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Sunday, April 17, 2022

Horror: VSS camp + 3 more


Horror: VSS camp

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Many are aware that our main VSS / ASD camps are held twice a year before the global Annual DMS in summer and winter. These week-long camps are mandatory for all WT workers. And those Wt attendees must pay a large sum of money to participate; the camp is not free - even though they are forced to attend.

The VSS camps have a hierarchical structure. There is a C-in-C, commander-in-chief, who occupies the top spot. Then there is an array of in-charges and camp officers in the form of second-in-command, trainers, and instructors etc. Together they form a chain of command and establish “discipline” at the camp.

The mass of regular Wts forced to participate in the camp are commonly known as “volunteers”, camp attendees, or simply campers. In this context, the term “volunteers” is the equivalent of “cadets” in the military. No one should think that “volunteers” is akin to one who donates their time to help at the local library, school, or foodbank. That is not the usage for VSS/ASD camp. Again, the term “volunteers” is the equivalent of “cadets” in the military. Yet in the case of VSS camps, those volunteers must pay big money to attend the camp.

This below account depicts what life is like at such VSS/ASD camps for general WT workers, i.e. camp attendees or “volunteers.”

Malnourished Dadas at VSS camp

Typically at VSS / ASD camps the “volunteers” (i.e. general Wts in the camp) do not get proper food or nutrition so they struggle with or even cannot do the PT (physical training) parade, i.e. marching training. Those WT workers get completely exhausted and some cannot even stand due to malnutrition. On the other hand, top in-charge Dadas and other officers are enjoying sumptuous dishes. Those top Dadas live like emperors while regular Wt dadas become completely exhausted due to lack of calories, and some are unable to even stand due to malnutrition.

Sadly, improper food and a lack of caloric intake are common conditions at our VSS / ASD camps. Common stock items like watered down pulses are prepared in a general mess tent for camp attendees. A typical breakfast might consist of raw chickpeas soaked in water. Potatoes and rice are also staple items as they are very cheap - but only very small portions are given. Another common item is beaten rice fried in oil solids, i.e. extremely unhealthy. So there is no fresh fruit and hardly any vegetables. On breaking fast morning, everyone receives an allotment of two bananas - otherwise there is no fruit.  And those Dadas often eat, seated outside on the ground outside, off of banana leaves, whereby the soups and juices leak out. And some camps even have small stones intentionally put in the food. This is all done in the name of “discipline” for WT campers. In contrast, in-charge commander Dadas eat full belly, and daylong they bask in delicacies and dainties coming from their private, first-class kitchen etc.

This is a typical gathering at any VSS/ASD camp. The regular dadas are completely exhausted due to a lack of calories, and some cannot even stand due to malnutrition.

Malnourished Dadas at VSS camp

Mercilessly kicked & abused: physically / emotionally

Here it should be stated that I am not against VSS / ASD camps per se. The overall theory behind them is very good, and when righteous persons are controlling the camps then they are very healthy, productive venues. Indeed, Sadguru Baba made these camps for the physico-psychic progress of every participant. And when the officers have the right qualifications and adhere to all dharmic codes and teachings, then the camps will serve their purpose well. The problem is that since long the leadership at VSS camps has been notoriously bad - thereby making the camps disastrous. When mean-minded, aggressive Dadas are in-charges then good camp attendees are mercilessly kicked around and abused, physically and emotionally. Sadly, some regular dadas become completely exhausted due to lack of calories, and some cannot even stand due to malnutrition - just they listlessly sit on the ground. And all the while they are forced to pay huge money to attend. 

Conclusion: haves & have nots

We can say clearly that Baba is teaching us that we should treat all with respect and not create a two-tiered system of "haves" and "have nots" on the point of food etc. That is not the way for leaders of society to live - indeed those who contravene this rule are nothing but the enemies of humanity.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "A few become rich and others become poor. In such a condition millions die without food, live without shelter, work without education, suffer without medicine and move without proper clothing. The society then splits into two distinct groups – haves and have-nots. The former is the class of exploiters – the capitalists – and the latter is the class of the exploited." (1)

This above quote parallels what  goes on at VSS / ASD camp: How some Dadas are enjoying exotic dishes while others do not even get basic food and are almost starving.

In Him,
Ram Sahay

1. A Few Problems Solved - 8, The Transformation of Psychic Pabula into Psycho-spiritual Pabulum

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Except You there is nothing

"A'ma'r manero gopa'l eso ka'che..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4509)


O’ Parama Purusa, my dearmost, You are the Gopal, the controller of my mind; please grace me and come close. I have been searching for Your divine presence again and again through my manan, shravan, and nididhyasana. Baba, You are the be-all and end-all of my life. Except You there is nothing; who else is mine - no one. My Hari, I remember You always. You are my dearest One.

