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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Example of thief Wt + 3 more

Example of thief Wt


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. Sadly, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

This below letter was posted on this network around three years ago, shortly after this incident occurred. This is the sad story of how one avadhuta betrayed the trust of our entire AM family by stealing from a margii. All the details are below. Suffice to say, these types of events have not ceased in our Marga. To build a proper organization - what to say a true human society - there must be trust, especially for those in leadership positions like avadhutas. 

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: This below letter was first posted on this network on 20 December 2019.



One Dada arranged a Prout rally in Patna on 15th November 2019. And Wt Paramananda was collecting funds / donations from margiis for this Prout rally. During collections, he received a cheque of Rs 5000 from brother Arvind Kumar. Wt Paramananda made some modifications to the cheque by adding one "zero" after 5000 and made it 50000. The bank officials became suspicious, called Arvind ji, and asked him to put a 2nd signature on the cheque. Arvindji then called Vinod Devji and Wt Paramananda. Wt Paramananda requested Arvind ji to honour the cheque and promised he would return the Rs 45000 when he comes back to Patna in December. Then Arvind ji honoured the cheque.

It is quite clear from the screenshot of Arvindji's letter (appended below) that Wt Paramananda has committed fraud. Wt Paramananda added a zero after 5000 on the cheque. It was only because Wt Paramananda was caught red-handed that he promised to return 45000 to Arvindji.

Still Paramananda has not returned 45,000RS

But since this incident, Paramananda has not returned any of the money to Arvind. Still Dada P is holding onto that extra 45,000RS. And that is what Arvind is explaining in his post (appended below) to the Proutist Forum on WhatsApp.

Why no one trusts Wts & good Wts suffer

All in all, this is a shocking tale, unbefitting of the conduct of any citizen, let alone a so-called avadhuta. It was a shameless and deceitful act, essentially betraying the trust of someone who generously came forward to support your cause. Dada Paramanananda’s dealing is shameful and reprehensible, and violates a whole slew of conduct rules. Indeed, it is for this reason that no one wants to give financial support to Wts - and in result it is those good Wts who suffer the most.

Dada P is hypocrite #1

Sadguru Baba says, “Hypocrisy can take many forms, but we are mainly acquainted with the following three: (1) getting one’s purpose served by exploiting or cheating others; (2) unnecessarily dominating somebody to conceal one’s own ignorance or weakness; (3) pretending to be moral by criticizing the sins of others, which one secretly commits oneself.” (1)

In His above teaching, Baba is pointing out three types of hypocrites, and Dada P falls in the first category, i.e. “getting one’s purpose served by exploiting or cheating others.”

In Him,
Satyendra Deva

Recurring sin like demon Ravana

What Dada Paramananda has done is the worst kind of sin as it has a recurring effect, similar to the nefarious misdeeds of the mythological demon Ravana. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “An example of Mahapátaka has a recurring negative influence on humanity. For instance, if Ravana (one of the mythological characters of the Ramayana) would have abducted Sita directly it would have been an example of Atipátaka. But Ravana appeared before Sita in the disguise of a sannyasin, and thus by his treacherous deed stole Sita from her cottage. So when Ravana was not dressed in his usual way, but in the disguise of a sannyasin, its negative effect is bound to be recurring in nature. Even today a housewife, seeing an innocent sannyasin, may suspect him of being a thief like Ravana in the disguise of a sannyasin.” (2)

Just as every housewife became suspicious of sannyasis due to Ravana’s devious actions, margiis do not trust Wts and refrain from supporting even good acaryas after hearing tales like what Dada Paramananda has done. Due to this type of recurring effect, Dada P is the worst kind of sinner (mahapátaka), according to AM teachings.

Qualities of a true acarya

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct. They and their followers must move constantly towards all-round development and shreya [ultimate spiritual attainment]. Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas.” (3)

~ The below image is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~

~ The above image is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 3, Sin, Crime and Law
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

For non-margii only

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This following Prabhat Samgiita composition is for non-margiis. So we Ananda Margiis should learn these types of songs so that we can present and teach them. The Ista of Ananda Margiis is neither Krsna nor Shiva. So committed and dedicated Ananda Margiis know that using these Krsna / Shiva Prabhat Samgiita compositions for their own personal, spiritual practices is very detrimental and harmful. For a full review of this important issue, kindly refer to link #1 below.

About Prabhat Samgiita


"Káj kare jete esechi dharáte, kuruks'etra ei dhará..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1307)


O’ Lord Krsna, I have come in this world to do work and serve You; this world is kuruks'etra. With Your compassion I have come here to engage in positive engagements and serve humanity. Remaining idle and inert, and wasting time in lethargy is not the flow of life. This is not how human beings should live. O' Krsna, You have blessed me with the energy and motivation to involve in constructive projects - to do something for the great cause of dharma.

O’ Lord Krsna, thousands years ago whatever You did with Your own hand with sudarshana cakra and Your bow and arrow during the Mahabharata war was for the establishment of bhagavata dharma. That immortal tale and everlasting story remains active in our collective psyche, in everyone's memory and mental plate.

