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Sunday, January 15, 2023

In the memory of 1st PP + 2 more

In the memory of 1st PP 


The 1st PP Dada Shraddhananda gave his stamp of approval on all that Dada Sarvatmananda did: (a) Inclusion of so-called mahaprayan into Caryacarya, (b) unjust expulsion of margiis and wts, (c) destruction of margii rights, everything. Whatever Sarvatmananda wanted to do, the first PP Shraddhananda Dada gave his ok. So in all the ways, Dada Sarvatmananda's choice of Dada Shraddhananda was 100% perfect for what he wanted to do.

Before the 1st PP election, Dada Sarvatmananda whispered in candidate Dada Shraddhananda ji’s ear: "For the sake of…..., you must support me in all that I do."  The first PP Dada Shraddhananda’s reply was, "Yes, I will." Dada Sarvatmananda knew then that he had his man. And indeed, Dada Shraddhananda did not disappoint.

There was only one thing that Dada Sarvatmananda failed to understand. Sarvatmananda lacked the foresight to know that this same Dada Shraddhananda will obediently follow any other master as well. Just as a dog is obedient to one particular master, but if that master is changed then the dog will be most faithful to the next master. That is not the fault of the dog for doing this, but rather the short-sightedness of the first master for not realising that this was going to happen.

Shraddhananda’s “artistic talent”

Now let’s see the great artistic talent of this first PP Dada Shraddhananda. The first PP Dada Shraddhananda wrote approximately ten thousand, uneven, broken doggerels* that he named as Shraddha Suman. Shraddha Suman means “the flower of Shraddhananda.” (Note: Here doggerel signifies irregular poetry that has no sense or reason; it is so bad it is comical - just a complete joke.)

Shraddha Suman was recorded by professional musicians and put on cassette and sold at DMS, reportings, and RDS etc around the globe. It is a different matter that margiis had no interest and did not purchase those doggerel, sloppy poems; and those few who did purchase them became completely fed up with Shraddha Suman. And indeed from these doggerels, we can understand that the first PP Dada Shraddhananda ji would regularly watch pseudo-culture movies and sporting events for hours just to kill his time.

In this above Shraddha Suman you can see that (a) neither it is a song, (b) nor it is a rhyme, (c) nor it is a poem; it is just a so-called song. It lacks spiritual value and social import. Rather PP Dada Shraddhananda is just talking about watching sports on TV. The song is a tragic reflection of his own mindset. At that time however, Dada Shraddhananda was pushing Dadas, Didis, and margiis to purchase his Shraddha Suman cassettes and listen everyday before sadhana.

How 1st PP burned down his own image

By seeing his compositions, everyone clearly understood how the 1st PP Dada had lost touch with spirituality and bhakti and was caught up in his own mess. The irony is that instead of building up his own glory, he burned it down. As is well known, the first PP Dada Shraddhananda wrote approximately ten thousand doggerels which he called 'Shraddha Suman'. Shraddha Suman means “the flower of Shraddhananda.”

Because so many sadhakas were in sheer awe how Beloved Baba composed 5019 songs. So Dada Shraddhananda ji set his sights higher and composed around 10,000 doggerels. All done in order to defeat Baba.

During that time period, they also stopped the systematic, professional recording of Prabhat Samgiita, and instead ordered for those Shraddha Suman to be recorded and sold. That is why in the 1990s, margiis could not get access to Prabhat Samgiita cassettes etc, yet the cassettes of Shraddha Suman were forcibly sold. Dadaji stopped Prabhat Samgiita recording to propagate his own doggerel, sloppy poems.

1st PP ruined his own status - role of villain

Let us never forget that from 1990 all the way up to his death on 15th October 2008, i.e. 18 years, Dada Shraddhananda skipped so many fundamental dharmic practices.

(a) Did not attend dharmacakra;
(b) Did not sing Prabhat Samgiita at spiritual gatherings;
(c) Did not dance or sing in collective kiirtan;
(d) Did not participate in akhanda kiirtan;
(e) Did not do madhura sadhana;
(f) Did not attend paincajanya;
(g) Did not sit for Guru Puja at spiritual gatherings;
(h) Did not raise the slogan, Parama Pita Baba Ki - Jai, for Baba;
(i) Rather, he thought everyone was raising the Parama Pita Baba Ki - Jai slogan for PP; PP was tutored to believe that the margiis were chanting the slogan in his own honour - i.e. the honour of 1st PP Dada;
(j) In a similar fashion, he was receiving the VSS salute to the Divine Father - PP thought that this salute was for him, when really it is for Baba;

All these wrongs against dharma were committed by 1st PP Dada Shraddhananda in the psycho-spiritual realm.  Plus, in the social sphere, PP was convinced not to use the phone or email in order to show that he was just like Baba. But Baba is Parama Purusa so He knew everything and therefore He did not need a phone to receive any news etc.


