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Monday, May 7, 2018

Idol of Mother India


Idol of Mother India


If India or any country is being attacked, then naturally those inhabitants will rally around that nation because their very existence is at stake. Every country has a right to defend itself and the people of that land will support and fight for their country under such circumstances. And that will not be considered as geo-sentiment. But if that country is raising national sentiment amongst its people in order to demean and exploit a neighbouring country then that is dogmatic and harmful. That type of nationalism is a form of geo-sentiment which serves to crudify the mind. The prototypical end result of nationalism as geo-sentiment is the exploitation of other, weaker nations for a country's own benefit at the cost of the other country. PROUT philosophy opposes such geo-sentiment.

In a Hindi Prout magazine (Year: 51, Issue: 4) an objectionable article entitled “कथं रोदसि कथं क्रन्दसि ओगो मां भारतवर्ष” (katham rodasi katham krandasi ogo má bháratvarsha) is published.

Please see the below image. One lady is standing with a crown and holding the flag of the Hindu fundamentalist organization RSS. If you look carefully you will note that a map of India is in the background behind the lady. The lady is sitting on a lion. According to RSS, this is a deity. And they call it “Mother India”. Prout Philosophy does not support or adhere to such dogmatic ideas.

Picture of Bháratmátá: Mother India on page 13 of Prout magazine (Year: 51, Issue: 4)

In this posting, objections are raised and it is expected that the Prout magazine editors will take note of the problems to avert such issues in the future. The chief objection is a picture of Bháratmátá (see image above) to deify the motherland.

The article in the Hindi Prout magazine depicts a picture of a deity, Bhárátmátá, sitting on a lion to support the concept of India being a mother goddess. Instead of contravening Guru’s teachings in this manner, the article should have referred to Parama Puruśa as the Entity that gets pained by seeing the exploitation of some of His offspring.


The article commits the blunder of contravening Guru’s teachings by depicting the so-called mother goddess India in the Hindi Prout magazine. The editors of the Prout magazine should carefully edit out such blunders in future lest they will be doing negative pracár against the ideals of Prout.

~ In-depth study ~

Samajas: universal in spirit but regional in approach

Prout philosophy states, "A sound ideological base is a prerequisite for socio-economic groupifications. Such a foundation is provided by universal humanism, which has the potential to unite all humanity...It will include each and every person in the world, as well as animals, plants and inanimate objects. If a single person remains outside the influence of universalism and becomes a victim of exploitation, then the foundation of universal humanism will be undermined. Hence, PROUT has adopted a rational method to solve socio-economic problems which may be characterized as universal in spirit but regional in approach." (1)

Only Samaj people will call their land as motherland

In Prout, the notion of motherland or matrubhumi is used only for samajas. In the setting of samaj work, the samaj is one’s motherland. This term “motherland” is used in the setting of samaj, to mitigate inferiority complex among people of samajas. The English term for samaj Is socio-economic groupification.

When the residents of a samaj refer to their place as motherland, a sense of belonging is developed among them. But when a strong, more powerful samaj wields its influence and captures a smaller, more susceptible samaj, that larger community will rampantly exploit the weaker samaj and impose their superiority. In turn, those exploited people think that their language, their local traditions, their heritage is outdated and useless. And due to that they suffer from an inferiority complex. So they run towards the local traditions of that dominant samaj to learn their behaviors and practices, and by that they suffer from inferiority complex and get exploited. So in order to remove that inferiority complex, Baba has given the system that every samaj member or inhabitant of that area must feel that their language, their local traditions, their heritage are not inferior. They are not lowly. They should be proud of their motherland and its language, their local traditions, their heritage By this way, their inferiority complex will be finished.

In this way people suffering from an inferiority complex about their place will be benefited, and their feeling inferiority about their place will be removed.

Prout philosophy states, "PROUT has adopted a rational method to solve socio-economic problems which may be characterized as universal in spirit but regional in approach." (2)

Dogma: worshiping idols of Mother India

The term Mother India is used in conjunction with the idol Bháratmátá, seen in the picture above. People use this Bháratmátá idol in their murti puja i.e idol worship. We know that Baba is strongly against idols and idol worship as ideating on idols degenerates the mind. This very Bháratmátá and the idol used for her has been conceived by RSS, which is the epitome of narrow-minded geo-sentiment and patriotism. Moreover, the dress utilized in the design of the Bháratmátá is that of a particular region of India, that of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar. But females in South India, in Jammu Kashmir, in Punjab, and in other regions do not wear such dress. So this idol cannot even be conceived as a mother figure for most of India. As a result, the idol only serves to create disunity among Indians.

Prout philosophy states, "PROUT has adopted a rational method to solve socio-economic problems which may be characterized as universal in spirit but regional in approach." (3)

Where to use term motherland

In the following two Prabhat Samgiita compositions, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has used the term “mother” / “motherland”. We should use these terms in the same neo-humanistic manner. The conclusive idea is that those living within a samaj, i.e. socio-economic unit, can use the term motherland to refer to their own socio-economic unit, as depicted in the following two songs.

