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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dada’s trick for money + 4 more


Dada’s trick for money

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba and try to learn and follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Many things were going wrong in the life of my margii friend Ram. He conveyed that he felt unsure about himself and how things would unfold in the future. When Dada Nirmoha'nanda came to town with his magic rings and stones - i.e. sphatik (white stone), and other items - then my margii friend (Ram) became quite interested. After all, Dadaji was telling that these rings and stones save one from all kinds of problems and will fulfill all your desires etc. 

Unfortunate predicament of my margii friend

Dada falsely told that such charms are very powerful. Plus Dadaji concocted the tale that the rings he was selling were very special because he sits in the cemetery all night long doing sadhana with them to infuse spiritual energy in those stones and rings etc. But this is just his fabricated tale because Dadaji never does all-night cemetery sadhana. And even if in the future he does bring them to the cemetery, those inert rings and stones can never be infused with spiritual power etc. So the whole thing is a farce.

But, hearing about all this from Dadaji, my margii friend Ram became quite intrigued, as well as a bit skeptical. To get confirmation he spoke with some other senior margiis and wts. They started laughing and told him how Dada N's trade / business is false.

False promise

Unfortunately some Dadas are moving around selling "special” malas and stones that "cure your ills" and "improve your fate". That is what they are saying. For instance they proclaim that rudraksha beads (rosary) will save you from memory loss and prevent the onset of heinous diseases and devastating syndromes like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, heart disease, high blood pressure, and "you name it". It does it all. Likewise, sphatik (white stone) will alleviate the vast array of skin diseases and other ailments.

Dadaji also proclaims that using these rudraksha beads will help one get rid of their bad samskaras. This is the sort of pitch that Nirmoha'nanda and a few others are employing. But here it has to be admitted that Nirmoha'nandji has the biggest clientel and is the most aggressive in this business. More about his tactics are described below. By listening to Dada N, many naive people get lulled in and purchase these "holy" charms and beads.

After all, certain countries stand as fertile land for these types of deceptive activities. There are so many cheats moving around doing this same type of business. We just do not expect to find them in the avadhuta dress in Ananda Marga. That is the shocking aspect of this story.

Baba's stand: on fate, astrology, palmistry

First and foremost, Baba does not give an ounce of value to things like fate, astrology, and palmistry. Ananda Marga does not give credence to such approaches. As sadhakas of Ananda Marga, we are to surrender to Parama Purusa and Him alone. Baba does not want us to be enthralled with, nor entrapped by, any type of fortune-telling technique that promises this or that about fate.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Simply surrendering to fate would be sheer foolishness." (1)

No one should think that any type of mala, astrological reading, fortune-telling or palmistry can improve or affect their plight. Such things have no value for sadhakas. Baba guides us in a very rational and logical manner that whatever samsakra (reactive momenta) we create, right or wrong, one has to face those consequences. No worldly process like the use of rudraksha beads and stones can change or alter this. One cannot escape from their bad samskaras / sinful deeds by this way etc.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "So-called astrologers say that because you were born when the moon and such-and-such star or planet were within the jurisdiction of such-and-such zodiac [sign,] you took birth in this way. No. Because you committed this type of action, you were born within such-and-such structure or such-and-such zodiac [sign]. It is because of [your] actions that you were born on the earth and should suffer like this; not because of the [influences of] the stars. Do you follow? These actions brought you within the structural limits of such-and-such zodiac [sign] and such-and-such planets. So the stars do not [control] you." (2)

In His above guideline, Baba firmly directs us that we are not to think that we are puppets of fate. Rather, our own actions govern our present and future condition, not the position of the stars. For this reason, Baba tells us not to put any stock in the "dates and stars" or any other type of fortune-telling technique.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "You shall not take into account the dates and stars while setting out on a journey. You may, as necessary, set out for your destination after ascribing Brahma-hood to your journey through guru mantra. If you are to consult the dates and stars at every step, you are to carry an almanac with you all the time – something which is truly contrary to nature." (3)

Dogma: surrendering to stones or palmistry

There is no scope in our Ananda Marga for falling prey to fate. No one should subscribe to this and certainly no Wt should become a living, breathing advocate of the fortune-telling crafts like astrology and "mala-dealing".

>From age to age, Mahasambhuti comes on this earth to guide the entire human society. In the history of human civilisation, first Lord Shiva came and gave the teachings and illumined the path to divinity. Yet, gradually, step by step, His followers distorted and ruined all His teaching. 3500 years later human society witnessed a similar episode with Lord Krsna. Mahasambhuti Krsna came to guide the humanity but in due course His dharmic teachings were turned into dogma by His followers. Unfortunately, that same tragedy is unfolding in this present era as well with regard to the divine teachings given by Mahasambhuti Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Sadguru Baba has graciously formed Ananda Marga to eradicate religious exploitation but after 1990 we see the deplorable state of affairs. Our duty as sadhakas is to remain alert and not allow any kinds of dogma to overpower Ananda Marga. Otherwise the existence of Ananda Marga will just be a namesake only. So every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji should always be vigilant.

