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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Real Wts + 3 more


Real Wts

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Before receiving their Wt-ship, every candidate has to take an oath that they will not maintain relations with their worldly family.

WT Conduct Rule states: "No relationship should exist with worldly family." (1)

So the wholetimers of Ananda Marga only have one family - the universal family. To further emphasize this, each Wt is given a new name to reflect their full, 100% dedication to humanity. They are no longer bound by ties to their laokik / worldly family.

True Wts cut all ties to laokik family

For instance, suppose there is a Dada named Bhaktiananda, and when he was born into this world his laokik / worldly father was Ram Lakhan Chaturvedi, and he named his son Brahmadeva. But the moment that Brahmadeva took his oath to become a Wt, he renounced his relation with his laokik father Ram Lakhan Chaturvedi. That prior connection was cut. And Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji became his Father. That is the oath he has taken when becoming a Wt.

Those Wt workers who think that after taking their oath that they can still keep connections with their laokik / worldly family are fake. Those Wt workers who funnel money to their laokik relations are misguided; they are a black spot on Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Internally, they should not feel any type of special link (i.e. nepotism) with their worldly relations.

Proper acaryas follow the right code of conduct and by this way they set a sterling example and teach others. Fake acaryas preach to others with their mouth, but do not back up those words with their actions. Rather they go against. When junior wts see what is going on with some of our senior acaryas, then they (junior wts) make jokes about their (some senior acaryas) hypocritical dealing. This sets the tone that one need not follow the rules - just one should tell others to follow. This is not the right ethic to build a healthy and vibrant Wt cadre. Baba guides us that for an acarya, conduct is everything.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct...Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas.” (2)

Who are the real culprits

Unfortunately, these days some of our Wts are allegedly funneling money to their laokik family. And the problem is growing. The question arises: Who is the main culprit? And the answer is: Those Wt workers who are key figures occupying the top posts.

This type of weakness is so negative that it gains more and more momentum. It has a snowball or cascading effect. That's to say, once it starts it just gets bigger and bigger. It is just like if there is one small mouse hole in the wall of a canal made of mud. Once the water starts entering that hole then it gets bigger and bigger until finally the entire canal or aqueduct is ruined.

Likewise, this problem of diverting money to one’s worldly family started with just a few top Wts going against this code. Then it grew and grew until today when so many of our AMPS resources (money, donations, supplies etc) are getting funneled to the laokik / worldly families of various Wts. All because those few at the top started doing this sinful and adharmic approach.

No partiality towards worldly family

Sadly, some Wts are committing sin by breaking their oath of dedication and indulging in nepotism. They are earning money and collecting donations in the name of Ananda Marga social service projects, court cases, and other AMPS causes etc, and secretly directing those funds to their worldly laokik family, allegedly. This is not good - rather it is stealing. Or even embezzlement as they are rerouting organisational money to their laokik family.

As we know, when on the path of dharma there should not be any partiality or favouritism - otherwise one will meet their fate. Dronacarya indulged in favouritism and nepotism with his own son and due to that weakness Dronacarya suffered his early downfall and demise (story appended below). Similarly, some Wts maintain relations and send money to their laokik family. That is a blatant case of nepotism. Unfortunately, those Wts will meet a similar fate as Dronacarya. The solution is that our Wts are to look upon the entire humanity with equanimity and love - there should not be any partiality (i.e. nepotism) towards their laokik / worldly family by giving them money. That is unjust and adharmic.

Final points, considerations, & solutions

Remember, if any Wt is keeping connection with and diverting money to their worldly family then that Wt is fake. It is a blatant breach of their vow as a Wt. This is a fundamental aspect of renunciation: No contact with worldly family and instead dedicate everything to serving Parama Purusa and the universal family. When a Wt worker goes against this fundamental oath to Guru then they are no longer a genuine wt; rather they are fake.

WT Conduct Rule states: "No relationship should exist with worldly family." (3)

The main issue is that Wts should strictly adhere to their oath and sever all ties with their worldly laokik family. Any contravention of this rule is a sin. By indulging in sin, i.e. going against the dharmic code, they set an extremely bad example. That is why this entire problem has multiplied so drastically.  All in all the effect is absolutely disastrous - and that is what is manifesting right now. Everyone should be aware of the situation and be ready accordingly. Wts are to focus on their acarya life and not maintain relations with their worldly family.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous." (4)

