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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Wt exploitation + 3 more


Wt exploitation

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


A new trend is on the rise concerning our Wts that we should all be aware of; it is related with our Ananda Marga ceremonies. At the same time, we all know, our Wt’s (wholetimers) are meant to be the luminaries and ideal examples in society. By this way all will trust and revere our acarya cadre. Unfortunately, now that trust is being breached.

Baba mocks the exploitative ways of religious priests

First we should review Baba’s special teaching. Here following, Baba is openly mocking certain vipras and pointedly revealing how the priest class (i.e. vipras) exploits society.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Even if one undergoes austerities, practises ritualistic fasting, undertakes pilgrimages, bathes in holy rivers and springs, worships a sacred fire or studies the scriptures, one will not be blessed unless one also offers sacerdotal fees to the vipras (priests). Only the vipras are authorized to recite even ordinary páncálii [long folk poems] about laokik gods and goddesses – and needless to say, a vipra would never visit anybody to recite such poems without remuneration…every intelligent person knows that a vipra (priests) will never act as an agent of God without some remuneration.” (1)

In His above guideline, Baba is colourfully describing how the vipras (priests) operate: How they dominate and exploit the society. They charge the common people for all kinds of “holy” arrangements and ceremonies. This is the ongoing approach by such vipras / priest of the various religions to make more money.

What is going on in our Marga

But the story does not end here. Tragically, in our own organisation, Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, similar types of things is occurring. Here are points for your consideration.

1. As we know, Baba created the system that no one should pay anyone for conducting marriage ceremonies, baby naming ceremonies, death ceremonies and all such occasions etc. In Caryacarya it has been declared that all such functions and ceremonies are free. That is Baba’s stated mandate.

2. Unfortunately, nowadays, various Wts are charging large sums for arranging marriages, conducting marriages, and even conducting death ceremonies etc. This has become big business for certain Wts. For marriages they are accepting cash and kind (gifts).

3. Some Wts are also charging money for initiations and other ceremonies. This creates problems in multiple directions. Baba’s teachings are not being followed; margiis are being subjected to unjust fees; and lastly, such actions reflect poorly on the many dedicated and honest wts in our Marga. Thus it is a triple-loss.

4. Wts charging  fees for marriage or and ceremonies include Wt Madhuvratananda, Wt Nabhatiitananda, Wt Raganugananda, Wt Satyashrayananda etc.

5. In their heart of hearts, such Wts know it is wrong so they ward off any guilt with the justification that, “This is the easiest way to get some money from margiis.” This is their mentality.

6. The question of virtue and vice does not arise for these types of wts. Such workers feel that virtue and vice are for margiis or honest people. They console themselves by thinking that, “For me, as a wt, there is no question of virtue or vice; I am beyond all that.” More and more Wts are resorting to such justifications and negative thinking. Unfortunately that will only lead to their downfall and create problems in society.

Another dogma

7. Here in India there is a strong dogma that Ananda Marga ceremonies must be led by Wts. That is the demand and feeling of many margiis of Delhi sector. All because of the prevailing Indian dogmatic belief: some have have an inherent preference for the saffron cloth – not margii cloth. For instance, even in those places where family acaryas are prevalent, the margiis think that it will be very auspicious if the ceremony is conducted by a wt. This dogma is reinforced by wts; that is unfortunate. Because an acarya is an acarya, irrespective of whether they are a wt of family margii.

Some WT’S arranged  marriage for themselves

8. Who can forget that our organisation lost so many good Wts because they were overly involved in arranging others’ marriages. In that course they arranged a marriage for themselves as well. Still today this is going on.

9. The standard system is that wts should not be involved in marriage ceremonies and preparations etc. That is the work of our family acaryas. If any Wt is doing this job then we must conclude that he has that type of weakness: To remain around the opposite sex. That may lead to his final decay. So best is for family acaryas to oversee and conduct all marriage ceremonies etc.


10. By the looks of it, these workers, who are charging big money to perform marriage ceremonies, are exploitative vipras - not sadvipras. Here again is Baba’s teaching where He exposes how the priest class exploits society. Actually in this below teaching Baba is mocking the dealings of such priests. Thus in Ananda Marga, we do not at all support this type of mentality where the priest class uses their status and position to take advantage of the people.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Even if one undergoes austerities, practises ritualistic fasting, undertakes pilgrimages, bathes in holy rivers and springs, worships a sacred fire or studies the scriptures, one will not be blessed unless one also offers sacerdotal fees to the vipras (priests). Only the vipras are authorized to recite even ordinary páncálii [long folk poems] about laokik gods and goddesses – and needless to say, a vipra would never visit anybody to recite such poems without remuneration…every intelligent person knows that a vipra (priests) will never act as an agent of God without some remuneration.” (2)

Pradiip Deva

In the next letter, we will share how Wts from other factions, such as B group, are also involved in charging for marriage ceremonies etc.

