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Friday, April 29, 2022

How to detox + 2 more


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How to detox

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Baba's guideline is to fast from sunrise to sunrise - thereby giving the body's organs ample time for complete rest and rejuvenation. This is one unique aspect. Another speciality of the Ananda Marga system of fasting is the special emphasis which Baba places on breaking fast properly.

Animals fast but only humans know how to break fast

On numerous occasions, Baba has told that animals know how to fast but only humans know how to break fast. The point being that there is a definite and proper way to break fast - and this is how the toxins get removed. Any wrong technique such as haphazardly breaking fast or prematurely filling the body with food will ruin the entire detoxification process. Baba has told that everyone should follow a rational and systematic approach for breaking fast. As a review here are a few of those teachings.

As a general rule, it is important not to overeat and stuff oneself the night before fasting. Certainly, we may have all seen how this is a common tendency; but, overeating is to be avoided as it delays or even disturbs the body's cleansing process and severely hampers the ability to break fast properly. So to maximize the benefits of a fast, one should take care about the quantity of food taken the evening prior.

A few of Baba's important guidelines for breaking fast
Here are general overall guidelines for the morning of breaking fast. Baba tells us that we should give ourselves plenty of time the morning of breaking fast to attend to our spiritual practices as well as for the actual process of breaking fast. Doing everything in a rushed or hurried manner and then running off to the office or catching a bus is not at all advisable. Instead, that will just create more problems as the body is in a very delicate state and needs proper time to re-hydrate and gain energy. Hence, as most require less sleep the night of fasting one should rise early the next morning to have a maximum amount of time for sadhana etc.

Another invaluable guideline which Baba has given is the great emphasis He places on drinking water and hydrating the body.

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "To maintain the internal functions of the body without hindrance and to maintain the internal liquid balance, everyone should drink a sufficient quantity of water." (1)

More guidelines for breaking fast

Baba goes on to explain that on a normal day a healthy person should drink 3 - 4 liters of water as a baseline. So on breaking fast morning when the body is dehydrated it is obvious that we should also drink a very "generous" amount of water - and not just a single glass. On the morning of breaking fast, drinking an ample amount of water fulfills two distinct purposes.

Firstly, by ingesting 1 litre and then waiting approximately 20 min, and then another liter and then waiting 15 minutes, then in total a minimum of 2 - 3 liters of lemon salt water is consumed. Then gradually the body is able to cleanse itself from top to bottom. The toxins are pulled from the entire body indirectly and the entire length directly of the digestive tract is made clean.

Thereafter, by drinking fresh water, but not more than a ½ litre at one time, the second task of rehydrating the body is accomplished. Because after a 24 hour dry fast the body is in need of water. Thus after cleaning the body with lemon salt water one must drink another liter or two of fresh water, but not more than a ½ litre at one time, to properly hydrate the body. This twofold process of water drinking has to be completed prior to taking any solid food.

When the body is cleansed and hydrated then one can eat a few ripe bananas by chewing them properly to promote smooth and easy digestion. This will provide some calories to energize the body. When these bananas have properly settled in the stomach, be sure to wait 20 - 25 minutes for this to happen, and when you feel thirsty then again drink water. After drinking water, wait another 20 minutes before taking a light meal of well-hydrated rice and vegetables or other very simple food commonly available in your locale.

Great results

The grand outcome of all of this is a wonderful cleansing process which helps the entire body.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “As a result of fasting, the poisonous and unproductive waste of the body gets destroyed and expelled." (2)
By Baba's complete system of fasting and breaking fast all the toxins get removed and the body becomes vibrant and pure.

Amount of water

So per Baba’s system, one should drink 3 - 4 liters of water (or more if needed) on the morning of breaking fast. Initially, for the first two liters or so, that water will be heavily salted, lemon water, and then as one begins clearing and cleansing, the water will be less salted, until finally one will drink fresh water, i.e. without any salt. Here the emphasis is on drinking a sufficient quantity of water to both cleanse and then rehydrate the system. One lone glass of water will never be enough after fasting without water.

Writer misguides about fasting breaking: flaw #1

In a book "Food For Thought", however, Didi Ananda Mitra has published "tips" on how to break fast. Yet what is written in that book "Food For Thought" runs counter to Baba's perfectly prescribed system and guidelines. We should all be aware about the defective approach being advocated. Instead of following Baba's expressed guideline, Didi Ananda Mitra recommends something completely different.

