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Friday, February 10, 2023

‘Debarred’ is tool + 3 more

‘Debarred’ is tool


To exploit margiis, Dada S created the Fake BP Manual. And that manual was approved by all the group leaders of a united AMPS to exploit margiis by electing sycophants as the bhukti pradhan. On this point, many margiis have raised a hue and cry. This follow-up letter deals with another issue from the Fake BP Manual which is still harming every unit of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha and hindering the progress of our entire organisation.

How Fake BP manual is anti-AMPS

The Fake 1997 BP Manual is an absolute farce. Consider this: Rendering service is an inherent part of our Ananda Marga way of life. Service work is something that everyone does, even if they are under punishment. Actually in that condition, i.e. when under punishment, Baba advocates that one should do more service.

But in their unjust edict (appended below) from the Fake BP Manual (Dec 1997), the group leaders are declaring that margiis will be debarred from doing service; and, then those same margiis are disallowed from participating in the BP Election process as well. Such is the sinful approach. On any whim, various factional leaders can declare someone as ineligible from performing in Marga service projects and then on that basis that same individual is automatically withheld from participating in the BP elections as well.

Essentially, whenever factional heads wish to exclude someone from voting for the post of bhukti pradhan or from running for the post of bhukti pradhan, those in power can declare that the said individual is debarred from performing service work in our Marga. And in that way, the various factional forces can easily manipulate who can be bhukti pradhan and who not, all according to their own agenda. And this exploitation has been going on in our AMPS since 1990.

Service is a part of our AM way of life

Our Ananda Marga is 100% dharma and based on following the divine tenets of 16 Points. Our Ananda Marga way of life is founded on the dual approach of self-realisation and service to humanity. Performing service is an integral aspect of our Ananda Marga way of life. In each and every circumstance, no matter the situation, Baba guides us to do more and more selfless service. Verily, even if one is under punishment in our Marga, they are to do maximum service.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Punishment provided is to bring to the Ma'rga, that is, to bring to the right spiritual path, ten persons before they are allowed to attend the social functions." (1)

One form of "punishment" is to perform spiritual service (viprocita seva) and inspire new people onto the path of Ananda Marga. Here the key point in this discussion is that no matter what the scenario, Sadguru Baba wants each and every Ananda Margii to always be involved in service activities - even if one is under punishment. Next Baba directs us that if one does service then they can be pardoned from their punishment as well.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "If the person undergoing atonement inspires ten people onto the path of spirituality, the defect will be considered expiated." (2)

So doing social service work like pracar is considered an integral element of our Ananda Marga way of life. In all circumstances, every Ananda Margii is encouraged to perform service whenever and wherever they can. Serving others is the mainstay of our social outlook. Everyone should be encouraged in this regard. There is no circumstance where one is barred from doing service.

The above scenario is aimed towards those who have really done something wrong; and, the dharmic remedy is for that wrongdoer to serve society.

It is a double sin

But, the Fake BP Manual is working in a completely opposite manner. Firstly, the targeted person being debarred from service did not do anything wrong. They were a righteous whistleblower etc, and, now they are wrongly and unjustly punished by being debarred from doing any social service. So it is a double sin. Firstly, an innocent person is being punished; secondly, the punishment itself is adharmic as they are forbidding someone from performing social service.


The BP system was given by Baba and prior to 1990 the BP system was governed by Baba’s given system. But later on, a fictitious and ant-AM rule was created and published as the Fake BP Manual. And still to this day all the groups use that Fake manual to create bootlicker BPs. Now the only way is to bring back Baba’s given system of that pre-1990 era. Exploitation, no more, no more.

In Him,

Unjust edict: Fake BP Manual

Chapter one of the Fake BP Election Manual (Dec 1997) is titled: “Election of Bhukti Pradhan (G)”; and this chapter is comprised of 25 sections. Section 13 is called “Criteria of Voter for the Election of Bhukti Pradhan.” And Section 13 has ten points outlining who can vote in BP election. And point #10 states: "He or she must not have been debarred by the organisation from discharging any type of margiiya duty."

List of creators of Fake BP Manual

Everyone knows that Sarvatmananda is the mastermind of the Fake BP Manual.  By his order, his stooge Dada Sambhutyananda wrote and published the Fake BP Manual. By this way Dada Sambhutyananda pleased his boss, i.e Sarvatmananda. When the work was completed then Dada Sarvatmananda kicked Dada Sambhutyananda strongly in the back and forcibly removed him from the Tiljala campus. And now Dada Sambhutyananda is dead.

Other supporters of the fake BP manual include Rudrananda, the late Nigamananda, Mantreshvarananda, & his stooge PP etc as the list is long. And still today this manual is in vogue.

~ In-depth study ~

Fake BP Manual tries to legitimize anti-Marga edicts

There are multiple unjust and bogus rules in the 1997 Fake Bhukti Pradhan manual. Here we are objecting to the rule which proclaims that if one is barred from doing any type of service work in our Marga then they may not participate in the BP election process.