Lord, all are moving forward by Your divine pull; there is no scope for anyone to pause or stop. No one can lag behind; all are going onwards. Lord Krsna, what a grand story of the Mahabharat which You led and took place on the Kuruksetra.

That Mahabharata story, which was beautifully written by the great sage Dvaepa'yan, is filled with song. People come into the world to do great things. This world is kuruks'etra….

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #1307:

[1] Kuruks'etra: The meaning of dharmaks'etra is the field of dharma, or one's human existence; whereas, kuruks'etra has two meanings. The first meaning is the grand idea that everyone has come into this world to so some work. Because this world is known as kuruks'etra. And the second meaning of Kuruks'etra refers to the geographical place Kuruks'etra (literally "field of action") which is that area of land near Delhi in the state of Haryana where the Mahabharta battle was fought around 3500 years ago

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The real name of this world is kuruks'etra, because it is always telling you Kuru, kuru, kuru - 'Go on working and working and working. Don't sit idle. Don't let your existence fall under a curse due to your indolence. Move towards success through your works.' So the real name of that ks'etra [field] which constantly advises you in this way is kuruks'etra. Kuruks´etra thus stands for the manifested world around us, the sam'sa'ra, where you exist in your physical body, dharmaks'etra." (1)

[2] Cakra: This term has a variety of meanings and in this song it is referred to sudarshana cakra as one of the weapons of Lord Krsna. Because during the Mahabharat battle, there were times when Lord Krsna unveiled His cakra.

The historic scene in the Mahabharat where the people thought Lord Krsna covered the sun with His sudarshana cakra so that Arjuna could fufill his great vow of slaying the immoral Jayadrath.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "You know what happened at the time of Jayadratha’s death. Arjuna, as per his vow, was supposed to go to the funeral pyre immediately after sunset in order to keep his promise. Suddenly people observed that the sun was no longer in the sky and that it had become dark all around. Everyone thought that the sun had already set. Those who were devotees, not philosophers, commented that Lord Krśńa had covered the sun with His Sudarshana Cakra [His special discus]. Now you can imagine that it is impossible to cover the sun with a discus. Is it possible to cover the sun with a dinner plate? When you observe a dinner plate close up, it seems to be about this large. But if you could see the sun close up, how big it would appear! If the dinner plate were placed near the sun, it would be a mere speck. No, the discus could never cover the sun! Though the devotees claim that it did, I take this as a mere story. But then the question arises how the sun was in fact covered. The answer is that Lord Krśńa willed it so. He had mastery over prakámya siddhi, one of the eight occult powers. He willed the sun to be covered by clouds, and so it happened. The sun was covered by clouds, and people thought that the sun had gone down." (2)

[3] Dvaepa'yan: This is another name for the great poet Vedavyasa Deva who recorded the Mahabharat in written form.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Krs'n'advaepa'yan'a Vya'sa is renowned as Vedavya'sa for having divided the Vedas into three main portions (Rk, Yajuh, and Atharva)...He was born in a fisherman's family (Kaevarta [a fishing caste]) on a blackish island that rose out of the waters of the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamuna at Prayag, and for this reason the people gave him the name Krs'n'advaepa'yan'a. This Krs'n'advaepa'yan'a or Vedavya'sa was the composer of the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata was composed long, long, long after the Vedas, but nonetheless it is undoubtedly more than three thousand years old." (3)

1. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, This Very World Is Kurukśetra
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 24
3. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Disc: 11

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Human vrttis

Here are the first 49 propensities of the human mind...

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “dharma (psycho-spiritual longing), artha (psychic longing), káma (physical longing), mokśa (spiritual longing), avajiṋá (belittlement of others), múrcchá (psychic stupor, lack of common sense), prashraya (indulgence), avishvása (lack of confidence), sarvanásha (thought of sure annihilation), kruratá (cruelty), lajjá (shyness, shame), pishunatá (sadistic tendency), iirśá (envy), suśupti (staticity, sleepiness), viśáda (melancholia), kaśáya (peevishness), trśńá (yearning for acquisition), moha (infatuation), ghrna (hatred, revulsion), bhaya (fear), asha (hope), cinta (worry), cesta (effort), mamata (mineness), dambha (vanity), viveka (conscience), vikalata (mental numbness due to fear), ahamkara (ego), lalata (avarice), kapatata (hypocrisy), vitarka (argumentativeness to the point of wild exaggeration), anutapa (repentance), śad́aja (sound of peacock), rśabha (sound of bull), gándhára (sound of goat), madhyama (sound of deer), paiṋcama (sound of cuckoo), dhaevata (sound of donkey), niśáda (sound of elephant), oṋm (acoustic root of creation), hum (sound of arousing kulakuńd́alinii), phat́ (putting theory into practice), vaośat́ (expression of mundane knowledge), vaśat́ (welfare in subtler sphere), svaha (performing noble actions), namah (surrender to the Supreme), vis'a (repulsive expression), amrta (sweetness in expression), apara (mundane knowledge)...” (1)

And the 50th propensity and the only vrtti a sadhaka should seek is: para (spiritual knowledge).

1. Yoga Psychology, Glands and Sub-Glands

== Section 4: Links ==

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