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Monday, December 7, 2015

Margiis are unmasking dirty history of top dadas + 5 more


This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Margiis are unmasking dirty history of top dadas
2. Bangla Quote: ইংরেজিতে বা Roman-এ আমি ঠিক উপযুক্ত শব্দ কোনও খুঁজে পাইনি
3. Hindi Quote: अपने बटे-बेटी को revolutionary marriage करके दिखला दो
4. PS #2055: O’ Prabhu, unexpectedly You have opened the door and come
5. Render the service by ascribing Náráyańahood - Ananda Vanii
6. Links

Margiis are unmasking
dirty history of top dadas

For universal interest, we are presenting the opinions expressed by various margiis as they are discussing the history of how after 1990 our AMPS organisation took various twists and turns and reached to this present quagmire. The following posts were circulated on Facebook.

Note: Slight grammatical and spelling changes have been made to the below text for the reader’s ease.

[06/12 (Dec 6, 2015) 12:05 PM] N. Kumar: Floated with ego of having GS post, Sarvatmananda conspired to remain GS for his lifetime. So he gagged PP dada, made him God-like, and made PP aloof from the reach of normal wts and margiis. PP dada was forced not to attend D.C. and panchajanya in which he was strictly regular before becoming PP.

He converted Masap business into a personal smuggling venture and developed so many shooters to finish his opponents.

He [Sarvatmananda] created the hoax of Amara Bengali movement and invested a lot of money in Bengal neglecting other areas, and scammed crores of rupees in his pocket and for his supporters too.

Frustrated by this scam and injustice, some influential Wts like Tadbhavananda denied to further invest in Bengal and shifted to Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Delhi. To counter any revolt, Sarvatmananda planted his agents in Hindi areas. He planted Rudrananda as his agent to counter Tadbhavananda. Rudrananda successfully countered Tadbhavananda his agent ji - as instructed by his the then boss Sarvatmananda.

Sarvatmananda planted several other agents to counter Tadbhavananda ji and introduced a pseudo bhakti movement. Pranavatmakananda targeted the Active LFTs and margii boys in collecting books, magazines, and recording Baba story. Sanjay who was ADLO of Bihar was convinced to get a career which completely broke the Proutist movement initiated by Tadbhavananda ji in Bihar.

[06/12 (Dec 6, 2015) 12:30 PM] N. Kumar: See there had been a deal between Rudrananda - who was ousted by BABA from all meetings of Ananda Marga - and Sarvatmananda.

Rudrananda was accused of being an informer of CBI and got Jagadiishvarananda ji, who was wanted for writing the book ("The flame which burn upward") about how Baba was tortured. 

After emergency a tribunal found Rudrananda guilty and sent him training centre and was not allowed to attend any meeting of organisation.

Since Rudrananda was having contact and shrewd oratory power, he was bought back by Sarvatmananda as his agent to counter Tadbhavananda ji revolt. Rudrananda was awarded purodhaship, central posting for being good stooge of Sarvatmananda.

But alashhhhh😜

Sarvatmananda was ditched by his own agent - the great Rudrananda, who created an anti-Sarvatmanada group and defeated him in power politics.


What a Game

[06/12 12:39 PM] Hariharan Ji: Looks like a Hollywood Blockbuster..

[06/12 12:41 PM] Hariharan Ji: Or the crime thrillers of James Hardly Chase

in Him

Note 1: Fight against injustice and all evil persons

“Struggle is the essence of life. Yours should be a pauseless struggle against corruption, hypocrisy and animality.” (1)

"Those who misuse their faculties are also doomed to destruction. The misuse of one's qualities not only brings harm to the world, but it also exhausts one's own inherent strength. You have seen with your own eyes that in the past certain powerful persons thought, in their extreme vanity, that they could make or break anything. They perpetrated indescribable tortures and atrocities on Ananda Marga. But even in the face of such torments, Ananda Marga held its head high. There is no power in the universe, in the heaven or in the underworld, which can annihilate Ananda Marga, because Ananda Marga is established on the solid foundation of rationality and righteousness. If those wicked forces engage in fight with Ananda Marga, they will themselves be pulverized: they will be crushed like ants." (2)

"Those who are truly good people will move bravely forward and provide inspiration and strength to those mute masses to fight against all kinds of obstacles, and give a clarion call to them to march ahead." (3)

"The characteristic of good people is to fight against injustice, to firmly adhere to truth and righteousness, to protect the helpless and fight against all evil persons. Those who are merely simple and are of a meek and goody-goody nature are not good people." (4)

“Today all over the world, a grim fight has started between the evil forces and the benevolent forces. Only those who possess the moral courage to fight against the evil forces, can give a soothing touch to the struggle-torn earth with the balm of peace. Remember you are spiritual aspirants. Hence you alone shall have to undertake the mighty task of saving the earth.” (5)

1. Ananda Vanii #11
2. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Forward Movement Is the Essence of Life
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 22
4. A Few Problems Solved-5
5. Ananda Vanii #27