The Fake BP Manual states, "He or she must not have been debarred by the organisation from discharging any type of margiiya duty." (Fake BP Manual 1997, chapter 1, section 13, point #10, pg 12)

It is evident that the Fake Bhukti Pradhan Manual is trying to pave the way to be able to manipulate the entire BP system, including the electoral process. And secondly we know that it is not permitted to disallow someone from doing service work. Yet the Fake BP Manual presupposes that it is possible to debar someone from rendering service to the society. This is the Fake BP Manual's attempt to legitimize unjust, adharmic rules. Because the Fake Manual says that if one has been debarred from doing service then they may not participate in the BP election system.

All in all, the Fake BP Manual is based on bogus assumptions to create more unjust rules. This is nothing but an underhanded approach to humiliate and terrorise margiis, legitimize expulsion, and bar someone from performing AMPS service work. In addition it is a way to manipulate the BP election process.

The Fake BP Manual is 'pramatta'

For all these reasons and more, the Fake BP Manual is very harmful. It is bad from start to finish. In a word it is pramatta.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Pramatta means something which is completely bad-- bad from beginning to end. Pramatta totally destroys human faculties." (3)

Those in power invariably use this Fake Manual as their favoured tool to seize control over the BP system. However, the BP system is part of the margii side of the organisation and should be beyond the reach of those Wts in power. We should all do our utmost, make others aware, and restore Baba's original Bhukti Pradhan rules in our Marga.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "All dogma must be rooted out. You should start a revolution against dogma. But to start a revolution you need courage. So gather that courage and start a revolution against dogma." (4)

In follow-up on this important topic, the Fake BP Manual claims that those who oppose sin will be debarred from doing any kind of social service in AMPS. Those persons will not be allowed to save the weak who are attacked by thugs, help rebuild homes after a disaster, or administer medicine to the infirmed. Such is the outrageous rule which they have inserted into the Fake BP Manual. If you expose their sin, then you are debarred from social service. And if you are debarred, then according to the Fake BP Manual you cannot vote in the BP election, let alone run for the post of bhukti pradhan.

At minimum, there are two unideological points by which they are terrorising margiis via this aspect of the Fake BP Manual:.
#1: The group leaders are trying to legitimize the wrongful notion that one will be “debarred” from AMPS service activities.
#2: If one is debarred from doing service, then they cannot participate in the BP election process.
It is quite evident that both of the above points are bogus, wrong, and contrary to our Ananda Marga ideology.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 3, Social Psychology
2. Caryacarya - 1, Social Punishment
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

We have to march forward keeping the goal fixed 

Intro to PS: The following is the marching song which expresses the idea of neo-humanism.

"A'dha'r sareche, a'lo jhariya'che, ekhan shudhu egiye ja'oya'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2183)


By the grace of Baba, the cimmerian darkness has vanished; the effulgence is showering. O' my brothers and sisters, this is the proper time to march forward, march forward. With fear, the creatures of the dark have become lifeless. Now is the opportune moment to sing the song of love for the Supreme Entity and arouse bhakti in this quiet atmosphere when the demons, who were creating horror, have disappeared.

O' brothers and sisters, do not waste time by looking backwards. Whittling away the time thinking by harbouring over the past is also useless. We must not forget that human life is very valuable. We should not waste one single moment. After forgetting all the gains and losses, we have to march forward keeping the goal fixed towards Him. Let us not sit and waste time. 

Our life is passing beautifully in hopes of His Supreme effulgence: After forgetting all differences we are loving each and everyone with our universal family feeling. BY loving everybody we are moving ahead towards our Supreme Goal-- towards Him. There is no time to sit idle and remain inert, wasting time. Now is the opportune moment to go on rowing the boat of life briskly up to the Goal. His grace is showering on us immensely-- nothing is impossible. By His infinite kindness, everything is possible. What the duty He has allotted us we have to complete.

By His krpa, the darkness has faded away. The crimson dawn is knocking at our door. The golden era has advented. This is the right and opportune moment to march forward... 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Importance of all languages

Prout philosophy states, “”For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved.”

"There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated…..Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed."

“Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed. If a mother tongue is suppressed, the consequences are most dangerous. Take the example of Pakistan. When Pakistan was formed, Urdu was declared the national language. But the actual language position of undivided Pakistan – that is, East Pakistan and West Pakistan – was that 60% of the population spoke Bengali and 40% spoke Hindi, Baluchi, Punjabi or Urdu. When Urdu was declared the national language, East Pakistan revolted and this led to the division of Pakistan. There was a famous song at the time.” (1)

In this above teaching only the third socio-political principle has been addressed - the first two are: Not retrenched (dismissal) from their jobs and not forcibly converted to another religion.

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section 3: Links ==

Upcoming Festival - 12 Feb 

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