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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Evil Wt Divyacetanananda


Evil Wt Divyacetanananda


One Wt has made the following sinful errors while publishing the below article:
  • Please see the below newspaper scan. The Wt printed and titled the article in the name of Sadguru Baba as, “Don’t sing bhajans out loud.” But this is a completely negative title. On the one hand Sadguru Baba guides us to sing bhajans, devotional songs, and kiirtana in a full-throated voice, and on the other this negative WT is telling the public in the name of Sadguru Baba not to sing their songs out loud. The people are sure to blame Ananda Margiis as being hypocrites because we are singing bhajans our loud yet telling other not to sing out loud. It will create a bad name for our Marga. That is the awful sin this Wt has done.
  • Once again, see the below scan. Tragically, this is all being done on the public stage in the name of Sadguru Baba.
  • In the below scan. Dada failed to give due respect and reverence to Sadguru Baba by only using one “Shrii” before sadgurus name. When we know the proper method is to write “Shrii Shrii Anandamurti”.
  • Throughout the article, the Wt did not cite Sadguru Baba’s original teachings. So it is completely unknown from which discourse this is from.
  • If you read the body of this article carefully you will not find any guideline that states that devotional songs should not be sung out loud. It only says that in the concocted heading.
  • You know that in His teachings Baba condemns the approach of praising and eulogizing God out loud. Baba is addressing those religions that feel that God is up in heaven. That is why they pray out loud. But this Wt stretched the point and made it into a fallacious headline that goes against Baba's fundamental teachings. This Wt created a mess - his situation is like the black crow who tried to present himself as a parrot and not only failed but projected his own stupidity.
Please take note of the below article published in a major Indian newspaper, in name of Sadguru Baba. The main heading reads: “Don’t sing devotional songs out loud”. As explained above, this is completely hypocritical and bogus. Then, in the next line down in small writing on the left there are two isolated words above a dotted line. Those two words say, “Shrii Anandamurti.” Sadly, only one Shrii was used. But for his own name in the bottom right corner of the article, Dada put a special prefix before his name: “Prastuti” which means “presenter”. So it says: “Presenter: Divyacetanananda Avadhuta.” This Wt put his own full avadhuta name and title in full glory for all to see, but for Sadguru Baba he only used one Shrii.

Many dirty deeds of this so called WT
  • When reprinting any article, in any form, it is the literary standard to inform the reader that Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji has given the discourse on such a date, in such a place, and that it is printed in such a book. All this is conspicuously absent. Dada Divyacetanananda just pasted Baba’s discourse and stuck his name at the end. 
  • When publishing anyone's work it is the standard policy to clearly denote who is the author. But Dada Divyacetananananda did not do this. He put a compromised version of Guru's name at the beginning and his own name in fully glory at the end. This makes it vague and confusing to the reader as to who the actual author is. Sadly, Dadaji is just taking credit yet also giving himself a back-door exit or alibi to say, "Look Baba's name is there." But this is all the work of an intellectual cheat. No honest person can operate in this manner.
  • The story does not end here. In a conniving way, Divyacetananananda put a one-word prefix before his name. “Prastuti”-- which means “presenter”. This means Dada Divyacetanananda wrote this article, and he is presenting it before the readers. And the article is about Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji.
  • The avadhuta dada who has printed this Baba’s discourse in the newspaper, has committed many sins.
  • There is no proper citation, i.e. date, place, book. This is entirely absent. This creates one negative trend. It opens the door for false things to get printed in Baba's name. And it thereby opens the door for adulteration in Baba's teachings. History bears testimony that the thinking of various social thinkers, spiritual leaders, Mahasambhutis has been polluted and destroyed in this way.
  • In the article look over to the right-most column, and see at the end of that column is Divyacetanananda’s name. The way this is printed gives the reader the false notion that the author of the article is Divyacetananada. Internally Divyacetananada wants people to think he is the writer. That is why he presented it in this way to the newspaper. This is a sign of the narcissism of Divyacetanananda. He wants to glorify himself more than he wants to propagate Baba. It is just like when tourists go to certain historical sites, then they take their own selfie photo. Their goal is to project themselves on the launchpad of those statues etc. Similarly, in the name of Baba's discourses, Divyacetanananda wants to highlight himself. If any avadhuta has this type of feeling, he is a degraded avadhuta. Because a true avadhuta glorifies Guru's image, not himself.
  • All in all this negative Wt is publicly writing all kinds of false and concocted things in the name of Baba. This is the most sinful thing one can do, i.e. misrepresent Guru.
Note: It looks like that in the above scan of his newspaper article, this Wt misquoted, spliced, cut, and distorted Baba’s original discourse on Iishvara Pranidhana from “A Guide to Human Conduct”.


Sadguru Baba's words should not be distorted, concocted, or mispresented in any way. And Parama Purusa Baba should always be referred to in the most reverential terms, especially on the public platform like the newspaper. It is so unfortunate that one of our own avadhutas failed miserably to uphold these basic standards.

