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Friday, August 11, 2017

Mahaprayan of political leader + 4 more


Mahaprayan of political leader


Here below is the mahaprayan commemoration of one ordinary human, Rajendra Prasad. It is not something godly and not for Taraka Brahma. As we know, the concept of "mahaprayan" is something very mundane; it signifies the death of a human being; it is a common phenomenon across the Indian subcontinent.

As evidenced below (see image & caption), the occasion of mahaprayan is everywhere; it is widely observed for the death of a regular citizen. It is not something special, unique, or divine. It is not something godly and not for Taraka Brahma.

"Mahaprayan Ghat": like your local cemetery

In this particular mahaprayan observance, attendees and admirers are observing the death anniversary of Dr. Prasad - whose ashes remain at Mahaprayan Ghat in Patna. The name of the cemetery itself is "Mahaprayan Ghat" and this cemetery situated on the riverbank houses the ashes of countless human beings. So "Mahaprayan Ghat" is an ordinary cemetery just like the local cemetery in your neighborhood.

All should be aware that the mahaprayan program is not a new phenomenon that started in 1990. As we see, Dr Rajendra Prasad had his mahaprayan in 1963, and for ages and ages before that so many humans have had their mahaprayan. Since the Sanskrit language came into existence - thousands of years ago - the mahaprayan term conveys the idea of the death of a human being.

Sadly, some have been indoctrinated into believing that mahaprayan is something divine for Taraka Brahma. They were brainwashed in this way. The truth is that in India and so many lands where Sanskrit is used, the mahaprayan program has been in vogue. Verily there is a "Mahaprayan Ghat" in Patna - a cemetery for normal humans.

Every Ananda Margii should be clear on this point: Mahaprayan is the observance of someone's death. That someone may be a neighbour, or a bank clerk, or a school teacher, etc. The death of any citizen regardless of their social standing is their mahaprayan.

Treating Baba as mortal, is sinful

Remember the program of mahaprayan is used to indicate the death of an ordinary human being who has made their departure from this world. That is why such a gathering is not done for Taraka Brahma because He did not depart - He is the eternal Parama Purusa. So the mahaprayan is for regular humans, i.e. mortals. And to apply this to that vast, timeless Entity - the Parama Purusa Baba - is sinful.

"The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (1)


Some think that we should live happily and not care about all these things. That is the wrong approach and defeats the purpose of creating the organisation. All kinds of societal dogmas were in vogue and Baba has given Ananda Marga ideology to eradicate those dogmas. Naturally then we must not allow such dogmas in our very own organisation, AMPS. If we ignore those dogmas it defeats the purpose of the formation of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. The use of the mahaprayan program for Taraka Braham Parama Purusa is a dogma. There is no annual mahaprayan observance for Lord Shiva nor Lord Krsna. The mahaprayan dogma is polluting our Ananda Marga society.

In the service of Parama Purusa,
Prahlad Upadhay

1. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #1a

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Why is your name Dayal (Merciful One) when...

"dayál prabhu bolo go tomáy, dayál náme keno d́áká hoy..."  (Prabhat Samgiita #0341)


O’ Parama Purusa, O’ Prabhu, please tell me why people call You Daya’l, O’ Merciful One. If You are merciful then why does the shadow always accompany the light. And why do the soft, fragrant flower blossoms have thorns. Those flower petals are very tender and soft yet they are surrounded by prickly thorns. Why is it like this?

Baba, the mountain spring is very beautiful and pure, but it always has to suffer the pain of running through rough, jagged, mountain path. The lotus flower is aromatic and lovely but it blossoms in dirty water. Why don't You provide clean water. Human life is filled with happiness and cheerfulness and gradually moves towards decay, old age, and death. Why is it like this?  

People have given Your name as 'Merciful', but when You are playing this type of liila, why is Your name merciful. Please tell me. The cluster of lamps of the stars have to always wait for amavasya, the pitch dark night, in order to glitter. The small child is like the softness of one tiny flower, but always the baby cries and cries. Why is it like this? Can’t you make a child that is always happy and smiling.

Baba, why does the smiling moon only shine between the slits of the patches of dark clouds. The moon hardly gets opportunity to shine in the sky. In this world You have created the gentle, sweet breeze. The soft, tender, fragrant breeze disappears with the arrival of the hail, thunder, lightening storm that comes and ruins the scene. Why do people call You ever merciful. When there is such an irony in Your working style. Baba, please tell me...

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे मेरे प्रभु!  आश्रयविहीन भटकने वालों के तुम्हीं अंतिम आश्रय हो।

 प्रभात संगीत 327 सौम्य शान्त  चेतनानन्द, चरण... दाओ गो आमाय...

