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Monday, June 7, 2021

Exploited Wts + 4 more


Exploited Wts


Around 1967 GS Pranay Kumar Chatterjee ordered many margiis by citing the rule, “No logic and no reasoning but follow the order.” And during the early 1970’s, the traitor PA Vishokananda and traitor VSS Commander-in-Chief Madhavananda were giving orders and commands and bellowing out, “No logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order.”

But ideal workers and margiis did not follow those orders - and rightfully so. Because they knew that PA Vishokananda and VSS Commander-in-Chief Madhavananda, as well as others in Centre like Prakashananda, were issuing directives that went against the ideology. In that case, proclaiming, “No logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order”, is meaningless. Because those so-called Dadas - PA & VSS chief - were betraying Guru. So the mass of right-thinking workers and margiis did not follow those commands. Instead, they held firm to Ista and the ideological fundamentals and opposed those defector Dadas. And verily this is an important lesson quite relevant to today’s Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

Nowadays, some claim that each and every directive from one’s higher authority should be followed, as a matter of course. And they justify their stand by citing the Wt conduct rule, “No logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order.” (1)

Yet we have to remember that each and every conduct rule exists within a greater construct - and that construct is Ananda Marga ideology. Indeed Sadguru Baba has issued countless teachings on how one should do and die and lay down one’s very life for ideology. So the pinnacled guideline for each and every Ananda Margii is to adhere to our ideological principles. That is the starting point, and that is the ending point; and, all the other codes and regulations fall within this context.

One must not follow spurious order

So when any supervisory Wt gives an order - and if that order is consistent with the letter and spirit of Ananda Marga ideology, then certainly one should obey that order. Then one should abide by the conduct rule, “No logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order.” (2)

But in abnormal times, when a so-called Wt gives an order that runs contrary to the ideological principles of Ananda Marga teachings, then one must not follow that order. Because that is not consistent with the Ananda Marga ideology, i.e. Guru’s guidelines. In that case, the rule - “No logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order” - has no merit. Because the order given by the higher authority was itself unideological. So one should oppose that irrational order. Just like when Wts and margiis opposed the directives of those traitor Dadas.

Wrong order issuer can be court-martialed

Think of it this way. In the armed forces, following orders is a way of life. Yet, all the while, it is understood that every order must be in keeping with the overall operations manual of the military. If an order is given that goes against the military manual or against the constitution of that nation, a soldier need not obey that order. Rather, that soldier should file a complaint whereby the officer who issued that unlawful order may even be court-martialed.

Blindly following a wrong order is punishable

Here the point is that blindly obeying a command should not supersede all else. The overall integrity of that given command must be evaluated. That means if a given command contravenes the law of the land then one need not follow that command. Rather, if they follow it, later on they may even have to appear before a court of justice and stand trial for blindly following an unlawful order. There are innumerable precedents for this. While those who uphold the law in the face of unjust orders are later recognised as veritable heroes.

In the present climate when some so-called Dadas are destroying the organisation, tearing down margii rights, victimising innocent Wts and margiis, waging wars between the various groups, and selling off Ananda Marga properties and lands, and disobeying Guru in so many ways, then one must be cent-per-cent careful when following any order. One must think from all angles and ensure the orders are in concert with our greater ideological principles. Blindly following an unjust / anti-ideological order on the basis of “no logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order” is wholly against Baba's final command.

So nowadays, if any higher authority issues an order that contravenes our ideological fundamentals, then one must not pay heed to that order. And if that higher authority cites the conduct rule - “No logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order”  - then every worker and every margii should know in their heart of hearts that the conduct rule - “No logic and no reasoning but the compliance of order” - only applies to those orders that are in consonance with Ananda Marga ideology.

Ideology is the main thing, not the blind order

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your Ideology.” (3)

WT conduct rules states, “If anybody utters any abusive language against ... ideology, our worker is not to be drifted away by opposite views. He is to stand firmly on the ideological fundamentals, even if the opposition comes from a respectable Ananda Margii [Wt]. The worker is to pay a deaf ear to such things. He is not to pay credence to anything that goes ultravarious to our ideology.” (4)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Always be prepared to serve the Marga. For the sake of the Marga ideology do not be sparing, even of your life. Remember, in laying down one’s life with a great ideal in mind, mokśa is inevitable. This is the reward of death in the war of dharma.” (5)


The conduct rule - “No logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order” - does not exist in a vacuum, but as part and parcel of a greater body of philosophical and ideological teachings. So this conduct rule must be used in accordance with those aims. Unfortunately, now this order is treated as a weapon by filthy, greedy, narcissistic tyrants who have captured the so-called group post(s). And with this rule - “No logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order” - they are trying to exploit margiis and wts - so beware.

This conduct rule - “No logic and no reasoning, but the compliance of order” -  is only applicable when the commander is giving orders consistent with Ananda Marga ideology. Otherwise those orders should be discarded like the Ebola virus or coronavirus.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

History: Do not follow orders counter to ideology

When PA Vishokananda and other defectors left in 1970 then they ordered others to come to their anti-Ananda Marga meeting in Kolkata. Various Dadas like Dada Tapeshvarananda and Dada Vijayananda and others were temporarily pulled in that direction - i.e. they followed traitor Vishokananda’s order. But some like Dada Vijayananda left that defector camp and returned quickly back to the feet of Sadguru Baba. In result, they were just issued a stern warning for their misconduct and following the wrong order; whereas, those who stayed longer with those defectors and returned back later on were more severely punished for following that wrong order.

