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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Does Baba Contravene? + More


This email contains two distinct sections:
#1: Comment: It is Sinful to Blame Baba
#2: Posting: Does Baba Contravene His Own Teachings?

Wed, 05 Feb 2014 19:05:29

To: AnandaMargaNewsBulletin
From: Lalita_G
Subject: It is Sinful to Blame Baba


Ananda Marga Scripture says, ”People often hold Parama Purusa responsible for calamities that  befall them, but in fact they alone are responsible, as the suffering of  fate is only reaction of their own previous actions. How can Parama Purusa  be responsible? Human beings themselves are answerable for their fate as it  is their actions alone which create it. They alone will have to bear the  consequences of all their actions. No one else can substitute for them.  Their good deeds beget good result, while bad ones beget bad results, and  they will have to experience both without exception. This is the law of  Prakrti and no one can change this law.” (AMEP, p. 86-87)

Some people unfortunately do not like to admit their own mistakes and faults. And in due course when they face the samskara (consequence), they blame God, i.e. Parama Purusa Baba, for their wrongdoing - thereby committing sin. That is the central idea of the above teaching.

In 1970, Dadaji lost faith in Baba because of his own bad samskaras of the past. That time he was very frustrated and he started blaming Baba & accusing Him: "He (Baba) twisted my mind and that is why I lost faith." But, falsely accusing and blaming Guru in this way is sinful. Yet, that is what Dada Tapershvaranandji did. True bhaktas do not blame God for their own misdeeds. That is the essence of the above cited Ananda Marga scripture

Please write your thoughts.

In Him
Lalita Ganguli

Note: A link to earlier letter on this topic is noted far below.

== Next Section ==

Subject: Does Baba Contravene His Own Teachings?
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 11:16:19 +0530
From: tr sukul <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin


(Note: This is the third letter in this series - a link to the prior letter is below. - Eds)

It is a common trait of human being to hear praise for their good work in the society. It is also good to praise in order to encourage to continue good work in the society.

(a) Some people are of the nature that they always like to be praised for their work whatsoever it may be i.e. it may or may not be beneficial to the society.

(b) A few are of the nature that they go on doing maximum good to the society without thinking that anybody may praise or criticize.

(c) Some people play diplomacy and do not do any work by themselves but remain indirectly in touch with those whose vow is to do welfare to the society without caring for praise etc. These diplomatic people take advantage of the opportunity of their concern and propagate that they have done a lot of good to the society and claim entire credit for themselves.

Using this characteristic such people try to acquire veneration in the common society by which they develop ego and feel greatness. But it is treated to be the worst if one desires to get name, fame and prestige for his works for the society or else, then what to say for those who do not do any work by themselves but claim or try to deserve prestige for the work done by some one else. This is a psychological disease.


In Ananda Marga philosophy it is given that one should not aspire for any praise for his work rather he should work selflessly and extend every fruit of action to the cosmic entity i.e. Parama Purusa. In this regard Rev. Baba often used to quote following niiti shloka:-

अभिमानम् सुरापानम् गौरवम् रौरवम् समं।
प्रतिष्ठा शूकरी विष्ठा , त्रयम् त्यक्त्वा हरिं भजेत। 

Abhimánaḿ surápánaḿ gaoravaḿ raoravaḿ dhruvam
Pratiśt́ha shukariiviśt́há trayaḿ tyaktvá hariḿ bhajet.

This means one should hate pride like wine, fame like Raurav (Hell) and prestige like excreta of swine if he wants to get Parama Purusa (Hari).

This simply indicates that true Ananda Margii will never try to develop false vanity as his goal is to get Parama Purusa not name, fame and prestige.

Great men never propagate nor like to be propagated as the doer of tremendous tasks of benevolence. They simply go on doing throughout their life utilizing every moment and we only come to know of their greatness after they have left us.

Our Rev. Gurudev Baba, has always discouraged vanity and he was completely against the notion of praising one self. Following is His conversation with margiis during His discourse, by which every one can conclude what I wish to say.

मैं-मैं, मैं-मैं” करेगी बिल्ली

"छोटा-सा काम कर दिए, और कहते हो—“मैंने किया, मैंने किया |” “मैंने यह किया, मैंने वह किया |” “मैं, मैं” करके मनुष्य परेशान हो जाते हैं | अरे ! तुम उतना “मैं, मैं,” क्यों करोगे ? “मैं-मैं, मैं-मैं” करेगी तो बिल्ली |


क्या जी ? “मैं, मैं” कौन करती है ? बिल्ली करती है | हाँ | तो, मनुष्य इतना करता है—

[बाबा ने हाथ की दोनों अङ्गुलियों को नज़दीक लाकर इशारे से बताया कि मनुष्य छोटा-सा काम करता है |]

