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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Exploited Wts + 2 more


Exploited Wts

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Guru and try to follow His guideline. This letter deals with “hard talk”.


We all know that the need of the hour is to build up one single human society - free from exploitation, groupism, and human-made disparities. This is the order of the day. And the whole humanity is anxiously waiting. Our AMPS organisation should be leading the way; but, when disparities are present within our own Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, then how are we able to live up to the task. How then are we able to guide the whole society.

Example: How AMPS so-called central wts exploit

Unfortunately, in our AMPS there are not one or two but innumerable examples where such food disparities are rampant. Top, wealthy, so-called central and stooge Dadas along with group leaders eat like kings whereas general field workers struggle hard just to fill their plate and feed simple meals to those around them. And when financially rich so-called central stooge Dadas and financially exploited poor DS, DitS, RS, etc Wts meet for DMS, RDS, IRSS, and camps etc, then multiple kitchens are in vogue. According to the depth of one's pocket, one is able to eat something of proper quality or not. Money and sumptuous and decadent meals go hand in hand. So-called central stooge Dadas devour many luxurious treats by exploiting and sucking the blood of the common wts by (a) imposing coercive so-called taxes, (b) snatching money by various underhanded dealings, and (c) doing extortion / collecting bribes under the threat of those Wts facing more injustice. On the top, so-called central Wts snatch money from exploited, poor DS, DitS, RS dadas etc, it is alleged.

This problem of gross disparities is present in our so-called central office Ranchi, Tiljala etc. And also various camps (ETC, VSS,  PROUT etc), at DMS, and almost wherever there is a congregation of WTs. Only so-called central Dadas are culprits with regards to all the aforementioned disparities. But the situation remains unsolved. Those who are new may not know all this, but gradually they will also understand.

Baba’s guidelines

By Baba’s below children’s story about the demon king, there are a few takeaway points:

(A) The demon king was gloating and bragging about his so-called high status through the gross display of tasty delicacies.
(B) In the demon king's feast, the prince reluctantly tasted some of the dishes / recipes.
(C) After seeing the demon’s feast, the kind prince wanted to know whether the common people are able to eat sumptuous food as well.
(D) When the prince came to know that the common people or cooks were forced to eat old, rotten, stale food, the prince felt extremely repentant for tasting some of the dishes of the "royal feast".
(E) Feeling quite sad with a heavy heart, the prince took a vow to free humanity from the exploitation of blood-sucking demons who do not provide the same food to the common public which they themselves enjoy.

By this account, every man, woman, and child can easily understand that food disparities of any type are not condoned by Sadguru Baba. Rather such disparities and inequalities are a sign of exploitation and groupism - separating people into haves and have-nots.

Food exploitation in AMPS

These entire teachings of Baba are like a polestar in our forward path towards enlightenment. Irrespective of one’s post, position and how much money they have, it is the common duty and courtesy of each and every follower of Ananda Marga, i.e. all Ananda Margiis and WTs, to follow Baba's command. This is the basic fundamental teaching: disparity in food should not never be tolerated.

The standard of food that so-called top posted Wts eat in Ananda Nagar or Training Center or at the various camps should be provided to all present at the gathering or location. So-called higher posted workers and indeed all in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha should follow Baba's path. Otherwise how will margiis and WTs follow their leadership or understand how to compassionately guide others?

Who can appreciate that so-called central Wts are enjoying innumerable dainties, and in comparison general WTs are suffering from want. All the while, so-called central Wts snatch money from poor DS, DitS, RS workers etc. The standard of food should be the same across all the echelons of our organisational hierarchy. This guideline on food is a fundamental point of Ananda Marga teachings. Everyone should get an ample amount of the same quality food. We should start bringing this into practice across all our Ananda Marga gatherings (DMS, Wt camps, training centres, etc) and that will help in forming one family, and ultimately one human society.

