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Sunday, November 20, 2022

So-called family acarya - Shocking exposure


So-called family acarya - Shocking exposure 


Here are a few key tenets of our AM way of life:
(a) Co-education is not allowed above the age of 12, and certainly not at our AM colleges. That means our women’s college is single-sex, including the instructors. That is the rule. 
(b) Our acaryas are to be the standard-bearers of AM teachings so their conduct must be proper at all times, in all circumstances. 
(c) Even at the time of dance and dramas, we are to maintain a strict code of decency with regards to dress, especially with the opposite sex.

For all these reasons and more, so-called family acarya Pashupati’s presence at Umanivas (AM women’s college at Ananda Nagar) was a complete and utter abomination. He arrived half-naked and stood there shamelessly in front of female students. This contravened the local cultural standards and grossly violated our AM code of ethics. While much more can be written about this, suffice to say that “a photo speaks a thousand words”. Kindly look at the images appended below to see what took place. 

Unfit as family acarya - supervision needed

Sadly, Pashupati (Steven Landau of USA) has had trouble overcoming the materialistic tendencies that seeped into his psyche while growing up in a debauched environment. So despite his relatively sincere interest in Ananda Marga, he suffers from a lot of loopholes and is unable to represent AM ideals. This is compounded by his own personal emotional deficit wherein he has an insatiable appetite to be the center of attention - at all times. While Pashupati’s heart is basically “in the right place”, he is totally unfit to be in a position of leadership (i.e. family acarya) in Ananda Marga. Rather, someone of high integrity must always supervise him. He has a long history of going off the rails, and this latest venture at Uma Nivas is no different.

In Him, 
Bhakti Devii
(Betsy Kaufmann)

NY Pashupati: “flashing” young girls

Pashupati is an aged man (low to mid 70’s), and in the below photo he is wearing a brown wig and dressed in a half-naked leopard-skin outfit at a Yoga Camp at the women’s college at Ananda Nagar. In front of those young sisters who are dressed in a very sentient manner, Pashupati stands out as a glaring contradiction as he is exposing half his body, including his right nipple. Not only that, while sitting down at the harmonium, his open-ended costume fully exposes his groins to those innocent young girls. Moreover, when he danced tandava in that short-skirt outfit, he would have “flashed” those young girls. It is shocking, embarrassing, and completely against the teachings and educational standards of AM.


Unfortunately, Pashupati has no ability on his own to understand right from wrong in this regard. So the real blame must be placed on those in-charges who approved of this encounter with the young female students. Herein is a warning to one and all: Do not allow Pashupati to take a leading role at any AM school or function without him being fully supervised by a senior margii or WT who is very strict in 16 Points. That is the only solution.


More on Pashupati

Few stains in AMPS + 3 more


Few stains in AMPS


Enclosed is a list of false notions propagated these days in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS).

First off, let’s begin by remembering that Baba, Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, started AMPS to eradicate all sorts of dogma and establish dharma. But unfortunately after 1990, many so-called purodhas and in-charges infused and inculcated many dogmas. Due to this, AMPS is becoming a pool of dogma.

Myths & dogmas prevalent in AMPS

Myths #1 - #6: These you have already read. (If not, let us know and we will send them to you.)

Myth #7: AMPS is a religion. Reminder: This is one of the bogus myths that is getting propagated. 

Answer to Myth #7: Ananda Marga is not a religion; Ananda Marga is only dharma. Religion is based on dogma and Ananda Marga is based on rationality and bhagavad dharma. All others are either religions or sects. Religions and dharma are not the same thing. Ananda Marga is the only dharma on this planet. Here we are not talking about AMPS but Ananda Marga ideology. Remember this is just a myth.

Myth #8: While giving any donation to any Wt do not worry about accountability or transparency. One will automatically get virtue by giving money, regardless of how your donation is used or misused by that Wt etc. Remember this is a myth.

Myth #9: Sixteen Points and conduct rules are for junior Wts and margiis only - not for those with higher posts. Bear in mind this is a myth. 

Myth #10: In AMPS, the key people are Wts; margiis are 2nd class citizens. That is why margiis cannot be purodhas. Just a myth. 

Myth #11: Male Wts are first-class and female Wts are second-class. That is why females remain subservient to males. Here again, only a myth. 

Myth #12: At Wt Training Centre, the trainer and in-charges are kings and the trainees are slaves. Remember, this too is a myth. 

Myth #13: In our WT cadre, the central workers have the automatic right to be "haves", i.e. live in the lap of luxury, while common workers are forced to live hand to mouth, as the "have-nots". The "haves" have 10,000  times more wealth than the "have-nots". This is the dharmic way - oe must not think there is anything wrong. This is approved by dharma. Alas, this is a myth.

And here are more myths...

