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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Religious swindler in Jamalpur + Pocketing DMS donations + 2 more


Religious swindler in Jamalpur


Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old blunders over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the crimes of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the progress of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) and our stand about the so-called holy land dogma. Please read this below piece that clearly documents how the various factions all create and use their chosen holy land as a cash cow. This piece was first posted in March of 2003 on an earlier version of network, yet the dogmatic tiirtha / so-called holy land dogma continues to be a favorite tool of the various groups to financially exploit innocent victims. 

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin

Note: this letter was initially posted in 2003.



Let us not forget that in 1966 when Baba physically left Jamalpur then so many years passed and He never visited. It was not until a span of 12 years had gone by that in 1979 He finally returned to Jamalpur to conduct DMC. 

Baba says, "During the twelve years since 1966, I have not been to Jamalpur." (1) 

Baba ignored Jamalpur

It is obvious then that Baba did not give special importance to Jamalpur. One reason being that the tiirtha dogma is very strong here in India and also throughout the world. If Baba had encouraged the importance of Jamalpur, then it would have taken the shape of a so-called holy land / tiirtha very quickly. Jamalpur was prone to become a so-called holy land / tiirtha. That is why Baba avoided going there for so long. Because Baba wants to establish the idea in each and every bhakta’s heart that Parama Purusa is not confined to any particular place, rather He is within. To attain Him one need not go to any so-called tiirtha or “holy land.” There is no 'special' physical place where Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji lives. He is not tied to any particular land.

Holy land (tiirtha) is cheating enterprise

Around the globe, in any society, people have to do something to earn their livelihood. This is how people survive. Farmers cultivate the land; teachers educate the children; laborers perform their allotted tasks; and shopkeepers tend to their shops etc. Everyone has to do something for their survival. But there is a special job where people get huge prestige, respect, and veneration, and they need not do anything for their upkeep in society. Their only role is to befool others. And those who do like this are priests. In each and every religion this is going on. 

Those priests who fall into this category watch with their vulture eyes and strategically create one so-called holy land / tiirtha. And they build that place according to their dogmatic objectives and selfish desires. For instance, Lord Krsna's teachings were sublime but priests abducted those teachings for their own agenda and exploited all comers. They capitalised on them by befooling the people and making tiirthas etc. Similarly Lord Shiva's teachings got "used" by priests in order to deceive and manipulate the public and make Kashi (Varanasi) into one a so-called holy land / tiirtha of Lord Shiva. 

Today, some crafty priests with "vulture eyes" are trying to fill their bellies and get fat off the common people. They have nothing to do with ideology. Just like those dogmatic religious priests of old, they are sitting on the heads of others. To that end they created tiirthas. The first one was made in Tiljala and the next in Jamalpur. Here are more details explaining how and why these tiirthas were created. Because the annual Jamalpur DMS has become an ongoing dogma and the 2020 version will be held in March.

DMS has been hijacked by special interest groups

As a general point, most know that "DMS" stands for 'Dharma Maha Sammelan'. The meaning is 'the grand gathering of dharma.’ Our DMS system is a great event designed by Sadguru Baba. After 1990 though, certain Central Dadas took it in a different direction. Jamalpur DMS started when Dada Rudrananda ji and party, i.e. H group, first came into a little power. Before then there was no such annual March DMS program in Jamalpur. 

Here is more of the history of how the Jamalpur DMS took birth. In October 1990, Dada Sarvatmananda injected the holy land dogma into AMPS by designating Tiljala as a so-called holy place. The name of that exact spot within Tiljala is: 'Mahasamadhi'. So when B group leader Dada Sarvatmananda was in full-fledged power then he brought his dream into reality - all for the cause of his 'Bengali superiority'. And that very dogmatic 'Mahasamadhi' memorial is now erected in Tiljala. 

In response, some Hindi fundamentalists were thinking to create something parallel to challenge Dada Sarvatmananda and B group. Those days H group proceeded with the formula: "When they (B group) created an annual holy land programme, then we (H group) should also create an annual holy land programme. They created Tiljala and ours will be Jamalpur." This was Dada Rudrananda’s modus operandi. 

