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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Distortion in AM Hindi book


Distortion in AM Hindi book-- NKS-23


While delivering discourses, Bábá gives and explains Ananda Marga philosophy. And to illustrate the teaching He gives examples which are known to common people. To make these teachings clear for all, He gives the examples of other languages and traditions also. And it is the rule given by Bábá, that those examples and phrases must be included in the printed discourse. Indeed in most of the cases we see that our Tiljala Publications (TP) keeps and publishes the examples and phrases, poems etc, which Bábá gives in Bangla. But unfortunately, the examples, phrases, and poems of other languages, TP discards.

Here below are two examples.

1. Example: TP discarded Bhojpuri phrase

This example is from Namámi Krśńa Sundaram.

In the Bangla discourse NKS-23 “Párthasárathi Krśńa and Bhaktitattva”, Bábá spoke the following phrase using Bhojpuri language-- "हमा कलकत्ता जयबइ | बाबा से भेंट होत्तइ | बाबा से हय बात बोलबइ". Our Tiljala Publishers discarded the phrase, because it is in another language instead of Bangla.

2. Example: TP also discarded the following section

In the same discourse as mentioned above, Bábá has explained the omniscience of Parama Purusa. In this section Bábá is indirectly talking about Himself. He reminds the disciple that He knows everything and watches and sees everything that they do. Because this section-- shown below in green-- is intrinsically linked with the Bhojpuri sentence described above in the first point, so that’s why our TP has discarded this green section also.

Here is the section which TP has thrown away in the garbage, and we picked it up from there to show you. Here then is the section, in green--

Bábá says--

তোমার মনের মধ্যে এই রকম একটা তরঙ্গ গেল, এই রকম একটা তরঙ্গ গেল, এই রকম একটা তরঙ্গ গেল---যে 'हमा कलकत्ता जयबइ | बाबा से भेंट होत्तइ | बाबा से हय बात बोलबइ' | মনের মধ্যে ভাবলে | আর, পরমপুরুষ তো মনের মধ্যে ৰসে আছেন | তিনি দেখলেন এই তরঙ্গটায় ৰলছে যে, 'हमा कलकत्ता जयबइ' | এই তরঙ্গটা ৰলছে, 'बाबा से भेंट करबइ' | তিনি সৰ শুণে নিচ্ছেন |

শুণছেন কি শুণছেন না ?

[মার্গীরা---'শুণছেন' |]

আঁঽ ?

শুণছেন | তারপরে তুমি ৰাৰার কাছে এসে ৰলছ, 'না, আমার কলকাতায় আসার ইচ্ছা ছিল না' | তখন যদি ৰাৰা কোনও রকমে জানতে পারলেন যে এই-এই তুই তো ভেবেছিলি | ৰাৰা তখন কাণটা ধরে ৰললেন, “'এই যে ভেবেছিলি যে ‘कलकत्ता जयबइ, बाबा से भेंट करबइ’ | এখন {মুনে} মুখে উল্ট কথা গাইছিস কেন ?” কীরকম ভাবে ৰেকায়দায় পড়ল' | একৰারে prestige punctured হয়ে গেল |


In the Tiljala Publications NKS-23 "Párthasárathi Krśńa and Bhaktitattva", in the upper part of the page this spiritual passage should appear. Yet it is conspicuously missing.

Scanned Book is Proof

Below is the scan of that very page from the TP published book NKS-23. Please see on the scan the red mark, where this important spiritual passage should have been.

1089 Screen Shot English passage.png

This above scan is of NKS-23. The red ‘X’ mark in the scan is the place where the critical passage highlighted above in green is missing. TP has deleted it.

The Bhojpuri phrase was intrinsically linked with Bangla such that the Bangla could not stand without it-- that is why our TP deleted both.

In service to Gurudeva,
Anuradha Dutta

~ In-depth study ~

Our Tiljala Publishers discarded the entire above green section from the discourse. So the Bangla discourse was published missing this section on page 99, and when the Bangla discourse was translated into Hindi and published, it was missing in our TP-published Hindi book as well.

Because our Tiljala Publishers remove passages Bábá did not give in Bangla as well as sections linked with them, the above two examples will not appear in any language version of the discourse.

