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Monday, January 15, 2018

False things in Pranavatmakananda book + 3 more


False things in Pranavatmakananda book


Baba has clearly told that He prefers English for formulating His philosophy. And Dada P is propagating the opposite idea of what Baba has told in the previous sentence. So Baba has told that He prefers English and Dada P says that Baba prefers Bengali. Let’s take a look and see what the fact is. Here is the audio recording in Baba’s own voice where He says that He prefers English for His literature. Please continue reading; a link to an audio file has been provided in the next section.

Baba says: “When formulating philosophy I think only in English”

While delivering His discourse on 13 Dec 1978 in Kolkata, Baba is telling that He always formulates His philosophy in English.

At the 2 min and 11 sec mark of the sound file, Baba makes the following statement in yellow highlight to the Bengali-speaking audience in their language:

Baba’s audio (2:11): “আমি...দর্শন তৈরি করৰার সময় আমি ইংরেজিতেই ভাবি” (13 Dec 1978, Kolkata) (1)

Meaning: When formulating [AM] philosophy I think only in English

For a transcription of the entire audio clip please see note 1 appended below.

Pranavatmakananda prints falsehood in his book

Now see the scan of what Pranavatmakananda falsely printed in chapter 34 of his “Mystery…” book.

See the red underlined section where Dada P is making his fabricated claim that Baba prefers Bengali for giving Ananda Marga scripture.

(Note: A scan of the entire page has been appended below.)

See the red underlined section above. Pranavatmakananda is completely contradicting Sadguru Baba. Baba has clearly told that He formulates His philosophy in English, yet Dada P is stating that Baba prefers to put forth His philosophical scripture in Bengali. As a stooge of Sarvatmananda, Pranavatmakananda is busy imposing the dogma of Bangalisation of AM books and befooling margiis around the globe.

In Him,
Lalita Banerjee

~ In-depth study ~

Note 1: Transcription of sound file

Here is the as-is transcription of that audio clip for those who read Bangla / Bengali. The critical line has been highlighted in yellow:

Sadguru Baba says, “একটা হল জাগতিক জ্ঞান বা অপরাজ্ঞান, আর একটা হল আধ্যাত্মিক জ্ঞান বা পরাজ্ঞান | জাগতিক জ্ঞান---এর ব্যাখ্যাটা হল কি ? Internal projection of external physicality | এর ৰাংলা করতে আমার একটু অসুবিধা হৰে | আর | কেন আমি ইংরেজিতেই ভেবেছি | আর পরাজ্ঞান বা অধ্যাত্ম-জ্ঞানটা হল কি ? না, internal projection of the cosmic spirituality | এটা তোমরা ৰাংলা করে নিয়ো | কারণ দর্শন তৈরি করৰার সময় আমি ইংরেজিতেই ভাবি |” (2)

Sadguru Baba has told that He formulates His philosophy only in English.

Publishers removed it from the books

This discourse, "Self-Realization is the Real Knowledge” / “Átmajinánii Ekmátr Jinán”, was printed in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 6, but the Bengali publishers removed Baba’s proclamation to hide the fact. So you will not find it in the printed edition nor in the electronic edition of Baba’s books. Those publishers wiped it from the books completely. More about this is written below.

How to counteract dogma: listen Guru’s original sound file

In the past, the religious exploiters infused terrible inferiority complexes on the point of language. This paved the way toward rampant exploitation. Those at the helm created subservient communities and 2nd class populations. And still that approach is in vogue in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. That is why a few “useful idiots” always were working in the favour of the exploiters.

If we allow the false propaganda to continue that Baba only knew Bangla, there will be terrible repercussions. Some have been trying to brainwash our Marga community into believing that Baba knew only Bengali. This dogma should be nipped in the bud. Those interested in listening to the sound file, where Baba is telling that He formulated His philosophy in English only, should download it and keep it in their own personal archive.

This should be made known to your grandchildren - and that generation should convey this to their grandchildren - as it documents the fact the Baba formulates His philosophy in English.