Didi Ananda Mitra writes: "Break the fast the next morning after sunrise with a glass of lemon juice (about 1/4 of a fresh lemon in a glass of water), with a little salt or honey." Here ends Didi Ananda Mitra’s faulty recommendation #1.
COMMENT: After fasting without water, drinking only a single glass of lemon water on the morning of breaking fast will never ever suffice. That is like placing a tiny drop of water in the desert. A mere small glass of water is nothing compared to what the body really needs after fasting without water for 24 hours. Additionally, one cannot cleanse the body - after fasting without water - with that paltry amount of fluid, i.e. a single glass. In which case, all the toxins, and other waste material will just sit and linger in the body. So that is highly problematic. Because breaking fast is the time when those toxins etc should be evacuated. And that is what occurs when one follows the proper system for breaking fast, i.e. drinking a sufficient quantity of water (3 - 4 liters at minimum). And adding honey will completely ruin the system in that delicate state.


According to our Ananda Marga system, after one has fully cleansed the entire digestive tract whereby only clear fluid is released from the body, soon thereafter one will feel hungry. Within ten to fifteen minutes a slight feeling of hunger will come. At that point, you should eat 1 - 2 very ripe bananas - or 3 if they are very small. The bananas should be soft and ripe - not green and hard. Chew them slowly and thoroughly to generate and mix with the saliva. Here the point is that the first food after breaking fast will be soft, ripe bananas. This is very soothing for the body as these bananas also help coat the lining of the stomach. When eating the bananas, proper care should be taken to chew them thoroughly so the banana is sufficiently mixed with saliva. This is a key element for promoting proper digestion.

Unfortunately, if one follows Didi Ananda Mitra’s guideline of drinking only 1 glass, then those dirty substances and toxins remain in the body and cause harm. On multiple levels, this incorrect guideline - i.e. of drinking only 1 glass of water on breaking fast morning -  is wrong and harmful as it goes against Baba's teachings.    

In Him,
Linda Bancroft

Unique system of fasting and breaking fast

Around the globe there is a growing interest in human health and wellness. To that end, people are trying innumerable types of tonics, diets, pills, surgeries, procedures, and remedies to increase their quality of life. But unfortunately, while some do progress, most fall in the wrong direction. By Baba's grace we Ananda Margiis are in a unique position. He has bestowed on us all the inner secrets and special tips for living a long and prosperous life. Among these many wonderful guidelines, one very helpful process is Baba's unique system of fasting and breaking fast - as it cleanses and purifies the entire body.

In the general society, most have never even heard of fasting, or never tried it. And those who have done it often proceed via improper instructions, causing more harm than good. However, in Ananda Marga, Baba has blessed us with the perfect and ultimate system.

~ In-depth study ~

Fasting is nature's way of healing and balancing
   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Since ancient times many non-human creatures have considered fasting or deliberate abstinence from food as their natural medicine. You will notice that dogs and certain other animals abstain from eating if they feel a little ill. You also often do not feel like eating when you feel somewhat physically out of sorts. Some contemporary physicians advise their patients, and even pressure them, to eat even when they do not have any appetite. This, however, goes against the laws of nature. It is natural for a sick creature to feel an aversion for food, unless they suffer from the disease of overeating. By not eating, certain organs of the body enjoy a temporary rest. As a result, after the fast the organs are rejuvenated and reenergized and a feeling of wellbeing returns to the physical body. So not only in the case of prehistoric humans, in the case of the prehistoric animals as well, the ancient, pure and chief medicine was fasting or voluntary abstention from food."
   "There is a basic distinction between voluntary abstention from food and upavása. Voluntary abstention from food (svecchá-anashana) means to not take food willingly in order to keeping the body healthy (an + ashana = anashana). Ashana means “eating”, so anashana means “not eating”. This abstention from food certainly helps to heal disease. However, imposed abstention from food does not have the same effect because forced abstention creates a suppressed agony in the mind which upsets the mental balance and at the same time also upsets the physical balance." (3)

Upavása is “to remain near the Lord”

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Upavása is undoubtedly a kind of voluntary abstention. However, at the same time there is to some extent a withdrawal of physical activity and a gradual directing of one's mental propensities towards closer proximity with Parama Puruśa. Upa means “near” and vása means “to stay”. Thus the etymological meaning of the word upavása is “to remain near the Lord”."
   "So as I was saying, upavása not only has the benefits of voluntary abstention from food. In addition, this practice is especially helpful for maintaining mental balance, that is, upavása is a medicine for both physical as well as mental maladies. There is no doubt whatsoever that a person’s mental strength is reinforced if he or she observes fast in a systematic fashion. This is a truth that has stood the test of time." (4)

Upavasa and fasting not same

Here below Baba colorfully describes how we are to spend our fasting days.

