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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Exploiting margiis + 4 more


Exploiting margiis


Everyone knows that to exploit margiis, Dada S created the Fake BP Manual. And that manual was approved by all the group leaders of a united AMPS to exploit margiis by electing sycophants as the bhukti pradhan. On this point, many margiis have raised a hue and cry. The Fake BP Manual has many anti-Ananda Marga points which Baba disapproves. As you know, the Fake BP Manual (1997) - created by Sarvatmananda - curtails various margii rights.

Not allowed to rescue a drowning child

This letter discusses one of the outlandish and ludicrous points inserted into the Fake BP Manual. The Fake Manual claims that those who oppose sin will be debarred from doing any kind of social service in AMPS. Those persons will not be allowed to serve the society, feed the hungry, or rescue a drowning child. You can see how this rule is farcical and preposterous. If you expose their sin, then you are debarred from social service. And if you are debarred, then according to the Fake BP Manual you cannot vote in the BP election, let alone run for the post of bhukti pradhan.

So here is how margiis get terrorised

If a local wt has some sexual affair with a margii girl and you complained to Centre about this misconduct, then in retaliation Centre will debar you from doing any social service in the society.

Because you are “debarred” from performing social service you cannot vote or run in the BP election, or attend dharmacakra, or feed the hungry. Nor can you rescue victims and drag the injured from the rubble of an earthquake.

This is the way since 1991, how a united AMPS, led by Sarvatmananda and all the group leaders, used the BP Manual as a weapon to terrorise and choke the voice of margiis. This is not a fairy tale. This has been put in print and published in the 1997 Fake BP Manual. With this black rule, thousands of margiis have been harmed. Their voting rights were taken away, they were forbidden to run in BP elections, and they were disallowed from serving the poor, rescuing victims and dragging the injured from the rubble of an earthquake, and disallowed from feeding starving children in drought stricken areas. And still this type of terrorizing is going on.

Baddies: Sarvatmananda & Rudrananda

Please remember that when this Fake BP Manual was created AMPS was one, i.e. united. So Sarvatmananda, Rudrananda, Nigamananda, Mantreshvarananda and Ananda Giita etc all put their stamp of approval on this Fake BP manual with the sole motive of exploiting margiis, generation after generation up to infinity.  Here is that black rule directly quoted from the Fake BP Manual.

The Fake BP Manual states about those eligible to vote in the BP election:

"He or she must not have been debarred by the organisation from discharging any type of margiiya duty."
(Fake BP Manual 1997, chapter 1, section 13, point #10, pg 12)

So the Fake Bhukti Pradhan Manual (1997) states that one is not allowed in the BP election process if they have been banned from doing service work in our Marga.

Conclusion: tear down barbaric rules

As disciples of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, we should not allow dogma like the Fake BP manual to have a place in our Ananda Marga society. Now the time has come to (a) tear down such types of archaic, barbaric rules, (b) throw away this Fake BP Manual in the garbage, and (c) unmask the hypocrisy of such purodhas who supported and implemented this Fake BP manual. Our demand is to run the BP elections according to Baba’s given system of pre-1990.

In Him,

For those not aware, Sarvatmananda was the mastermind of the Fake BP Manual and Sambhutyananda had it printed etc. And still today this is the manual that is in vogue.

~ In-depth study ~

Their formula to humiliate & isolate

There are numerous examples of victimisation regarding this rule. And they all follow a common pattern. When a dharmika BP raises an issue of curtailment of margii rights or scriptural distortion in our Ananda Marga books and opposes group dogma, then they are unceremoniously sacked from their elected post of BP, debarred from rendering any social service, and banned from donating towards any AMPS project. Then those top Dadas order general margiis not to communicate with that so-called ex-BP as that person has been “outcasted.” By this way the united AMPS created terror and tried to isolate, humiliate, and choke the voice of whistleblowers.

But history bears testimony that those sinners could not do anything; rather they got destroyed. Although the Fake BP Manual was published in 1997 this rule about being debarred was put in place in 1991. And over the past 27 years, there are innumerable cases where margiis were sidelined, isolated, ex-communicated, and terrorised as the authorities took aim to place their chosen stooge in the post of bhukti pradhan.

