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Saturday, May 7, 2022

Birth of shraddhainjali


Birth of shraddhainjali


This letter addresses why and how the dogma of shraddhainjali was appended in Caryacarya part 1. This appendix was not present in the pre-1990 edition.

See here below how these Muslims are performing shraddha’injali / mahaprayan / tomb worship for their deceased friend - Belal Mohammed.

See above how Muslims are performing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship for their deceased friend - Belal Mohammed.

Dogma arose from Muslims

So it is important to examine from where this dogma arose and how it came into being. What is the authenticity of this shraddhainjali ritual which is done in Tiljala every October. Those MPD organisers implemented this ritual, but most attendees are not aware about this shraddha’injali dogma. Just some margiis mechanically do it because our MPD organisers said so. Certainly this was not given by Baba. So we should find out about this shraddhainjali dogma.

Muslim ritual

In the appendix of the post-1990 edition of Caryacarya 1, the dogma of shraddhainjali has been included in the so-called mahaprayan divas program. But since shraddhainjali is a dogma and not mentioned in any of Baba's discourses or Ananda Marga philosophy, many Ananda Margiis may not know what shraddhainjali really is. Shraddhainjali is a dogma practised by Muslims in India in a death ceremony. So shraddhainjali is a death / mahaprayan / shraddha ceremony or tomb worship for any human being. To begin, here is the paragraph from the appendix of post-1990 Caryacarya-1 where our MPD organisers have placed the dogma of shraddha’injali.

Post-1990 Caryacarya -1, Appendix

MPD organisers wrote: "Programmes on this day shall include … devotional songs of Prabhát Saḿgiita (without dance) appropriate to the solemnity of the occasion, .., shraddháiṋjali,  …  symposia." (Post-1990 Caryacarya -1, Appendix)

Pre-1990 Caryacarya

Look at it this way: In pre-1990 Caryacarya, Baba has given a chapter for unit beings to celebrate their birthday (chapter 20 of CC-1), and He has designated a special chapter (chapter 21 of CC-1) for celebrating the birthday (i.e. Ananda Purnima) of Mahasambhuti. But Baba has forbidden to observe the annual death / shraddha (chapter 32 of CC-1).

Baba forbids any type of annual shraddha ceremony, shraddhainjali, or MPD. There is no chapter or paragraph in pre-1990 Caryacarya about the annual shraddha ceremony/ annual death ceremony / shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship. Observing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship means going against and violating the pre-1990 Caryacarya and Guru's wishes. That is the worst grade of sin. So no matter how you look at it, the point is moot.

Muslims offering flowers for shraddhainjali

See here below how these Muslims are performing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship for their deceased friend - Belal Mohammed. The corpse of Belal Mohammed is covered by a white cloth. His body just been brought here directly from the hospital - still he is on the stretcher (mobile bed). He was 77 years of age and died from various diseases of old age. And now his funeral / shraddhainjali is taking place.

In this Islamic ceremony, they are offering the bouquet of flowers - and that is the shraddhainjali ceremony. In the below image, the second word underneath the flower bouquet is the term “shraddhainjali” in Bengali script. See the lower right corner of the image where there are two words in black lettering on a white banner. That second word is shraddhainjali. So it is an Islamic shraddhainjali program in Bengal. The person convening the ceremony is a Muslim and the majority of the attendees are Muslims, even though in Bengal Muslims do not wear the hats as regularly as in Saudi Arabia and other Middle-Eastern nations.

In the below photo the deceased - Belal Mohammed - is lying in an open casket. The body is covered up. Thousands have come to pay respect and perform the last rights. They are making a shraddhainjali tribute during this shraddha ceremony / funeral procession.

Corpse of Belal Mohammed is covered by a white cloth

So the below article and photo from this Bengali newspaper, these Muslims are performing a shraddhainjali / mahaprayan/ death ceremony for their friend / relative who died. The term shraddhainjali is highlighted in orange. Take a look at the scene.

Note: Here it should be understood that the shraddhainjali dogma refers to both (a) the day of the actual death ceremony and (b) the annual commemoration of the death. Both are part of the shraddhainjali program.

Non-existent in AMPS pre-1990

Prior to 1990, this shraddhainjali dogma was non-existent in AMPS. This was transplanted from Islam in the last week of October 1990.

Sadly, just as the above Muslims are performing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / death ceremony, in Tiljala this same type of event is going on annually. Our mahaprayan organisers do an annual shraddhainjali function. Effectively, Dada Sarvatmananda has grabbed onto the Islamic dogma of shraddhainjali and inserted into our Ananda Marga. First our dadas fast-tracked it into Caryacarya and then Dada Sarvatmananda actively promoted this shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship event, year after year after year.
Now  Muslim dogma of shraddjainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship has made its way into our AMPS. With your efforts and by joining with others, this shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / annual death day dogma will certainly be erased from the bogus Appendix of Caryacaya part 1. It has no place in our Ananda Marga way of life.

in Him,
Shephali Roy

~ In-depth study ~

Shraddhainjali dogma wrongly inserted into Caryacarya

Here is the paragraph from the appendix of post-1990 Caryacarya-1 where our dadas have placed the dogma of shraddha’injali.