We Should Fix Bábá's Discourses - Now or Never

If we remain passive onlookers and do not fix the negative trends of introducing distortion into Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's discourses—if we do not bring the printed discourses up to the proper standard now—it will become impossible to change this in the future. And even if in the future some sincere Ánanda Márgiis will try, they will be treated as enemies. Because this is the way religion works: Today one cannot teach the devotees of Lord Krśńa that He has nothing to do with cows; they will never believe it. Although Ánanda Má́rga is dharma—not religion, but in the same way as happened with Hindus vis-a-vis Lord Krśńa and the cows, Ánanda Márgiis will become used to the wrong teachings in our AM books and they will not like to give them up. They will think that whatever was there at the end of the twentieth century, that was the gold standard for all time. And it should be kept and maintained.

Ánanda Má́rga is dharma—not religion—but we will face the same opposition from within to change, when wrong teachings get established.

So we don't have any time: it is either now or never. The clock is ticking: If we do not get Bábá's discourses fixed now, it will be impossible to do so later. And that will cause bloodshed and more division on the basis of the various versions of Bábá's teachings and their explanations. History bears testimony to this, that all the religions have similarly broken into multiple factions, groups and subgroups on the basis of differences in scripture interpretations. Bábá wanted to eliminate such problems, and that is why Bábá's discourses are recorded. But unfortunately, those recordings are not being published properly. This matter is very serious.

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In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to:
As well as to:

1. Tiljala Publications, "Párthasárathi Krśńa and Bhaktitattva (Discourse 23)" , Namámi Krśńasundaram, Electronic Edition 2009

Mantreshwaranand, Mantreshvarananda, Mantreshvaranand, Mantreshvaránanda, Acyutananda, Acyutanand, Acyutánanda, Hariishana

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Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate or any other on-line translator, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

Vampire bosses: Wt death - part 2


Vampire bosses: Wt death - part 2

Note: A link to the first letter in this series has been appended below.


This is part two of the investigation into the tragic trend of neglect that has led to the premature demise of numerous Wts, including the recent death of one young brahmacarii.

Inhumane neglect of Ac Shantatmananda ji

Here is a very brief reminder from part one of what was going on:
Dada Shantatmananda ji remained In Ananda Nagar from Sept 2013 until his death in December 2014. Over that time Dadaji was effectively ignored. He lived on the ground floor of central office and each day a boy would put roti / chapati and vegetable outside Dada’s room and then walk away, as per the order of Rudrananda because he (Shantatmananda ji) was against the sinful land selling of Ananda Marga properties in Mexico. No protein or pulses were provided to Shantatmananda - just the scant, bare minimum was done by the order of Rudrananda. That was the extent of the care Dadaji got. And often that food just sat there as Shantatmananda had no capacity to retrieve it. Clearly, Dada Shantatmananda ji was physically and mentally ill - he needed someone to watch over him. And in India this would not have been difficult to arrange, but nothing was done. All because he (Shantatmananda ji) was against the sinful land selling of Ananda Marga properties in Mexico. In this poisonous and desperate living condition, Dadaji’s health and condition just deteriorated.

Often Dada Shantatmananda ji would not bathe and would stay in his room wearing soiled laungotas. Or he would sit on the toilet for hours - without eating - with no one knowing what he was doing. Dadaji was sick and confused and could not take care of himself - and no one proactively intervened to positively help him. He was malnourished, dirty, soiled, and left to suffer in isolation and misery. This type of neglect and inhumane condition and abuse exacerbated Dadaji’s health. (From "Vampire bosses: Wt death - part 1")
Note we continue with the case incident account of the untold suffering and neglect of Dada Shantatmananda ji and how this relates to the larger issue at hand.

Wrong type of medical care

[ A ] Then NYSS Dada Vimalananda wrote: "Finally [Shantatmanandji] hospitalized and was bedridden for the past four weeks, under skilled care of Dr. (Acarya) Karuna Shahdev and her team."

Fact Check: Before his death, when Dada Shantatmananda jii was sent to the women’s health center run by a very good margii gynecologist - Dr Karuna Shahdev -  then he was unable to walk or eat.

