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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Wt exploited + 4 more

Wt exploited


Beloved Baba founded AMPS as a man-making mission, but unfortunately our so-called top acaryas in Centre have converted this man-making mission into a money-making mission. Lackeys don't care about adhering to Sadguru Baba's system or Ananda Marga ideology; they only care about money and their followers (stooges). If you are their stooge - i.e. you are giving them a lot of money and generating revenue for Centre - then you are free to do anything. Whereas, if any good Wt does not support Centre’s narrow agenda and / or doesn’t give them money, then that Wt will be looked upon as their enemy. Centre will ruthlessly harass that Wt.

Wt TC mantra: make money

Now the situation is that even from the very start of one’s time at WT Training Centre (TC), the emphasis is on how to make more money. Gone are the days of teaching dharmic precepts and philosophical tenets. The almighty dollar has gripped hold of our TC’s; everywhere it is the same. It is all about money, money, money. And in some cases, they have even sold the financial assets of the TC and essentially shut it down. They gave up on even making Wts and instead settled on a cash grab. 

We should follow the instructions given by our Sadguru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, otherwise there is no scope for doing anything for His mission or the human society. There has to be transparency in each and every account, from the lower posted Wts to higher level avadhutas etc. But these days, the organisation’s financial committees do not even exist; nor are there any functioning boards. 

Bogus tribunal on debauched Wt

The only ethic is, “Earn money by hook or by crook by selling, stealing, or trading AMPS resources, and give that money to Rudrananda.” Then if you have characterless dealings there won’t be any inquiry committee, as is the case with the allegedly debauched trainer Mantrajapananda in Davao TC. Instead, a tribunal in India led by stooges like Sampurnananda cleared Mantrajapananda of all wrongdoing, despite the overwhelming evidence of Mantrajapananda’s alleged escapades with sister trainees etc.


Our new Wts should not be pressured into doing business and drawing up hypocritical schemes by stooges of Rudrananda. That type of approach gives meagre short-term returns and degrades the mind. Sadly, those new Wts lose their dynamism and often leave or become drowned in debased dealings. And the main fault falls on those in leadership positions in our AMPS. They misguide new workers and create pressure of circumstances and threaten them with transfer postings etc. 

Here are some final suggestions:
  • Be honest and sincere, and by this way trust will develop and local people will give their full support. 
  • Wts should be genuine in their approach and engagement and then huge donations will come in. 
  • Best is to remain as a sadhu and one will become a real sadvipra and serve the society to the fullest.

In Him,
Antarya’mii Deva

~ In-depth study ~

Pitfalls for new Wts

- Leaders have no humanity: They force new workers to break their teeth to earn money and they watch those new Wts go down the path of degradation, and still those leaders think only of how they can squeeze more money from those junior workers. They have not an ounce of brotherhood for them. 

- Baba has given the great ideology and youths get inspired and want to serve and progress spiritually. So they enter Training Centre but are not aware of what is really going on inside the organisation. The final outcome is that they get ensnared and exploited.

- Some Wts become retailers for ladies undergarments. Ultimately, those new Wts begin ideating on those undergarments and decide to find their own mate or spouse. 

Wt dogma: Sin does not affect me

- Those new Wts never think that they will degenerate. They think, “That is not going to happen to me.” But fueled by avidya maya they get drawn in deeper and deeper until they are stuck there like super glue. At that point, avidya maya has them firmly in her grasp and there is no escape. Initially one can withdraw, but they do not due to the fact that they feel they are impervious to degeneration. But once the super glue effect takes place, they are as good as gone. Indeed, they have become so captivated by avidya maya that they do not even want to come out from her spell. 

- When those Wts are involved in scamming the public and profiting by selling donated materials for social service projects, they do not feel an ounce of guilt. They do not have an inkling of remorse. Rather they justify their stand by thinking, “I am dedicated so I am free to do as I please.” Blinded by this outlook, even if one Wt kills another Wt they do not think it is sin. They have no qualms about it. They think, “I am avadhuta / avadhutika, I cannot commit any sin - sin does not affect me. So no matter what I do, I am a monk / nun.”

Public knows those Wts are cheats

- Wts make backdoor deals with contractors and steal or redirect supplies from construction sites. Then they resell those black supplies for their own gain. Those purchasing steeply discounted cement, stone, or rods from that Wt know that this is a scam. And they tell their friends and will never donate anything to that Wt because they know what kind of cheating is going on.

