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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Plight of Didi K’s children’s home kids + 2 more


This email contains three sections:

1. Posting:
Plight of Didi K’s children’s home kids
2. Bring about the well-being of every entity - Ananda Vanii
3. Links

Plight of Didi K’s children’s home kids

All are aware that our children’s homes are intended to goad those young ones along the path of dharma and spirituality - with the aim for those kids to become ideal human beings.

Yet Didi Ananda Kaoshikii is running her Jharsuguda home in an entirely different direction.

Didi Ananda Kaoshikii runs the children’s home in Jharsukhada / Jharsuguda as her own big business. Every girl in her home works outside the home  - they have small jobs to earn money. They bring money to Didi Ananda Kaoshikii and she enjoys her life. Now she never has her feet on the ground - she leads luxurious life. Her children’s home girls work as servants outside to earn money and Didi grabs all their pay. And now Didiji has a luxury car that she drives around. This is way above the standard of living as most do not even have a motorbike. Worst is that those so-called orphan kids are exploited and she snatches all their money.

And verily so many other ills - like watching lewd TV shows and other aspects of pseudo-culture - are prevalent in Didi Ananda Kaoshikii’s children’s home. These kids are just not being raised in a proper, sentient environment. And because of that, these innocent kids are getting indoctrinated into this pseudo-culture lifestyle, through no fault of their own. And all the while Ananda Kaoshikii Didi tortures and torments them.

Kaoshikii Didi tells the children things like, “I have spent so much money on you, and now this is your time to earn money for me.”

Didi is stealing girls from other homes

As you can see Didiji view these kids as money-making pawns who should be exploited so she (Didiji) can lead the high life and not worry about anything. In such a suffocating and grossly materialistic environment, those kids are led astray - far from the path.

And like any capitalist, Didiji believes that the more labor she has the more money she can make. That is why she has taken to “stealing” girls from other Ananda Marga children’s homes.

For instance, in January of this year Didi Ananda Kaoshikii was in Ananda Nagar when she made her “pitch.” All the Didis had left Berlin house (where Didis stay during DMS etc) so Ananda Kaoshikii quickly descended upon the empty building. She knew some home girls were there and she convinced a girl to come stay with her because she (Didi K) will find her a good, handsome husband etc. Indeed Didiji promised her a life of freedom and no worries if the girl came with her. And sure enough, Didi was able to secretly lure (steal) that girl.

And why did Didi take the girl? Because Didi K looked upon the girl as yet another wage earner - nothing more.

So this is all part of the ongoing saga of Didi Ananda Kaoshikii’s children’s home in Jharsuguda.

And here is more news:

With the Dadas, we see that they do not want to take responsibility for any of the boys. Instead they are busy in power, money, and politics. Didis literally do not have much to do in the organization. They are free with lots of time. They watch all the time cable TV - all serials and movies.

Didi Ananda Dyotana's home girl ran away with peon
& married him - illicitly

Baban, a girl from Didi Ananda Dyotana's home ran away with one watch man and married him. It took an entire year for Didi Ananda Dyotana to bring her back. Now Baban is divorced and she also had an abortion. She is now in Kolkata and living with other children.

So from east to west, some of our boys and girls homes are in shambles - wallowing in the wind of pseud-culture and abuse, far, far from the aims and ideals of Ananda Marga.

Direct involvement and oversight needed by local margiis

The main question is how can we tackle this problem and set things straight. One point for certain is that greater margii involvement is needed. As we know, local margii support is instrumental in the success of any Ananda Marga social service project - including our children’s homes. At present, margiis often generously donate funds for our homes. But that is not enough. Direct involvement in running of the home is needed. At the very least, local margiis must ensure that the home is operating according to our Ananda Marga values. That means our basic code of discipline and spiritual approach must be at the forefront in the lives of those kids. From paincajanya, half-bath, eating habits, and evening sadhana - all these points and more must be present like clockwork in the lives of those children. Ultimately, a margii committee must be formed for the oversight of each and every Ananda Marga Children’s homes to ensure those homes adhere to our AM way of life - yama and niyama, Sixteen Points etc.

AM Children’s Home Guidebook should be
in the hands of all local margiis

To achieve this, local margiis must be aware about the aims and goals - and do’s and don’ts - of our children’s homes. So the Ananda Marga guidebook on children’s homes must be made made available and freely distributed to those AM units. Then those margiis will have sufficient understanding and readiness to really ensure our homes are of the proper standard.

After all, if those homes do not inculcate our spiritual way of living and if those homes fail to impart Ananda Marga teachings to those kinds, then the whole purpose of having children’s homes has been defeated. What is the need for us to make children’s homes that profess mundane or dogmatic values - already there are countless organisations that are doing that. Our homes are for instilling within those kids the dharmic guidelines of Ananda Marga ideology.

Example of exploitation of Indian street kids

Nowadays, anti-social elements scoop-up street kids in India and turn them into begging machines. The kids are forced to beg all day long and then at night those “caretakers” empty the pockets of those innocent kids and keep the money for themselves. Then the next day the kids are forced to go out and beg again. So those poor street kids are trapped and exploited.

And now Didi K also is just using those kids to earn money. This is not the import of our Ananda Marga children’s homes. Some few homes are up to the mark but the vast majority are not and this is intolerable. So there must be a serious review of all our Ananda Marga children’s homes.