Myth #14: In our Wt cadre, all those who are wealthy / "haves" deserve more respect. Any Wt with money should be respected. Financially poor Wts are worthless. Here again, only a myth. 

Myth #15: If anyone does silent action to a Wt who is nearby, then it is dharmic to victimise, beat, and punish them. They do not have the right to point out / protest senior workers. Silent action is only to be done to non-margiis. Remember, this is a myth. 

Myth #16: It is important to observe an annual shraddha to commemorate a deceased family member on the anniversary of their death - just as mahaprayan divas (MPD) is done annually. This is a myth. 

Myth #17: Aged monks are more spiritually evolved / elevated. Actually not, as this is a myth.

Myth #18: Newlyweds must pay to get PP Dada's marriage blessing in order to have a successful marriage. Otherwise, without PP Dada’s blessing there will be a divorce. This too is a myth. 

Myth #19: Baba is ruling the organisation through PP Dada so blindly follow PP Dada. Another myth. 

Myth #20: Since PP Dada is the most adored one he should only be referred to as “shraddheya PP Dada”, and never by his name, i.e. “Vishvadevananda”. Remember, this is just a myth that PP is shraddheya. 

Myth #21: Baba has gone far away to some unknown place "Divya Dhama" - a distant divine place so depend upon PP Dada, not Sadguru Baba. Do work to please PP Dada and die for PP Dada. Reminder: this is just a myth. 

Myth #22: The duty of each and every margii and worker is to please PP. Whatever you are doing the only motive is to please PP Dada. Parama Purusa is no more so depend upon PP Dada.This is a myth. 

Myth #23: It is a dharmic practice for seniors to ask of us, “What have you done to please PP Dada?” They place a premium on pleasing PP Dada and say things like, “Please PP and make your life successful”  - so every margii should do like this. Alas, this is not a dharmic practice but a myth. 

Myth #24: At ETC (Eraws Training Camp), WRC (VSS camp), the controlling Wts are kings and the Wt attendees are slaves. Remember, this is a myth. 

Myth #25: One can change their fate and turn their bad samskaras into good samskaras by using rudraksha beads. Just another myth.

Myth #26: The kiirtan prasad produced by Dada Savitananda can cure cancer and all the deadly diseases - you name it. Actually it can’t; this is a myth.

Prevailing myths continued...

Myth #27: All Central Wts and Purodhas are sadhus and moralists. Nope - just a myth. 

Myth #28: Those in saffron cloth are to be venerated - period. There is no need to consider their merits or demerits. This too is a myth. 

Myth #29: Indian born Wts are spiritually great, even if they are a thief or characterless. Remember, this is a myth. 

Myth #30: All vishes'a yogis are great and vishes'a yoga is the highest sadhana. This too is a myth. 

Myth #31: By going to the so-called tiirtha tomb in Tiljala, Ananda Nagar, or Jamalpur one can get salvation. Just another myth. 

Myth #32: Go to Nigamananda's tomb to ask for boons such as gaining a husband for your daughter or curing the disease of a family member etc. This is a myth.

Myth #33: Collect the dust, dirt, and stones from Tiljala, Jamalpur, and Anand Nagar as those are the approved so-called tiirtha sites in AMPS - one must visit there annually. This is also a myth. 

Myth #34: The water of Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur is holy - just like how the Ganges river water is holy for the Hindus. By putting a drop of water from Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, or Jamalpur in the mouth of a dying person ensures they will go to heaven [svarga]. Nope - this is just a myth. 

Myth #35: One's first and last duty is to remain a stooge of the organisational authorities and get virtue so their samkara will be exhausted. Remember this is a myth. 

Myth #36: PP Dada is the spiritual head of AMPS. Actually, this is a myth. 

Answer to Myth #36: Purodha Pramukha is organisational head. Those who do not know Ananda Marga philosophy mix this up and in their confused way think PP is the spiritual head and Guru of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. But that is not so. PP Dada cannot give varabhaya muda, PP Dada himself is bound by maya, and PP is an ordinary jiiva, not Shiva. Baba is the Sadguru and spiritual head.

Myth #37: Baba was Purodha Pramukha and He has given His divine seat to PP Dada. So PP Dada can give boons and blessings. Those who visit must do sastaunga pranam at the feet of PP’s bed. This is a myth. 

Explanation of Myth #37: To facilitate this, there is a small table with a Baba photo at the foot of PP's cot. So if anyone enters they are ordered to do sastaunga pranam to Baba - which PP Dada receives, that is pseudo sastaunga pranam. In this drama those doing sastaunga pranam think they are doing it to PP Dada and he blesses them thereby showing them that he receives their pranam. But if confronted about this, then PP handlers tell that sastaunga pranam is only done to Baba. This scenario is not created for GS Dada or ES Dada or any other post holder. If you go to see ES then there is no need to do sastaunga pranam. Just do namaskar and sit in the chair next to ES Dada. Sastaunga pranam is done in PP’s room to impose the notion that everyone should do sastaunga pranam to PP. If you ask any margii who visited there they will say that sastaunga pranam was done to PP Dada. This ritual was first created by Sarvatmananda and later on Rudrananda and Nigamananda gladly accepted it. And still it is going on to jack up and boost  PP’s image to be encashed upon by his handlers.

