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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Dada Guniindrananda’s debauched way + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Dada Guniindrananda debauched way
2. Bangla Quote:  তখন ৰুঝৰে
3. Links

Dada Guniindrananda’s debauched way

Note 1: Please bear in mind that this letter is not for those who do not give importance to Baba's divine teachings and / or are emotionally attached with a particular dada or group.

Note 2: This letter is written according to the standard of Ananda Marga. Our Ananda Marga does not appreciate or subscribe to materialistic, pseudo-culture values prevalent nowadays. One should always remember that Ananda Marga is a revolution and Baba has created Ananda Marga to eradicate all sorts of pseudo-culture.

As we know, our Ananda Marga magazines are for the propagation of Ananda Marga ideals, not pseudo-culture values.

Yet look here at this photo from cover of a recent Ananda Yuga magazine. Such a photo utterly contravenes countless aspects of our Ananda Marga Way of Life, yet the Ananda Yuga magazine editor has selected this image for the cover of our Ananda Marga magazine - Ananda Yuga.

Certainly, every sincere Ananda Margii will understand the ills and dogmas related with this photo. Even then for your convenience, here is a short list for your review.

Vital points to ponder

1. In the Ananda Yuga magazine, the woman displayed on cover page is half-naked and that type of revealing dress contravenes our social code - Caryacarya. One should always remember that Ananda Marga is a revolution and Baba has created Ananda Marga to eradicate all sorts of pseudo-culture. Those who are submerged in and wholly adapted with pseudo-culture will think this is fine. But it is not fine according to Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “While going out of their house, women should wear simple and decent clothes and cover their bodies properly.” (1)

Yet, in the Ananda Yuga magazine, the woman displayed is dressed according to pseudo-culture values wearing sleeveless tops and tight-fitting clothing etc, and this is completely against the ethics of Ananda Marga.

2. The Ananda Yuga magazine is in Hindi only so most readers will be from the Indian subcontinent. Yet here, a white western woman is on display - further infusing a cultural inferiority complex upon Hindi speakers etc. Already, since the British rule, India has surrendered itself to European dominance and western values. And this photo further cements this idea in the minds of Hindi readers.

3. New margiis who are not aware about Ananda Marga ideals will get the wrong idea that Ananda Marga is submerged in pseudo-culture by seeing this photo in the Ananda Yuga magazine. They will think we are just a carbon copy of so many fake yoga outfits that are sprouting up all over the place. They will not realise that ours is a true tantric path.

Keeping the above points in mind kindly again see the photo up above which appears on cover page of Ananda Yuga, Hindi.

Editor Dada Guniindrananda selling out to pseudo-culture

In all circumstances our aim is to preach and demonstrate Ananda Marga ideology: To teach genuine points of bhagavad dharma - not compromise with the ways of pseudo-culture. The entire world is waiting for something great to happen, i.e. to receive the teachings of Sadguru. Yet here we see our Ananda Yuga editor Ac Guniindrananda jii is selling-out and surrendering to materialistic, societal trends.

All this is going on in the name of our Ananda Marga magazine - Ananda Yuga. People are bound to think that Ananda Marga yoga is something cheap and commercial, not dharmic and righteous. Because they see that the Ananda Yuga editor Dada Guniindrananda is teaching yoga by splashing photo of half-naked females in their magazine and preaching the virtues of pseudo-culture values etc. It is really an awful scene and I feel badly how the Ananda Yuga editor Guniindrananda jii has fallen in this manner.

By failing to live up to the ideal of our Ananda Marga ideology, Ac Guniindrananda jii  verily depriving humanity of dharmic teachings. Their duty is to spread dharma but they are doing just opposite.

It denigrates young women as sex objects

Everybody knows that the entire society is plagued by the dominance of sexual display. Females are being exploited. When companies want to sell something then they must place half-naked photos of women to allure customers. By this way female exploitation is going on. Women are looked upon as sex objects. Baba created Ananda Marga to save this situation but this Dada is plunged in pseudo-culture, unfortunately. In getting caught up in the winds of fake yoga, Ac Guniindrananda jii blatantly contradicts his conduct rules and vows:

Caryacarya states, “While going out of their house, women should wear simple and decent clothes and cover their bodies properly.” (2)

Contradiction: Instead of adhering to Guru’s above guideline, Dada Guniindrananda has put a young woman on display whose top portion is only half-covered. This is in clear violation of Guru’s above teaching - “cover their bodies properly.” Yet Guniindrananda jii selected and placed this degrading and denigrating photo on the very cover of the magazine.

Sadguru Baba says, "Avadhuta shall treat every woman of the world, including his ex-wife, as mother." (3)

Contradiction: Instead of treating females as mother Ananda Yuga chief editor Dada Guniindrananda is denigrating them as sex objects etc.