Since then the fire of groupism got notched up one level in AMPS and has been burning ever since. Because when one dogma is injected then it multiplies in different ways. The Jamalpur holy land dogma is the reaction to the creation of an earlier dogma, i.e. the holy land in Tiljala.

More about the groupist so-called holy land / tiirthas 

Anyhow when Sarvatmananda created a 'special land' in Tiljala and imposed a yearly programme, he gave huge importance to that soil. And Dada Sarvatmananda started propagating that Tiljala is one holy place. It was at that time that strong fundamental Hindi-minded WT leaders planned to establish this idea of Jamalpur so-called holy land / tiirtha and make their own holy place. So in the mid 1990's when H group gained a little power this DMS tradition started. 

At present two groups / parties are dominating our AMPS. So they each created their own so-called holy land to hold their grand gatherings etc. B group created the annual Tiljala “Holy land” programme, and H group created the yearly programme in Jamalpur as a “Holy land.” In result, in Tiljala a major gathering is arranged in October at the time of so-called mahaprayan (MPD). And in the month of March every year there is the Jamlapur “holy land” DMS. 

Before 1990 we did not have any holy land dogma. But now there are two: (#1) Tiljala and (#2) Jamalpur. These are treated as the respective headquarters of two belligerent parties. It is quite clear that the existence of this Jamalpur DMS program is rooted in self-centered thinking for group power. And this gathering is an annual event. 

Present day plans & dealings in Jamalpur 

Ultimately then Jamalpur is the place where they are pouring inhuge money by exploiting the various sentiments of margiis. And they are trying to compete with the dogmatic Sikh plan of spending billions of dollars to create their religious capital known as the golden temple of Amritsar. Similarly, H group leaders are doing all they can - expending huge resources - to build up Jamalpur as a premier “holy land”. To this end they are giving full emphasis to Jamalpur and the surrounding area. All sorts of monies are being diverted to turn Jamalpur into one dogmatic holy city like "Mecca" or "Rome" or "Prayog" or "Kashi" etc.

At the same time, at Jamalpur DMS they charge exorbitant prices for facilities etc, far more than any other place, because they are keen to get ROI -  “return on investment.” So Rudrananda and his stooges are also relying on the dogmatic Jamalpur DMS program to be a big money-maker for them. That is why the pricing and costs for staying there are sky-high for their dogmatic, “holy land” DMS. 

Ultimately, DMS should moved around to various places to have contact with new people and create new margiis. That is the ideal way to do pracara and build up our AMPS etc. But instead H group has cemented their annual March DMS program to Jamalpur to make money and establish their dogmatic tiirtha site. Verily, at Jamalpur DMS, they charge exorbitant amounts of money for facilities, far more than any other location, so they can maximize profits from their dogmatic tiirtha.

Conclusion: He resides in the human heart 

Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is Taraka Brahma, He is everywhere - in a bhakta’s heart. 

Baba says, "Wherever my devotees sing kiirtana I remain there." (2) 

Parama Purusa cannot be found in any material structure like a temple, mosque, church, jagrti or any so-called holy land like Tiljala or Jamalpur. He is living in a divine abode - that is in the heart of each and every bhakta. 

Baba says, "During the twelve years since 1966, I have not been to Jamalpur." (3) 

It is obvious then that Baba did not give special importance to Jamalpur. One reason being the so-called holy land / tiirtha dogma is common as that sentiment is strong here in India. If Baba had encouraged the importance of Jamalpur, then it would have taken the shape of a so-called holy land / tiirtha far earlier. Jamalpur was prone to become a so-called holy land / tiirtha. But the so-called holy land (tiirtha) programme is against neo-humanism. That is why Baba condemns the holy land dogma. 

In Him, 

Holy land (tiirtha) is like Ka'mdhenu: This is one mythological cow from the scriptures that was always ready to give all kinds of worldly gifts on demand, anytime. This sacred cow from heaven - i.e. ka'mdhenu - would bless the asker and grant whatever worldly boons they requested. The only thing this mythological cow could not grant was liberation, but it was always ready to give mundane boons. For the various group leaders, their chosen so-called holy land was invented with the same aim. They dream is to have their holy land - Jamalpur or Tiljala - become one ka'mdhenu - endlessly providing them with power, prestige, $$$, and all types of securities of mundane life.