Debased & nefarious

* Extortion / forcing bribes otherwise face injustices: So-called central Wts allegedly collect huge monies from general field workers in this way. The crux is that if general Wts do not pay them large fees at random etc, i.e. extortion, then that so-called central worker will make life miserable for that general Wt by giving him a punishment posting, making him wait days before signing his TP, and torturing that worker in all kinds of ways. To save themselves from having to undergo such harsh circumstances, general workers pay into the pocket of that so-called central worker. That is the type of alleged extortion that takes place, unfortunately.

* Plus in our training centres male / female trainers often eat tasty treats while the trainees are forced to do without or eat peasant leftovers etc.

* This point of food is very important. Everyone should get proper food. But this serious malady has not been solved. In His discourses, Baba highlights this very point. And in the list of basic requirements, food is the first and foremost item required for one's existence. Human disparities based on food quality runs counter to the ideals of neo-humanism.

For Baba's story: greedy demon’s royal kitchen, please scroll down.

No free ride for donors

Baba has directed us in the chapter on Tapah in "A Guide to Human Conduct" that if donated money is not utilized for a just and worthy cause, then the donor is also responsible for that misdeed(s). The donor will incur negative samskara - that is Baba's strict warning. Thus, always be alert that your donation does not go in the wrong hand.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Tapah devoid of knowledge is bound to be misused. The opportunists will misuse your energy by extracting work from you to serve their selfish ends, and at the same time this will deprive the real sufferers of their due services from you. A rich miser approaches you with a tale of woe and entreats you to give him relief. Being moved with pity, if you do what is needed to relieve him of his suffering, the very purpose of tapah will be defeated, as it is without any knowledge or reasoning. The end result of your service will be that the rich man whom you have served will become more miserly and more selfish and will, in the future, try to deceive in a greater way people who dedicate themselves to the service of humanity. Secondly, as you will, to some extent, know his inner motive, you will become mentally depressed and you will also develop a hostile attitude towards him. Therefore, while following the principle of tapah you should ascertain fully well whether the person you are going to serve, really needs your service. Only then should you engage yourself in service...Therefore, you will have to ascertain with discrimination where your responsibility lies and to what extent; otherwise all your time, energy and labour employed in tapah will be in vain...because in such cases you do not make the proper use of objects." (3)

We should all pay heed to Baba's above guideline about tapah and serving others. If our donations do not reach the right person or party, and instead some Dada or Didi is using those funds for superficial beauty appointments etc, then we ourselves are to be held accountable. If we fail to ensure that our donation is used to serve those in need, then that service or donation is meaningless. With a good heart many in Ananda Marga wish to serve those in need, but unfortunately their efforts will be in vain if their donations do not reach suffering humanity. Verily those kind-hearted donors are responsible - in part - for this impropriety. That is Baba's warning.

In Him

Deplorable situation

Because when (a) human differences are imposed and there are separate classes of Wts - high & low, and when (b) the family feeling amongst so-called central Wts in AMPS is missing, then where is the scope to unite the society based on universal feeling and cosmic brotherhood. Now in AMPS even the most basic commodities such as food are used to denote a person's place or level - high or low. For example, here in India, the standard of food is linked with one's prestige. Because only those who have money can get the wide array of delicious dainties. Otherwise, for many exploited Wts, due to extreme poverty, just getting a basic meal is often difficult.

If your friends are suffering from a dearth of money or food

Sadly, at present, our AMPS Wt society is no different from so-called advanced nations where the wealthy, so-called central Wts dine at fancy, black-tie restaurants and get treated like kings and queens, while millions of hungry people roam the streets hoping to eat someone's leftover bread crumbs. Financially rich, so-called central stooge Dadas and financially exploited poor DS, DitS, RS wts etc  Baba wants to root out this dirty blot. You know disparity in food is one of the great hindrances for forming one human society.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ““Moving together” does not mean march or double march, here “moving together” means that all portions of society, all portions of the collective body, should have the spirit to move ahead. Suppose you have gathered sufficient money, and there is no dearth of food in your house, but the remaining portion of society, your neighbours, your friends, are suffering from a dearth of money, or food, or clothes. Then it means that you are not following the spirit of “saḿgacchadhvam”. “Saḿgacchadhvam” means to build a strong, well-knit society where there shall be no exploitation, no superiority complex or inferiority complex.” (1)

