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Sunday, March 25, 2018

So-called sacred land: Jamalpur + 2 more


So-called sacred land: Jamalpur


Here is a short yet highly significant update from the recently Jamalpur DMS, 23 - 25 March 2018.

As you may know, Kali Pahar is one of the hills of Jamalpur where Baba used to walk. At the recent Jamalpur DMS, margiis were encouraged to collect and carry water (read as "holy water”) from a spring on that hilltop all the way back to their unit.

Ritual of collecting so-called holy water

How did this happen - what was the need? Well Dadas had their agenda in mind to give importance to the Jamalpur tiirtha program so they propagandized about the "holy water" of Kali Pahar. By this way they could build their tiirtha dynasty to create revenue. That was their impetus for creating this holy water ploy. On the other end, certain naive and simple margiis participated in this ritual of collecting so-called holy water in hopes of a quick-fix or shortcut way to get some grace. And others participated because it was similar to the Hindu dogma that they grew up with. Naturally, those margiis with a developed ideological understanding did not participate.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The Supreme Being is omnipresent, all-pervading and witness to everything, everywhere. It is not proper to confine Him to a particular place and say that He has eaten butter at this place or taken a dip in the Ganges at that particular place, thus limiting Him to a particular region or a particular country or the glorification of a particular sacred place, and thereby limit His all-pervasiveness" (1)

The below newspaper article proclaims Jamalpur as the “Mecca” of Ananda Marga. 

The above newspaper article proclaims Jamalpur as the “Mecca” of Ananda Marga.

Holy water or polluted water

All in all, the recent scene at Kali Pahar uniquely resembles how dogmatic Hindus collect and carry water from the Ganges. Such dogmatic Hindus think this is holy water even though it is filthy dirty. "Ganga jal", as it is called, is sold at a costly rate around the globe. Religious traders and exploiters present it as being holy water, when in truth it nothing but polluted water from the so-called holy Ganges. But with this polluted Ganges water they those dogmatic priests make huge money.

Here below Baba points out the absurdity of thinking that the Ganges - or any water for that matter - is holy.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "If merely a dip in the Ganges made one holy, then the fish that are always in the river would be the most virtuous and holy. Pilgrims do not gain morally or spiritually from their holy baths, but, on the contrary, have to suffer bitter experiences – physical troubles, loss of money, mental anxiety, and humiliation at the hands of robbers and thieves." (2)

Why should we not encash like Hindus priests

Here is a short sampling how such dogmatic priests and businessmen promote this so-called holy water from the Ganges or Gangajal.
Gangajal commands a high value in Indian culture.  No ceremony, from birth to death, is complete and perfect without Gangajal. According to Maharishi Vedvyas the only way to fight the malefic effects of the Kalyuga, the holy water of Ganga should be used in all the religious ceremonies. If kept in the copper ‘Kalash’ in homes it gives holy vibrations and fights away evil and bad luck. It endows material prosperity and spiritual growth. (Courtesy of Gangajal website)
So the above is how the dogmatic Hindus have promoted the Gangajal, or Ganges holy water.

In a similar fashion, soon we will see Kali Pahar water sold at DMS, seminars, and even on-line and mail order. In order to pitch the business, stories will be propagated that someone with Alzheimer's or AIDS was cured by this "holy water", i.e. Kali Pahar Jal. Plus they will say how cancer, autism, heart disease are also fully curable. This "holy water" will have all the answers for today's problems. This will be their formal advertising message. Today they orally tell like this and soon they will have a developed business model reflecting this approach. After all, some of our opportunistic Dadas are not dumb; they figure, “Why should we not encash on this like Hindus priests have done.”

Now certain margiis have their own jal: Kali Pahar Jal or Jamalpur jal. This is the latest dogma that is unfolding. This time senior Dadas were able to convince margiis to collect and carry such water back to their home. The going myth is that one drop of this water is enough to cure one of sickness. Plus this water is needed at every Ananda Marga ceremony: baby naming, marriage blessing, shraddha etc. Thus the "phenomenon" of Kali Pahar jal is no different from the Hindu dogma of gangajal.

A cash cow

Why are Dadas encouraging this? Such dogmas give more power to religious traders, i.e. the priests, Wts, monks, rabbis, avadhutas, imams, clerics etc. It is an easy business. Common citizens are forced to reach to that place to collect and purchase their holy water. Then an entire enterprise is formed around this dogma with the potential for huge monetary gain. People get duped into thinking that the only way to be graced in this world is by collecting mundane things from their so-called holy land. That is the defective mindset. And for Dadas this is a big money-maker. Not all Wts and avadhutas are religious traders, but some are.

In contrast, if one propagates the dharmic point that Baba's grace is everywhere and is not limited to a certain place or to a certain jug of water, then that will rapidly undo the Kali Pahar dogma. So such Dadas do not talk about this. Just they promote the Hindu dogma of "holy water".

This is not limited to any particular group in our Marga. All the groups are fascinated by the concept of making big dollars from dogmatic rituals. It is the ultimate get-rich-quick model. That is why one can get such holy water in Tiljala as well by the site of the tomb. Hence all the leading groups do such things.