We should always remember that we all belong to one family. We are kith and kin. Following the teachings of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is the only way. Here I conclude with this Baba's blessing. 

Baba says, "It is my firm conviction that the future of humanity is not dark.  Every human being will attain that inextinguishable flame that is forever alight beyond the veil of darkness of the present-- and attain it they must. Those who will carry the message of that effulgent light will be forever revered by all humanity". (4) 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, 3rd Jan 1979, Spiritual Truth Surpasses Everything
2. Subhasita Samgraha Part 11, What Are the Noble Truths?
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, 3rd Jan 1979, Spiritual Truth Surpasses Everything
4. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section 2: Related Topic ==

Pocketing DMS donations

Note: This piece was written just prior to the 2020 Jamalpur DMS and now stands as the historical record of what transpired so that a similar stunt does not recur. 


Next week’s Jamalpur DMS was cancelled due to the coronavirus. There was no other option; we all agree it had to be cancelled. However, there are other factions still in play such as finances. Here is a call why those donations should be returned back to those margii donors.

Collected donations from across the globe

#1: For months and months, in preparation for Jamalpur DMS, H group collected maximum donations from sadhakas everywhere. That money was just getting stockpiled in big heaps and mounds. Verily, in the name of Jamalpur DMS, they collected money from all over the globe - from all the sectors.

#2: With the cancellation of Jamalpur DMS, so-called centre got to keep all that money they collected for the DMS. Only a meagre 3% - 5% was spent ahead of time by centre, and the remaining 95% - 97% of those funds were never spent because the DMS was cancelled. Thus so-called Rudrananda and his sycophants have held onto  95% - 97% of those donations - a huge, huge haul. We’re talking about lakhs and lakhs of rupees. 

#3: Side by side, now those same margiis who donated money for DMS are facing serious economic peril due to this worldwide coronavirus. Unemployment is on the rise; businesses are shutting down; investments have been lost; and, there is no relief in sight. 

#4: The natural response is for those in centre to return those donations to the margii donors. This is what every upstanding business, organisation, not-for-profit does. They are honest brokers and stand accountable in front of their financial supporters. 

#5: Unfortunately, those so-called anandas in centre are of another colour. They are well practiced in collecting money for all kinds of projects, yet feel entitled just to keep those funds without any accountability. Goaded by this defective psychology, they are just holding onto all those DMS donations. What to speak of being sadhus and leaders, they are not even up to the standard of normal citizens, i.e. non-sadhakas. Sadly, those so-called Wt anandas are basically dishonest, trustless, and greedy - and lack any sort of conscience.

Conclusion: return money to donors

As Ananda Margiis, we should not sit still, quietly watching this transpire. It is not Baba's system that these so-called central dadas can just let all that money drop into their bottomless pockets. The only option is for those DMS organizers to be accountable and give back all the money they collected for DMS. That money must be rightfully returned to the margii donors. 

In Him, 

Black money

Wt conduct rules state: 

- "1. Black money.
    - a.) No worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him.
    - b.) Each worker will separately maintain the clear account of receipt and expenditure of his personal allowance and organizational money.
    - c.) Whenever supervisory worker so desires, the worker is to give the proper account of expenditure tallying with the cash at their disposal.
    - d.) Each amount of collection should be deposited properly and drawn after submitting requisition.
    - e.) Proper vouchers are to be maintained for each item of expenditure.
    - f.) After expenditure proper account should be submitted to the treasury, without which he will not be allowed to draw the fresh amount again.
    - g.) No worker can accept any money without giving a proper receipt." (WT Conduct Rules, Six Additional Rules, Point #1)

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Sweet melody of Your musical...