Ananda Marga ideology states,"“Upa” means “proximity”. And “Vása” means “to live”, “to reside”. The word “upavása” means then, “to live near the Lord”. “Upavása” – on these days of fasting, what are all spiritual aspirants to do? Mentally they should live near their Lord. On all other days they are to remain balanced between objective adjustment and subjective approach. On these days of fasting, however, on these days of upavása, one remains in closer proximity to the Lord than to one’s mundane duties. That is why these days are known as “upavása”. The word “fasting” does not represent the proper sense or proper spirit. The Saḿskrta term for going without food is “anashana” – “ana” means not, “ashana” means eating – not “upavása”. But these ekádashii, amavasya and púrńimá days are days of upavása.” (5)
And Baba's next guideline further details how fasting days are perfect for an enhanced spiritual routine.   

Lengthening shadows of annihilation

Here following Baba says more about the process of upavasa.
Baba says, "Upavasa in the sense of fasting is also useless...if one does real upavasa that can do a lot. The scriptural meaning of uspavasa is-- by derivation-- upa which means "near", and va'sa, which means "to stay". Upa'vasa therefore means "to make the mind stay near Parama'tma'". In other words, it means to withdraw the mind from thoughts of physicalities and keep it near Parama'tama'. The Sanskrit word for fasting as such is anashana [remaining hungry / starving]." (6)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "These fixed [fasting] days are called upavasa since during these days people keeping their minds engaged in spiritual matters 'live closer' to God, and any possibility of mental degradation is averted: their humanity is not endangered by the lengthening shadows of annihilation." (7)
By all this we can understand that on fasting days one can enjoy heightened spiritual awareness and thus deepen their devotional link with Parama Purusa-- Baba.

(Note: For step-by-step, easy to understand guidelines of Baba's prescribed system for breaking fast, please refer to earlier letters of this series. Links to those letters are appended below.)

To read more about this topic including Guru's guidelines and other faulty recommendations by Didi - click here

More guidelines on fasting

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "On and around the times of new and full moon, one may observe that the gaseous and aqueous factors in the body rise up into the head and chest, creating an uncomfortable feeling. Therefore, if a person does not take food at these times, these factors will be drawn down from the higher portions of the body to the lower portions, thereby alleviating the uncomfortable feeling." (8)

 Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You should not depend on food too much. This is why I have prescribed fasting on four days a month for some people and two days a month for others, and personally I have proved by fasting for five years and ... months at a stretch that if people try, they can remain without food. If one's dependence on food decreases, one will gain more freedom in a particular aspect of life." (9)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "So, fasting is a necessity in the eleventh moon, pu’rn’ima’, that is full moon, and new moon. In A’nanda Ma’rga, I didn’t prescribe these four days fasting, that is, for grhii’s — that is non-wholetimers, non avadhutas — they are to fast only two days, two eleventh moons. And for workers, avadhutas, they are to fast how many days? Four days. Because they will have to engage themselves more in spiritual and higher works, in intellectual and spiritual [realms]. That’s why they should fast four times in a month - and others, twice. But if others so desire, they may fast four times — I won’t say anything. But it is not compulsory. For them, two eka’dashiis." (10) (12/1/71 Patna)

Didi Ananda Mitra misguides about fasting: flaw #2

But instead of following Baba's expressed guideline, Didi Ananda Mitra recommends: "Then eat 1/2 or a whole banana slowly, biting off small pieces and swallowing them whole without chewing." Here ends Didi Ananda Mitra’s faulty recommendation #2.
COMMENT: So after drinking only 8 ounces or 1/4 liter of water, now Didi Ananda Mitra is recommending to eat a banana without chewing it. Yet for sound health, Baba's explicit teaching in Yogic Treatments book is that all the food taken into the body must be digested properly. And part and parcel of this process is chewing since this act of chewing awakens and stimulates the digestive enzymes and produces saliva in the mouth - thus allowing for proper digestion. That is why we must always chew our food. But on this most sensitive time of taking the first solid food after a fast, our Didi Ananda Mitra is putting in black and white that one must not chew their food, i.e. “swallowing the banana pieces whole.” So this is another negative guideline, that is contrary to Baba's teaching.

