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Monday, July 27, 2020

Fictitious things in Prout Journal + 3 more


Fictitious things in Prout Journal


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

Our AM magazines should properly reflect Sadguru Baba’s teachings. That is why all those involved in publishing AM magazines like our Prout Journal should have a keen understanding of AM ideology. Without that, it is certain that those magazines will go astray.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: This below letter was first posted on this network as a news breaking story in August of 2015.


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The complexion of the historical Krs'n'a who lived in Dva'para Yuga was not black." (1)

So Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us that Lord Krsna was not black in color. But somehow, in Indian dogma, they had the long-standing belief that Lord Krsna was black. But that is wrong - and there are many reasons behind this falsehood.

Here below is the photo from the Prout magazine. In that photo, one person is standing and one is sitting; and, the person sitting is Lord Krsna - and His colour is according to Hindu dogma. But Ananda Marga philosophy states something different, so these magazine editors are compromising our AM ideals.

Suffice to say here that the main aim of our Prout magazines like Delhi Prout is to propagate the ideals of Prout. And Prout is a part of Ananda Marga philosophy. Because Prout itself is the 5th chapter of Ananda Sutram. So the Prout magazine is dedicated to the ideals of Prout and Ananda Marga philosophy.

But on many occasions it is noted that the editors are doing just the opposite. In this above photo from Vol No 2, Issue no 03 of the Delhi English Prout magazine, they have adopted the ways of the dogmatic Hindus and portray Lord Krsna as having black skin.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The complexion of the historical Krs'n'a who lived in Dva'para Yuga was not black." (2)

Not a small matter

The main reason they are doing this is is to appease Hindu dogmatic believes that - “We are aligned with you.” Yet by this way those Prout mag editors are compromising with Prout philosophy and the teachings of Ananda Marga.

Sadly, when they have no courage to express this simple point that Lord Krsns did not have black skin, then it gives the feeling that how are they going to fight against more involved dogmas & exploitation.

Here we must reflect on this guideline from Ananda Marga philosophy.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The complexion of the historical Krs'n'a who lived in Dva'para Yuga was not black." (3)

Cowardliness of any sort should not be permitted

Ananda Vanii states, “The human society of today has advanced considerably in the intellectual sphere. It must no longer sit inert. By applying all its might, the march of universal humanism must be made smooth by hook or by crook. Hence no latitude in procrastination or cowardliness of any sort should be permitted in this regard.” (4)

Note: What if this happened to you

If someone portrayed your own image in a drastically different colour for their own political gain then surely you will not appreciate this. And in the case of Lord Krsna this is not a person point as it is related with the second Mahasambhuti, i.e. Lord Krsna.
in Him,
Ramsing Yadav

1. Discourses on Krśńa and the Giitá, The Meaning of the Word “Krśńa”
2. Discourses on Krśńa and the Giitá, The Meaning of the Word “Krśńa”
2. Discourses on Krśńa and the Giitá, The Meaning of the Word “Krśńa”
4. Ananda Vanii

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

My most loving One

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

Introduction: This following Prabhat Samgiita is the heart-felt melancholic expression of an A-grade bhakta. Prabhat Samgiita Intro: In the following song the bhakta is making a loving accusation to Parama Purusa. Such high feelings come when there is extreme intimacy and pure, one-pointed supreme  love - bhakti for Ista. Then in that case the bhakta feels internally that he has the right to demand and place his accusation at Lord's feet. So the following song is the expression of deep love for Parama Purusa.

"Bhálo bási ámi priyo, jáni tumi bhálobáso ná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1822)


O’ my most loving One, I love You, yet know You do not feel the same about me. Even then, I still have prema for You. Why, I have no idea. Alas, I have fallen in love with You. Only this much I feel: Without that I cannot live. Without my deep yearning for You, I feel everything is lost and my life has no meaning.

O’ my endless affection for You is just like the bumblebee that is deeply attracted to the fragrant flower. Because that blossom has no idea about the bumble’s love, the flower does not know why the bee is strongly attracted to it. At the same time, the bumble bee does not know that it is being drawn in by the flower’s fragrance. That sweet aroma attracts the bee and draws it close. But those bees do not understand why they have sincere longing for that fragrant flower. It is beyond the scope of their logic and reasoning. They do not recognise the intense feeling of their restless heart. Similarly, I cannot understand why You are pulling at my inner core.

O’ Parama Purusa, I do not know You fully, even though I always search only for You. Whatever little I know about You, that much I ideate upon. Please tell me in a straightforward manner why I restlessly seek You. Do not play this divine liila with my mind anymore. Don’t hide any longer. Kindly come before me so I can do sastaunga pranam...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #1822:

1. When the bhakta wants Parama Purusa to come close, yet Parama Purusa is not completely fulfilling the bhakta’s yearning, then the bhakta makes a loving accusation towards Parama Purusa: Lord, I know full well that You do not love me.”

2. According to Ananda Marga philosophy if one knows Him fully then one merges in Him. Thus so long as one is separate from Him, one cannot know Him completely. And verily one will feel that, “Lord, I do not fully know You.”

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Service: do not fall prey to this mentality

Ananda Marga ideology states, “When you perform acts with the ideation that the person served is Náráyańa, there is no possibility of arrogance or the desire for fame growing in your mind. Then you will realize that through the grace of Náráyańa you have been given the opportunity of serving Náráyańa. Our hands and feet are not ours, they are His, and by serving Himself with those hands and feet, He sports with Himself. Such an action is an action without attachment. Only in this way can one attain salvation from the bondage of Karma. You must feel that the person served is Brahma. The person served is a finite manifestation of Him. Never, even by mistake, take the object as a human being.” (1)

According to the teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy, for every action there is a reaction. Good deeds yield positive reactions, and bad deeds yield adverse reactions. When serving an infirm person, you should not think that, “This person has done something wrong, and that is why I am serving them.” If one thinks like this then their entire attempt at service is for naught as there is no ideation of Narayana. One should think that, “Narayan is before me in the form of a sick person; He is playing His liila and I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve Him.” This is the proper approach.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Transformation by mere thought

  Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "That is, if one's object of thought is a thief, what will happen? What is the psychic process? When you think something, your mind is then and there divided into two parts. One subjective part, another is objective counterpart. And when you are thinking of a bad man, or a thief, what will happen? The objective counterpart of your mind will take the form of that thief, will take the form of that bad man, and slowly what will happen? Your subjective counterpart of the mind, that is, seer portion of the mind---one portion is seer and another portion is seeing. So, seer portion of the mind will be slowly converted into that bad man, and slowly you will become a bad man. So a bad man must not be your object of ideation, should not be your object of meditation. If you think of a bad man, you will become a bad man."
   "You know, there is a particular insect in India, it is called pecasha-kiit'a. It kills cockroaches. You know the cockroach, that red insect? Yes, it kills cockroach. And cockroaches are very much afraid of  that insect. So when a cockroach sees that insect, that insect becomes its object of ideation; that is, its objective counterpart of the mind  takes the form of---what? Cockroach. So what does happen? Slowly the body of the cockroach is converted into the body of that pecasha-kiit'a. That is, cockroach itself is converted into the form of its killer." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Ideological Flow and the Eight-fold Path

== Section 4: Links ==
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