Below are two Prabhat Samgiita songs, #4082 and #4766, in which the motherland term has been appropriately used. And it is Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s direction that any samaj can make their own songs on the basis of the themes in these songs. Because the samajas are the native land for their inhabitants. In the world, every samaj will be treated as a motherland for their inhabitants.

Samaj songs

The following is Prabhat Samgiita #4082, in which the Motherland term has been appropriately used.
O my mother, motherland, the land of …., for you I have accepted life. with your grace and hand of blessing, I am surviving on the earth. I do not want any wealth or effluence, I do not seek fame or rare honor. I only ask for feeling of bliss and the satisfaction of serving you. the light that I had seen at the initial morning as lotus of my life, that I am keeping bright at your lotus, seeking for your affection each moment. (Courtesy of Prabhata Samgiita website)
The following is Prabhat Samgiita #4766, in which the Motherland term has been appropriately used.
My …. language is sweeter than the sweetest. it is language of my life. From nerves to arteries it is merged into the blood and the core of heart. when smile came on the lips, it brings brightness onto the eyes. sitting in the lap, I had told, “O Mother, you destroy all pains. due to disrespect and negligence, who makes you cry today, O, Mother? With torn clothes, you are lying in the dust, who is my entire hope” (Courtesy of Prabhata Samgiita website)
PROUT philosophy says, “Parama Puruśa [Supreme Consciousness] is my Father, Paramá Prakrti [Supreme Operative Principle] is my Mother, and the universe is my homeland. We are all citizens of this universe.” (4)

This  teaching is very profound and should be understood and applied in many different ways in our lives. One aspect is that various divisive sentiments like geo-sentiment and socio-sentiment must be shunned and neo-humanism should be embraced.

Prout philosophy states, "PROUT has adopted a rational method to solve socio-economic problems which may be characterized as universal in spirit but regional in approach." (5)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications
4. Problems of the Day
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Socio-Economic Groupifications

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Don't be afraid

Introduction: This following Prabhat Samgiita is for revolutionaries and sadvipras when they are addressing cowardly people, i.e. those afraid to come forward and fight against the demons.

"Keu tora' yadi bhay pa's, a'ma'r ya'boi...
A'darshke sa'men rekhe pa' phelabai." (Prabhat Samgiita #3283)


If someone amongst you is terrified even then by His grace we will march forward to establish sadvipra society. Even if we are surrounded by the loud laughter of ferocious demons, we will march ahead without any concern. We will tromp ahead; we will go onwards. We will have the courage to advance with His blessing.

O friend! Why are you looking with helpless eyes? Do not think like a pessimist.  Even if the problems are like Himalayan mountains, we will assuredly cross them, with His blessing.

Even if the goddess of fate does not support us and turns her head away, even if the sky falls on us, regardless of the negative circumstances, we will march on holding the banner of Ananda Marga ideology high, keeping Parama Purusa as polestar. Our collective march cannot be halted. We will usher in a new era of neo-humanism. The grace of Baba is with us…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Good deeds are not enough


Ananda Marga ideology states, "Some people say, "Keep on doing good deeds – that is sufficient." No, that is not enough. Suppose some people perform good deeds, but they have no definite goal before them: this will not produce any good result, their effort will be futile. Suppose you want to move forward: you should also know which way to move, otherwise your entire movement will be meaningless. All your time, your hard effort, and your sincerity will go in vain. Hence it is not enough to simply say, "Keep on doing good deeds." Even those good deeds should have a clear goal. Why should I do good deeds? I should have a clear idea in which direction to move while doing those good deeds." (1)

Note: In the general society, or even in our Marga, there are some who think that doing good deeds is enough – as if that is the height of human understanding and expression. They think that there is no need for spiritual practice, sadhana, or dharma. Just one should do as many good deeds as possible. This is one common mentality found amongst confused people etc.

However, according to Ananda Marga ideology, doing good deeds alone is not enough – rather it is an inherently faulty and futile approach. One must have a goal for all one’s actions, and that goal must be spiritual. One should do each and every thing to please Parama Purusa.

