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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Rudrananda with his main henchmen


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Rudrananda with his main henchmen


Here is Rudrananda with his main minions who have hollowed out AMPS from the inside.

Ananda Vanii states, “Clouds cannot overcast the sun for a long time. The creatures of darkness never want the expansive exaltation of human society. Even then, human beings shall march ahead. No one can arrest the speed of their progress. You must be the harbingers, you must be the pioneers of this victorious march. See that not a single individual lags behind.” (Ananda Vanii #36)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Detailed report of one henchman

Note: This email contains key photos and a link to a video that is central to this topic. So be sure to read all the way to the bottom of this email.


These days AMPS is run by sycophants of Rudrananda. So if any Wt  follows strictly the moral codes of Ananda Marga, they are given a punishment posting. That is the main tool, or underlying threat, that Rudrananda uses.

The below listed three didis are the latest victims. Their only fault was that they were raising the voice against the alleged sexual predator, Mantrajapananda (CTS Davao). That is why these three Didis were banished from Manila sector and given a punishment posting:
#1: Didi Ananda Gaorii
#2: Didi Ananda Prabha
#3: Didi Ananda Shubhra

These three Didis opposed the alleged sexual crimes committed by CTS Dada. They refused to tow the party line, keep their mouth shut, and overlook Mantrajapananda’s alleged characterless behaviour with sister trainees. So in one fell swoop, Rudrananda tossed these three Didis out of Manila sector. That is the way it works these days.

Why punishment postings

The question is why has Rudrananda given the key post of CTS Manila to this subhuman Dada who allegedly sexually harasses his trainees. One of the chief reasons is that Mantrajapananda has sold many lucrative AMPS properties in the Philippines and Mantrajapananda has given that money to Rudrananda to develop his private property (Sadhughat) near Varanasi. In return, Rudrananda winks at Mantrajapananda and allows him continue to sleep with young women trainees.

Side by side, Rudrananda punishes those Wts who unmasks this alleged sexual predator’s dirty habit. So when the above listed three Didis (Ananda Gaorii, Ananda Prabha, & Ananda Shubhra) opposed Mantrajapanda’s sinful dealings, then they were swiftly given punishment postings.

History of punishment postings

Since 1990, punishment postings have been a key weapon of corrupt leaders. Since that time, several hundred Wts have been punished. Here are a few cases as well as a description about punishment postings.

(a) When Dada xy was very strict in Ananda Marga rules of conduct then they shipped him off to some barren land in Orissa and Dada G became terrified. Ultimately, due to the pressure of circumstance, Dada xy surrendered to the corrupt leaders and was rewarded with a much more favourable posting at the Ranchi Baba Quarters.

(b) Another key example of a punishment posting is Qahira sector. Whenever those at the helm wish to punish any Wt they simply ship them to the Middle East. That is an extremely tough field. Support is very limited, and the ruling Islamic governments crack down on outside spiritual teachers working in their country. Just trying to exist in Qahira sector is a big challenge, let alone doing any real pracara etc. That is why this is the key place where mostly overseas Wts are sent for punishment postings.

(c) But really speaking, any place that is a threat to a Wt’s overall existence is a punishment posting. It could be in the African desert, or an arid, rocky master unit in India with no road access, or in any part of the world where there are no margiis etc. If you ask your local Wt about punishment postings, then if they are honest with you they will give you a long list of Wts who have suffered in this way.

Rudrananda’s ill gotten wealth

Here is a look at the massive building that Rudrananda is constructing for his own affairs. A major percentage of the cost is being paid for by alleged philanderer Mantrajapananda who got the funding by selling many AMPS properties in Manila sector. Here below is Rudrananda’s personal building that is being constructed with Filipino money to make Rudrananda’s memorial tomb after death..

At the top of this blog post is Rudrananda’s personal building that is being constructed with Filipino money to make Rudrananda’s memorial tomb after his death..

Video: eye-witness account of Trainer Mantrajapananda’s orgy

Here below is an eye-witness account from one sister who was a trainee at the Davao TC and she directly witnessed how Dada Mantrajapananda behaved with sister trainees. Click on the below image to view the video.

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Below is a transcription of the video

Namaskar. I am Lokatiita’ from Philippines. I was in Davao training center last March to December 2016. I left training center because I was disturbed with the behaviour of our trainer, Mantrajapananda. Especially with how, Dada interacting with the sister trainees. Yeah, I saw with my own two eyes. Several sisters massaged Dada. Dada was lying on his belly. I saw [he was] massaged from his back, from his back to his thighs and his legs. Also I saw new Didis cutting his hand nails and toenails. And also sometimes the sister trainee did to cut. When we travel, I saw some sister feeding Dada, hand feeding. Dada often goes out with one sister alone until late in the night. And also Dada likes to call over the phone, talk with the sisters and didis, till late in the night also. And he likes to call them intimate names. And also several sisters asked him, “Dada, do you love me?” like that. Also I saw the physical contact, his physical contact with the sisters like pinching their nose, tapping their head, holding their neck, the back of their neck and whispering with the sisters very close to each other, their faces were very close to each other like they were kissing, like that. One trainee sister from Vietnam expressed to me when she went out to the training center, and when Dada found her Dada immediately kissed her hand. He wanted to start from Europe. Dada asked her how frequent, how frequent she had sex with her ex-boyfriend before. I was shocked. Like I don’t know what to say. All of those things I heard and I saw with my own eyes. Yeah like that. Too much pain. That’s why one of the reasons I left training center. Yeah. And my feelings was, uh, how to say, Mantrajapananda exploit the young trainees sister by their emotional needs. Yeah. That’s what I feel. Yeah. (Transcribed by Bhaskar)