O’ Parama Purusa, You reside everywhere. You are the eternal universal Entity and remain wherever You like. But please be gracious and always stay eternally in my mental vrindaban. Kindly make my mind colourful, always decorated by Your august presence. Hari, if I see You in my mind, in my Guru cakra, then there is no need for me to look around searching for You in the external world, or in any other so-called heavenly abode, or in any loka or kosa. Because, by Your grace I have You right there in my mind.

Baba, Your glory is unfathomable: You are ever-new as well as the most ancient One. You are hidden in my mind. O’ Patitpavan, Saviour of the sinners, on this earth nobody cares about those suffering, downtrodden, and neglected people. They do not have anything in their life, not any hope. Baba, but You are there graciously watching over and caring for their well-being. You love them; that is why You are Narayan. O' Parama Purusa, this atom, this little unit being, is requesting Your karuna, Your divine compassion.

Baba, please grace me and keep me eternally under Your shelter...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita:

[1] Patitpa'van: One of the infinite attributes of Parama Purusa is that of Patitpa'van, where He is the benevolent saviour of the fallen. He boldly rescues and lovingly purifies those who become degenerated and lifts them back up onto the path of beatitude.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “The omniscient purus'a, the Pratyagatma', is the Lord of both heaven and hell. He is the father of both developed sa'dhakas and sdura'cha'ris or maha'pa'takis. There is, therefore, no question of [His] hating the sudura'ca'rii and loving the good sa'dhakas: All are one to Him. He can't ostracize the former and embrace the latter. There is no place outside Him where He can throw off the sudura'ca'riis. He also can't disown them, for in that case He would not remain 'Patitapa'vana'.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, Mysticism and Spirituality

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to temper worldly attraction

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The attraction towards earthly things born out of lust (káma) and attachment (moha) makes conjugal relations a necessity. Intuitional practice helps one to overcome this need. One becomes indifferent to it. So the question of giving it up for intuitional practice does not arise. It was said earlier that sádhaná is waging war against Prakrti and defeating Her. The force of intuitional practice is certainly greater than the strength of Prakrti, and by means of it one can attain Brahmacarya.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, Why Are People Afraid of Intuitional Practice?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

No right to procreate

Prout philosophy states, “Good varieties of seed, fertile land, adequate nourishment, light, air and water are all essential for good reproduction in both the plant and animal kingdoms. In this respect human beings are no different from other creatures. In human society the selection of suitable males and females is desirable for reproduction of a high order. Until human beings are produced in scientific laboratories it will be detrimental to society if this matter is neglected. If people of sublime intelligence and brilliance reproduce more offspring, it will be very beneficial for society. The responsibility for nurturing and bringing up these children will have to be taken by society or the government. Similarly, it will be harmful for society if mentally deficient, naturally delinquent or insane persons produce many children. In fact, society will be benefited by the permanent destruction of their reproductive capacity, providing this does not cause any harmful reaction.” (1)

Note: All of Baba’s teachings on Prout will be implemented in due course. The society requires a certain degree of development in order to be able to implement these ideas properly, with the proper spirit.

Take the example of the selecto electoral system. As you know, Baba does not support the system of democracy. He explains that it is the best of the various systems of societal organization thus far experienced by humanity. But ultimately democracy is foolocracy. The general public does not have the viveka to understand what they need. Look, they elected Trump who is a demon in human form and only wants to implement programs to make the rich richer and exploit the common people. And yet, today is not the time during this communal phase of society's development to implement Baba's selecto electoral system. Now the principle would be abused. Until neohumanism is firmly established, then the selecto-electoral system cannot be implemented.

The same thing is the case with Baba's teachings about reproduction. The teaching is obvious. Tell a farmer he should not care about which seeds he uses for his crop, and he will think it is crazy. Whatever is to be developed in any sphere, can only develop properly if the seed is proper. In India there is a community Bishnoi in Rajasthan. It was long governed by this principle and may still be today. Their guru instructed them in this way, and due to this the society was very healthy. There were competitions for deciding who will be qualified to procreate. Also take the example of the In vitro system. Sperm solicitation functions in a highly selected manner. Not just anyone is requested to donate to the sperm bank.

Ultimately when the society grows and develops, it will embrace Baba's teachings on this point. Just as people have to be qualified to vote -- this is critically important to keep demons like Trump from getting leadership posts -- in the same way for the proper development of society, in the future people will have to qualify to be able to procreate. One should not think of Baba's teaching in terms of the narrow minded parameters used to propagate such ideas in the past. It requires a completely different outlook, a neo-humanistic outlook, to be able to understand what Baba is guiding on this point of reproduction. And it is quite natural as well, just like a farmer who selects seeds for planting the crop.

In Him,

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 13, Population Growth and Control

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