In Him,
D. Ananda

Please forward this letter to dadas

A few examples how Dada Nirmohanandji preaches

- the glory of those precious stones, avidya tantra mantra, etc.

Then Dadaji eloquently espouses all the “virtues” of his stones to empty the pockets of his clients during their time of distress and difficulty. Most often Dada N does this when he is aware that a particular person / sadhaka is in the midst of a terrible crisis such as a failing marriage or life-threatening disease. 

The first benefit of the Red Coral/ Moonga Gemstone is victory over enemies and adversaries. Since Mars is the god of warfare it gives the necessary courage to overcome obstacles and enemies and ensures victory for the individual.

- The Red Coral benefits in overcoming procrastination and laziness and gives the impetus and the individual to take tasks to their logical conclusion. It helps in overcoming delay.

- Another powerful benefit of the Red Coral is its impact on the mental health. Since it is a robust gemstone it helps in overcoming symptoms of listlessness and mental depression. It gives energy, vigour and hope. The red coral also imparts courage and helps in overcoming fear and nervousness. It is a great gemstone for boosting self esteem.

- One of the best benefits of the red coral is its miraculous effects of healing. It helps in eruptions of the face, boils, acne, skin ailments, it purifies the blood and guards and protects against cuts, wounds, bruises and injuries. (4)

How Dada Nirmohanandji preaches - 2

- Those who have an adverse position of Mars in the horoscope leading to temperamental issues, anger problems, and lack of patience find a suitable improvement in these conditions after wearing the Red Coral Gemstones.

- Those who have Manglik dosha in their horoscope leading to challenges in interpersonal relationships should wear a Red Coral after a thorough Astrological analysis of their birth chart. If suitable one can expect many benefits from the Red Coral especially in the relationship sector.

- Individuals in professions such as army, armed forces, police, doctors especially surgeons, chemicals, weapon  manufacture or business, scientists, realty business find the Red Coral to be especially effective and beneficial.

- The Red Coral provides strong protection against evil eye, hexing and black magic.

- Those people who are in considerable debt should wear a Red Coral after analysis of position of Mars in their birth chart. Mars and its energies help in debt repayment.

- The Red Coral represents Mangalya Balam, Strength of Marriage and long life of the spouse. It protects women from widowhood and should be worn after proper astrological analysis. (4)

Top benefits of wearing an emerald gemstone - 3

- Wearing an emerald, also known as panna or zammrud brings in intellectual progress. Natural intelligence and intellect is the domain of Planet Mercury and enhancing this planets power brings in better understanding of life, a balanced perspective and better ability to grasp deeper subjects too.

- The individual wearing and emerald can visibly see a spurt in creativity, artistic talents, linguistic skills and ability to ideate / innovate better.

- Wearing an emerald can give a huge edge in relation to the communication skills. There is a remarkably better, clearer and lucid style of communication and the individual is able to express oneself with aplomb and confidence.

- Even in medical astrology, there are elaborated several benefits of wearing an emerald gem. It is a gemstone that can help with speech difficulties, respiratory troubles, allergies and nervous disorders. (4)

How Dada Nirmohanandji preaches - 4

- Natural and treatment free emerald is a great therapeutic gemstone for individuals facing trouble with ability to concentrate or focus. High entropy, restless people are able to bring in a relatively large amount of stability and focus by wearing an emerald.
- An individual who wears an emerald for a well placed Mercury, can beget great fame and fortune. As the name suggests, there can be a mercurial rise in life.
- Emerald is a stone that is capable of taking away emotional toxicity. Individuals who have a hard time coming to terms with difficult situations where they have been betrayed, cheated or defrauded, should try working with an emerald gemstone to heal the scars. It help in shedding of illusory ideas.
- Emerald is a gemstone believed to have antidote powers against poison. Royalty of yore is known to have sipped their aperitifs from emerald goblets.
- Natural Emerald is a great gemstone for individuals who stammer, or feel shy to interact with others or feel held back due to lack of confidence.
- Individuals like psychics, healers, astrologers or practitioners of any divine arts can find tremendous progress in their line of work by wearing and emerald. (4)

Pl. Help save these 2 Dadas from incurring more negative samskaras

Here is should be noted that Dada N is not the only Wt indulged in this adharmic work. Dada Omnkareshvaranandji has also entered this realm of business with stone, beads, and palmistry etc. He is not as forceful and does not have the client base that Dada N has, but one day Omnkareshvaranandji hopes to grow his account.

