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Friday, December 4, 2020

Didi Niitimaya resides in utopia + 3 more


Didi Niitimaya resides in utopia

Note: Didi Ananda Niitimaya acknowledges that there are scriptural distortions in AM books, but she wants that people should not discuss this in forums. Didi says that one should only address this issue of scriptural distortion with the higher authorities. This letter addresses the blatant defects and deficiencies of Didi Ananda Niitimaya’s utopian approach in this present moment. 


It is Baba's system that we write our higher authorities to report any wrongdoing in the organisation. However, Baba's directive is based on the premise that those spurious higher authority figures themselves are moral and adhering to the tenets of Ananda Marga ideology. Then writing those higher authorities will yield a proper result.

Unfortunately, when our organisational titular higher authorities are themselves involved in the curtailment and elimination of margii rights, unethical dealing, groupism, alleged financial swindling, and alleged characterless behaviours then writing the self-styled higher authorities about problems in the organisation will not work. Rather it will be like an ordinary peasant writing gang leaders about the ongoing problems in their village. In response, thugs will come crashing down on that peasant. Sadly, similar is the case in AMPS and here is the proof.

Why margiis don't lodge complaints

Let's take a closer look at the situation as to why margiis choose not to write the professed higher authorities about the distortion in Baba’s books, ruination of the BP system, use of expulsion as a weapon, selling of AM properties, destruction of the ACB, and other injustices and cases of exploitation going on in AMPS. 

For instance, when margiis see any WT go against their acarya conduct rules then that margii has the fundamental right to take silent action. It is a human right. And the organisation and the involved WT are to respect that margii's right and investigate the situation in a fair manner. But instead what happens, if any margii takes silent action against a worker, then a huge uproar ensues. The organisational puppet authorities become furious that a simple margii has the “audacity” to take such action, and the involved WT makes threats towards that margii. That is the practical result we see happening if and when silent action is taken. That is why no margii wants to take silent action against a worker even though it is a human right. It is not that all workers are perfectly adhering to their codes of conduct. That is not the reason why no margii is taking silent action.

Rather any margii taking silent action will then be deemed an enemy and their existence in the organisation will be scarred for life: They will lose their post, their friends, their ability to come to dharmacakra etc. A huge backlash will result. All because that margii exercised their human right to take silent action. So no margii wants to do that. No one wants to take silent action for fear of what will result.

And writing the self-styled higher authorities is one step beyond taking silent action. In that case, who will want to take that big and dangerous step of writing spurious higher authorities: absolutely no one. Because instead of a proper investigation being put in place regarding the alleged worker wrongdoing, the innocent margii will be treated like a criminal and forced to face being banished from all AMPS programs and activities. That is why no margii is writing and that is why the suggestion for someone to write the professed higher authorities is foolhardy.

Historical precedence

Who can forget what happened to so many margiis. They were global ACB members but when they wrote to the titular higher authorities of AMPS about organisational impropriety, they were kicked out from their post, barred from dharmacakra, and victimised to no end. Witnessing that, no margii dared to write puppet higher authorities. Because if the above abuse and torture could happen to a global ACB member, then what will happen when a simple margii writes. Will they be killed in the street?!?

And verily there are so many cases in each and every sector, and each and every bhukti. When an injustice is done, the margii reporting the injustice is victimised severely. In that case, everyone understands that it is organisational suicide to write the self-styled higher authorities. Thus when one a Wt suggests that margiis should write phony higher authorities about acarya misconduct, who is going to think that this is a viable solution.

Baba: silent action is a human right

This entire process should proceed in a stepwise fashion. First the organisational so-called authorities should learn to accept silent action in a cool-headed manner. As silent action itself is a human right.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "You should take silent action – that is, do not accept the person's ácárya-ship. It is a question of human rights." (1)

When it is seen that such ostensible authority figures can accept silent action in a rational way such that no margii is victimised, then margiis can consider writing so-called higher authorities. Until that time, writing professed higher authorities will remain nothing but a foolish endeavour. Margiis will think it is far too dangerous to take silent action, let alone write the spurious higher authorities.

Like China, Russia, African war-lords, & the dogmatic church

The way things stand now, the prospect of writing the titular higher authorities is quite grim. Since 1990, with regards to the freedom of expression, our AMPS is hardly any different from communist China, dictatorial rule of North Korea, Russian totalitarianism, African War-Lords, and the Catholic Church. In all the above mentioned dogmatic and suppressive regimes, no one is allowed to say anything about any injustices. Doing so is to invite victimisation and in some cases death. That is what practically results when some courageous person steps forward. And that is how those tyrannical regimes have kept their power, generation after generation.

That is why you will never see a person in Cuba, Russia, North Korea, China, Burma, Saudia Arabia, or Qatar write a letter to the local general or war-lord about an injustice in their locale. Because they know that the backlash against them will be extreme and that in the end nothing will result except the covering up of those injustices. Yet this is no way to build a society. Suppression just invites more and more exploitation by the leaders until finally terrorist or guerrilla forces take to action, and there is fighting in the streets. So the road that our AMPS is presently on is not good. Rather our puppet higher authorities should learn to accept and respect the voice of margiis and not condemn margiis to hell for pointing out injustices. It is a human right to speak out against injustices.


In our AMPS, Baba places immense responsibility upon the leaders. And He also states that the leaders must ultimately answer to every injustice in that society.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Today there is catastrophe and misery in human society and there is one reason: the defective leadership of society." (2)

Until the leaders in AMPS understand their vital role, there will not be justice in the AMPS and no one will like to write professed higher authorities about worker wrongdoing. Our leaders have immense scope to guide the society, but only if they themselves are moral and willing to listen to the people, i.e common margiis. Without that their leadership will just be a misuse of power where they suppress all expression and hide all wrongdoing in order to keep the chair.