छोटा-सा किया | इतना बोलता है |

[बाबा ने अपने दोनों हाथों को दूर तक फैलाते हुए बताया कि मनुष्य अपने छोटे काम को बढ़ा चढ़ाकर बताता है |] |

सो नहीं, काम करते रहो | और उनको सोचते रहो | बोलने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है | परमपुरुष विश्व-ब्रह्माण्ड का हर काम करते हैं | बोलते हैं ? नहीं बोलते हैं | नीरव कर्मी बनो | Be silent worker |" (DMC 4 March 1984 Jammu)



Here is the English translation of above conversation:-

"You did a little work and propagate; 'I have done , I have done .'  "I have done this, I have done that". People praise themselves too much saying 'I', 'I'. Oh, why would you say that much I, I.

Oh, Why would you say "Maen, Maen"? If anyone does "Maen, maen, maen" it is a cat. *


What you say? Who does "Maen, Maen"? The cat. Yes,

Man does a little, (showing with the two fingers and thumb of His hand) this much, and expresses (showing by expanding both the hands to max) this much.

Don't do like this. Continue to do work with His thought in mind. No need to tell anybody about it. Parama Purusa is doing every work of entire universe, does He talk about it? No He does not. Niirava karmii bano, Be a silent worker." (Subhasita Samgraha-17, chapter 2 (H), DMC 4 March 1984 Jammu)


* Here Baba is making a joke because the term 'maen' in Hindi means 'I' and and a very similar sounding word 'maiun' in Hindi is the sound that a cat makes - just like 'meow' in English. So Baba is making a joke that those who say I, I, I are just like the cry of a cat. Readers should understand that maen & maiun are pronounced with a very nasal voice and sound similar.

Note: Translated from the original Hindi to English by Dr. T.R. Sukulji. - Eds


Some people try to be praised as a writer. They possess the art of writing but they don't know the ways of impressive expression. Therefore they try to express their own thoughts using the name of some great man so that they may get chance to be read by many readers and consequently get honor from public.

Here below is an example of such people :

In the July 1978 issue of Crimson Dawn, a famous story from 1974 is quoted.

Forty years ago, a young dada visited Baba in jail. Baba asked this dada if he thought that Baba was in pain (due to poisoning and fasting).

Then Baba said,

"I feel so much pain.
 No one else could endure such pain.
 Why I endure it?
 Because you, My sons and daughters
 Are in great danger now.
 If I were not suffering
 Then you would be suffering
 And you would not be able to endure it.
 Like the hen and the chicks --
 What does the hen do when the chicks are attacked?
 She spreads her wings and keeps her chicks safe.
 You all are in great danger now --
 And I must save you.
 If I did not continue My fast,
 The suffering would be much greater."

If we contemplate above story, can we believe that this type of statement would have been given by Rev Gurudev Baba? None can believe this as it goes against Baba's teachings as per above discussed quotations.



In so many teachings as well as in the above guideline in Hindi, Baba warns us not to indulge in self-praise. And Baba Himself cannot go against His teachings. So it is belittling to Baba to say that He is bragging how He has suffered so much and glorifying Himself how He has saved others. This is not the way that Baba expresses Himself; this is completely contrary to the way that Baba thinks or acts. Guru is the perfect personification of His teachings. He never goes against His own guidelines. Yet the above story portrays Baba as someone who gloats about His own greatness and degree of sacrifice. This type of fake and lowly story undermines Guru's greatness and endeavour.

It is a concocted story.


"One should not praise oneself or any other person. There are many people who are very fond of praising themselves by telling everyone what wonderful things they have done." (AV-8, The Lord Should Always Be Praised)



"People of action are also not free from vanity: “I did this, I did that – I built this road when I was a minister I constructed this bridge when I was in the Public Works Department” – this is how people become mad for their little “I”. Thus we see that although action is free from lethargy, it is not altogether free from vanity." (AMIWL-11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle)

"Those who think that they will get Him through the actional faculty are finally engaged in actional infighting. “I did this, I did that”." (SS-21, Human Life and Its Goal)


"You must have seen many people who become angry and sorrowful at the time of his distress saying, “I helped those persons in their adversity, served them so much on their sick-bed, but today they are so ungrateful that they do not even cast a glance at me.” They may even curse, “God is witnessing everything – they will have to reap the consequences of their actions.” You know that such remarks are an extremely vulgar expression of mental meanness. Such persons have not done sádhaná for mental purification, nor have they truly served anybody in adversity or sickness. In fact they took advantage of other people's distress and gave them some assistance as an advance; but the motive behind such assistance was to recover it with full interest." (GHC, Shaoca)

In Him,
Dr. T.R. Sukul


Here below is a link to the prior letter in this series titled-
Hari & Sickness Does Not Work Together


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