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Saturday, February 18, 2023

How to resolve quarrel + 4 more


How to resolve quarrel


Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Human unity is purely an ideological unity, which means unity in the psychic sphere. Where there is psychic unity, physical unity will also occur. In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind." (1)

So Baba guides us that unity is ideological unity. And then, in the very next sentence (below), Baba issues His grave warning that any chance of real unity is destroyed by any presence of groupism / exploitation.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another." (2)

One key point to note is that true unity cannot be formed by uniting various exploiter AMPS purodhas. Bringing three or four group leaders and their followers together under one roof is not unity. Because each still has their own separate agenda. Unity can only be achieved by following His teachings, i.e. Ananda Marga ideology, and fighting against all forms of groupism and injustice, i.e. rooting out all internal organisational exploitation. Then and only then will true unity in our AMPS be achieved.

Anti-exploitation: early 90's

Back in the early 90's, various circulars were written about how some groups were exploiting general margiis and Wts. But, at that moment, people could not believe it and the circular writers were victimised, attacked, and exiled. Most margiis were thinking that all central avadhutas were divine, i.e. second gods. But any semblance of unity has been shattered by the overwhelming presence of exploitation. And it is this problem of exploitation that we have to understand and ultimately fix.

Remember, Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another." (3)

Examples of exploitation in AMPS

Here is a list of ways the various exploiters (i.e. various group leaders and their stooges) exploit others. And this causes fragmentation and disunity in our AMPS.

1. Destruction of bhukti pradhan rights and imposition of the Fake BP Manual by those who are and were in power.
2. Expulsion used as a weapon by those who are and were in power.
3. Ruination of the ACB system by filling the seats with unqualified “yes men” who are blindly obedient to those at the helm.
4. Curtailment of margii rights and no right to protest by writing or discussion etc. 
5. Victimisation of countless innocent Ananda Margiis and Wts who spoke out about exploitation and injustices. 
6. Not recognising Silent Action as a fundamental right. 

The above injustices are carried out by those who grabbed power to exploit the common margiis and Wts. So any chance at unity has been basically shattered by the overwhelming presence of exploitation. And it is this problem of exploitation that we have to understand and ultimately fix.

Remember, Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another." (4)


Here is a summary of the step-wise approach of Sadguru Baba’s teaching:
(a) The moment a person / or body realizes that they are getting exploited then a quarrel ensues, ultimately resulting in disunity.
(b) When this fight occurs it means there is an exploiter and the exploited.
(c) If any onlooker cries out loudly and just preaches the sermon: “Don’t quarrel, stop fighting and be peaceful, remain united”, it means they are going against the fundamentals of Ananda Marga.
(d) The only way is to find the culprit and punish them. Then only can sentient peace and true unity be established.
(e) Due to a lack of proper knowledge people often follow a cowardly philosophy and try to keep the status quo. But in that case, the exploiters will continue their ruthless assault and the exploited people will continue to face injustice and misery; and they will be disunited. So to bring unity one must fight against all internal organisational exploitation.

The only way out of this disunity is the call for unity based on ideology and fight against exploitation. That means holding onto Guru’s teachings as the ideal in life. Those who adhere to this ideal and fight against all internal organisational exploitation will be united. And that will be real unity. True Ananda Margiis will readily respond to the call for unity based on ideology. And that is that strongest unity where everyone will be united.


Example: Tom and Dick are siblings. Tom is simple, but Dick is notorious. With his cunningness, Dick took control of their entire parental property and registered it in his name. And Dick captured the house as well. Then in the middle of the night Dick ousted Tom. A fight ensued under the cloak of darkness. The raucous noise awakened the neighbours who were very disturbed by seeing this fight. They started shouting and said, "Stop, stop don't quarrel, live together peacefully." And those neighbours tried to make those siblings shake hands and have a truce etc. But it did not work. The neighbours did not realise that these two siblings cannot live together until the element of exploitation is removed. 