They will abandon their service work

So those who simply perform good deeds without having any higher goal invariably bind themselves. Either they are bound up in the reaction of their good actions, or they are bound by their own petty satisfaction for having performed a "good deed". And they will give up their service work the moment they are confronted with a tough situation.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Now, if one wants to do some good deed excluding Paramátmá that may or may not be a good deed. This will be sheer selfishness on your part, and nothing good can come from it. This is why great and realized people not only perform good deeds, but they also do something more than that." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "To realize Parama Puruśa, one will have to come in contact with a Sadguru, a competent spiritual preceptor; for such persons alone can impart suitable lessons regarding spiritual practice. Through the study of books, one can never attain or realize the Supreme Consciousness." (3)

If the child is very ugly and mentally deficient then

Those who do not have Parama Purusa as their Goal and do social service for their own, personal self-satisfaction will give up the work the moment they are confronted with a tough situation. The moment they no longer derive the personal satisfaction they seek they will halt their “service” work. For instance, suppose one has to serve a leper, and one day they decide that they do not like feeding that leper. If the person is doing this to please Parama Purusa they they will understand that it is their duty to serve and they will serve the leper whether they get personal satisfaction or not. Whereas if one thinks that “this service work of for making me happy” then they will stop the work if it does not make them happy. Plus, when doing the work, most often they are unable to keep the patient’s welfare in mind.

For instance, "Shyam" is serving a beautiful, destitute child and indeed Shyam is happy to help that child. But if the child is very ugly and mentally deficient then Shyam may not feel joy helping that child, in which case Shyam may give up his service work. Because he is not deriving any self-satisfaction from it. Whereas if the aim is to please Parama Purusa, then there is no issue whether the child is beautiful or ugly.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "To realize Parama Puruśa, one will have to come in contact with a Sadguru, a competent spiritual preceptor; for such persons alone can impart suitable lessons regarding spiritual practice. Through the study of books, one can never attain or realize the Supreme Consciousness." (4)

in Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha – 11, What is the Way
2. Subhasita Samgraha – 11, What is the Way
3. Subhasita Samgraha – 11, What is the Way
4. Subhasita Samgraha – 11, What is the Way

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

How to perform vaerágya

Ananda Marga ideology states, “How then in this manifested Universe, where there are multitudes of finite objects can we start a life based on Brahma? The answer is that you adopt Madhuvidyá. Instead of seeing the finite and superficial objects as finite look upon them as the finite expressions of the Infinite or the permanent. Then the attraction for Preya and love for Shreya shall all fuse into one."

"Do you love your son? It is perfectly right that you should, however, when the son dies, you will experience great pain. Is it not so? The son is Preya, a finite entity. He cannot live till eternity. He will depart and make you weep. But if you treat your son as the expression of Brahma in the form of your son, then you will never fear losing him because Brahma cannot be lost in any span of time. He is present around you in all the ten directions."

Ananda Marga ideology states, "O Human beings, in that state, no finite object can colour your mind. You will be beyond all colours or Varńátiita. Then you will be able to give proper treatment to any finite being that you may come in contact with. Give proper treatment to the expression of Brahma in the shape of your father by serving him and paying attention to his comforts. Give proper treatment to the expression of Brahma in the shape of the earth by cultivating it and increasing its fertility. If you give such proper treatment to the different objects, they will not be able to degrade your mind. This is called true Vaerágya." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Base of Life

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे परमपुरुष! हे बाबा !  मैं ठीक से साधना नहीं करता, फिर भी तुम मेरे पास आ गये

प्रभात संगीत 2672 तोमाके पेयेछि आमि.... .
हे परमपुरुष! मैं ने तुम्हें चमकीले ब्रह्मप्रकाश के मूल उत्स में पाया। तुम अपनी मधुर आभा के साथ मेरी साधना में आयेे । तुम्हारी कृपा से तुम्हें मैंने अपने मन में पाया। मैंने तुम्हें आध्यात्मिक रागनी की पूर्णता में पाया।

हे मेरे प्रभु! मैं तुम्हें अनन्त काल तक इसी प्रकार पकड़े रहना चाहता हॅूं, किसी भी परिस्थिति में मेरा मन तुम्हें छोड़ना नहीं चाहता, मैं तुम्हें नहीं छोड़ूंगा। तुम यहीं रहो ।

हे परमपुरुष! हे बाबा! मैं ठीक से आसन, साधना,  प्राणायाम, ध्यान, आदि नहीं करता, फिर भी तुम तो मेरे पास आ गये हो, यह तुम्हारी करुणा आशीर्वाद ही है । हे बाबा ! मेरे किसी भी सद्गुण या मेरी साधना के कारण तुम यहाँ मेरे पास नहीं आए । यह तो तुम्हारी अकारण कृपा ही है कि तुमने आकर मुझे आशीर्वाद दिया है ।

यह तो विशेष रूप से तुम्हारी अकारण कृपा ही है कि तुम मेरी पकड़ में आ गये। हे बाबा ! आध्यात्मिक आभा को बिखेरते हुए तुम मेरे पास आये, अब तुम सदैव इसी प्रकार मेरे ऊपर अपनी कृपा बरसाते रहो । यही निवेदन है । (1)

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

== Section 5: Links ==

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This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Idol of Mother India
2. PS #3283: Don't be afraid
3. IT: Good deeds are not enough
4. IT: How to perform vaerágya

5. Links

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