According to our Ananda Marga system, after strong hunger comes, take some easily digestible food such as cooked rice etc. Here are a few other options as well.
(a) If one choose to take fruit then only eat fruit - and avoid taking citrus fruit.
(b) If one chooses hydrated rice and vegetables (kichuri) do not mix fruit with that rice dish.
(c) Top of all avoid heavily spiced or oily food, or processed food. Avoid eating too much dry food like bread, or acidic food like pasta. Aim for more simple food: like soups and kichuri.
(d) Later on in the day, after your second round of food is digested, then it is ok to take some citrus fruit if you wish.
In addition, throughout the day, care should be taken to continue to drink plenty of fresh water in small amounts, but not at the same time as eating. This will help ensure the solid food gets digested properly and it will also keep the body hydrated.
Didi Ananda Mitra misguides about fasting: flaw #3
But instead of following Baba's expressed guideline, Didi Ananda Mitra recommends: "If possible, wait a 1/2 hour and then eat your breakfast." Here ends Didi Ananda Mitra’s faulty recommendation #3.
COMMENT: So lastly, after not cleaning the digestive tract and without properly hydrating the body, and after not chewing a banana, now the guideline has come from this Didi Ananda Mitra to eat breakfast after just a short gap of time, or even right away if needed. Without question, this type of approach will create a terrible "train-wreck" in the stomach. In that dehydrated condition, unchewed food is being mixed with a full meal of new food and that is all getting mixed into one mass along with the toxins and waste that never got released from the system. All of which spells disaster for any human being.

Misrepresenting Ananda Marga on the public platform

The greater tragedy is that what Didi Ananda Mitra wrote was done on behalf of all of Ananda Marga. Guru's name is cited in the text and it says Ananda Marga on the title page etc. That is 100% misleading. Because Baba has given all the best teachings for leading a healthy and sentient life, including all requisite points for diet and fasting. But now if anyone reads the book "Food For Thought", written by Didi Ananda Mitra, they will get the wrong impression; they will just see so many faulty guidelines - all done in the name of Baba and Ananda Marga..

If Didi Ananda Mitra had written all these wrong guidelines in her own name that would have been different. But Didiji did not do like that. She put all those bogus guidelines in the name of Baba and Ananda Marga. That is the terrible tragedy. Because I personally have seen that this book "Food For Thought" is being sold around the world, in so many sectors, and at so many retreats etc.
Readers misinformed

It is highly unfortunate that Didi Ananda Mitra has written these misguided ideas in a book, "Food For Thought", that has been translated into multiple languages and circulated all around the globe. Hence the problem or tragedy is two-fold, at minimum. Firstly, hundreds or even thousands of readers have already been misinformed and anyone following those printed suggestions has been taught the wrong technique for breaking fast - thus causing them harm and difficulty. The book "Food  For Thought" was written to help others yet here the opposite effect is happening.

This Didi Ananda Mitra erred from the path because she tried to invent their own way that was not at all consonant with Baba's guidelines. Otherwise what can be the cause. And even worse is that they put those things in print - thus misguiding all. So before following anyone's professed recommendations we should always evaluate how far those things are truly proper or not.

Beware of the faulty guidelines offered by Didi Ananda Mitra in her book "Food For Thought." Baba's teachings are best. They are the Supreme Guideline. Thus whether in the realm of sadhana or fasting, by following His way we will always proceed along the road of progress and welfare.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Knowledge directly from the Cosmic Mind is true and beneficial for all people in all ages and in all countries. It is called 'apta vakya' or absolute knowledge. The books in Ananda Marga [i.e. Baba's books] are all absolute knowledge." (Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya)

(Note: For step-by-step, easy to understand guidelines of Baba's prescribed system for breaking fast, please refer to earlier letters of this series. Links to those letters are appended below.)