The purpose of this letter is not to defame either Dada Nirmohanandji or Omnkareshvaranandji but rather to save them from doing this type of sinful work. We all know that every action begets a reaction. unfortunately these dadas will have to suffer the reaction of this negative work. Our job is to help them. So when you come across either of them then politely tell them that his dealings are contrary to Guru’s teaching.

Ananda Marga was created to root out religious exploitation

Most unfortunate is that some get duped and placed their faith in these dogmatic rituals. This is a pervasive dogma across every country, state, and most towns. That said, it is more common in so-called third world regions such as throughout Africa, Haiti, and amongst native populations. So many suffer from these superstitions, dogmas, and fortune-telling dealings. Our Ananda Marga was created to dissolve and root out these rituals, but unfortunately some Wts are turning our Ananda Marga into a breeding ground of these very dogmas.

As Ananda Margiis we are only to surrender unto Parama Purusa Baba; we are to pay no mind to any type of astrological chart or fortune-telling. Baba alone is our Pole-Star.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "He is your nearest and dearest one. You may depend on Him completely, and your dependence on Him is called sharańágati. This sharańágati is the only reply to all spiritual questions." (5)

1. Ananda Marga Way of Life - 11
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 24
3. Caryacarya, part 1
4. Courtesy of Gemstoneuniverse dot com
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, Who Is the Liberating Entity of Human Society

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

People are captivated by Your liila, and they have no clue

“Bhálobáso shudhui mukhe, d́eke d́eke mari tabu ásoná, bojhoná tumi ámár duhkhe...” (Prabhat Samgiita #357)


O’ Parama Purusa, You only love me with Your words, not in the real sense. You say You have prema for me, but I do not see this by Your action. I call You over and over again, yet You do not come. There is nothing You do that makes me feel like You have deep affection for me. You remain far. So then how can I think that You care for me. You do not understand the pain of my yearning.

O’ Parama Purusa, with the help of Your science of sadhana and philosophy, I go on searching You in the depths of my ‘I feeling’. But, how can I get You when You just make my mind restless. In that condition, my mental plate becomes opaque. I cannot see You anywhere within. O’ Lord, in the murky waters of my mind, You gleefully hide. This is Your liila. You are there in my mind but I can’t see You.

Baba, O’ my Nearmost, This vast creation  is very attractive & colorful. You have decorated this and arranged a festival of colour and form across this entire universe. You are engaged in displaying a myriad of divine liilas. People are captivated by Your liila, and they have no clue about Liilamaya. They do not know You. Yet, behind the curtain of Your liila, You smile softly, watching everything and everyone. O’ Supreme One, who can see You without Your grace? O’ Parama Purusa Baba, please shower me with Your causeless mercy, so I can see You everywhere and get You from behind the curtain of Your liila.

Baba, please satisfy my longing and bathe me in Your prema...

PS Addendum: When a bhakta has deep prema for Parama Purusa then they want Him in that most intimate and loving way. So when Parama Purusa does not respond or reciprocate in that intimate manner and does not come very close, then the bhakta lovingly accuses Parama Purusa that, "You do not love me the way I love You. Otherwise You would be coming close." This highly devotional scene results only when one has deep longing and desire to have Him close. It is similar to how a small child calls for his mother while she is busy. And then when finally the mother returns home, the young child with tear-filled eyes will accuse her by saying, 'Mother, you have no love for me; you do not love me at all; otherwise why were you gone so long'. This is the way the child will accuse its mother due to the child’s deep love for their mother. In this below Prabhat Samgiita, the bhakta is making the same type of accusation of prema towards Parama Purusa.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

One will have to take shelter in Him - 2

Ananda Marga ideology says, A  jiṋánii often becomes fatigued with the continuous cultivation of knowledge. Sometimes, after prolonged thinking, the brain simply refuses to function any more and it becomes increasingly difficult to implement one’s internal thoughts and ideas. What happens at that time? Knowledge concedes defeat and the ego has no choice but to surrender. Finally, one is compelled to plead, “Oh Parama Puruśa, please help me, please save my prestige.”" (1)

Note: In the life of a sadhaka on the spiritual journey, the first and foremost ingredient is surrender. Yet surrender itself is defined and described in a multitude of ways. In the above quote, surrender is explained in a very simple manner. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 2

== Section 4: Comment ==

Re: My story

Avt. Dada,

Refreshing to have a Dada admit a wrong-doing and change in behavior. I wish more acaryas were like you. Acaryas may become gods. But right now they are human like the rest of us. I only have more respect for acaryas who speak so honestly.

Baba's Grace,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - My story

Reply to:

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Trick of Dada N.
2. PS #0357: People are captivated by Your liila, and they have no clue
3. Important Teaching: One will have to take shelter in Him - 2
4. Comment: Re: My story
5. Links

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