Slogan: One kitchen, one stove, one human society

In Ananda Marga we have various festivals and gatherings and special food is to be served to one and all. Baba has given the dharmic slogan:

“Ek caoká, ek culhá, ek hyay mánav samáj”
"One kitchen, One stove, One human society”

Now we have all witnessed that in our so-called central Office, Tiljala, Ranchi or Ananda Nagar and also in our Training Centres etc, the standard of food for Wts varies according to one's post. Clear-cut differences exist between haves and have-nots. Rich and poor. So-called central Wts exploit poor Wts and then wallow in luxury. This disparity exists across group lines and is pervasive throughout all types of Wts gatherings. Those with high posts are the haves and eat sumptuous meals, while general workers and trainees etc are forced to eat at a much lower standard. In addition, so-called central Wts snatch money from exploited and poor DS, DitS, RS workers etc

In this situation, cosmic unity and universal brotherhood are not possible. Baba wants that we should root out this serious malady. Because this problem is very severe, and it is a deep rooted dogma which causes terrible divisions, fractures, and schisms in society. To remove this, Baba starts teaching this important point even to small children. That way everyone should grow-up in a manner where they feel all are entitled to the same quality of food. That is why in His children stories books also Baba has addressed this issue. Those eating delicious dainties and depriving others are portrayed as demons, and the enemies of humanity. That is the allegory presented in His children's story book. And that gives the clear-cut feeling that Baba condemns any kind of food disparities demarcating people as high and low. Baba appreciates that everyone in the family should sit at the same table and eat whatever they like according to the availability - i.e. no disparity.

Baba's story: greedy demon’s royal kitchen

Here is one unique and special story which clearly shows how the demon king was very greedy -- eating and enjoying so many luxurious treats by exploiting and sucking the blood of the common people. The following excerpts from Baba's book: "Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea" demonstrate this point of extreme food disparities between the haves and have-nots. Baba's story begins here.

    * * *

The demon asked the prince:

"You have suffered a great deal in my kingdom during these few days. I heartily wish that you should taste the delicious food of my kingdom tomorrow. I hope you realize that this country is famous for its fine foods."

"The prince said, 'Is it so?'"

"The demon answered, 'Yes, you know little about the pleasures of eating good food in this kingdom.'"

'Do you know what our daily menu is? We eat golden cakes fried in clarified butter, Pearl water mixed with coconut kernel, spiced Parble curry with salmon fish made of platinum and in the morning we brush our teeth with diamond powder!'

"The prince asked, 'Is there such an arrangement for everyone here?'"

"The demon said, 'This arrangement is for us only--that is, for those who are learned, intellectual, rich, highborn and aristocratic. Those with whom you associate due to your ignorance--those poor, mean and illiterate people--where would they get such things? They neither know how to cook nor eat. They eat stale rice and scorched eggfruit and they brush their teeth with ash."

So the demon arranged a royal feast with thousands of varieties of tasty, exotic foods from far away places as a show for the prince and enhance his (the demon's) prestige. Upon his arrival the prince saw the huge array of foods, and the prince reluctantly tasted some dishes. Here the story continues….

"The prince began to taste a little of each item; but his stomach was full after tasting only some of these dishes. Thinking that over-eating was bad for his health and moreover, that as he was supposed to leave early the next morning, eating too much at night would not be good, he quickly finished his meal and got up from the table."

Baba's story: "If I cannot free humanity from such meanness"

After finishing his food, while all around it was dark, at that time one idea came in the mind of the prince. And he thought that 'I should go and see how the cooks are getting treated.' The prince thought-

"'Let me see those cooks, servants and pages who prepared such delicious dishes and served them so elegantly', he thought. While passing by the servants' quarters, he suddenly reached the place where the kitchen staff were eating together after the day's hard labour. They were quite exhausted. Those who had cooked so wonderfully and served so carefully were eating only stale rice, scorched eggfruit and the sour sauce of some leaves, perhaps tamarind."