- The prevailing myth among some Wts is, “If I act honestly, I will starve.” Of course those few with a clean record do not starve. But they will not grow a fat, black bank account. 

- Such Wts engaging in cheating the public and selling all the donations they receive have completely lost the spirit of Baba’s guideline. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Bear in mind that you have a duty towards – indeed, you owe a debt to – every creature of this universe, but towards you, no one has any duty; from others, nothing is due.” (1)

Danger of hypocrisy

Baba warns about the dangers of hypocrisy. If someone has a false agenda and justifies that duplicitous approach, there is no opportunity for the mind to grow. Just one is pretending to be a great sadhu. That person is deceiving others to keep their status, and the outcome is that the mind becomes more crude. This is the situation that is going on now amongst some of our Wts. There is a lot of false propaganda. As a result, new margiis are not created, as those Wts give all their time for business until finally they leave Wt life and do business only. So many idealistic souls have been ruined in this way.

And when the WT Trainer also involves with the opposite sex trainees, then what kind of Wt will those TC’s produce.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Sádhaná (Intuitional Practice), Point #3

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You were all alone 

Intro for PS: The following song describes the situation before creation when Parama Purusa was all alone. In the absence of a second entity, He had nothing to do. He was feeling lonely; there was no one. Then He started thinking that He should be many and then at one point of His vast infinite Self, saincara started. That was the origin and start of creation. One should not forget that creation is His thought projection - it is all unfolding within His mind. For Him, nothing is external; the entire universe is in His mind. 

"Kiseri pulake sabári alakhe, jege chile tumi kon atiite..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3043)


My Parama Purusa, for whose bliss have You secretly made this creation. Prior, there was no time factor, no date, nor any kind of temporal measurement. That was beyond the scope of the relative factors. In that temporal void, You were sleeping. You were all alone - there was no second entity nor anyone to love or bless. In which hoary past were You remaining invisible to all. No one was there to see You. You awakened for whose horripilation and delight? For whom did You start this blissful creation?

Parama Purusa, when You broke Your sleep and started thinking that, “I should be many”, then that was the beginning of creation: Stealthily a colourful world came into being. Your mental sun coloured the eastern sky, and everything became blissful. In the final stage of pratisaincara, honey came into the hundred petaled lotus flower of the human mind, and people started practicing sadhana.

My Divine Entity, Baba, the earth is flooded in Your refulgence and ensconced in Your thought. Creation, infused with new determination, became filled only with Your ideation covertly. The sound came in the root of ra’ga ra’ginii. Saincara and pratisaincara came into existence. So many plants, animals, and finally humans came into being by Your grace. You blessed humans with so many gifts and qualities including song, dance music, and the ability to chant Your name and become one with You, by Your grace. For whose happiness have You secretly made this creation. Parama Purusa, You are love personified...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Two disadvantages of state handouts

Prout philosophy states, “It may be questioned whether it is wise for any government to guarantee the minimum requirements. If the state is to supply cereals, pulses, salt, gram, ghee, butter, etc. to all people then naturally the state has to institute some process of control which people may not like. Hence PROUT’s view is that people should be guaranteed the provision of sufficient purchasing power to meet these requirements. In that case the state need not adopt control measures.”

“The other disadvantage of guaranteeing the supply of minimum requirements is that if consumable goods are supplied to everyone, people will become lethargic. They should therefore be supplied with purchasing power in exchange for their work according to their physical, psychic or spiritual capacity.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Comment ==

Both are enemies of Baba


#1: Both H group and B group are working towards the same cause - to remove Baba from the equation.

#2: B group says that Baba is no more. They affirm this yearly by "celebrating" mahaprayan.

#3: H group on the hand have found a replacement Guru in the form of PP.

#4; The agenda of both groups are to impose as many dogmas into the Ananda Marga curriculum so as to destroy the sublime teaching and ideals of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtii.

#5: They seem to hell bent in achieving this ASAP.

#6: This is the work of the enemy  (so-called purodhas) who occupy senior positions in so-called AMPS central (s).

#7: Margiis and sincere WTs must become aware of the subtle deception and the mischievous agenda of these purodhas (self-proclaimed heads). Every effort must be made to destroy the enemies of Ananda Marga.

#8: This can only be achieved by following strict moral principles, doing more Sádhaná and svadhyaya. Read Baba's books. Do not depend on so-called Baba stories. By knowing Baba's original teachings one will be able to identify fake tales.

In Him

- Here is link to the initial letter on this topic: Highest form of deception

== Section 3: Links ==

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