Evil forces forthwith plotted against the person

Ananda Vanii states, “History bears testimony that whenever a person states the absolute truth in any sphere of life, whether it be spiritual, social, economic or otherwise; sought clarification of doubts or protested against injustice and wrongs, the evil forces forthwith plotted against the person, administered poison, slandered and assaulted that person with rage, misused authority and mercilessly dealt blow after blow; but the blows boomeranged and ultimately the evil forces were annihilated by those very blows. Remember, by an unalterable decree of history, the evil forces are destined to meet their final doom.” (1)
1. Ananda Vanii #41

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Please be gracious & forgive me

"He vishvajit he sarvabhrt namo namo namo namo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4935)


My Supreme Entity You are omnipotent and omnipresent. O' Vishvajit, O' Sarvabhrt, with full reverence, I humbly pay my salutations and do sastaunga pranam to You again and again - thousands of times. Baba, Virat, Anupam, in Your divine way, You go on swinging from the tiniest blade of grass up to Brahma the Creator - everywhere.

Baba, You have sent me here on this earth to do Your work, i.e. sadhana, service, sacrifice, and to serve and please You - not just waste my time in vain and lethargy. You showered Your blessing and sent me here so that each and every moment I should strengthen my vivek, determine what is right and what is wrong, and follow the path of divinity. But I failed to live up to those expectations. Please be gracious and forgive me for this very blunder.

Baba, now by Your grace I have understood why I have come onto this earth. Today, I am searching for You in the deep core of my heart. My dearmost Icchamaya, I want to hold You in my lowly mind, eternally.
Baba, please accept my prostration - sastaunga pranam...

End Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #4935:

[1] Vishvajit: This is one of the countless names of Parama Purusa. In this role He is executing His divine quality as 'Controller of the Universe'.

[2] Sarvabhrt: Of His infinite attributions one of His heavenly characteristics is that of Supreme Helper. So it is in His role of Sarvhbhrt that He is the Helper of everyone-- lovingly guiding all to progress in every sphere of life. 

[3] Virat: Another of His innumerable epithets is that of Virat-- the Greatest One who is absolutely boundless.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Anything big but having boundary lines is known as visha'la in Sanskrit; and anything big having no boundary lines is known as vira't'a in Sanskrit. Parama Purus'a is vira't'a, but this universe is visha'la, not vira't'a." (1)

[4] Anupam: In His role of Anupam He is the Incomparable One - He who is beyond all comparisons: Anupam tava caran' phele.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When a bhakta begins to analyse Him, he finds that He is unique in gandha tanma'tra. He is extraordinary in rasa tanma'tra. He is unparalleled in ru'pa tanma'tra and He is exquisitely sweet in the softness of sparsha tanma'tra. Regarding shabda tanma'tra, the sound of His flute is beeyond our capacity to comprehend. Being overwhelmed by the musical resonance, devotees exclaim: Anupam tava caran' phele." (2)

[5] Icchmaya: ('Iccha' means 'will power'; and 'maya' means 'composed of'.) This is one of the names of Parama Purusa because He is made out of His own desire to create Himself. And accordingly He does whatever He wants.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, 'Unit Spirit, Cosmic Spirit'
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc 25

== Section: News  of 9/30/18 ==

News: Gautam sold Lake Gardens (BQ)


After news of Kinshukji's arrest (during making of passport), Gautam (disowned son of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar) became active. Gautam came to know that Kinshukji is not the legally adopted son of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. Hence Gautam is now detecting which properties are registered in the name of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar so that he can claim and sell those properties. 

Gautam has already sold Lake Gardens (Madhu Malainca) and Bamunpada (Burdhman) ancestor properties.
Since Lake Gardens property was registered in the name of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, not in the name of GS AMPS, hence Gautam has sold both properties. However, Lake Gardens property is still in possession of Kolkata AMPS. Some say Gautam wants money and hence he wanted to sell it, but still it is not sold. 