मन्त्रजपानंद की गंदी अश्लील हरकतें
नमस्कार।  मैं दीदी लोकातीता हूँ, फिलीपीन की । मैं फिलीपीन के “डबाओ” नगर में ट्रेनिंग सेंटर में पिछले मार्च से दिसम्बर २०१६ तक रही हूँ । मैंने ट्रेनिंग सेंटर छोड़ दिया क्योंकि मैं ट्रेनर दादा मंत्रजपानन्द के दुर्व्यवहार से मैं परेशान गई थी ।  विशेष रूप से बात यह थी कि वे महिला दीदी प्रशिक्षणार्थियों ट्रेनियों के साथ वे गंदी गंदी बातें करते हैं | जी हाँ ! मैंने अपनी आँखों से देखा और सुना है । अनेक दीदियाँ दादा की मालिश करती हैं। दादा अपने पेट के बल लेट जाते हैं और वे उनकी  पीठ से जाँघों और पैरों की ओर मालिश करती हैं। मैंने नयी बहनों को उनके पैरों और हाथों के नाखून काटते  हुए भी देखा है। कभी कभी नई ट्रेनी दीदियाँ भी दादा मन्त्रजपानंद का नाखून काटा करती हैं । जब हम यात्रा करते, तब कोई न कोई दीदी अपने हाथ से दादा मन्त्रजपानंद को भोजन कराती। दादा हमेशा किसी एक दीदी के साथ अकेले देर रात तक अन्धेरे में बाहर  घूमते हैं । दादा मन्त्रजपानंद दीदियों से फ़ोन पर भी देर रात तक गंदी गंदी बातें करते हैं । और दादा दीदियों को अश्लील प्यार भरे नामों से पुकारना पसंद करते हैं। अनेक दीदियाँ तो दादा मन्त्रजपानंद से यह पूछ बैठती हैं "कि दादा क्या आप मुझ से प्यार करते है" आदि । मैंने दादा मन्त्रजपानंद को दीदियों से शारीरिक संपर्क करते भी देखा जैसे, नाक को प्यार से दबाना, दीदियों का सिर थपथपाना, दीदियों के गर्दन को पकड़ना  और दीदियों के बहुत नज़दीक जाकर उनके कान में फुसफुसाना | ऐसा देखकर लगता है कि दादा मन्त्रजपानंद दीदी को चूम रहे हों |

वियतनाम की एक ट्रेनी दीदी ने मुझे बताया कि जब वह ट्रेनिंग सेंटर से पास होकर निकली, तब मन्त्रजपानंद दादा ने तुरंत उस दीदी का हाथ चूम लिया। मन्त्रजपानंद दादा ने उस दीदी से पूछा कि उस दीदी ने, दीदी बनने के पहले के बॉय फ्रेंड से कितनी बार सेक्स किया। मैं दंग रह गई, मेरे मुँह से शब्द ही नहीं निकल पा रहे थे। यह सब बातें मैंने अपने कान से सुना और अपनी आँखों से देखा। जी हाँ ! जो मैंने कहा, वह बिलकुल सही है । दादा की हरकतें बहुत कष्टकारी थी ! इन्हीं सब कारणों से मैंने ट्रेनिंग सेंटर छोड़ने को मजबूर हो गई । जी हाँ ! और मैं अपनी तकलीफ़ का क्या वर्णन करूँ ? लगता है कि दादा मन्त्रजपानंद अपने गन्दी वृत्तियों की सन्तुष्टि के लिए नई युवा ट्रेनी दीदियों का किस प्रकार से गन्दे और अश्लील तरीके से तंग करते हैं | यह सब मैंने ख़ुद अनुभव किया । जी हाँ !  (Trans: Dr. T.R.S.)

Solution: duty of margiis & true Wts

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Your duty will be to unite the moralists. Let there be two camps. Let there be an open fight. The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight. The united strength of five moralists is much more than the united strength of a hundred immoralists because there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter. Meditation behind closed doors will not do. Gather strength by intuitional practices and unite yourselves against the immoralists.” (1)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

  • Didis Ananda Gaorii & Ananda Shubhra have been in Manila sector for many years & are running educational projects.

  • Didi Ananda Shubhra wanted to go to India from Manila Sector when she raised the issue of Mantrajapananda in RDS in Ranchi. But before she could get to India they immediately transferred her to another sector.  

  • The characterless Didi Ananda Anupama' is now posted as SWWS of Manila Sector. They didn't announce this openly in the RDS but internally they conveyed the message to SS Manila that Didi Ananda Anupama' is now posted as a SWWS Manila. As many know, she sleeps with various Dadas & Didis.

Relevant teachings

- WT Conduct Rule: “Supervisory workers will have to take proper care of each of their supervised stuff in all respects.” (Six Additional Rules, Point #2)

- WT Conduct Rule: Supervisory workers will have to keep care that each of their supervised workers is properly utilized.” (Six Additional Rules, Point #6)

- WT Conduct Rule: "Avadhuta must not remain in a lonely place with any female." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt #13)

WT Conduct Rule: "You will protect yourself from sexual weakness and luxury." (WT Conduct Rules, Fourteen Points, pt #12)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Your Mission

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