"Ga'nera jharn'a' boye ja'y, bela' abela' na'hi ma'ne..." (Prabhat Samgiita.#4868)


Baba, the grand fountain of songs is flowing eternally, completely independent of the normal cycle of time. These blissful songs float according to their own schedule and routine - not caring about day or night, summer or winter. The divine tune and sweet melody of Your musical compositions are dancing on the jagged path. They lead one towards that vast Cosmic Ocean of refulgence, the Supreme Entity...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Relationship of state responsibility & authority 

Prout philosophy states, “Each and every individual wants security from the state and the demand for security is always increasing. Increased responsibility means increased authority. In ancient times the only duty of the state was to protect people from internal and external chaos. Now, as a result of ever-increasing demands, the responsibility of the state has increased and its authority has also increased. In ancient times nobody demanded food or employment from the government. There were no strikes and no public meetings. Now people want the state to realize its responsibility, but they do not want it to interfere in any matter.”

“PROUT’s view is that we must not go against fundamental public interests or against the fundamental theory. The fundamental theory is that with increased responsibility the authority of the state should also increase, but while operating its authority the state should not go against public sentiments. The fundamental public interest is that the minimum requirements of life should be guaranteed.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Do or don’t do, revolution is coming

Seeing the slow progress of Prout pracara, some Proutists get depressed thinking that, “We lost yet another election and that nobody is listening to us.” Everywhere capitalism / capitalist exploiters are thriving and sucking the blood. WIth this mindset they become defunct and do not want to do anything. Whatever questions they have about when Prout will be established, Baba has given in the following quote. This society moves on. Now vaeshyas / capitalists are exploiting. In a short period those capitalists will be fully destroyed. That is the natural law. If one does anything or not, by nature of their very deeds, those capitalists will be destroyed. At the same time, one can expedite and hasten this process but even if you do nothing this social cycle will move forward. Nobody can stop it.

The rapacious capitalists are increasing the degree of their exploitation day by day. When the general society has no scope to even breathe, the common people will leap on those wealthy exploiters and destroy everything. In this way the social cycle will rotate one step ahead. This is the inexorable law of nature. So Proutists need not think twice about revolution will come or not. Just go on doing your duty and in the opportune moment the change will come like a wildfire.

Remember, regardless how hard you try to start a fire in the rainy season you cannot do it. But in summer, when the conditions are ripe, then without any efforts a fire will break out. In that same way the social cycle will move. With our efforts we can bring that change a little bit sooner.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The rule of the social cycle is that the Shúdra Age is followed by the Kśatriya Age, the Kśatriya Age is followed by the Vipra Age...This kind of social rotation is the inexorable law of nature." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Nobody can stop the rotation of the social cycle, not even the sadvipras. They stay in the nucleus of the social cycle, wakefully and vigilantly observing the process of rotation. One after another, one age follows the next: Vipra after Kśatriya." (2)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age
2. Human Society - 2, Shúdra Revolution and Sadvipra Society

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Purchasing capacity is true measuring rod

"Answer: According to PROUT, increases in per capita income are not a sufficiently reliable and scientific index to determine the standard and progress of a particular socio-economic unit. Rather, this approach is misleading and deceitful, because it refers to a simple mathematical calculation of total national income divided by total population. This does not give the correct picture of the standard of living of the people of a particular socio-economic unit as the wealth disparity in society is concealed. Per capita income shows the mean and not the variation of income distribution. If inflation is also considered, the reliability of per capita income is further reduced."

"Purchasing capacity, on the other hand, is the real index of how people's economic needs can be met by their income. All PROUT's plans and programmes in the socio-economic sphere should be aimed at increasing the purchasing capacity of the people. PROUT stresses increasing purchasing capacity and not per capita income."

"Per capita income is not a proper indication of the increase in the standard of living of the people because while people may have very high incomes they may not be able to purchase the necessities of life. If the per capita income is low and people have great purchasing capacity they are much better off. So, purchasing capacity and not per capita income is the true measure of economic prosperity. Everyone's requirements should be within their pecuniary periphery or purchasing capacity." (1)

1. Proutist Economics, Questions and Answers on Economics – Excerpt A

== Section 4: Links ==

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