By the above it is quite evident that Dada Guniindrananda jii has fallen from the path and slipped into the dungeon of materialistic pseudo-culture. Dada jii’s mind has degenerated from the path of renunciation as he is indulged in lower propensities. By his actions - (a) the above photo on his Facebook page and in the magazine and (b) his selling of women’s clothing - it is clear Dada jii is degenerated. Ananda Marga ideology guides one thing and Ac Guniindrananda jii is doing something completely different. That is the sad state of affairs.

in Him,
Nirmala' Singh

Dada Guniindrananda sells ladies garments

Dadaji has weakness towards women and that is why he sells women garments from head to toe in DMS, or in reporting. You must have seen his stall of female clothes in Ananda Nagar. Dadaji’s weakness towards women is not hidden. Rather it is quite well known. It is shameful that Dadaji is engrossed in the very engagement which Sadguru Baba strictly forbids.

Who is the culprit

Some naive persons might claim that the real culprits are the editorial staff. But the fact is that the staff will not dare do anything against the wishes of the editor Dada Guniindrananda jii. And this is Ananda Marga; Dada Guniindrananda is running the show. He is the editor and he is the culprit. And top of all he has put this very half-naked image on his own personal Facebook page.

Ananda Yuga - issue #3 - Year 36 (Dec 2015)

Editor: Ac Guniindrananda Avt - As the editor he is most responsible for this sin.

Will have to face the consequences

Directly or indirectly supporting any sin is also a sin. That is why I request these below listed good margiis not to associate themselves with this magazine. One must keep away from this magazine the way one stays away from the ebola virus. This magazine is propagating false things. Would they like it if their daughters or granddaughters were displayed in this way - exposing most of their skin etc.

So if any margii supports this magazine, they will have to face the consequences of the cosmic operative principle - so watch out.  Below is the list of some of the names listed on the editor’s page.

Co-Editor: RP Singh

Decoration Dept:
Ajay Kumar Deva
Amod Kumar Sharma

Editorial Staff:
Shrii RL Sharma
Shrii Diliip Sagar
Shrii Chakradhar Shastri
Shrii Ram Ujagir Choudhury
Shrii Ac Diip Narayan
Shrii Sunil Ananda

Why Siddhasana is bad for women

On the cover of the Ananda Yuga magazine (AY), the woman in the photo is sitting in an asana which is forbidden for women, i.e. siddhasana. Baba has given biological reasons why women should not sit in siddhasana. For in-depth reasoning on this, kindly refer to the first link in the links section below.

And here is another point.

- “Do not cut the hair of the joints of the body.” (4)

Contradiction: Instead of adhering to Guru’s above guideline, Guniindrananda jii picked up half-naked photo from the web that portray women according to western, pseudo-culture values where women’s underarm hair most likely has been shaved off to make them more alluring to men.

Joint hair

Some may raise the point that her underarm is not visible. But the answer is very simple. Those women who use this type of pseudo-culture dress generally shave their underarm hair as they think it is alluring not to have joint hair. This idea has been imposed on them by the male dominated fashion / nude industry.

By seeing the dress, you can see in (a) games and sports, (b) swimming events, (c) at the Olympics, (d) in the beauty and yoga fashion industry etc there is never any hair in that region. If a female is wearing bikini or sleeveless top at a fashion show then they do not keep the joint hair. And this above photo was taken by Dada Guniindrananda from a fake yoga fashion website. That is why most probably the woman does not have any underarm hair.

By the above it is quite evident that Dada Guniindrananda jii has fallen from the path and slipped into the dungeon of materialistic pseudo-culture. Dada jii’s mind has degenerated from the path of renunciation as he is indulged in lower propensities. By his actions - (a) the above photo on his Facebook page and in the magazine and (b) his selling of women’s clothing - it is clear Dada jii is degenerated. Ananda Marga ideology guides one thing and Ac Guniindrananda jii is doing something completely different. That is the sad state of affairs.

1. Caryacarya-1, Dress
2. Caryacarya-1, Dress
3. 32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt #11
4. Caryacarya 3, Rules for Asanas, point #8

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== Section 2: Links ==

তখন ৰুঝৰে

“শক্তি দিয়েছেন ৰলেই না তার এই বিচারটা জাগল, এই ৰুদ্ধিটা জাগল, যে ‘কাজটা ভাল’ | তো, সেই জন্যে, যখন তোমার বিচার ৰলৰে, তোমার বিবেক ৰলৰে, “না, এই কাজটা ভাল", তখন ৰুঝৰে তোমার এই বিবেকের পেছনে যে প্রজ্ঞাশক্তি কাজ করে চলেছে, সে প্রজ্ঞাশক্তি যখন “এই জিনিসটা ভাল,” এই বিচারের ক্ষমতা তোমায় দিয়েছেন, তখন সেই ভাল জিনিসটাকে কর্মরূপ দেওয়ার সামর্থ্যও তিনি তোমাকে দেৰেন |” (1)

1. সংবেগ ও আকর্ষণ, EGD, 14 December 1967 Calcutta

== Section 3: Links ==

Siddhasana not for females

More info why siddhasana is not for females

Other topics of interest

Very harmful Baba story

Depraved predator

Dada Citkrsnananda is confused

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