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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Self-Glorification: Right or Wrong #2 + 2 More


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Self-Glorification: Right or Wrong #2
2. PS #399: Sa’dhuta’, Kind-Heartedness, And Courage Can...
3. Links


Note: This is part two in this series. A link to the first letter is appended below.

Warning: Please excuse me. If you (a) blindly support a particular person or persons, (b) hold them above Ananda Marga teachings (c) deem them to be beyond question, and / or (d) do not like to hear genuine and healthy criticism, then do not read any further. This letter is written with the purpose and intention that the standard of our AMPS and Wt cadre can be better. By this way, the whole Ananda Marga society will be benefited - including the dada discussed below. Most importantly Guru will be glorified and presented in the proper light.

As we explored in the first part of this series, one avadhuta has written one book - i.e. his memoir - yet instead of highlighting Guru and His divine teachings, this avadhuta glorified himself. So here we further examine this issue - so Dadaji may correct or remove his publication, and so others do not fall into this same trap.


The spirit of being an avadhuta is to dedicate everything to Marga Gurudev. By getting avadhuta diiksa and by getting their new avadhuta name, they they no longer have anything of their own. In that blessed state, everything belongs to Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. And Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is their mother, father, & everything. That is the oath they have taken.

They surrender their all – their entire I-feeling – at His lotus feet. Their name has changed; their address has changed; their identity has changed. They have no past connection with their worldly life, nor their worldly birth. Avadhutas give everything to Parama Purusa – they have nothing left to call their own.

“Avadhuta shall always keep himself engaged in the service of Gurudeva with sincerity and devotion, in thought, words and deed, in subtle and in crude spheres, in inner and outer expressions of life.” (1)

Tadekam’ smara’mah…Tadekam’ nidha’nam’

“That Cosmic Entity alone should be created in your mind and no other object...He is the terminating point. He is the Supreme Desideratum.” (2)

"Vanity harms the mind in three ways...The second [way] is gaorava, self-aggrandizement or boasting – projecting oneself as a great personality.... Is this really something great of which human beings can feel proud? And what is the result of this self-glorification? Raorava means the seventh hell." (3)

By writing his memoir, is Dadaji living up to the standard of an avadhuta?


The below is a poster of pseudo-culture rock concert that he was watching when he was a non-margii. This is not the type of story that a monk should recount. He should not reminisce and discuss his days of indulgence and degradation, just as a reformed criminal should not think again and again about their past thievery etc. Rather one should think that, “I am a divine child of Parama Purusa” and one should not look back into one’s dark past again and again - and one definitely should not write about this in their book - least of all an avadhuta. 

So this is just one more of the many pseudo-culture scenes and descriptions of Dadaji’s memoir. And there are more - some of which were pointed out in part one, and certainly if you read Dadaji’s book you will find numerous more episodes of this.

Verily it is so unfortunate to see an avadhuta writing such a self-centered narrative filled with useless worldly memories and mundane recollections. Again if this were about some regular Joe then there would be nothing to say. But here we are talking about an avadhuta of Ananda Marga - i.e. one who is supposed to be a true spiritual revolutionary. That is what makes this entire scene so disgraceful.


The question then arises: What should be written? If an avadhuta or sadhaka is going to write a book, what should be expressed?

Itihasa, a dharmic, historical account should be written that educates, inspires, and shows others how to overcome obstacles on the path of forward movement toward the Supreme One. That is what should be written - not some sloppy narrative that indulges in personal extravaganza and drunken memories of their past.

By reading Dadaji’s silly memoir, young readers will think that they too can “mess around” with all kinds of pseudo-culture fashions and even intoxicants and still rise up to do something. Because they will see how Dadaji was debauched in the past and now he seems ok. So this is the wrong teaching. People should be taught to join the spiritual path at the earliest and strictly adhere to those guidelines. But Dadaji’s memoir leads one to tempt fate by indulging in materialistic vices and pursuits. That will produce a tragic outcome and lead one far from the path - one will have to suffer a lot.

All in all, in his memoir Dadaji is polluting people’s minds - just like those debased filmmakers who lure people into watching denigrating scenes in their films. This is  against the spirit of the dharmic teaching of cakuna samvaro. Baba guides us that one must not expose the mind and senses to degrading tales and scenes etc, yet that is exactly what Dadaji has done with his memoir.

 “Cakśuńá Saḿvaro Sádhu” O spiritual aspirant! O Bhikśu! O monk! O devotee! You should have proper control over your eyes; whatever will have bad effect on your mind, you must not see it. “Sádhu Sotena saḿvaro”. Whatever will have bad effect on your mind, O good man, you must not hear it. “Ghánena Saḿvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your nose, “Sádhu Jibháya Saḿvaro.” You should have control over your taste. “Káyena Saḿvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your body. “Sádhu Vácáya Saḿvaro.” You should have control over your language also; and “Savvatha Saḿvaro Bhikśu.” If you want emancipation, if you want liberation from worldly fetters, you must have all-round restraint.” (4)


One other outcome is that when people are so egoistic and engrossed in their own greatness, they are unable to lead others along onto the path of welfare. Because they themselves have gone astray.