1. Yogic Treatments, Appendix A
2. Caryacarya - 3, Procedure for Fasting
3. Shabda Cayanika - 5, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)
4. Shabda Cayanika - 5, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)
5. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 6, Upavása
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 1
7. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, p.188
8. Caryacarya - 3, Procedure for Fasting
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, In Kali Yuga, Strength Lies in an Organized Body
10. 12/1/71 Patna

Previous letters on breaking fast

#1: Step-by-step instructions how to break fast

#2: Must of all-round health

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Dealing and working with others

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states:

"40) You should try to get advice from everyone, but accept only the best. One whose advice you were unable to accept should not feel internally that he/she is trifling or insignificant to you, to society, or to the organization."

"41) Do not judge anyone to be good or bad hastily, nor express your opinion. Even a small mistake in your decision or in your expression may result in collective harm to society."

"42) Remember, with every person you have a relationship of love and not of fear; those who love you will certainly give you recognition."

"43) Do not hurt an honest person even slightly."

1. Caryacarya, Part 2, Society, Points #40 - 43

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Meaning of death

Everything in this universe is temporary and subject to change only Parama Purus is permanent - lasting.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Amrta means “immortal”. Do you know what death is? Death means a change of form. A boy of five years became a young man – now, the body of that boy underwent death. That young man became old – the body of that young man underwent death. That old man died and he again came here in the form of a little boy – the body of that old man underwent death. Death means a change of form." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, The Causal Matrix

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे बाबा! मैं तुम्हें कभी नहीं पुकारता फिर भी तुम मुझसे प्रेम करते हो

प्रभात संगीत 3368:- कखनो आमि प्रभु डाकिनि  तोमाय, तुमि भालोवेसेछो मोरे....


हे प्रभु! मेरे ऊपर तुम्हारी बहुत ही  कृपा है। मैं तुम्हें कभी  पुकारता ही नहीं  हूँ  । न तो  मेरे हृदय में भक्ति है, और न ही तुमसे मिलने की तेज  इच्छा।  फिर भी, तुम हमेशा  मुझसे प्रेम करते हो। हे प्रभु! गलती से भी मैं कभी तुम्हारे काम में अपना समय नहीं लगाता।  न ही तुम्हें प्रसन्न करने के लिए तुम्हारे आदेशों  का  पालन  करता हूॅं।  तब भी तुम मेरी जरूरतों को पूरा   करने की चिंता करते हो, तुम कितने दयालु हो!

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! कुल मिला कर मेरी स्थिति धरती के ऊपर धूल के कण जैसी है। मैं तुच्छ विचारों में डूबा  रहकर  सब प्रकार के सांसारिक कार्यो में उलझा रहता हॅूं। मैं तुम्हारे बारे में कभी सोचता ही नहीं हॅूं। मैं यह समझने की कोशिश  भी नहीं करता कि तुम्हारी इच्छा के बिना घास की पत्ती भी नहीं हिल सकती। मेरी स्थिति एक कण जैसी है ।  मैं ब्रह्म विद्या का प्रयोग किये  बिना ही संसार को अपना  स्वार्थ पूरा करने का साधन  मानता हूँ।  इस प्रकार अपने आप को लगातार पतन की ओर  ले जाता हॅूं। परंतु हे प्रभु! तुम कितने दयालु हो कि मुझसे  फिर भी प्रेम करते हो।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! प्रतिदिन का सबेरा  तुम्हारी इच्छा से ही होता है।  रात में चंद्रमा की मुस्कुराहट तुम्हारी कृपा  से ही संभव होती है। यह पूरा  ब्रह्माण्ड तुम्हारे सुन्दर कम्पनों  से भरा हुआ है जो आपसी  प्रेम  और आकर्षण के रुप में अनुभव होता है।

बाबा! तुम मेरे प्रति बहुत ही  कृपालु हो। मैं कभी तुम्हें नहीं पुकारता न ही याद करता हूँ।  न ही तुम्हारे निर्देशों  का पालन करता हॅूं।  फिर भी तुम मुझसे प्रेम करते और मेरी सदा ही रक्षा करते हो। बाबा! यह तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा ही है। 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How your soul watches

