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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Example: Fake things in Ananda Vacanamrtam + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Example: Fake things in Ananda Vacanamrtam
2. End Quote: Why everybody can't become millionaire
3. Links

Those coming here to find the scans of the published English discourse - The Primordial Cause - please scroll down to the bottom of this blog post. 

Example: Fake things in Ananda Vacanamrtam

Note: This is the second letter in this series. A link to the initial letter has been appended below.

Here in this letter we examine the extreme degree to which Tiljala Publications drastically ruined Guru’s published discourse - The Primordial Cause.

English Discourse Stolen & Covered Up As Bangla

Here are a few points from the first letter as a review:

* Baba originally delivered the discourse, Parama Puruśa – the Primordial Cause, in English on 12 April 1979, Kolkata. But our Tiljala publishers have declared that Baba spoke in Bangla. That is a lie.

* FACT: This discourse, Parama Puruśa – the Primordial Cause, was given by Baba in English. Our Tiljala dadas translated this discourse from the original English into Bengali and from Bengali to English and then published that needlessly double-translated English version in the English book, Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 9-10, chapter 19, p.117. And the consequences of this are not good.

* In the ideal scenario, the original English discourse would have been directly transcribed and published in the English book. There was no need for any translation in order to publish the English version. Due to the of Bangalisation this original English discourse has been ruined due to unnecessary double re-translation etc.

The above points establish the fact that Baba delivered the discourse - The Primordial Cause - in English, but Tiljala publishers labeled it as a Bengali discourse. Next we will witness first-hand the extent to which our Tiljala Dadas have destroyed Guru’s original discourse.

You are not reading Guru’s words
Just random stream of English done by publishers

So our Tiljala Dadas printed and published English discourse - and as you are going to see the book they made does not match up with Baba’s original English which Baba Himself spoke. The outcome is that instead of reading Baba’s original words, readers are reading an endless stream of concocted sentences that were translated from Bengali. That is the irony.

Now here in an easy, step-by-step sequence you can see for yourself how our Tiljala Dada published a complete ruination  of what Guru actually spoke.

Step 1: Visit our blogsite and find the sound file in the lower left column. Just scroll all the way down along the left side of the page. The file name is: Parama Puruśa – the Primordial Cause

Step 2: Open the English book – Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 9-10, chapter 19, p.117, and skip to step 4. If you do not have a copy of the English edition of this book that is not a problem, simply continue to step 3.

Step 3: Click here to view a copy of the printed English discourse as published by the Tiljala publishers. Or write us and we can send you an electronic version of the discourse. Also, for your easy reference, we have appended the first paragraph of the printed discourse at the very bottom of this email in Note 1.

Step 4: Now that you have the printed English version in front of you, click “play” on the sound file.

Step 5: Compare Baba’s spoken words with the printed English discourse.

After following the above steps, you have surely seen how the English version published by our Tiljala Publishers does not match up with what Baba actually spoke. Rather Tiljala Dadas veered way off course. What Tiljala Dadas published is a bogus representation of Guru’s actual words.

Display of Outrageous Hypocrisy

Yet, to befool others, Tiljala dadas try to portray how precisely and expertly the book was made. Tiljala publishers wrote:

“Ideally every new book translation undergoes initially a draft by the main translator, then “first editing”, then “second editing”, then final verification. Other important functions include coordination of the different steps.” (Ananda Vacanamrtam 9-10, Publisher's Note, p. xvii)

Seeing this most every naive reader will be duped into thinking that really Tiljala dadas did a great job. Such is the extent of the deceptiveness, duplicity, and hypocrisy of these publishers. Tiljala dadas write high-sounding words detailing the glory of their work, yet it is all fake. Our Tiljala dadas took no such steps to ensure the accuracy of their so-called work. You yourself have witnessed proof of this first hand. So what Tijala Dadas professed in their Publisher’s Note is just hot air – pure hypocrisy.

Our Tiljala dadas do not want that you should know the truth of the matter so such Publishers will try and dissuade you from downloading the sound file and checking it with their published materials. But do not be side-tracked by such hearsay. Your Guru's discourse are being stolen, one after another, before your very eyes. How long will you tolerate this and remain quiet.

In Him,
Sulekha Ganguly

In this letter, the phrase “our Tiljala Dadas” means the Kolkata Publications Dept which is controlled by Dada Sarvatmananda. The feeling is that are all part of our family so the phrase “our Tilala publishers etc” has been used. But here “our” does not mean that we have published these books.

Note 1: First paragraph of the concerned discourse - The Primordial Cause

This is wrongly printed in Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 9-10, chapter 19

For your easy reference here is the opening paragraph of this printed discourse and you will see that it does not match up with the original discourse as spoken by Sadguru Baba:

The omniscient Supreme Entity is avarńa – beyond colours. Parama Puruśa does everything. Eko avarńo bahudhá shakti yogád – bahudhá means that which is divided into many or innumerable parts. That singular Entity does not have any colour. He transcends all fetters and bondages. He is the causal matrix of the manifold entities. He is the nucleus and very source of the various expressions, vibrations, colours and shades of light. He has been creating everything through that power of His to create multiplicity, or that propensity of His to create manifold bondages, that is known as Prákrta shakti or Prákrta Máyá. Whenever Parama Puruśa (that singular Entity) creates anything with the help of Prakrti, He does it by His power to create illusion (Máyáshakti). He accomplishes all work by the dexterity of Prakrti, by the power to create illusion. What does the word ́dexterity’ mean? Dexterity also means “plasticity”. Plasticity means a substance out of which many things have been created. It means that out of one entity many more entities can be created. It is the potentiality to create manifold entities. Bahudhá shakti jogád. Many things are created, many entities are born. This creative essence of Parama Puruśa is termed as Prakrti in Sanskrit. When this creative essence is engaged in the act of creation, it is called Máyá. Bahudhá shakti yogát, varńánanekán nihitártho dadháti – through the power of Prakrti or Máyá, Parama Puruśa has created variegated colours and continues to create them. (Parama Puruśa – the Primordial Cause, Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 9-10, chapter 19, paragraph 1)

Eds note: If any portion of this letter is unclear, foggy, or elusive then please write us. We are ready to help...

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Why everybody can't become millionaire

“Society will have to encourage the individual search for absolute freedom because the psychic and spiritual realms are unlimited, and possession in these spheres does not hinder the progress of others. But unrestricted freedom to acquire wealth in the physical sphere has every possibility of permitting a few people to roll in luxury while hampering the all-round growth of the majority, because physical resources are limited. Individual liberty in the physical sphere must not be allowed to hamper the development of the complete human personality, and at the same time it must not be so drastically curtailed that the all-round growth of society is impeded.”

“Freedom is a right of every human being. To encourage comprehensive, unbarred human expression in the different spheres of social life a congenial socio-economic environment has to be created, because as such an environment does not exist today.” (1)

1. PNS-13, Socio-Economic Groupifications

== Section 3 ==


Here is a link to the first letter in this series on this discourse:

Tiljala misdeed: original English discourse falsely declared as Bangla

Recent letters

How to protect from the poison of religion

Understanding death

Other topics of interest

PP is hungry for what

Striking similarity

Here below are the scans...
(Click to enlarge or download them)

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