Ananda Marga ideology preaches, "Where people are guided more by ahamtattva [ego], they say, 'I am doing, I am giving, this was done by me, that was done by me, etc.'...Their minds do not inspire the lives of others, their minds do not touch the minds of others. They do not reach the sweetness of others 'I' feelings, for they are too preoccupied with themselves. Their approach is defective; their path is not the path of Neo-Humanism." (5)

Sadly, this is exactly what has happened with this memoir written by one avadhuta. Due to extreme self-centeredness he could not help others advance on the path.


The culminating idea then is self-praise is not the way of the devotee or aspirant - and certainly not befitting any avadhuta.

Baba says, "What's the meaning of devotee? The first point is the person must be a devotee of Parama Purusa - not a devotee of wine, money, name or fame. A devotee can only be for Parama Purusa. If the object of ideation is not Parama Purusa, that is not devotion but addiction." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states: "Such people end up projecting themselves instead of the ideology." (7)

Verily in his memoir, Dadaji is merely projecting fanciful tales about himself and not preaching the gospel of neo-humanism and Ananda Marga ideology.


Here Baba directs as to what our approach should be:

Baba says, "When any work is done, the concerning sadhaka is not to be given any credit; the credit should be given to Parama Purus'a." (8)

Tragically, Dadaji forgot this dharmic spirit.

In Him
(Gregory Mitchell)


The avadhuta who is releasing a memoir that wholly focuses on himself is Dada Vedaprajinananda. And the name of his book is: "From Brooklyn to Benares and Back"


Both Subodh (Professor Sohail Inayatullah) and Inner world publications have been greatly involved in highlighting Dadaji's memoir so they are accomplices in this sin.

Again if this were a memoir about some regular Joe then fine. But here we are talking about an avadhuta of Ananda Marga. That is what makes this entire scene so disgraceful.

1. Rule no. 28 of 32 Rules for Avadhutas
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
4. AV-14, The Fundamental Principles of Life
5. NHNS-1, p.53
6. AV-12
7. PNS-21, p. 13
8. SS-18, p.7

== Section 2 ==

Sa’dhuta’, Kind-Heartedness, And Courage Can Make

Even Ordinary Humans Extraordinary

"Sa'dhuta'-saralata'-tejasvita' gun'e sa'ma'nya lokao asa'dha'ran'a haye..." (PS #399)


Sa’dhuta’, kind-heartedness, and courage can make even ordinary humans extraordinary. By developing these neo-humanistic qualities even ordinary human beings can become great. The path of duplicity and hypocrisy leads to ruination; no one can grow in this way. The path of psycho-spiritual expansion is the only way of the sadhu; and only those sadhakas are the true benefactors and leaders of the society. They alone are great.

In the mythological story, the young prince was blessed with these qualities and that is why he could conquer the demon...


Note 1: Who Is Sádhu?

"[One] who shows mercy on other creatures is a sádhu, or virtuous person." (1)

"Just as your life is extremely dear to you, similarly the lives of others are equally dear to them. A person who thinks thus and shows mercy on other creatures is really a sádhu, or virtuous person.” In order to become a virtuous person one need not give up one’s worldly life. When this idea dawns on one’s mind one realizes, “Why should I kill an innocent creature just for the sake of the gratification of my palate." (2)

"The life of each and every entity is very dear to them; all love their lives very much. Those who share this same sentiment of love for other living beings – that is, they feel that “just as my life is very dear, very beloved to me, so other lives are also very dear to me” – such people are called sádhus." (3)

You Should Be Sádhu Internally

"Only using a saffron costume does not make a man a sádhu. Sádhu is the inner sádhu. You should be sádhu internally. You may or may not use any external saffron costume. …. For each and every living entity one’s personal life is the dearest thing. One loves one’s personal life very much. This is the rule, this is the characteristic of all living beings. But those people who understand this sentiment of living beings and love others with the thought, “I should not kill, I should not give them any trouble because they love their life as much as I love my own life”, are true sádhus and those who lack this sentiment are not sádhus, they are asádhu. Preaching the gospels of peace, and at the same time slaughtering chickens, is not a proper thing for a sádhu because the one who kills the chickens loves his life and the chickens also love their own lives. So that man lacks the universal sentiment of love. He is not a sádhu. A sádhu must be vegetarian." (2)

Note 2: Stage Performance Of The “Golden Lotus

This composition PS #399 is unique in that it is part of a series of songs that are related with Baba’s short story, “Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea.” The first two lines of this song are universal, spiritual teachings and thereafter the song recounts in brief a scene from the short story book. Other Prabhat Samgiita compositions depict other aspects of the story. Baba wrote this series of songs as an accompaniment to the stage performance of the “Golden Lotus…” short story. In between acts of their stage performance, these songs are to be sung to keep the audience involved in the theme of the story. That is the wonderful utility of these composition. They are very unique as they have a very specific role. Such songs are not meant to be used in one’s personal devotional practice, nor during paincajanya or dharmacakra etc. These songs are meant to complement the stage / screen performance of Baba’s short story book. Thus if one is not familiar with that short story (“Golden Lotus…”) book then it is not possible to understand the plot from these songs, neither individually nor collectively. One must read the book.

1. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion
2. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion
3. Yoga Psychology, Instinct and Devotion
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam-2

== Section 3 ==


Here is a link to the first letters in this series:

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