की किताबों को भ्रष्ट करना ।

11) साम दाम दंड भेद द्वारा लोगों को वश मे करना, मुख्यतः पैसा देकर निष्ठा खरीदना।

12)  MPD  का प्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष रुप से समर्थन करना

13) एक लाईन मे wts  को संस्था छोड़ बाहर जाने का फरमान सुना देना।

और भी विसंगतियां हैं

Courtesy of WhatsApp - STO Forum:  It is obvious that this above news is not original content by Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How some Wts degenerate & turn into NMV

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who were decent human beings and deeply spiritual, and used to collect money for a noble cause, but in the process of fund raising forgot Parama Puruśa and attached greater importance to their fund raising at the cost of Parama Puruśa – that is, they remembered Parama Puruśa as part of dharma sádhaná and collected money for a great cause, and although Parama Puruśa was the goal collecting money became the dominant desire – attain the state of yakśa devayoni after their demise. In feminine gender, yakśa becomes yakś the dominant spiritual sentiment became secondary, they are negative microvita.” (1)

Note: Some margiis and Wts collect money for various projects. By involving in the project they think about money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, and money. And they forget Parama Purusa. In consequence, they become negative microvita. That is what is explained above.

To save oneself from this tragedy, money collectors should think, “This project is not my project. I am working for Parama Purusa Baba. It is His project and my duty is to serve Him. That is why I am doing A to Z.” With this type of thinking, the mind will not get degenerated by focusing on money, and they will get salvation.

So one way of thinking makes the Wt negative microvita and another way of thinking helps that sadhaka attain ultimate salvation.

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell - Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B

== Section 4: Links ==

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