In Him,
Mukesh Banerjee
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Preach only Satya. Explain to them whatever you have done with reasons thereof. Also, make it clear to them what you want to do and why you want to do." (1)

One sad story in all of this is that this Wt - i.e. Dada Divyachetanananda Avt - repeatedly commits the same sin. Time and again senior margiis have warned Dada to not to go against Baba's guidelines. But because of his devious motive and degenerated mind, he has tried to belittle Baba again and again.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Due to carelessness, if any mistake has been committed unknowingly or unconsciously, one must admit it immediately and ask for punishment." (2)

1. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva)
2. Fifteen Shiilas, pt #11

Note: Divyachetanananda, Divyacetanananda, Divyachetanananda avadhuta, Divyacetananandaji, Divyachetananandaji

Now see how this same Dada has committed more sins. This Dada has belittled and negatively projected Baba and Ananda Marga philosophy, and propagated Hindu dogma. Here below is a link to posting initially posted 08 March 2016 to unmask the hypocrisy and evilness of this Dada Divyacetanananda.


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Self-engrossed wt


Self-engrossed wt

In spite of being an avadhuta, Ác Rágánugánanda is known for his lavish life. Being a monk of Ánanda Márga, Ác Rágánugánanda’s conduct influences many lives. He is perceived by many as a role model. Therefore, any flaw in the conduct of a person like Ác Rágánugánanda can have profound effect on the society. In this posting, we shall see how Ác Rágánugánanda’s conduct has contravened Sadguru Baba’s elementary teachings.

In the following picture taken from Ác Rágánugánanda’s facebook profile he addresses himself as prabhu, which means master or god. Like a public relation exercise of a high profile politician Ác Rágánugánanda is posing for a picture with garland while seated in the car. Ác Rágánugánanda has provided address of his residence and his date of biological birth as August 8, 1982.

In the above picture Ác Rágánugánanda addresses himself as prabhu (god) while posing for a picture with garland on his neck. Ác Rágánugánanda has provided his address and biological date of birth. In this way, Rágánugánandji has spit on our conduct rules-- when he has taken a vow to put the conduct rules above his head and hold them high. By his conduct it proves that he is a lowly fellow.

Self-glorification instead of kiirttana

By addressing himself as prabhu or god Ác Rágánugánanda is committing the grave mistake of self-glorification. Sadguru Bábá vehemently condemns such self-glorification.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "“Kiirttaniiyah sadáharih”. Kiirtana should be done on Hari and on no other entity. One should not praise oneself or any other person. There are many people who are very fond of praising themselves by telling everyone what wonderful things they have done, but, as mentioned in this sloka, kiirtana is not for one's own self but for Hari. Even though people are taught to do kiirtana for Hari, they still make the mistake of praising themselves too much. Sometimes their self-praise is so intense that others are obliged to say, “Please stop praising yourself so much.” They forget that their self-applause is rather boring for others. Human beings should realize that no one likes to hear the self-praise of others." (1)

Frittering away begotten energy from Parama Puruśa  in self-glorification

Ác Rágánugánanda wastes his energy in glorifying his mortal existence rather than utilizing it for propagating Baba’s Dharmic injunctions. Human life is an opportunity to serve Parama Puruśa by doing His work. Once the opportunity is lost one may have to wait for a indefinite amount of time to get another human life.

Ánanda Márga ideology states, "Avadhuta will always keep himself engaged in service of Gurudeva with sincerity and devotion in thought, word and deed, in subtle and crude spheres, in inner and outer expressions of life." (2)


Ác Rágánugánanda has been involved in self-glorification like a high-profile politician. An avadhuta should dedicate his life in propagation of Sadguru Baba’s teachings rather than self-glorification. Unfortunately, Ác Rágánugánanda contravened all the guidelines provided by Sadguru Bábá in this regard. Being an avadhuta Ác Rágánugánanda’s conduct has a direct effect on the general society. Thus, readers are requested to contact Ác Rágánugánanda and request him to rectify his conduct.

In Him,

For Detailed Study

“A’loker path cha’r’ibo na’…A’mi nijere praca’r koribo na’…” (Prabhat Samgiita #337) (3)

Purport: O’ Parama Purus’a, I will never glorify my own existence. I will never praise myself in front of anyone. O’ my Lord, You have taught me to propagate Your glory. I will propagate the glory of Parama Purusa – not anyone else. So I will never propagate my own self...

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The duty of human beings is only to continue their efforts to please Parama Purusa. Thus when any work is done, the concerning sadhaka is not to be given any credit; the credit should be given to Parama Purus'a." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "This arrogance, which makes them want to display themselves, forgetting all other things, is termed aham'ka'ra [vanity]. The predominant vrtti  behind it is aham [ego]: 'I am everything, there is nothing beyond and outside me'." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology teaches us, "So you see, preya  or ka'ma  remains busy with finite units only, and thus, the ego, who is the enjoyer of such fragmentary units, must be the small ego.  It is impossible to develop such an ego which remains always absorbed in these units.  Even people of wisdom, of high social status -- even so-called intellectual and accomplished scientists and philosophers who are always concerned with earning high respect for themselves or saving their own prestige -- even they pursue sensuous or fragmentary objects for the gratification of their egos.  Perhaps they deliberately refuse to realise that these petty objectives of their egos will infuse their minds with meanness, as a result of which all their egoistic respect, prestige and status will ultimately be pulverized into dust." (6)


1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, The Lord Should Always Be Praised
2. 32 Rules for Avadhutas, point #28
3. Prabhat Samgiita #337
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, p.7
5. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 10, 'Shivokti 6'
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, p.80-81

The name of Ác Rágánugánanda Avt can be spelt in various ways as listed here - Dádá Rágánugánanda, Raganugananda Dádá, Dada Raganugananda, Raganugananda Dada.

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