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! सदा शान्त आनन्ददाता !  शुद्धचेतन , प्रेमस्वरूप! कृपा कर , अपने चरण कमलों में मेरा समर्पण स्वीकार कर आशीष  दीजिये। हे मेरे प्रभु! तुम hata’shon की आशा  हो, व्यथित हृदय के लिये प्रेम हो, आश्रयविहीन भटकने वालों के तुम्हीं अंतिम आश्रय हो। तुम सभी क्षेत्रों में उनके प्रारंभ से अंत तक रहते हो और मेरा सुंदर जीवन तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेम की अज्ञात धाराओं में बहता जा रहा है। तुम्हारी असीम कृपा लगातार सभी दिशाओं में बहती जा रही है। तुम सर्वाधिक पूज्यों में से सबसे प्रिय हो। तुम मनुष्यों की विद्या और बुद्धि से परे हो। तुम उन सभी सीमितों के संग्रहालय हो, जिसके बीच से तुम उदित होते हो फिर भी हम तुम्हें नहीं जान पाते क्योंकि तुम तो सीमा से परे हो। जब मैं तुम्हारा चिंतन करता हॅूं तो तुम्हीं में घुलने लगता हॅूं और मेरे मन की मंजूषा , मधुर केवड़े के पराग से संतृप्त होकर सब कुछ छोड़कर , तुम्हारी ओर दौड़ पड़ती है। बाबा! कृपा कर , अपने चरण कमलों में मेरा समर्पण स्वीकार कर आशीष  दीजिये।

- Dr. T.R. Sukul

Following is the phonetic spelling in Roman Script of the above purport:

Hē mērē prabhu! Āśrayavihīna bhaṭakanē vālōṁ kē tumhīṁ antima āśraya hō.

Prabhāta saṅgīta 327 saumya śānta cētanānanda, caraṇa... Dā'ō gō āmāya...

hē paramapuruṣa bābā! Sadā śānta ānandadātā! Śud'dhacētana, prēmasvarūpa! Kr̥pā kara, apanē caraṇa kamalōṁ mēṁ mērā samarpaṇa svīkāra kara āśīṣa dījiyē. Hē mērē prabhu! Tuma hata’shon kī āśā hō, vyathita hr̥daya kē liyē prēma hō, āśrayavihīna bhaṭakanē vālōṁ kē tumhīṁ antima āśraya hō. Tuma sabhī kṣētrōṁ mēṁ unakē prārambha sē anta taka rahatē hō aura mērā sundara jīvana tumhārē divya prēma kī ajñāta dhārā'ōṁ mēṁ bahatā jā rahā hai. Tumhārī asīma kr̥pā lagātāra sabhī diśā'ōṁ mēṁ bahatī jā rahī hai. Tuma sarvādhika pūjyōṁ mēṁ sē sabasē priya hō. Tuma manuṣyōṁ kī vidyā aura bud'dhi sē parē hō. Tuma una sabhī sīmitōṁ kē saṅgrahālaya hō, jisakē bīca sē tuma udita hōtē hō phira bhī hama tumhēṁ nahīṁ jāna pātē kyōṅki tuma tō sīmā sē parē hō. Jaba maiṁ tumhārā cintana karatā hĕūṁ tō tumhīṁ mēṁ ghulanē lagatā hĕūṁ aura mērē mana kī man̄jūṣā, madhura kēvaṛē kē parāga sē santr̥pta hōkara saba kucha chōṛakara, tumhārī ōra dauṛa paṛatī hai. Bābā! Kr̥pā kara, apanē caraṇa kamalōṁ mēṁ mērā samarpaṇa svīkāra kara āśīṣa dījiyē.

- Dr. T.R. Sukul

== Section ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Magic Of The Science Breathing - Svaravijiṋána

Lord says, "The process of breathing has a great influence on the human mind and self, or soul. Suppose a person is running: his or her breathing immediately becomes heavy. In that condition he or she cannot think properly; the sensory organs such as the tongue, nose, etc., cannot function properly, and as a result one's perception is impaired. Moreover, the process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils, influences people in various ways..."

"When doing a heavy job while breathing normally, a person might have serious difficulties – perhaps ones limbs might be broken – but in a state of baddha kumbhaka, or púrńa kumbhaka [with the lungs full], one can easily do the same work. While doing some over-strenuous activity in a state of shúnya kumbhaka [with the lungs empty] one might even die."

"Suppose you are climbing to a high place or lifting a very heavy load. If you do not follow the system of breathing while lifting the load, your hands may become painful or your bones dislocated. If you do the same work in a state of shúnya kumbhaka, you will have great difficulty – you may even collapse. If, on the contrary, you perform any strenuous activity in púrńa kumbhaka, taking a deep breath, you can easily do it. All this comes within the scope of that svaravijiṋána. You might have read in the Rámáyańa that Hanuman, by taking a deep breath, made his body swell and lifted a whole mountain. Although it is a mythological story, it refers to the science of svaravijiṋána." (Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva – the Focal Point of Everything)

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. PS #0341: Why is your name Dayal (Merciful One) when...
2. Posting: Mahaprayan of political leader
3. Links

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