MPD organisers wrote: "Programmes on this day shall include … devotional songs of Prabhát Saḿgiita (without dance) appropriate to the solemnity of the occasion, .., shraddháiṋjali,  …  symposia." (Post-1990 Caryacarya -1, Appendix)

MPD organisers wrote: “The above appendix on Maháprayáńa Divasa - 21st October 1990 - [...] was discussed and passed as a resolution on 25th August 1991 unanimously by all members of the Central Committee of Ánanda Márga Pracáraka Saḿgha, and it was decided that this (resolution) should be added as an appendix to Caryácarya Part 1. (CC Resolution, 25/8/1991, Calcutta.) –Trans.” (Post-1990 Caryacarya -1, Appendix)

So we can see how completely dogmatic Dada Sarvatmananda and our purodhas were and are. Because of their lowly standard, our AMPS organisation has been pulverised into pieces because of those 3rd class purodhas. Their qualification was put on display in the very last week of October. Their first work was to impose this dogma and turn AMPS into a religion. That is the sad story.

No annual shraddhainjali program: In our AMPS there is no scope to do any type of annual death ceremony.

Do not forget: shraddhainjali dogma is written on bouquet

The term “shraddhainjali” is written in the above Bengali newspaper photo. If you forgot to read or did not read the sign, please pay attention now:
(1) Go look at the photo.
(2) Directly to the right of the deceased there is a large, round, coloured bouquet of flowers.
(3) In the center of that there is a white banner with black lettering.
(4) And the second word of that big black lettering is the term "Shraddha’injali" in Bengali script.

And that is the exact scene that is taking place at this function. If you do not understand Bengali then ask someone who can read it for you.

Attending means supporting MPD dogma

Some wrongly justify that, “What is wrong, I am just going to Tiljala for the kiirtana, not for the sake of the mahaprayan program.” Here it should be clear: Going to the annual mahaprayan gathering for the sake of doing kiirtan is a bogus justification. Merely attending that mahaprayan gathering signifies your wholehearted support of that event. The fundamental equation is if anyone is doing anything anywhere and you go to their location and do what they are doing, it means you are supporting their cause. That is the basic formula that can be applied to countless situations.

Let’s look at this from another angle. Who can forget when Baba was in jail and our Ananda Margii brothers and sisters from all over converged on-site to protest the injustices. Margiis sang kiirtan. And participation in those kiirtan rallies demonstrated support for the greater cause. Those days Jai Prakash Narayan called the police on margiis and had them arrested on the basis that their participation in that kiirtana meant they were the supporters of the political protests against Baba’s incarceration.

Later on, after the rally, that same kiirtan would be sung for purely spiritual purposes during dharmacakra etc. Here the point is that doing kiirtan or raising the slogan at a rally means supporting that issue or cause.
Of late, both H and B groups have used kiirtana programs as a strategy to reclaim and recapture various AMPS buildings for their group cause. And those who participate in that kiirtana are their pawns for their groupist agenda. That is what happened in Goddha, Ananda Nagar, Bhopal, and numerous other places where H and B were battling for control of that jagriti etc. Kiitana programs are their main arsenal for capturing those properties from the opposite group. This happened so many times in the past and will happen in the future also as this is their cherished strategy.

== Section ==

हे प्रभु!  मैं तुम्हारा ध्यान करते समय तुमसे  थोड़ी सी कृपा मांगता रहता  हॅूं।

प्रभात संगीत 1279 तोमारे सतत नन्दित करि...


बाबा! तुम्हारी  कृपा से, तुम्हें  निरंतर आनन्दित करने के लिये मैं तुम्हारे दिव्य मार्ग पर तुम्हारी ओर बढ़ रहा हॅूं। इस पथ पर आगे बढ़ने के लिये तुम्हारी कृपा के अलावा मेरे पास और कोई अपनी शक्ति नहीं है।

 हे प्रभु! तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं हमेशा  तुम्हारे नाम और गान में भक्ति भाव से मस्त रहता हॅूं। मैं तुम्हारा ध्यान करते समय तुमसे  थोड़ी सी कृपा मांगता रहता  हॅूं। श्रवण, मनन और निदिध्यासन करते समय मुझे यह स्पष्ट हो गया है कि तुम्हारे अलावा और कुछ है ही नहीं। 

नृत्य, गीत और आनन्द में, शोक, कष्ट और हर्ष में , मरुस्थल की ऊष्मा या पहाड़ों की ठंडक में, तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं हर परिस्थितियों में तुम्हारी निकटता, आश्रय और उपस्थिति ही अनुभव करता हॅूं। बाबा! तुम बडे़ ही दयालु हो।

टिप्पणी:-श्रवण अर्थात् लगातार प्रभु का नाम सुनना। मनन अर्थात् लगातार प्रभु का चिंतन करना। निदिध्यासन अर्थात् लगातार प्रभु का ध्यान करना। वह परम सत्ता गूढ़ है और मनुष्य के मैंपन के भीतर साक्षी सत्ता के रूप में जानी जाती है। उसे पाने के लिये स्वयं के बहुत भीतर प्रवेश  करना होता है और इसके लिये गहरी अन्तदृष्टि का विकास करना अनिवार्य होता है। श्रवण, मनन और निदिध्यासन इस कार्य में अत्यन्त सहायक होते हैं। (‘‘तत्वकौमुदी‘‘)

== Section 2: Links ==

Dogma of Mother's Day - 08 May (USA)
Ananda Purnima: Mon 16 May 2022
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