1. Human Society – 2, The Vipra Age
2. Human Society – 2, The Vipra Age

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are here

"Toma'ke peyechi prabhu smara'n'e manane..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0160)


Baba, I have gotten You in various ways: in my shravana, manana, nididhyasana, sadhana, dhyana, japa, and kiirtan. Through these avenues, I have held You. You come in my closest proximity, wherein I am able to receive You, by Your grace. When I look towards the sky or smell the fragrant flowers, I feel that it is all Your expression of love that is shining forth. And when in a lonely place I think about You, then in my heart also I feel Your presence. Baba, I have been blessed to embrace You in numerous ways...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Be a sadvipra

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The spirit to fight against all odds alone can solve the problems confronting human beings. March ahead and wage war against all difficulties, every impediment. Victory is sure to embrace you. Difficulties and encumbrances cannot be more powerful than your capacity to solve them. You are the children of the great Cosmic Entity. Be a sadvipra and make others sadvipras also." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Future of Civilization

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Multi-tasking is deleterious

The typical person has numerous aims. For example, they want to be the king, president, billionaire, film hero, sports star, musical icon etc. In that sense the average person is multi-purpose. But at the same time living beings are unilateral. We can only do one work at one time. People talk about multi-tasking, but it is an impossibility for unit beings. The mind cannot do two works at the same time. And if one tries to multi-task, their mind will become bifurcated and ultimately degenerated.

Best is to do one task at one time. By cultivating that quality in sadhana humans become one with Parama Purusa.

By doing sadhana and with his grace, the aspirant does become one with Parama Purusa. And then, after losing their individuality, they can work multilaterally - i.e. in all directions. Till then, do not try and do so many works at one time.

Only in one directions, at one time

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Microcosm is multipurposive but its flow is unilateral. On the other hand, Macrocosm is uni-purpose but its flow is multilateral. There is no end to the desires of microcosm. Sometimes it desires fame and sometimes it desires money. But it can make itself travel at one time in one direction only. His mind cannot be simultaneously engaged in a book and in a football game. While reading, if he thinks of the football game his mind is diverted from the book. Similarly, he cannot enjoy the football game if in the football game he begins to think about his books. Hence, the flow of the unit is unilateral. It travels only in one direction, at one time, whereas Macrocosm is uni-purpose but multilateral. There is only one thought of Macrocosm and that is the well-being of all. This is His one sole purpose. Yet Macrocosm is a multi-lateral flow. He does many things simultaneously. He is feeding you, creating the world, making rivers, canals and birds. Everything is being created in His mind. Hence there is much variety in His mind.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18

== Section 4: Links ==

See coloured creatures insulting Sadguru


See coloured creatures insulting Sadguru


Our avadhutas are to set an example to others by their thought, word, and deed. As senior Wts, they are to be a living representation of Sadguru Baba’s teachings. Yet, here they are on stage at the recent Jamalpur DMS, and they are behaving in a different sort of manner.

First and foremost, they have set their chairs directly in front of Sadguru Baba’s photo - blocking it entirely, and they have placed their backs towards Him. This is most disrespectful. You will not see followers turn their back on their deity in any mosque, chapel, temple, or synagogue etc. But sadly, it happens on our very own DMS stage with Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. This is most shameful. Sadhakas come to DMS for Baba, and our very own avadhutas completely block His photo.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your...pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru." (1)

In Him,

What each Dada is doing

Let’s take a look at what each of the Dadas are doing on stage.
(A) The Dada all the way on the left seems utterly confused
(B) The next Dada is fully absorbed in texting his alleged GF.
(C) The next Dada, Svarupananda, is sitting with his arms crossed - this is a sign that he has fully made up his mind and it is not up for discussion.
(D) The Dada all the way on the right has unfortunately fallen asleep.
(E) The Dada standing up along the right side is Puspendrananda and he is searching for his GF in the audience.

1. Caryacarya Part 1, Treasures of Ananda Marga

== Section 2: Links ==

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