Initially, because of Sarvatmananda's manipulation, and later on because of Rudrananda's manipulation, Shraddhananda was internally convinced that he was above the level of human beings. 1st PP Dada thought that he himself was sitting on the seat of Parama Purusa and receiving the salute to the Divine Father i.e. Parama Purusa.  So there was no need for him to follow 16 points.

Altogether if any rational person analyses the role of Dada Shraddhananda - it is clear that he was like Dhrtarashtra of the Mahabharata. Before his very eyes the organisation was balkanised into pieces, and he unethically and illegally expelled many Wts under the direction of his handlers - i.e. first Dada Sarvatmananda and then Dada Rudrananda. Unfortunately PP Dada's name will be remembered forever and written in the annals of human history with charcoal - how he destroyed a full-fledged, mighty organisation into pieces. The whole affair is both tragic and ironic. This letter has been written solely for the welfare of the entire humanity, and to warn all future PPs not to commit such sin.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Shraddha Suman doggerel #8222: television & mundane sports

For everyone's review and experience, here is an example of PP Dada's songs. Most of his songs are like this. So by reviewing this single song, all can understand what Shraddha Suman is like. Here is the line by line translation. The term “Shraddha Suman” means “flower of Shraddhananda.” But as you will note, in this song PP is just talking about TV and sports.

Shraddha Suman #8222 (Bhojpuri)

Katahiiṋ válii bál, katahiiṋ phút́abál log khelat bá.
Darsakagańa utsukatáse dekhata bá, jiite válá khátir tálii bajávat bá.
Katahiiṋ hákii, katahiiṋ log t́enis khelat bá, ketaná log haván dekhat bá.
Kriket́ meṋ sabse adhiká logan ke bhiiŕ bá, sabh utsukatá se dekhat bá.
Anek log apaná t́ii vii par, ekaráse dekhi rahal bá.
Je dekhat bá dekhate rahi ját bá, ant samay meṋ ut́hata bá.

Tiljala Kalikata 5/12/99

English Translation of Shraddha Suman #8222

1- Somewhere in the world people are playing volleyball and somewhere football,

2- Public is watching with interest and in the favour of winning team they are clapping,

3- Somewhere hockey, somewhere people are playing tennis, so many persons are watching also,

4- Most crowded is the play of cricket, public is watching with curiosity,

5- On TV so many persons are watching all these games and sports,

6- Those who are watching they go on watching up to the end.

Song finished. Tiljala Calcutta, 5 Dec 1999

Note: Dada wanted all his songs (doggerels) to be sung before meditation by all sadhakas. Plus he did not allow his things to be translated; he wanted all to learn and sing in Bhojpuri. Only to share the above with you, we had to translate it. But according to Shraddhananda ji it was criminal to translated his songs of Shradda Suman.

He went against Guru

Here the point is that Shraddhananda was always thinking about himself and that is why he wrote 10,000 songs in order to defeat Baba in Prabhat Samgiita. Shraddhananda was always telling that Baba could only create 5019, and he Shraddhananda created more than that. What could be more grotesque than that. Not only that, Shraddhananda stopped the publication and recording of Prabhat Samgiita materials and instead used huge organizational funds for making studio recordings and books of his own silly compositions, i.e. Shraddha Shuman. And he forced them to sell his Shraddha Shuman books & recordings.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How the rich are poor

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In a harmonious social order no one will run after fame or wealth like a mad dog. A congenial external environment will assist them in achieving mental balance, and people’s psychic poverty will also gradually decrease.”

Sa tu bhavati daridra yasya áshá vishálá;
Manasi ca parituśt́e ko’rthaván kodaridrah.

[Those who have many desires are poor.
When the mind is contented, who is rich and who is poor?] (1)

Note: In this era those with money are looked upon as being rich but according to Ananda Marga philosophy this is not the case. One might have billions of dollars and still be poor. And how can those with nothing be rich? Because rich and poor are of the mind. Regardless of how much wealth you have, if you think you need more then you are poor. And if the mind is satisfied but on the material plane you have nothing, even then you are rich.  

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Evolution of Society

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Before eating consider this

   Ananda Marga ideology states, “All-round restraint is indeed necessary. It will not do to simply eat what you get or do what you desire. When you eat you must consider if it is sentient, mutative or static. While eating you must think carefully as to what influence it will have over your body and your mind. You are not a goat or a camel that you will eat whatever you get. You have to think when you act.”
   “Śaśt́haiṋca pramitáháro. There is a Bengali saying: uno bháte duno val, bhará pet́e rasátal. If one eats less, then one’s strength increases and one does not fall sick, but if someone overeats, then they fall sick. Here it has been said: pramitáhára. Pramitáhára and parimitáhára are not the same. Parimitáhára means that I have not eaten a lot, nor have I eaten a little. That is called parimitáhár. And pramitáhár means that I have eaten little but I have eaten nourishing food. That is pramitáhára. You have the custom of eating sentient food. If you follow that then you meet the objective of pramitáhára.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Primary Causes of Success

== Section 3: Links ==

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