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In the case of a living person, the unit consciousness continues to see everything. In that case, the átmá witnesses all that the mind thinks, does, remembers, how it regulates the active sense organs, how the person talks, how the person thinks. “I will eat this food, I shall sit here, I will exploit these fools in such and such a way. I shall sit with my body smeared with ash. If any erudite person comes, I shall send my disciple and tell him to say that today Sádhujii is observing silence; so I won’t have to answer his questions. I shall observe silence.” One has entertained all these thoughts and one has decided accordingly. The átmá has heard everything.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer

== Section 2: Links ==

Labels 1

WT Conduct (364) religious dogma (157) groupism (138) mahaprayan (124) scripture (115) publications (100) Reverence to Guru (82) avadhuta (81) Dadas Books (76) PP Dada (60) margii rights (54) sadhana (53) Land Sale (47) Prout (46) opposite sex (46) Mahaprayan of Ananda Margiis (42) self-praise (36) Baba Story (32) Sex Scandals (32) devotion (31) Health of Wts (29) marriage (29) dogma (26) tiirtha (26) Prabhat Samgiita (24) religious traders (24) Prajina Bharatii (23) Bangalisation (22) dms (21) shraddha ceremony (21) Bhukti Pradhan (20) Yes man (20) bhakta (19) Training Centre (18) service (18) Death (17) homosexuality (17) photo (17) Childrens Home (16) caste (15) fake yoga (15) shraddhainjali (15) ASANAS (14) dharma (14) plagiarism (14) unity (14) Jamalpur DMS (13) Kiirtan (13) Money to Laokik Family (12) Pointing Out (12) communism (12) donkey birthday (12) Blaming Baba (11) Visit with Laokik Family (11) expulsion (11) fight (11) Ananda Vanii (10) Hypocrisy (10) pseudo-culture (10) shraddha (10) Bhakta Samaj (9) Court Case (9) Gay (9) female exploitation (9) materialism (9) Semitic Religions (8) birthday (8) pracara (8) sin (8) society (8) Guru's Perspective (7) food disparity (7) ista (7) Ananda Yuga (6) capitalism (6) dowry (6) merge in mission (6) neo-humanism (6) ACB (5) Donations (5) Retreat (5) Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji & Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (5) circumcision (5) history (5) mind (5) pranayama (5) race relations (5) sadvipra (5) sixteen points (5) writers (5) Ananda Sutram (4) Bait kiirtan (4) Kiirtan as a bait (4) Mandela (4) Samanvayananda (4) abortion (4) animal rights (4) disease (4) education (4) fasting (4) forgiveness (4) gay marriage (4) memorial (4) palmistry (4) protest (4) silent action (4) vishesha yoga (4) Animal Sex & Gay (3) Artists (3) Didi's Hair (3) Fake Ananda Vanii (3) Fishing (3) Jai Slogan (3) LFT (3) Myths in Ananda Marga (3) Namaskar (3) Tomb (3) archive (3) co-ed education (3) extravaganza-jinanii (3) kaosikii (3) simple morality (3) sleep (3) tandava (3) teacher (3) tips (3) water bottle (3) After Capitalism (2) Akhanda Kiirtan (2) Bait Kiirtana (2) Dada's hair (2) Dadhiici Divas (2) Dharmavedananda (2) Dyeing Hair (2) Glossary (2) Human Society (2) Illicit Affairs (2) Kanyadana (2) Lesbian Prostitute Animals (2) NYSO (2) astrology (2) barter-trade (2) bigots (2) consciousness raising (2) cosmetics (2) demons (2) doomsday (2) eulogy (2) girlfriend-boyfriend (2) junior workers (2) justice (2) liberation (2) lust (2) marriage tax (2) microvita (2) pisiculture (2) poverty (2) religoius dogma (2) scaring children (2) shravanii purnima (2) socialism (2) wasted life (2) Ajana Pathik (1) Baba's praise (1) Bhaskarananda-jinanii (1) East-West (1) Fireworks (1) Goat-Ghost (1) Gopa (1) Greatness (1) Islam (1) Janmastamii (1) Maheshvarananda (1) Nillkantha Divas (1) Peeping Tom (1) Prakrti (1) Salutations (1) Sanskrit (1) Touching Feet (1) action-reaction theory (1) balkanisation (1) begging (1) bhakti-dry (1) censorship (1) civilisation (1) culture (1) dharmashastra (1) diorama (1) fear (1) gut-feeling (1) human trafficking (1) immigration (1) libertine (1) memory (1) moment of silence (1) pen name (1) samaj (1) six spokes (1) stampede (1) urs (1)