== Section 2 ==

ইংরেজিতে বা Roman-এ আমি ঠিক উপযুক্ত শব্দ কোনও খুঁজে পাইনি 

“মন্ত্র জিনিসটা আসলে হচ্ছে কি ? আমি উপায় না পেয়ে, ইংরেজিতে মন্ত্রের জন্য incantation শব্দটা ব্যবহার করেছি | কারণ যদি মূল ৰাংলা ব্যবহার করতাম, তাহলে মন্ত্র-শব্দটাই ব্যবহার করতাম | কারণ, ইংরেজি incantation শব্দটা ঠিক মন্ত্রের প্রতিভু নয় | ইংরেজিতে বা Roman-এ আমি ঠিক উপযুক্ত শব্দ কোনও খুঁজে পাইনি | Incantation শব্দটা হচ্ছে এমন কোনও একটা জিনিস যা মানুষ ৰার-ৰার ব্যবহার করে | এর ৰেশি কিছু ৰলা যায় না | কিন্তু সংস্কৃত বা ৰাংলা মন্ত্র শব্দটার মানে ৰলা হচ্ছে-- “মননাৎ তারয়েৎ যস্তু সঃ মন্ত্রঃ পরিকীর্ত্তিতঃ” | যাকে মনন করলে অর্থাৎ ৰার-ৰার ভাবলে, মানুষ ত্রাণের রাস্তা পেয়ে যায়, তাই  হ'ল মন্ত্র |” (1)

1. Morning General Darshan, 14 Nov 1979, Silchar, W.B)

== Section 3 ==

अपने बटे-बेटी को revolutionary marriage करके दिखला दो

“तुम लोग dogma के ख़िलाफ़ सङ्ग्राम करते रहोगे | केवल मुँह से बोलोगे कि dogma ख़राब है,सो नहीं | अपने करके दिखला दोगे कि—तुम dogma को नापसन्द करते हो | हम तो सबसे कहेंगे कि हम लोगों को जल्द से जल्द समाज बना लेना है | और, दुनिया में सर्वत्र आनन्दमार्ग का प्रचार और-ज़ोरदार करना है | समाज बनाना है, इसलिए अधिक से अधिक revolutionary marriage चाहिए |” …

“जो लोग guardian हो, माता-पिता हो, अपने बटे-बेटी को revolutionary marriage करके दिखला दो कि—तुम dogma के ख़िलाफ़ हो | घबड़ाओ नहीं, किसी से डरो नहीं | अपने वैयष्टिक प्रयास से अगर नहीं हुआ, सामूहिक प्रयास से करो | घबड़ाने की कोई बात नहीं है | और हम तोरा सिनी रो साथ छियो |”

[यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं] (1)

1. हिंदी अप्रकाशित : क्रान्तिकारी विवाह, Kra’ntika’rii Viva’ha, Deoghar 1/8/84, General Darshan, Not Printed

== Section 4 ==

O’ Prabhu, unexpectedly You have opened the door and come

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart. ​

Prabhat Samgiita Intro:
 This song expresses how sometimes devotees do sadhana and spiritual practices but do not feel the proximity of Parama Purusa. For whatever reason the mind was unable to concentrate properly. Yet then, either in dream or in a relaxed moment, one instantly feels His spiritual bliss and closeness. The central idea is that sometimes one may not feel spiritual bliss when attempting to concentrate deeply, whereas in more casual times one may feel His divine bliss. That is what is expressed in this song.

"Tumi ele prabhu ei abeláy, sárá din dhare d́ekechi,
tomáre duár khuliyá durásháy..." (Prabhat Samgiita 2055)


O’ Prabhu, I have called You continuously throughout the whole day - always. With my japa, ishvara pranidhana, sadhana, dhyana, kiirtan, and bhajans, I was remembering You. By opening the doors & windows of my mind I was calling You. But You did not come. Yet now, unexpectedly, in this untimely manner, You have come. It is Your grace.

O’ Parama Purusa, could You not hear my cry, or maybe You could hear it but You did not listen. When You were not coming, I was feeling hopeless. I thought that You could not hear my cry, otherwise surely You would have come. In the end, I thought that You were never going to come, but when I fell asleep in the lap of tiredness, then in darkness You came and knocked on my door. You came to me in my dream- it is Your causeless grace alone.

Baba, I thought it may have been my unjustifiable demand, or I might not have had the requisite virtue to have You. In that despondent mood I was thinking that I have neither the strength of sadhana nor have I done great social service & sacrifice. So I am utterly unqualified to have Your darshan. O’ Baba grace personified Entity, please be gracious on me and shower Your ahetukii krpa [1] due to Your own nature.

Baba, please bless me with parabhakti...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2055:

[1] Ahaetukii krpa: “Scripture says that in this universe of ours, everything is causal. Everything is haetukii, everything is causal. Only three entities here are of non-causal character. One is transmutation of non-attributional entity into attributional faculty. And second one is creation of this universe, and third one, the krpa' of Parama Purus'a.”

[“Baba, Baba, Baba”]

“Parama Purus'a is not to explain for His conduct when He does any krpa' or when He attracts anybody towards Him. So, these three entities, three items are of non-causal character. So, ahaetukii krpa', that is, non-causal blessing or, say, non-causal gratitude.” (1)

1. Unpublished discourse, transcribed from audio file, GD, 3 June 1989, Ananda Nagar

== Section 5 ==

Render the service by ascribing Náráyańahood to the served

“All human beings are to be served with the same steadiness in all the three strata – physical, mental and spiritual – and you have to render the service by ascribing Náráyańahood to the served. Remember that your service does not oblige the Supreme, rather you are obliged because you have such a chance to serve the Supreme in the form of living beings.” (Ananda Vanii #28)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

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