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Monday, August 19, 2019

AMPS is hijacked: example + 2 more


AMPS is hijacked: example


Baba has made the most unique and dynamic organisation, AMPS, as it is based on and was formed to propagate AM ideology, and it is fortified by the dynamic socio-economic principles of Prout. The tragedy is that at present our AMPS has literally been hijacked; here below is one more proof. All should take note and mobilize into action at the earliest.

#1: Prior to 1990, our AMPS steered fully clear from aligning itself with any political parties of the day. Ours is a socio-spiritual organisation, not a political one, and committed to the universal aims of dharma. In contrast, the various political parties are inherently fueled by their own provincial and selfish agendas.

Rudra samgha in bed with Modi

#2: Unfortunately, these days Rudrananda has taken hold of the reins of our AMPS and turned it into the playtoy of Modi’s government and RSS, the political arm of Hindu fundamentalists. As soon as Modi’s victory was announced, then GS, under the orders of Rudrananda, sent a grand letter of congratulations Modi. This type of kowtowing is completely beneath the standard of AM. Ours is the approach of universalism, and Modi’s regime is based on a narrow-minded Hindu agenda. They are completely antithetical to our neo-humanistic outlook, yet here Rudrananda & Co are behaving like lackeys, wholly eager and anxious to praise Modi up to the sky. There is no place for this in our AM. Because they are completely antithetical to our neo-humanistic outlook.

#3: This type of black dealing is absolutely shocking and beyond the pale. Such a thing was unthinkable prior to 1990. Sadguru Baba is firmly opposed to all those political creatures, yet here we see Rudrananda shaking hands with Modi’s capitalist regime and openly embracing those RSS leaders whose sole motive is to promote casteism, Hindu dogma, and brahmin superiority etc.

#4: Seeing this, others will think that AMPS is just another Hindu organisation. By essentially prostrating at the feet of Modi in such an obsequious manner, the public will think AMPS members are just spineless pawns of Modi’s regime, as if we are ever-ready to stand at attention, awaiting his beckon and call. The entire scene is beyond comprehension and a slur in the name of dharma and Prout.

#5: Appended below please see the flowery, laudatory letter that Modi sent in response to GS, i.e. Rudrananda’s chief stooge. The two sides are clearly in bed with one another - each congratulating the other. Verily, Rudrananda and his stooges are intoxicated and literally basking in the praise of those dogmatic politicians.

Kiss of death

#6: Sadly, a few naive bystanders are also giddy seeing the letter of praise from Modi’s regime. But this is utterly the kiss of death. Baba clearly warns us that the worst state of affairs is when you are getting publicly praised and honoured by your own enemies. At that point, what is left; better one should reside in the burial ground. For any true Ananda Margii, we are to abide by the following tenet:

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Nindantu niitinipuńáh yadi vá stuvantu: “If I am too concerned with those who praise or censure me, I will not find time to do my real work.”” (1)

Rudrananda: an RSS plant

#7: As noted, AMPS is a socio-spiritual organisation that is indirectly linked with Proutist Universal. Thus, the General Secretary of AMPS should undoubtedly support the aims of Prout. But nowadays, Rudrananda’s stooge GS Dada is openly colluding with Modi’s Hindu-capitalist regime. This is a direct slap in the face to our Prout movement; the stooge GS is spitting on the valiant efforts of our Prout workers and activists all over the globe.

#8: All this stands as proof that Rudrananda is a plant from the outside. He is a native RSS member who snuck into AMPS to drive it off the tracks. Indeed, RSS has a long history of destroying any competing organisations, and their chief tactic is to infiltrate that organisation and destroy it from the inside out. In this regard, AMPS is just one more feather in their cap. Rudrananda is #Modi’sMan. Indeed, whenever and wherever possible, Rudrananda sings the praises of Modi, whether it be in support of Modis reelection campaign or when attending international yoga day conferences. Rudrananda always lauds Modi.


#9: Those at the helm of AMPS should be dedicated solely to the teachings and preachings of universal dharma as given by Shrii Shrii Anandaurti ji. In this regard, there must not be even an ounce of concession.