In addition to maximum engagement by local margiis, surveillance cameras should be installed in each home to ensure on a minute-to-minute basis those homes reflect our AM ideals. Those cameras will help protect the kids from abuse and ensure our children’s homes are run in the proper way, according to Guru’s system. And more about this is written below.

Solution & prevention of child abuse:
mount security camera

The operative query is how to resolve the present crisis and prevent future ones. In this era of modern technology and science the answer is not so difficult. With just a little investment one can install a security camera system - which is common amongst business, institutions, and family homes. Those video cameras will record all activities in the children's’ home. The Didi on-site and all children will be informed about the surveillance system and this will help them exercise restraint during challenging moments. Since the home is  girls, the in-charge Didis and female committee members will be responsible for reviewing the video from time to time to ensure all is well in the home. With this system in place, the problem of violence and abuse in our children’s homes will be eliminated.

Remember, in various countries it is felony to not to report the child abuse case to the police, local authorities.

This entire report and aforementioned solution has been presented here so we may avert public scandal and ensure the safety and well-being of those kids. This type of situation must be resolved and similar things should be prevented from cropping up elsewhere. To this end, a surveillance / security system will be invaluable.

In Him,
Didi Ananda H.

Note 1: Wt conduct Rules do’s and don’ts

Here are some of the Wt rules of conduct that Didis must  follow.

- "One should attract others by one's sacrificing nature." (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #20)

- "One should not be greedy." (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #12)

- "You will always be accustomed to lead a hard and industrious life." (Wholetimer Conduct Rule, Fourteen Points, pt #6)

- “One should leave all sorts of luxuries.” (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #6)

- “One should make others good by becoming an ideal person.” (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #22)

These are WT rules for Didis, plus there are so many more codes of conduct our WT Didis must adhere to in their individual life as well as being caretakers of home girls.

Note 2: More about Didi Ananda Kaoshikii

By her rude behaviour of dealing with those kids and as well as with other didis, one can understand that Ananda Kaoshikii is not a spiritually inclined didi, she has more skills for how to catch a potential donors and how to extract large donations.

Also bear in mind that this Didi’s name is often written in various ways: Ananda Kaushikii, Ananda Kaoshikii, Ananda Kao’sikii etc

Note 3: Responsibility must never be entrusted
to those who are themselves not moralists

   Ananda Marga ideology states, “Social responsibility should be entrusted to those who are capable of discharging it creditably. If moralism is the starting-point of the journey of society, then those who are at its helm must be moralists. And since society aims to establish universalism, those people must be universalists. And if the gap between moralism and universal humanism is to be bridged, spiritual sádhaná is a must, so those people must practise rigorous sádhaná. Their philosophy of life must be, “Morality is the base, sádhaná is the means, and life divine is the goal.”
   “This great responsibility must never be entrusted to those who are themselves criminals. Unless and until such people correct themselves, they will not be given any social value, though in no way will they be denied human value. At present social value is given importance, but those who are selected to discharge social responsibility do not possess the aforesaid qualities. They have occupied their posts on the strength of their money or on the basis of patronage, but this has not resulted in any collective welfare. That is why there is an instruction in our social scripture.” (1)

Note 4: Looked at the helpless face of the child

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Every man must realize the duty which he owes direct to the babe in his family, and on which depends the developments of the child in all spheres. This duty may be demanded from every man by every child of the world. Hence, thinking in favour of family babes only will not suffice. Even if it were not possible for particular persons to discharge properly the duties towards each and every child of the world owing to crude worldly reasons, they must always be conscious of their duties towards children within their acquaintance. The oath taken on the occasion of Játakarma will reawaken the sense of that duty again and again. Any grown-up person or any father shall not forget his duty when he has once looked at the helpless face of the child. It does not end here. In pursuance of the mantra of Játakarma in Ánanda Márga, a child has not simply been regarded as a child only but also a manifestation of Brahma in the child. So, serving the child, shall be a part of Sádhaná (Brahma-Sádhaná) to him. The credit for his services to the child will not create pride in him. The same feeling will recur in mind when the child is bathed with water consecrated with the mantra. The persons taking part in the function will think anew that the child is once again being bathed with their blessings and that they must take fatherly responsibility of the child.” (2)

Note 5: Spirit: You belong to a company of pilgrims

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You must remember that the newcomer who comes to your society for the first time is fraught with every human prospect, potentiality and possibility. Hence, it is useless to think what treasure he possesses and to what extent. Any question as to the superiority or inferiority in respect of wealth, caste, quality and beauty or education does not arise at all. You belong to a company of pilgrims. Why should you then allow anybody among you to starve or to lag behind? You shall not allow such a circumstances to creep up in any way, as it will mar the very charm of pilgrimage.” (3)

1. AFPS-2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles
2. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva)
3. Táttvika Diipiká (Caturtha Parva)

== Section 2 ==

Bring about the well-being of every entity;
no benevolent individual can neglect anyone
- Ananda Vanii #63

Ananda Vanii states, “That very irresistible aspiration which leads human beings towards their goal with tremendous speed, also builds all sorts of social structures and generates newer social consciousness. With all sincerity in thought, words and deeds you have to build that aspiration, you have to awaken the cognitive faculty latent in the innermost golden cavity of every microcosmic mind. For you have to work to bring about the well-being of every entity; no benevolent individual can neglect anyone.” (1)

Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #63

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