Why TP deleted Baba’s guideline from AM books

As disciples of Baba, we all should know that Baba first formulates His philosophical teachings in English. That is what Baba tells us. So the entire Ananda Marga philosophy was conceived in English, and then translated into other languages like Bengali and Hindi, and ultimately all other languages.

And that is why even when speaking Bengali and Hindi, Baba uses English to express many philosophical terms. And when delivering an English discourse, then already those terms are in English. Yet certain publishers did not want this to be made known to all. Our Tiljala Publications (TP) did not want margiis to know that Baba says that He conceives of His philosophy in English. So the publishers tore that from the discourse hoping that it would be gone forever. They were trying to protect their narrow-minded agenda of Bangalisation.

That is why when you read the printed English edition (Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 6, chapter 11) then you will notice that this particular section has been cut, removed, and deleted. But as His disciples - as Ananda Margiis - we have a right to know what Guru has said. So everything Guru has graciously spoken must be printed in the discourse. The whole point is that everything Baba spoke should be documented and not just tossed aside as the publishers have done.

Sadguru Baba has said: “When formulating philosophy I think in English.”

Then every Ananda Margii should know about this. Every disciple has the right to hear what Baba has said. Verily it is sinful to alter, edit, or eradicate any section of Guru’s pravacan (discourse).

This letter has a few very key points:
(a) Baba explains that He formulates His philosophy originally in English;
(b) The publishers are not giving you - the reader - Sadguru Baba's original words, rather Tiljala Publications is tainting the discourse by giving you the words of one human being working in publications;
(c) We must assert our right to have Guru's direct teaching, not via priests;
(d) Those interested in the sound file as proof should download and listen to it; then you decide for yourself; do not believe on another's hearsay;
(e) This whole letter debunks the myths that Baba is Bengali, spoke only Bengali, favours Bengali, as well as the myth that Baba formulated His philosophy in Bengali.

For elaboration and proof of all the above points, please re-read the above letter.

Snake inside house is more dangerous

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "अपना आदमी हो, घर का आदमी हो ; कोई सत्य से इधर-उधर हट गया, sincerity की कमी जिनमें है—उसका विरोध करो, बर्दाश्त मत करो | अपना आदमी है तो क्या है | अपना आदमी अगर असाधु है, insincere है, तो, और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | क्यों ? बाहर में अगर साँप रहा, वह जितना ख़तरनाक है, घर में अगर साँप घुस गया तो और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | इसलिए, और भी, उसका अधिक विरोध होना चाहिए |” (3)

Here is an English summary of Sadguru Baba’s the above Hindi teaching: If our own person or relative deviates from the truth or is lacking sincerity, oppose him. Do not tolerate him. It does not matter if he is our own relative. If our own person is dishonest and insincere then he is more dangerous. If a snake is living outside the house in the wild it is dangerous, but if that snake enters inside the house then it is more dangerous. Therefore wrongdoers of the organisation should be opposed more strongly. (4)

In His above guideline Baba explains that bad elements in society are dangerous, but bad elements inside your house - inside your organisation - are more dangerous. Do not tolerate them, benevolently oppose them. So they can rectify their ways and become an asset to our Ananda Marga society.

Full page scan from Pranavatmakananda’s book


Dada P writes: “On several occasions Baba commented that he preferred the scriptures of Ananda Marga to be written in the Bengali language.” (Pranavatmakananda, Mystery Book)

So in his book Pranavatmakananda is completely contradicting Sadguru Baba. By this we can easily conclude that Pranavatmakananda is spreading a falsehood.

Baba says: “When formulating philosophy I think only in English”

Pranavatmakananda is completely contradicting Sadguru Baba. Baba has clearly told that He formulates His philosophy in English, yet Dada P is stating that Baba prefers to put forth His philosophical scripture in Bengali. As a stooge of Sarvatmananda, Pranavatmakananda is busy imposing the dogma of Bangalisation of AM books and befooling margiis around the globe through the medium of his “Mystery…” book.