As this is a maternity home, the entire staff is trained for childbirth and women’s issues etc. So seeing this monk admitted in this state of severely failing health, all non-margii staff were both surprised and shocked. Actually you can imagine the scene and how awkward it was. Dada ji himself was overwhelmed. Here the margii gynecologist is not at fault.

Actually at that point, Dada Shantatmananda jii needed a strong intervention by the appropriate specialist - not a gynecologist, i.e. not a doctor for ladies. Everyone knows that Dr. Karuna Shahdev is a gynecologist who runs a maternity home. Her speciality is in gynecological procedures, women’s health issues, pregnancy, and the delivery of babies. Here the margii gynecologist is not at all fault.

So Dada Shantatmananda ji was under the care of a gynecologist, hospitalized, and bed-ridden in a maternity ward where all around mothers were crying and wailing in labor pain. So you can imagine the degree of care and comfort Dada Shantatmananda jii got in that maternity home. Here the margii gynecologist is not at fault.

Yet, Vimalananda wrote in his eulogy as if Ac Shantatmananda jii got the finest treatment and care: “finally hospitalized and was bed-ridden for the past four weeks, under skilled care of Dr. (Acarya) Karuna Shahdev and her team.”

Desperately gasping for air
[ B ] Then so-called NYSS Dada Vimalananda wrote: "He was in Iista-dhyana when he went into Samadhi and withdrew from this quinqelemental world."

Fact Check: Dada Shantatmananda ji was not doing dhyana nor was he in samadhi, as if all those around him were keeping him well and focused on the Supreme. Rather Shantatmananda was under dire respiratory arrest, desperately gasping for his breath, and he died around 1:30pm. That morning he took some vegetable soup and after a few hours he was breathing with much difficulty; someone informed Dr Karuna Shahdev and she left her women’s hospital and came to the Ranchi Baba Quarters to treat Dadaji but she was unable to save him. Dr Karuna Shahdev did all that was possible, but after months and years of neglect and maltreatment by Rudrananda’s lackeys, there was not scope to revive Dada Shantatmananda ji.

Revenge for exposing illiciit land sales

[ C ] Then so-called NYSS Dada Vimalananda wrote: "During his last postings in New York sector he engaged in extensive pracar in Mexico while waiting for his USA visa."

Fact Check: Dada Shantatmananda ji was not awaiting his US visa while in Mexico during that time. Rather Dada Shantatmananda ji had been given the posting of RS Mexico City because the then so-called NYSS Vimalananda and Yogendra both planned to remove a 3rd front acarya from the Cuernavaca jagti. And this Cuernavaca jagrti was initially purchased by Dada Shantatmananda ji so if Dada Shantatmananda ji went there  then it will be easy to remove the 3rd front Wt from the Cuernavaca jagrti. That’s why they arranged a Mexican Visa for Dada Shantatmananda ji and sent him to Mexico in 2010 - all done to remove a 3rd front acarya from the Cuernavaca jagrti. And verily they achieved their goal evicting that 3rd front Wt from the jagrti.

So the then so-called NYSS put him in Mexico on special assignment. But then things took a nasty turn. As soon as Dada Shantatmananda ji came to know that the then NYSS Dada Vimalananda, under the direction of Rudrananda, was illegally, sinfully, and secretly selling Ananda Marga properties in Mexico and stashing away the money, then Dada Shantatmananda ji opposed those misdeeds. And it was then that so-called NYSS Dada launched his smear and conspiracy campaign against Dada Shantatmananda ji. That was the critical juncture that led to Dadaji’s spiral into depression, poor health, disease, and ultimately death.

[ D ] NYSS Dadaji wrote: "Among many other notable accomplishments, he [Dada Shantatmananda ji] managed to buy the Cuernavaca Jagrti in Mexico City region of New York Sector and also Master units in Canada and Guatemala."

Fact Check: Here Dadaji is praising Dada Shantatmananda ji for his work securing new jagrtis and properties for our Ananda Marga. Yet, for the several years, the then so-called NYSS Vimalananda, with the direction and permission of Rudrananda, was secretly selling Ananda Marga properties throughout Mexico and NY Sector, including the illicit sale of NYSO in NYC.