Unnecessary troubles and frustrations

Here below is Baba's dharmic teaching where He vividly opposes such dogmas like Ganagjal and Kali Pahar Jal.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Now, if people, instead of searching for Him in their own “I” feeling, roam about in the external world, they will certainly meet with disappointment: they will have to undergo unnecessary troubles and frustrations, and Parama Puruśa will remain unrealized."
Átmanasthiitaḿ shivaḿ tyaktvá vahiśt́haḿ yah samarcayet
Hastasthaḿ pińd́am utsrjya bhramate jiivitáshayá.=
"How unreasonable it is to search externally for the Supreme Entity instead of searching within! It is like throwing away the foodstuff in one’s own hand, and then complaining of hunger and begging for alms from door to door. On the one hand Parama Puruśa is very vast; on the other hand He is very small. He is so vast that you cannot fully see Him." (3)

Baba's divine presence is all-pervasive. He resides within each and every entity - within the heart of every bhakta. The dogmas described above represent the latest groupist money-making scheme, i.e. holy water dogma in AMPS.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

On this point, the dharmic teachings of Ananda Marga uses the example of Vyasa Deo who wrote so many puranas, or mythological stories, about the Lord. Vyasa Deo emphasized the importance of different places by telling that such-and -such location is more important because the Lord did certain special things there. Later on, after reflecting on this, Vyasa Deo expresses his repentance in the following shloka.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us:
Rúpaḿ rupavivarjjitasya bhavato yaddhyanena kalpitam
Stutyánirvacaniiyatákhilaguro duriikrta yanmaya
Vyapitvyam ca nirakrtam bhagavato yattirtha yatradina
Kśantavyaḿ jagadisho tadvikalatadostarayam matkrtam. (4)
Ananda Marga ideology states, "The Supreme Being is omnipresent, all-pervading and witness to everything, everywhere. It is not proper to confine Him to a particular place and say that He has eaten butter at this place or taken a dip in the Ganges at that particular place, thus limiting Him to a particular region or a particular country or the glorification of a particular sacred place, and thereby limit His all-pervasiveness" (5)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11, p.29
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam, part 33, Samádhi and Mrtyu
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Secret of Dharma Lies Hidden in the Mind
4. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 16)
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11, p.29

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Natural deserts vs deforestation

Prout philosophy says, "Ecologists claim that some deserts are essential for keeping the global ecology in a balanced state. The high day temperatures and the cold night temperatures that occur in desert regions create a useful effect. The hot, dry desert air rises and creates a vacuum which sucks in cool air, generating a chain reaction. Moist air is sucked in from the sea and formed into clouds which then rain on the land. If deserts vanish entirely, the overall rainfall will be reduced." (1)

Note: Nowadays with the rapid increase of deforestation, we see desertification occurring across many land masses. This has had a horrific effect on ecological balance and human survival. However, one should not think that all deserts are inherently bad. Those regions that are natural deserts have a highly beneficial effect on the ecological balance.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Integrated Farming

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: So-called sacred land: Jamalpur
2. IT: Natural deserts vs deforestation
3. Links

Margiis pushed aside


Margiis pushed aside


The photos of the Jamalpur DMS 2018 are completely dominated by stooge Wts. These repeated scenes published in a series of newspapers, one after another, put on full display how the stooge Wts have captured the organisation, AMPS. This is Rudrananda’s long-standing plan.

Rudrananda: “Wts born to rule over margiis”

Rudrananda openly tells his stooges and followers, “We have to rule over margiis. The margiis only value is to serve Wts; they have no other duty. So just exploit them and crush them. Do not give them any voice.” This is Rudrananda’s archaic outlook based on the dogma of Hindu-brahmin-monk superiority and exploitation.

Remember, before 1990, both family margiis and stooge Wts had key roles on the various boards and committees. But since that time, the stooge Wts have step-by-step  hijacked the organisation, while family margiis have been relegated to being 2nd class citizens. But unfortunately, when any society is based on the exploiter-exploited relationship, then there cannot be any peace or prosperity.

Wts are the “stars” of DMS

See the following DMS photos - or from any DMS. All the press releases and photo submissions feature stooge Wts. By this way, stooge Wts are depicted as the main thing - the stars. And this just plays into the age-old, religious dogma of monk superiority. So general margiis quietly succumb and tolerate the situation. And dharmic family margiis are cast aside; they have no role. The chair has only been given to those goody-goody margiis who bowed down to Centre became stooges. To get the post, those sycophants will do anything and everything, including lick the feet of those corrupt stooge Wts.

The situation is akin to the British rule of India when only white Europeans decided everything and while the people of India were made to feel inferior. Sadly, in our AMPS nowadays, the same type of exploitation is in vogue. Sannyasi superiority is rule of the day, and family margiis have lost their rightful place.


Sadguru Baba has made AMPS to be the vehicle to fight against dogma, but now the opposite is going on. By seeing the photos from this 2018 Jamalpur DMS and it is quite evident how stooge Wts are the focal point, while family margiis are marginalised.

Baba’s teaching is the the relationship between Wt sannyasis and family margiis is based on coordinated cooperation not any type of subjugation and exploitation. In AMPS, both sannyasis and family people have their valued roles to play. This is our revolutionary approach. But, top Wts have discarded Guru’s teachings and usurped all the power.

In Him,
Dayal S. Rathor

== Section 2: Links ==

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Legal Notice: ©2018 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

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