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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Why Choose A Real Ananda Vanii - Not Fake


This email contains 5 distinct sections:
1. Posting: Why Choose A Real Ananda Vanii - Not Fake
2. End Quote: Kettle Drum and Kiirtan
3. PS #3004 - यह तुम्हारी कृपा है
4. PS #2107 - Under Your Divine Shelter
5. Links


With Ananda Purnima just a few days away, we should embrace Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis as part of our eternal spiritual treatise.

If we keep His divine teaching in the forefront of our minds, this will give us the stamina and strength to move ahead on the path of Supreme fulfillment. This is Baba's blessing upon one and all.


Below is the Fake Ananda Vanii that one group is planning to use for the upcoming Ananda Purnima celebration of 2014. But as you will certainly notice this Fakes Vanii leads in the wrong direction.

"When you come in the closest proximity to Parama Purusa you will realize that there is no other treasure more valuable than devotion. When compared to devotion all other treasures become lustreless. Only devotion can finally unify you with the Supreme Entity. Devotion is the be-all and end-all of life. Devotion leads to real progress. Parama Purus is everything in human life. You can only attain fulfilment in life when you realize this fact within the deepest core of your heart." (1)


Here is one of Baba's original and true Ananda Vaniis that is completely suitable for the upcoming occasion of Ananda Purnima.

"The prehistoric human beings remained involved in group and clan clashes. The present humanity is involved in crude wars for dogmas. Then how far have they advanced? Let the marching ahead towards the supreme desideratum, taking all together, be the only mission for today's human race, and let the pauseless fight against any and all opposing forces on the way to fulfilment of this mission be the sole fight befitting a human being. Let this very struggle be reckoned as the Supreme Expression." (Ananda Vanii #50)


1a. The Fake Ananda Vanii (see green colour above) completely overlooks the present-day organisational problems of groupism, selfishness, courtroom battles, and dogma.

1b. Baba's original Ananda Vanii (see purple colour above) takes an active stance that wholly addresses the current problems by guiding people to give up all narrow and petty interests and embrace the entire humanity as one.

2a. The Fake Ananda Vanii (see green colour above) avoids the problems at hand and steers people in a different direction.

2b. Baba's original Ananda Vanii (see purple colour above) identifies the problem and goads people towards the proper approach.

3a. The Fake Ananda Vanii (see green colour above) talks only about God and ignores about the world.

3b. Baba's original Ananda Vanii (see purple colour above) adheres to a completely dharmic stance that directly and practically examines the very social issues of the day that hound AMPS and the greater society. One must ideate on the Supreme Entity side by side eradicating all dogmas that stifle humanity.

4a. The Fake Ananda Vanii (see green colour above) avoids the problem and fails to offer a solution to issues in this mundane world.

4b. Baba's original Ananda Vanii (see purple colour above) addresses the problems of the present-day Ananda Marga organsiation and gives the perfect solution: The clarion call to fight against injustices and dogmas and form human society in the real sense of the term.


Certainly in the future, when the dharmic forces will be victorious, the leadership of AMPS will select one of Baba's true and original Ananda Vaniis.

But we have not reached that point yet. Still our organisation is struggling on points of righteousness and leadership. That is why it is important for those in the various units to select one of Baba's True Ananda Vaniis for the occasions of Ananda Purnima and New Year's Day etc.

As noted above, our unit we have taken to choosing one of Baba's true Ananda Va'niis for this blissful occasion of A'nanda Pu'rnima'. Other units are encouraged to select and read an original A'nanda Va'nii given by Baba. On this point, there is complete freedom to choose and select one which you wish from Baba's approved book: Ananda Vanii Samgraha.

This is important because not selecting one of Baba's true Ananda Vaniis means accepting one of the Fake Ananda Vaniis fabricated by those at the helm.


Just like the dogma of mahaprayan, the dogma of Fake Ananda Vanii should also be eradicated by rationlly-minded Ananda Margiis. Baba is the dharma Guru and it is a mockery for some so-called leaders to invent and drag dogmas into this holy Ananda Marga mission. Hence, the sooner such dogmas can be rooted out the better.

All in all, the days of the Fake Ananda Vanii are numbered. More and more realise that the only real Ananda Vaniis are the ones which Baba Himself has given. That is why some sectorial offices are now selecting an original Ananda Vanii to celebrate Ananda Purnima. After years and years of following the dogma of Fake Ananda Vanii, various regional and sectorial offices have turned over a new leaf and chosen one of Baba's original Vaniis. That is indeed a good and welcome turn of events.