After this, it became commonly known to all not to follow the wrong order. Dadas were telling others, “If I give you an order that goes against the fundamentals of Ananda Marga teachings, then do not follow that order.” That was the situation in those unsettled, murky days because defectors were all around. So everyone was hyper-vigilant and alert. In that climate, everyone got the teaching not to follow an order that contravened Ananda Marga ideology.

Now again, a similar situation has arisen and is in full swing as Rudrananda is seizing properties and buildings and putting them in his own name - and issuing all sorts of bogus orders via his various booklickers etc. The situation is so bad that even Rudrananda’s loyal stooges recognise that he is a cheat due to his repeated duplicitous and wrongful actions. Indeed, Rudrananda is like a mafia kingpin, so one must be extra alert. One should not follow any order unless it is fully in line with Ananda Marga ideology.

History repeating itself

Back in the early 1970’s almost all those in centre became defectors and betrayed Guru. They were anti-Ananda Marga in all regards. Now also, we are witnessing a similar trend in centre whereby they contravene Ananda Marga ideology each and every step.

Story: blind compliance of bogus order

One morning a band of thieves entered a police station, and one of the thieves commanded the police officers in a strong voice, “Attention.” Then in a frenzy all those police officers stood up tall in attention. Then those thieves took all the arms and ammunition from the stock. When they were done, the thieves began making their exit with all their bounty and one of the police officers looked at the top thief and said, “Can we be “at ease” now, otherwise we will stand here forever.”

Only those who are silly and naive follow anti-ideological orders from centre. Such persons are just like the above police officers, foolishly obeying the wrong order.

1. WT Conduct Rule: Fourteen Points, Point #2
2. WT Conduct Rule: Fourteen Points, Point #2
3. Ananda Vanii #14
4. WT Conduct Rule: 37 Workers Rules, Point #34
5. Caryacarya part 3, Miscellaneous, Point #9

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How not to be mean

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Petty thoughts give birth to mean behaviour. And mean action is the result of mean behaviour. So a person who does not want to be the perpetrator of any mean deed must maintain restraint in their behaviour and integrity in their thought. That is why the savants and sages of every age and every country have laid enormous emphasis on good behaviour and good thoughts. Good behaviour and good thoughts are regarded as the fundamental human principles. If an honest person always keeps the company of a dishonest person then the honest persons thoughts are bound to degenerate under the influence of bad company. As a result of this degeneration of thought, they can or do wrong things. That is why wise people give so much importance to satsauṋga, that is, good company. In Tantra, special importance has been given to satsauṋga." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Ku to Kuiṋjara (Discourse 27)

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

भक्त अनुमति नहीं देंगे

“ये जो तगड़े भक्त हैं, वे नहीं चाहेंगे कि अपना पाप परमपुरुष को दें | वे कहेंगे—"नहीं-नहीं, तुमको मिठाई देंगे, फूल देंगे, यह देंगे, माला देंगे | पाप नहीं देंगे, पाप नहीं देंगे | हमारे पाप का बोझा हम्हीं को ढोने दो"—यही कहेंगे | किन्तु परमपुरुष का तो बहुत प्यारा है मनुष्य | उनके भक्त बहुत प्यारे हैं | तो, इसलिए परमपुरुष क्या करते हैं ?  उनसे permission नहीं लेकर, उनका पाप ले लेते हैं | किसी से permission नहीं लेकर, अगर किसी की चीज़ तुम ले लिए, तो उसको कहते हैं चोरी करना | To take something without permission | उसको चोरी कहते हैं | तो, परमपुरुष चोरी करते हैं | क्या चोरी करते हैं ?  पाप | Permission माँगने से, अनुमति माँगने से भक्त अनुमति नहीं देंगे | बोलेंगे—"नहीं, और सब कुछ देंगे, पाप नहीं देंगे, आपको |" तो, पाप को वे चोरी करते हैं | चोरी करते हैं इसलिए उनका नाम है हरि | हरि की शरण में आ गए हो | और घबड़ाने की बात नहीं है |”
[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] 

1. [हिंदी, अप्रकाशित,Transcribed ver. GD 12 August 1978 Patna]

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

এই ধরনের মন্যতা রেখো না 

“The entire living world came from the same progenitor. All belong to the same family. You are all of the same family, no black, no white, no tall, no stunted, no pygmy. All of you belong to the same family. তোমরা সৰাই এক পরিবারের লোক | এক পরমপিতার ইচ্ছা-শক্তিতে সৰাই উদ্ভূত হয়েছ | কেউ ৰড়-ছোট নেই | কেউ কালো-ফ়রসার ভেদ নেই, সৰাই সমান | সৰাই সমান আদরে, সমান যত্নে, সমান স্নেহে | No body should develop any inferiority complex or fear complex or any complex of hopelessness or helplessness. কোনও অবস্থায় নিজেদের মনেতে, কোনও রকম এই ধরনের মন্যতা রেখো না | যে “আমি হীন, আমি নীচ, আমি ছোট, আমি অশিক্ষিত, আমি অসহায়, আমার কোনও ভবিষ্যৎ নেই |” (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত, unpublished,18 may 1981, Calcutta

== Section 4: Links ==

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