Now Kolkata AMPS will either try to buy back Lake Gardens property or take a legal opinion from senior advocate.

in Him,
Kakali Mukherjee

== Section: News of 9/30/18 ==

Due to margiis lost their rights: AMPS in chaos

~ Below is courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~
[27/09, 4:09 PM] Kalicharan Rana: संस्था की जिम्मेदारी सिर्फ wts के हाथों में रहने के कारण ही समस्या दिनों दिन गहराता जा रहा है।अगर संस्था की जिम्मेदारी  में इष्ट और आदर्श निष्ठ गृही मार्गीयों को भी जिम्मेदारी दी जाती तो संस्था की हालत ऐसी नहीं होती जैसा की आज है।    अभी तक दूर से भी समस्या का कोई समाधान दिखाई नहीं देता।कुछ wts समस्या को और विकट  कर फुट डालो और राज करों की नीति पर स्वार्थी तत्वों के समर्थन से अडिग है। बाबा का भेद रहित एक सुंदर व स्वस्थ मानव समाज का संकल्प कुछ स्वार्थी wts कभी पूरा नहीं होने देंगे ना ही संस्था को एक होने देंगे इसलिए संस्था की जिम्मेदारी में इष्ट और आदर्श निष्ठ गृही मार्गीयों की  भागीदारी अनिवार्य होना चाहिए। तभी संस्था को लुट और टूट से बचाया जा सकता है ।जय बाबा 💐🌷🙏🙏🌸🌺

[27/09, 4:15 PM] Kalicharan Rana: काली चरण राणा अरवल बिहार

[27/09, 6:36 PM] Kalicharan Rana: नैतिक साहस के अभाव के कारण ही मनुष्य सच्च को सच्च कहने और झूठ का विरोध करने का हिम्मत नहीं जुटा पाते हैं। जिसके कारण समाज में स्वार्थी तत्व हावी हो जाते है और समाज को ले बैठते हैं। 🙏🙏
~ Above is courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Prout: people have power of impeachment

Prout philosophy states, “The common people can be temporarily bewildered by the chicanery of party politics, and this is especially so when politicians happen to be good orators. By the power of their oratory, politicians try to escape from the consequences of their misdeeds. It is noticeable that politicians, to further their party interests and to enhance their individual power and position, do not hesitate even to cause suffering to millions of people. Perhaps, out of a sense of duty, the common people should impeach (in a court of justice) culpable politicians. By merely delivering a few fiery lectures before less intelligent common people, the protagonists of party politics tear apart all the hopes and aspirations of the common people and undermine their prosperity. Various bizarre ideas jumble the minds of the common people, and they become dumbstruck.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #29

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Samskara theory: not eye for eye

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Action, whether good or bad, causes deformity in the mind, and in the process of regaining its normal form one experiences as reactions good results for good deeds and bad results for bad ones. After death mind takes the shelter of unit consciousness as reaction in its potentiality (saḿskára). The unit consciousness, in order to have those potential reactions expressed, will have to seek a body suitable for the expression of these reactions. For instance, Rama dies, and his mind takes the shelter of his unit consciousness (átman) as reactions in their potentiality (saḿskára). Rama according to his actions in this life should experience as reaction (karmaphala) the pain equivalent in mental measure to a fracture of an arm at the age of eight, the happiness of getting a fortune at the age of ten, and the suffering of becoming fatherless at the age of eleven. He will have to experience all this as his deformed mind regains its normal form."

"It is important to clarify here that the actual form of suffering is not predetermined. It cannot be said what might be the actual reaction of a particular action. For example, it is not preordained that if one commits theft his things of the same value will be stolen as a reaction. The suffering is measured in terms of mental suffering to the extent which was inflicted on others by stealing their property. Thus the measure of experiencing the result of an action is mental and is in terms of pleasure and pain, and the actual form of experience has relatively no importance. Rama has to experience the pain and pleasure of all these happenings, and so his unit consciousness will have to seek a body on rebirth, where an opportunity to experience all this will be available. In order to suffer the mental agony of loss of his father at the age of eleven years, Rama has to be born of parents where the father, according to his own actions, has also to die when Rama attains that age. If it is not so, Rama will not be able to experience his reaction (karmaphala) of the suffering of the loss of his father. Thus it is seen that unit consciousness and the potential reaction (saḿskára) cannot take shelter in any body for rebirth indiscriminately. A suitable body where the opportunity and field for experiencing their reactions (karmaphala) is available will have to be sought out. It is only in such a body that unit consciousness, along with total reactions in their potentiality, will seek shelter and be reborn." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, What Is My Relation with the Universe and the Cosmic Entity?

== Section 4: Links ==

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