In Him,

1. Mantra Caetanya in Ánanda Márga Ideology and Way of Life —in a nutshell Part-11.

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Kettle Drum And Kiirtan

How Kiirtan Goads the Mind

Baba says, "It is advisable to play some instrument during kiirtana. A mrdanga [a kind of drum] or some similar instrument should be used , but one should not play any heavysounding instrument like a dhak [a large drum played with sticks], a dol [a loud drum] or a gong. The mind prefers to hear a sweet sound, like that of the mrdanga, than a harsh sound. Some time ago I mentioned that Bhola Mayra said that when the cawing of crows and the beating of drums stop, human ears get some relief. People do not like to hear such harsh, unpleasant sounds. The sound of the mrdanga may not be perfect, but it has one quality: it is very sweet. Thus, whenever a distracted mind hears the sweet music of a mrdanga, it returns to the proper place. A remarkable science lies in kiirtana." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, p. 13-14)

Note: Here are two points regarding Baba's above teaching:

(a) During kiirtan, the mind becomes sentient and does not appreciate rajasik sounds.

(b) During kiirtan, many indriyas may be involved: The mouth, ears, hands, feet, nose, eyes, and tongue. When the indriyas are involved in this way, they help keep the mind focused and bring the mind back when it runs away. Here is the philosophical and practical explanation.

In general, the mind runs towards external physicality via the indriyas, i.e. 10 motor and sensory organs. So when those indriyas are fully directed towards a spiritual endeavour like kiirtan, then the mind is forced to engage in kiirtan via one or another organ.

The mind always wants to run - either by thinking a disparate thought or by stimulus received via the organs. As Baba explains above, when the organs are positively involved in a devotional practice like kiirtan, then if the mind wanders away from the kiirtan those organs will help bring the mind back to a spiritual flow.

For instance, let's say someone doing kiirtan starts thinking about the market and what they will purchase there. Yet when the sweet sound of the mrdangam is received via the sensory organs, i.e. the ears, then that sound will bring the mind back the devotional ideation of the kiirtan.

The mind can think any stray thought at any time but if the indriyas are engaged in a spiritual manner, then that will help bring the mind back. That is the special import of singing and dancing kiirtan, along with the sounds of the mrdangam and other sentient musical instruments.

== Section 3 ==

यह तुम्हारी कृपा है

 प्रभात संगीत 3004: ताल तमालिर वनेर माझे

इस वर्षा ऋतु में ताल और तमाल के जंगलों में तुम कौन हो जो नये वस्त्रों और नये रूप में आये हो? यह तुम्हारी कृपा है कि तुमने मुझे आपने पास आने दिया। तुमने मुझे मोहित कर लिया है, और मेरे मन के दरवाजों को खोलकर उसे भक्ति से भर दिया है और अपने कार्य में, साधना में और अपनी सेवा में लगा लिया है। 

पृथ्वी बरसात से आप्लावित है और गडdhe तथा छोटे तालाब मिलकर एक हो गये हैं। चारों ओर पानी ही पानी है, ग्रीष्म की धूल जा चुकी है। मेरा स्पंदित मन तुममें, तुम्हारे चिंतन में तुम्हारे ध्यान में और तुम्हारे नन्दन वन की महक से भर गया है।

 आकाश  और पाताल सब एक हो गये हैं और एक ही लय में नाच रहे हैं। आकाश  और पाताल दिव्य हो कर सभी परमपुरुष के लय में नाच रहे हैं । ये सब एक से स्पंदन में दीप्तिमान  हार लिये तुम्हारे दिव्यकृपा कण को चाह रहे हैं। 

ए स्वामी! मेरे ऊपर अहेतुकी कृपा कर दो।

Note: The above Hindi purport of Prabhat Samgiita 3004 by Dr. T.R. Sukulji.

== Section 4 ==

Here below is an entirely different Prabhat Samiiga for English readers.

~ Under Your Divine Shelter ~

"Toma'y ceye toma'y bheve din ye cale ja'y a'ma'r..."  PS 2107


O' Parama Purusa, O' my dearmost, my days are passing just thinking about You and looking towards You; in this way  my life is passing me by, under Your divine shelter. It is so painful that You do not look towards me - nor do You listen to the feeling of my heart. O' my Lord, in this terrible situation please tell me what can I do to get You. Please grace me.

O' Supreme Entity, by Your grace, at any cost I will surely get You. You are my polestar. Since the beginning - since the origin - of my life I have been Yours; and up to eternity I will be Yours. By Your grace, I will surely get You. Even when I was drowned in cimmerian darkness my heart was filled with Your love. During that hopeless period, by Your grace I was also thinking at I am Yours.

O' Parama Purusa, O' Baba, although the lotus is a just little flower, even then it loves the vast sun. In spite of its meagre-self, the little lotus loves that big entity, the sun. In the same way, I love You with my full heart. And now my heart is burning with the fire of longing for You. Indeed, remaining away from You is unbearable for me. Baba, please grace me and come more close...

== Section 5 ==

Here are links to important recent letters

Ananda Purnima Celebrations

Lechery of Dada Hi.

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