How they selfishly pocketed Dadaji’s money

Another key point to the story is that when Shantatmananda left NY and came back to India, then in the name of discipline, so-called GS Citsvarupananda demanded that Dada Shantatmananda ji hand over all the money he had. So Ac Shantatmananda ji gave $2500 USD to so-called GS Dada. But none of that money was ever used for Dadaji’s health, recovery, or treatment. Through this entire period, with Rudrananda’s blessing, so-called GS Dada & the then NYSS Dada organised a smear campaign against Dada Shantatmananda ji because he (Shantatmananda ji) was against the illegal and sinful land selling of Ananda Marga properties in Mexico. Indeed, so-called  GS Dada and the then NYSS Dada were close and NYSS was regularly going to India and Ananda Nagar but he never sought to help Dada Shantatmananda ji. Just Vimalananda and so-called GS Dada gave a big cut of the money to Rudrananda, spent the rest on themselves, and watched Shantatmananda ji’s demise.

During those last three years or more (2012 - 2014), the then so-called NYSS Dada never once inquired about the health and well-being of Dada Shantatmananda ji. Yet here he was writing this glowing eulogy. Such is the shameless and hypocritical manner of the then so-called NYSS Vimalananda. Verily his entire letter is a lesson in duplicity and deceit - sadly so.


There is growing list of sincere and hardworking Wts who have died of mistreatment and neglect by their own in-charges. And the recent case of Ac Chhatrak Brc is described below. And there are many others who have suffered this same fate, i.e. wrongful death by neglect.

Rudrananda has created a veritable hell where even dedicated Wts of our Marga are left to languish and idea as Rudrananda’s stooges heartlessly watch their demise yet hypocritically claim that they were doing all they could to save them,

This is the tragedy unfolding before our very eyes. Sitting by the wayside and watching this unfold is not an option. Sadguru Baba’s staunch guideline is to directly intervene and put an end to this type of horrific, inhumane treatment.

in Him,
Satya Deva

Note: Vimalananda’s bogus eulogy of Dada Shantatmananda ji was published in Prajina Bharati, Vol. 38, No. 6, Consecutive Number 248, page 12, Nov / Dec 2014.

Recent death of one young brahmacarii

Sadly, more recently, the young Dada, Ac Chhatrak Brc, died of neglect and lack of care. A few stooges of Rudrananda stood up and protested this claim, but they have no legs to stand upon. Ac Chhatrak Brc was a young man full of vigour and vitality and when he became just a little sick then his in-charges overlooked the matter and Dada Chhatrak’s body became more and more weak - until finally he succumbed entirely. The chief culprit in this was so-called Nabhatiitananda; he refused to even lift one finger to help this young brahmacarii, yet Ac Chhatrak Brc was working directly under the supervision of Nabhatiitananda. All that was done was to assign a gynecologist to look at him on occasion etc. Although, she is a fine gynecologist, the treatment needed to cure Ac Chhatrak Brc was not her speciality. In contrast, if Rudrananda get sick or one of his top yes-man then they will swiftly be admitted into the finest nursing home / hospital like the Apollo. But when a junior Wt becomes ill and they are left to suffer - even die, as in the recent tragic case of Ac Chhatrak Brc.

Two more tragedies: Asheshananda & Nirmeghananda

Ac Asheshananda Avt: Dadaji also died of gross neglect. He was not given even basic care or food as he lay in his own stool in his bed and developed bed sores that became infected. Dadaji was neither given proper nutrition nor basic hygiene. And ultimately he died unattended to in that soiled bed. This happened at the Varanasi TC.
Sadly the case of Ac Nirmeghananda also comes to mind who was another victim of horrific neglect. Nirmeghananda died of lack of medical care and malnourishment at the Prout bhavan in Ananda Nagar. The chief perpetrator was the then so-called SGPU - Vimalananda, the same Vimalananda who was so notorious in the death of Dada Shantatmananda.

Note: A link to the first letter in this series has been appended below.

~ In-depth study ~

Wt conduct rule says, "Supervisory workers will have to take care of each of their supervised staff in all respects." (1)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “If an Ananda Margi engages in harming another Ananda Margi he or she remains under the condemnation of Ánandamúrtijii till his/her conduct is reformed.” (2)

1. WT Conduct Rules, Six Additional Rules, pt #2
2. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #14

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Legal Notice: ©2019 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

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For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते : 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate or any other on-line translator, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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