In Him,

Historical example of nepotism: fall of Dronacarya

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The versatile Dronacarya was well known for his diplomacy in addition to his famed mastery of the art of weaponry and different scriptures. It is said that he concealed certain parts of this knowledge of weaponry and scriptures from his disciples but taught them to Arjuna. Supposedly he taught Arjuna diplomacy as well. The sages, saints and learned philosophers never considered diplomacy to be a good thing. It was their firm opinion that it led to the degradation of humanity and the decay of spirituality. In their opinion, just as a thief is caught by a thief, an exorcist is killed by a ghost, a snake charmer dies of snake-bite, similarly a practitioner of diplomacy is destroyed by diplomacy. This is what happened in the case of Dronacarya. His son’s name was Ashvaththama, and Ashvaththama was also the name of an elephant killed in the Mahábhárata war. Dronacarya was informed of the death of Ashvaththama, the elephant, when Yudhisthira proclaimed ashvaththámá hatah [Ashvaththama is dead]. When he said iti gaja [the elephant] in a soft voice, the drums and tom-toms were loud enough that Dronacarya could not hear that portion. He thought that it was his son, Ashvaththama, who was dead. He became so upset on the battlefield that he was killed in the battle.” (5)

1. 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas, point #9
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Acarya
3. 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas, point #9
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma
5. Shabda Cayanika - 5, Kut́a to Kut́t́ima (Discourse 28)

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Creatures and their kingdom of doom

"Ba'dha' eseche bheunegeche toma'r...hoyeche..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2647)


My Parama Purusa, by Your blessing all those obstacles on the path of enlightenment have been pulverized and annihilated. All the horrifying impediments - fog, dilemma, and confusion - disappeared into thin air, because of Your causeless karuna’.

The bad days - the foul, murky weather - have come with a ghastly attempt and wanted to cover everything in blackness. They tried to submerge all into cimmerian darkness. Those dances of ‘ghosts’, the days of hellish creatures and their kingdom of doom, and the heyday of the demon’s riot are gone forever - by a wee-bit of Your grace, by Your wish.

My Supreme Entity, the Charioteer of the chariot of divine refulgence, You have come and have wiped away all the perplexities, illusions, and quandaries from my mind. It is Your mercy. Baba, due to Your holy advent, the bondage of ignorance and staticity and the serpentine noose of maya have been destroyed. With Your august arrival, all the avidya’, foolishness, and defeatist complexes have gotten obliterated with the sparkling brilliance of Your presence. Baba, You are love personified…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Alert: every sadhaka should know this

Ananda Marga ideology says, "It is a fact that the force of Avidyá disturbs a spiritualist more than it disturbs an ordinary person. Various situations arise in life such as material difficulties, family unrest, abundant wealth, tremendous reputation, acute financial distress, or extreme humiliation. Sádhakas will have to bravely confront these mundane situations as a test. They must never think in terms of retreat – it would be fatal, for the Avidyá force would stab them as soon as their backs were turned. In all circumstances one must continue the process of sádhaná to gradually enhance one's latent psychic and spiritual power.” (1)

Note: In this world, if you do bad things, then vidya maya will come and try and disturb you. If a new thief tries to commit a robbery, the vidya create fear in your mind that you will be arrested and sentenced to jail. And if you do good things, then avidya maya will come and disturb you more fiercely. If you do sadhana then avidya maya will become furious and attack you in one or more of the below mentioned ways:

  • material difficulties
  • family unrest
  • abundant wealth
  • tremendous reputation
  • acute financial distress
  • extreme humiliation

The work of avidya is not limited to the above listed points. There are numerous ways in which it can attack you. Avidya maya wants that you should give up your sadhana. That is why we see that in the aforesaid situation, 99% margiis run from the field of battle and avidya maya stabs them in the back, i.e. they leave their sadhana. Verily they are defeated by avidya maya.

So the only way is to fight back. If a sadhaka gets a lot of money or prestige, or undergoes acute financial distress, then they should be vigilant and pointedly understand that this is the trap of avidya maya. And they should be more strict in Sixteen Points. But we see before our very eyes that so many sadhakas after facing the above situations become pseudo-margiis or leave the path of Ananda Marga entirely. If you watch carefully, you will see that various people get the Sadguru and the path of tantra only to run away due to material difficulties, family unrest, abundant wealth, tremendous reputation, acute financial distress, or extreme humiliation, as well as other related reasons.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, The Supreme Question – 1

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Mock democracy 

Namaskar to all,

Excellent article on economic democracy ! We must implement Proutistic ideas through the formation of political every country where they are politically conscious Margiis.

in Him,

- Link to initial letter on this topic - Mock democracy

== Section 4: Links ==

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