Labels 2

abortion (4) ACB (5) action-reaction theory (1) After Capitalism (2) Ajana Pathik (1) Akhanda Kiirtan (2) Ananda Sutram (4) Ananda Vanii (10) Ananda Yuga (6) animal rights (4) Animal Sex & Gay (3) archive (3) Artists (3) ASANAS (14) astrology (2) avadhuta (81) Baba Story (32) Baba's praise (1) Bait kiirtan (4) Bait Kiirtana (2) balkanisation (1) Bangalisation (22) barter-trade (2) begging (1) bhakta (19) Bhakta Samaj (9) bhakti-dry (1) Bhaskarananda-jinanii (1) Bhukti Pradhan (20) bigots (2) birthday (8) Blaming Baba (11) capitalism (6) caste (15) censorship (1) Childrens Home (16) circumcision (5) civilisation (1) co-ed education (3) communism (12) consciousness raising (2) cosmetics (2) Court Case (9) culture (1) Dada's hair (2) Dadas Books (76) Dadhiici Divas (2) Death (17) demons (2) devotion (31) dharma (14) dharmashastra (1) Dharmavedananda (2) Didi's Hair (3) diorama (1) disease (4) dms (21) dogma (26) Donations (5) donkey birthday (12) doomsday (2) dowry (6) Dyeing Hair (2) East-West (1) education (4) eulogy (2) expulsion (11) extravaganza-jinanii (3) Fake Ananda Vanii (3) fake yoga (15) fasting (4) fear (1) female exploitation (9) fight (11) Fireworks (1) Fishing (3) food disparity (7) forgiveness (4) Gay (9) gay marriage (4) girlfriend-boyfriend (2) Glossary (2) Goat-Ghost (1) Gopa (1) Greatness (1) groupism (138) Guru's Perspective (7) gut-feeling (1) Health of Wts (29) history (5) homosexuality (17) Human Society (2) human trafficking (1) Hypocrisy (10) Illicit Affairs (2) immigration (1) Islam (1) ista (7) Jai Slogan (3) Jamalpur DMS (13) Janmastamii (1) junior workers (2) justice (2) Kanyadana (2) kaosikii (3) Kiirtan (13) Kiirtan as a bait (4) Land Sale (47) Lesbian Prostitute Animals (2) LFT (3) liberation (2) libertine (1) lust (2) mahaprayan (124) Mahaprayan of Ananda Margiis (42) Maheshvarananda (1) Mandela (4) margii rights (54) marriage (29) marriage tax (2) materialism (9) memorial (4) memory (1) merge in mission (6) microvita (2) mind (5) moment of silence (1) Money to Laokik Family (12) Myths in Ananda Marga (3) Namaskar (3) neo-humanism (6) Nillkantha Divas (1) NYSO (2) opposite sex (46) palmistry (4) Peeping Tom (1) pen name (1) photo (17) pisiculture (2) plagiarism (14) Pointing Out (12) poverty (2) PP Dada (60) Prabhat Samgiita (24) pracara (8) Prajina Bharatii (23) Prakrti (1) pranayama (5) protest (4) Prout (46) pseudo-culture (10) publications (100) race relations (5) religious dogma (157) religious traders (24) religoius dogma (2) Retreat (5) Reverence to Guru (82) sadhana (53) sadvipra (5) Salutations (1) samaj (1) Samanvayananda (4) Sanskrit (1) scaring children (2) scripture (115) self-praise (36) Semitic Religions (8) service (18) Sex Scandals (32) shraddha (10) shraddha ceremony (21) shraddhainjali (15) shravanii purnima (2) Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji & Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (5) silent action (4) simple morality (3) sin (8) six spokes (1) sixteen points (5) sleep (3) socialism (2) society (8) stampede (1) tandava (3) teacher (3) tiirtha (26) tips (3) Tomb (3) Touching Feet (1) Training Centre (18) unity (14) urs (1) vishesha yoga (4) Visit with Laokik Family (11) wasted life (2) water bottle (3) writers (5) WT Conduct (364) Yes man (20)


Labels 3

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Loud Wailing + 2 more

Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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