Until the climate changes in our AMPS, the suggestion to write the ostensible higher authorities will remain impractical and foolish.

It is the duty of all Ananda Margiis and Wts to follow the guideline of our Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, and make AMPS dogma-free so all Baba's given systems come into practice. Qualified people should get responsible posts and worthless people should be removed. Then silent action, which is defunct these days, will be used properly.

In Him,
(Alex Morrow)

~ In-depth study ~

* As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Please read this below letter as an historical account.

History: Dada in Spanish prison for drug-dealing

Here is one historical record of what was going on those days. Back in 2009 or so one Dada in GT sector told margiis not to talk to others and just "write to bogus higher authorities" as a means to hush-hush an alleged sex scandal. Yet that Wt Dada had been working in GT sector for years and years and he was quite familiar with the wrongdoing(s) going on there.

Please read the following excerpts from a letter written by senior margiis from Bogata, Colombia to ostensible Central Authorities including GS Dada, CWWS, etc. Their writing clearly shows how Dada Prasiidananda / Maheshvarananda was "in the know."

"Since 2007 when the long-lasting alleged immoral conduct of the two dadas Divyapremananda and Japamantrananda was disclosed before Ananda Marga SS dada and SWWS didi..."

It is alleged “Divyapremananda’s case is even worse. He has insulted, verbally abused, and even threatened the lives of Didi Ananda Shraddha as well as the margii sisters and brothers who disclosed his reprehensible conduct to AM authorities. He has gone as far as to filing a penal court case against these margiis accusing them of defamation (as if everything they have said were not true)...."

Alleged drugs & repeated wrongful connection with women

"The only help we have received in this period came from Venezuela. Dada Prasidananda/ Maheshvarananda believed us from the beginning. You may or may not know that he was in the committee that had to decide whether or not to bring Divyapremananda back to the Region after his time in a Spanish prison for drug-dealing. So he very well knows Divyapremananda’s past with drugs and repeated wrongful involvement with women. Without his help, we wouldn’t have been heard by AM Sectorial and Central Organization."

So, by the above letter, it is clear that Dada Prasidananda / Maheshvarananda was well aware about the alleged sexual misdeeds of these Dadas. After all he was a member of the committee that reviewed this Dada's wrongful conduct. And Prasidananda / Maheshvarananda was also aware that those margiis who chose to write the self-styled higher authorities faced severe backlash, torture and torment. Hence Prasiidananda / Maheshvarananda knows of Divyapremananda's alleged sexual misconduct with sisters and Dadaji knows what ongoing hell the margiis had to withstand after writing the so-called higher authorities.

Furthermore, Prasiidananda / Maheshvarananda knows the very act of writing the so-called higher authorities did not sufficiently resolve the matter.

Yet, thereafter in public, Dada Prasidananda/ Maheshvarananda denied the veracity of the sexual misconduct claims against various Dadas in GT and he demanded that margiis write to bogus higher authorities, when Prasidananda / Maheshvarananda was fully aware that any margii who writes to those self-styled higher authorities will be threatened, abused, and victimised.

And on the top, justice will not be served - the conduct of those sinful Dadas will not be rectified nor properly addressed by organisational so-called heads. Thus we all have to think. It is for each one of us to decide the standing of our dear Dada. Indeed all of the above, not only makes one question the integrity of Dada Prasidananda/ Maheshvarananda but we also must ask ourselves what kind of friend he is, as he requested margiis to place not just their hand but their head in the fire by "writing phony higher authorities."

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Today, by His grace

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.
“Kon alakár dolá ese láglo láglo, mor ádhaphot́á man kusume..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0315)
Which divine sway touched my half-bloomed mental lotus. By that spiritual flow and touch, my dreary heart which was in deep sleep became immersed in bliss. Today, by His grace, I established a relation with Parama Purusa. My hidden spiritual love blossomed.
All these days, I could not bloom and flourish due to my extreme shyness, doubt, fear, and other worldly bondages. I was unable to open myself. I could not communicate with Parama Purusa and tell my heartfelt feelings to Him. Today, that unknown Divine Entity took my nectar, which I had kept hidden. Now, by His grace, I rush headlong towards Him night and day, always, not hindered by worry, fright, trepidation, or any crude propensities.

The flower petals of buds were tethered together by a net of avidya’ ma’ya’. With the momentum of that divine sway of my Dearmost, that special bondage was removed. With heart-filled love and the affection full of sweet whisper, I accept Him into my mental world and make Him my own. He is most dear...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why our moral duty in suicide

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who commit suicide, do it when their mind is in a negative state. It is unnatural.” (1)

Note: Those in a balanced state of mind never commit suicide or opt for euthanasia (assisted suicide). The only people who commit suicide are those (a) in a poor emotional state, (b) affected by dogma, or (c) suffering from a severe mental ailment. If a person attempts or actually commits suicide it means their mind is not working properly. To prevent this social ill and personal tragedy, those with a balanced mind who are near the patient have the moral duty to intervene. They must save those mental patients who are planning or trying to commit suicide or euthanasia. 

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Three Causes of Sin

== Section ==

Who does faces denunciation, denigration
and contempt of countless forces? - Ananda Vanii #37

Ananda Vanii states, “Those who introduce new ideas are invariably subjected to the trammels, tyranny and lure of sinful temporality. But people must not yield, people must not stop. Remember that light, not darkness is veritably the truth of life. The light of new ideas shall certainly illumine every nook and corner of human habitation, in spite of the inroads of countless forces of denunciation, denigration and contempt.” (1)
Note: The above is one of Baba’s ginal Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis.

1. Ananda Vanii #37

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