1. 13 Dec 1978, Kolkata, "Self-Realization is the Real Knowledge”
2. 13 Dec 1978, Kolkata, "Self-Realization is the Real Knowledge”
3. Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai (NP); Taking Shelter in Satya is the Essence of Sadhana, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai
4. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.
5. The above scans are from the book “The Advent of a Mystery” (July 2017) by Ac Pranavatmakananda.

Re: Pranavatmakananda spreads falsehood


This email concerns the following topic: Pranavatmakananda spread false things in book

Thank you very much for this enlightening post. You are absolutely right. Pranavatmakanandaji has made false claims about Baba simply to infuse a Bengali superiority language complex in the AM community. It is truly shocking. Your audio file and translation (if it is correct) proves Pranavatmakanandaji to be wrong and misguided or intentionally misguiding others.

Moreover, just read the page you copied into the post from his [Pranavatmakananda's] book. You will notice several contradictions right on this very page [appended below].

Dada gave several reasons why Baba supposedly preferred to speak, write or think in Bengali. Supposedly because of the capacity of the Bengali language to convey spiritual ideas in greater depth due to its close association with Sanskrit. Actually, this is simply a fabrication.  Baba gave new Sanskrit terms just to express what Baba wanted to say. If dada [Pranavatmakananda] is correct, Baba should have used Bengali instead of Sanskrit. So dada [Pranavatmakananda] should have said that Baba would have preferred to speak in Sanskrit, but since nobody understands Sanskrit, HE [Baba] preferred to even think in English.

Now, the whole scheme of Dada [Pranavatmakananda] is further on quickly exposed by Dada himself right on the same page. That is because just a few sentences later we get to know about the book "Idea and Ideology", that contains complicated matters, including spiritual matters, and even unknown topics, and all of it was given in what language? Yes, in English, not Bengali. So if Dada were correct Baba should have simply used or spoken Bengali. So this completely contradicts what dada claims. In addition, if Dada [Pranavatmakananda] were correct, it gives the impression of Baba feeling uneasy speaking other languages or expressing subtle ideas in any language other than Bengali. That is complete nonsense.

The fact is, Baba felt very comfortable speaking other languages. Baba even said that HE likes French very much. So Baba had no hesitation to speak and dictate even the most complicated spiritual matters, such as written in Idea and Ideology, in English.

You have done a great Viprocita Seva.

In His love, Ac. Sandiipananda Avt.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Those spiritual melodies go on floating in various

"Tomári surer shrote áj prabháte, málá genthechi...” (Prabhat Samgiita #1843)


O’ Parama Purusa, today in this morning hour, in the stream of Your tune, I have threaded a garland especially for You. Whether You wish to accept and wear it or not, please know that I love You. And also remember, with great reverence, prema, and affection, I have tried to complete all that You have blissfully allotted for me.

O’ Parama Purusa, Your divine tune is coming from an unknown origin and floating into my heart. With the resonance of rhythm and melody suffused in each and every song, I practiced those loving tunes for You.

Those spiritual melodies go on floating in various directions everywhere, in the physical, psychic, and psycho-spiritual realms, and also in the resonance of my drowsy mind. Surprisingly, by Your grace, I caught hold of those unnamed, heart-satiating songs.

Baba, please accept my garland; I surrender at Your lotus feet...

== Section 3: Important Topic ==

Animal slaughter: the deity would certainly interfere

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When people sacrifice a goat or buffalo in a religious festival while chanting “Divine goddess, divine goddess!” before a deity, they know that the animal is an irreplaceable part of creation, but still they slaughter it. This is hypocrites' dogma. If a man kills his brother before his mother, will it please his mother? No, it cannot. The difference between these two examples is that the deity is unable to do anything to stop the slaughter, while the mother is quite capable of taking the necessary action. Otherwise, the deity would certainly interfere and stop the cruel, useless sacrifice." (1)

1. Prout in A Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings

Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: False things in Pranavatmakananda book
2. PS #1843: Those spiritual melodies go on floating in various
3. IT: Animal slaughter: the deity would certainly interfere
4. Links

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