Caryacarya states, “Do not have any dealings with a party whose policies are opposed to those of the Marga.” (2)

in Him,

Related Prout teachings

Prout philosophy states, "By merely delivering a few fiery lectures before less intelligent common people, the protagonists of party politics tear apart all the hopes and aspirations of the common people and undermine their prosperity. Various bizarre ideas jumble the minds of the common people, and they become dumbstruck." (3)

Prout philosophy states, "The more time is passing by, the more the glare of casteism, provincialism, communalism and nationalism is fading away. The human beings of today must understand that in the near future they will definitely have to accept universalism. So those who seek to promote social welfare will have to mobilize all their vitality and intellect in the endeavour to establish a world organization, abandoning all plans to form communal or national organizations. They will have to engage themselves in constructive activities in a straight-forward manner, instead of resorting to duplicity and deceitfulness.” (4)

The Propounder states, “PROUT is the panacea for the integrated progress of human society. It aims to bring about equilibrium and equipoise in all aspects of socio-economic life.” (5)

Sadly, Rudrananda has no clue about Prout and is kissing up to these RSS / Hindu fundamentalists to gain their favour etc, when Baba’s guideline is to follow the ways of neo-humanism and fight against narrow-mindedness, tooth and nail. So the whole affair is quite nauseating how Rudrananda has completely removed all dharmic fight from our AMPS so that now it has become the lap puppy of Modi’s Hindu-capitalist regime. Now is the time we need to reclaim our AMPS whereby it stands for all the dharmic tenets of Anadna Marga ideology and Prout.

See the below letter

The below letter is Modi’s response (09 July 2019) to the stooge of Rudrananda, i.e. GS Citsvarupananda. The text in the red box at the top of the letter demonstrates that Rudrananda / Citsvarupananda initiated the correspondence by first sending a “congratulatory message” to communalistic regime after their victory in the recent national Indian elections.

The above letter is Modi’s response (09 July 2019) to the stooge of Rudrananda, i.e. GS Citsvarupananda. The text in the red box at the top of the letter demonstrates that Rudrananda / Citsvarupananda initiated the correspondence by first sending a “congratulatory message” to communalistic regime after their victory in the recent national Indian elections.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live
2. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Point #26b
3. Problems of the Day, Point #29
4. Problems of the Day, Point #19
5. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Economic Dynamics

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *
== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Play of Parama Purusa with great bhakta

About this Prabhat Samgiita: Prabhat Samgiita is the loving communication between the bhakta and Parama Purusa. In most compositions, the song is sung by the bhakta; less frequently Parama Purusa is addressing the bhakta, either using direct or indirect language. But always the song is the loving sharing between Parama Purusa and the bhakta. Never is there a third entity in the song.

In contrast, traditional Hindu bhajans and writings might employ 2 characters, i.e. bhakta and Parama Purusa, or 3 characters. In those instances where there are 3 characters, then 2 of them are bhaktas who are friends talking about the third character - i.e. Parama Purusa. For example, one bhakta might ask, "Why are you crying? Is it because your Lord has not come?" This is a common scenario in melancholic, traditional Indian bhajans.

But in Prabhat Samgiita, the communication is exclusively between the bhakta and Parama Purusa - there is no 3rd party. Sometimes the bhakta is talking with Parama Purusa, and sometimes Parama Purusa is addressing the bhakta. In either case, the style of communication may be direct or indirect. In some rare melancholic compositions, Parama Purusa addresses the bhakta in a very indirect and disguised manner wherein the bhakta does not even recognise that it is Parama Purusa.

For example, in a melancholic song, if a bhakta is crying in longing for Parama Purusa, then Parama Purusa might come in a disguised way so the bhakta does not even realise it is Parama Purusa. Keeping His identity hidden, Parama Purusa then asks, "Why are you crying? In whose longing are you crying?"

This song proceeds in this subtle manner. Parama Purusa has come to the bhakta in a disguised way and the bhakta has no idea that Parama Purusa is the One next to him addressing him and asking these questions. In this way Parama Purusa plays His divine liila.

This song is the expression of a unique interplay between the Supreme Entity and the bhakta, where Parama Purusa asks various questions to the bhakta without disclosing His own identity.

"Kár tare tumi base base kándo,kár kathá bhávo divánishi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1316)


Bhakta, please tell me why you are crying so restlessly; you have not taken any food or gotten any rest. For whom do you have such a deep longing and are waiting for while weeping so bitterly. Whose story and tale are you pondering day and night. Which thief has captivated and stolen your mind and taken away the sweet smile from your face. Who is making you cry.  

Bhakta, your personal belongings are not arranged properly; everything is scattered about - lying here and there. There is only tension in your eyes - all the satiation and satisfaction has disappeared. Who created this situation. You are always telling the tale of your Beloved and narrating those events again and again in Your mind internally. Who is your Dearmost. 

Bhakta, you have all the qualities and attributions, and in your life there are many things to do; but, even then, forgetting all those things, you are shedding tears in longing. Is it that the Lord Himself - the Parama Purusa - is attracting You with His divine flute day and night. With that resonance He is pulling your heart and making your restless in His longing - or what can be the reason. 

Bhakta, please tell me who has taken your peace and tranquillity of mind and made you so anxious. Who has put you in great trouble by taking away your heart and not listening to your call...

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: AMPS is hijacked: example
2. PS #1316: Play of Parama Purusa with great bhakta
3. Links

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