A similar situation is going on in AMPS. Many, many exploiters in the form of so-called central Wts and so-called purodhas are exploiting the common margiis and lower posted Wts. That is why a huge fight is going on. So long exploitation persists, AMPS will not see unity. That is what Baba says in His below Bangla teaching. Those who are advocates and lovers of unity have to remove the exploitation from AMPS. Failing that, unity will never be achieved in our organisation.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

To bring unity punish the exploiters

When any fight erupts, those onlookers have a specific duty according to the teachings of  Ananda Marga tantra. In this case every Ananda Margii should know what should be done.

Here is a case example: Tom was beating Dick. Hearing this, Harry came and cried out, “Why are you two fighting and beating each other. Stop quarreling! Live together peacefully.” No doubt, Harry’s words are very sweet. But this type of sweet talk has no value. It is useless and worthless. The proper thing is for Harry to find out who the real culprit is: Dick or Tom. If it is found that Tom is the culprit then it is appropriate to immediately support Dick and arrange proper punishment for Tom. This is the only path in Tantra.

If this is not done, and you only say, “Do not quarrel - do not quarrel, live together peacefully, and stop fighting”, then the next day you will find that Tom beat Dick even more severely. This demonstrates that Harry’s attempt at an intervention - i.e. spread the holy water of peace, peace, peace - was completely fruitless. And this will only further convince Tom that he can have his way with Dick without any retribution. So Tom’s audacity will grow exponentially and he will again beat Dick mercilessly.

1. Prout in Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout
2. Prout in Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout
3. Prout in Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout
4. Prout in Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How Taraka Brahma is unique

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "A Maha'kaola is one who makes others kaola by his infallible spiritual guidance. But Ta'raka Brahma is a different Entity, a unique Entity for He is the spiritual preceptor, social preceptor, Kaola, and Maha'kaola, all in one. He is also something more: He acts as a compass in every stratum of society." (1)

Note: In tantra, Brahma is the Guru. And when Brahma makes use of a human framework and bridges the divide between Saguna Brahma and Nirguna Brahma, He is known as Taraka Brahma. Only Taraka Brahma can perfectly guide the spiritual aspirant and the entire society in all realms of life. Marga Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is the Taraka Brahma. Those who adhere to the path of His teachings of Ananda Marga and are strict in Sixteen Points are truly blessed. Taraka Brahma is greater than Maha'kaola.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Vraja Krśńa and Sáḿkhya Philosophy (Discourse 7)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Unique history of the Vedas

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The meaning of the verbal root rc is “to glorify” (through song or through ordinary language). Rk means “hymn”. In ancient times, with the beginning of civilization, the sages used to look upon the various manifestations of nature as the play of one God and they composed hymns for that god. When they used to sing in the name of Úśa, Indra, Parjanya, Mátarishvá, Varuńa, that singing was called sáma. At that time script had not yet been invented, so the disciples used to learn by listening to the verbal teachings of the guru. These were all words of truth, words of knowledge and since they were words of knowledge, since they elevated the uncultured human beings towards the light of culture, they were called veda, or knowledge." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Discourse: 11

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to become all-knowing 

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “On the practical level, what happens is that the unconscious mind is all-pervading, integral and immeasurably vast. Through spiritual practices the riches of the unconscious mind are brought down into the subconscious mind. The spiritual aspirant then understands everything; he discovers the secret signs of knowledge. Then, according to his or her needs, he or she is able to bring this acquired wealth of the subconscious mind into the conscious mind and use it in the external world.”
   “How much can book knowledge help a person! It goes in one ear and out the other. If, by means of sádhaná [spiritual practices], a person can bring into the subconscious mind the boundless knowledge that resides in the unconscious mind, then that becomes transformed into lasting riches which then are, or can be, employed extensively for the welfare of humanity.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Indukamala to Iyatta (Discourse 7)

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