So in the above paragraph, Baba presents the serious disparity, injustice, and exploitation that is a regular phenomenon in the demon’s kingdom. The life of those servants and commoners is terrible, exemplified by the drastic food disparities. When the prince came to know all this, he was feeling deeply repentant for having eaten any food at the demon king's feast. The story continues…

"The prince returned to his cottage with a heavy heart. So many thoughts were running in his brain. He was thinking that he had made a great mistake to eat and drink such delicious food and drink cooked and served by those poor people. The beautiful eyes of the prince were deprived of sleep that night."

Baba continues the story. In that disturbed state of mind, the prince's heart was feeling uneasy, restless by seeing the pitiful condition of the poor people. And the prince took a vow to free humanity. The story follows like this below,

"He [the prince] was thinking continuously, "If I cannot free humanity from such meanness, what is the use of my education, my intellect? My coming to this earth as a human being bears no value."

This concludes the excerpt from "The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea".

    * * *

These people are lowly creatures

* Most of those sitting in Centre have very weak lower cakras and sit 1 or 2 min with male Wts and spend the entire day with female Wts. They never get tired of gossiping. You can openly see this going on. This is so obvious it is wide open. A similar thing is going on with PP as he focuses only on females wts during reporting - for as long as reporting goes on. These people are lowly creatures unfortunately - they lead a dual life. They pose as great saints in front of margiis but inside they are hollow.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Remedy for psychic ailments

In this modern age, scientific development has made significant progress; in comparison, human psychic and spiritual growth has lagged far behind. In result, psychic problems and mental tension have multiplied in a geometrical progression. The final outcome is that nerve, brain, and heart diseases have become quite common; and anxiety, nervousness, and insanity are widespread in society. The remedy for this has been given in our Ananda Marga ideology:

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "While doing work one should ideate, 'It is the work of Parama Purusa; it is not mine. I am doing His work to please Him'. By following this approach mental tension, nervousness, and psychic diseases will never arise. And also samskaras will not be formed." (1)

1. 08 April '84, Tattanagar DMC

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Real practice of 2nd lesson

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “This world is changing, moving. The word jagat (world) is derived from the root, gam-kvip, which means moving. This universe is the psychic manifestation of Brahma. All thought processes are moving and restive, and that is why this world, the psychic manifestation of Brahma. All thought processes are moving and restive and that is why this world, the psychic manifestation of Saguńa Brahma (the Subjectivated Transcendentality), is moving and restive. A thing that appears beautiful today is not necessarily so tomorrow. A sandesh (sweetmeat) that is delicious today will not be fit for consumption after a few days. Indeed one cannot even vouch for its shape still being intact. Every unit is in a state of change, and that is why the pleasure derived from unit objects cannot last permanently. So what should a Sádhaka (spiritual aspirant) do? He or she must ascribe divinity to every unit object. Everything is the manifestation of God. Whether it is land, home, river, mountain, respect, insult, day or night – everything is He and His manifestation as a unit. Make proper use of all objects thinking that they are His gifts to us. To enjoy or endure anything is to enjoy or endure Him. Avoid the attraction of the unit and make contact with the integral whole. When you are able to live this way, the desire to steal the property of others will completely disappear. In Ananda Marga there is a special process through which one can dedicate everything to God. The ascription of divinity to objects means the pursuit of the Infinite, leaving the finite behind. Are you feeding your son? No, no, you are feeding the son-like manifestation of Brahma. Are you tilling the field? No, no you are serving the finite manifestation of Brahma with your plough. Really speaking, the ascription of divinity to objects precludes their material enjoyment, as the objects then merge in the non-material Supreme Brahma. Thus the mind of one, who has established him or herself in real Vaerágya (the renunciation of all sensual pleasures) can never become attached to finite objects. Even in their midst he or she remains beyond the reach of their attraction and gains eternal peace after death.” (1)

Note: Some people are not aware how to practice second lesson (brahamacarya, madhuvidya). They merely repeat their mantra without taking any ideation. What they do not realise is that ideation is key for the efficacy of second lesson.

1. Subhasita Samgraha-2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 1

== Section 2: Links ==

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Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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