Myth #38: Nobody has the right to oppose the illicit relations among many Wts. This is also a myth.


History bears testimony that most of the religions have injected their own dogmas and by this way they have profited and thrived. They befool their followers, earn a lot of money, and garner respect. Basically, the public has become prone to dogma. So those coming into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha from these religions have already been groomed to follow dogma. So they readily accept new dogmas. For those Dadas who are imposing and enforcing these myths nowadays, this is the easiest way to get respect and money.

In contrast, following dharma is not easy; one must sacrifice a lot. So all groups want to inculcate their own dogmas and rule accordingly. Because then they will be able to reap the rewards. These are a few of the myths or dogmas which must be eradicated from our AMPS. These are not Baba's teachings but rather dogmas imposed by others. If any myth is not clear, then please write us.

in Him,
Ananda Deva

Donor is also on the hook

Baba has directed us in the chapter on Tapah in "A Guide to Human Conduct" that if donated money is not utilized for a just and worthy cause, then the donor is also responsible for that misdeed(s). The donor will incur negative samskara - that is Baba's strict warning. Thus, always be alert that your donation does not go in the wrong hand.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Tapah devoid of knowledge is bound to be misused. The opportunists will misuse your energy by extracting work from you to serve their selfish ends, and at the same time this will deprive the real sufferers of their due services from you. A rich miser approaches you with a tale of woe and entreats you to give him relief. Being moved with pity, if you do what is needed to relieve him of his suffering, the very purpose of tapah will be defeated, as it is without any knowledge or reasoning. The end result of your service will be that the rich man whom you have served will become more miserly and more selfish and will, in the future, try to deceive in a greater way people who dedicate themselves to the service of humanity. Secondly, as you will, to some extent, know his inner motive, you will become mentally depressed and you will also develop a hostile attitude towards him. Therefore, while following the principle of tapah you should ascertain fully well whether the person you are going to serve, really needs your service. Only then should you engage yourself in service...Therefore, you will have to ascertain with discrimination where your responsibility lies and to what extent; otherwise all your time, energy and labour employed in tapah will be in vain...because in such cases you do not make the proper use of objects." (1)

We should all pay heed to Baba's above guideline about tapah and serving others. If our donations do not reach the right person or party, and instead some Dada or Didi is using those funds for superficial beauty appointments etc, then we ourselves are to be held accountable. If we fail to ensure that our donation is used to serve those in need, then that service or donation is meaningless. With a good heart many in Ananda Marga wish to serve those in need, but unfortunately their efforts will be in vain if their donations do not reach suffering humanity. Verily those kind-hearted donors are responsible - in part - for this impropriety. That is Baba's warning.

1. A Guide to Human Conduct, Tapah

==> Here is a link to the first 6 myths: Main Myths in AMPS

== Section: News 2018 ==

Confused Margii


The below margii is very sincere and conscientious. Sadly he was confused by Sarvatmananda's merge in mission dogma:

(A) Sarvatmananda's bogus theory misguides innocent sadhakas into thinking that Baba merged into some crude, mundane entity.

(B) To think like this is insulting to Baba

(C) Now see what how the below margii got drawn into this merge in mission dogma. Pay attention to the red underlined section below. 

(D) To read why this is a terrible dogma, kindly click on the link - "Ploy of Sarvatmananda" - below the scan.

Unfortunately the above margii was misled by Sarvatmananda's concocted "merge in mission" dogma. To learn exactly why this is a dogma, kindly click on the below link - "Ploy of Sarvatmananda". 

- Read about Merge in Mission dogma ==> Ploy of Sarvatmananda

in Him,

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Key points about industry

Prout philosophy says, "In the field of industry, the necessity of both small-scale and large-scale industries will have to be accepted. For example, the requisite amount of yarn needed to meet the demand for cloth in a self-sufficient unit may be produced by many big yarn mills. Here the production of yarn can be treated as a large-scale industry, and with the help of this industry, numerous small-scale industries will prosper. Viable weavers' cooperatives can be established, centred on each yarn mill. Weavers will then get the opportunity to weave cloth while remaining in their own homes. They will no longer be required to leave their homes at the call of a distant large-scale industry. At the same time the weaving industry will not suffer even during times of war, because everything will be within easy reach."

"The acceptance of both small-scale and large-scale industries does not mean that old machinery is to be encouraged. With the development of science, advanced machinery will have to be utilized. The attempt to stop the use of sugar by advertising the benefits of molasses, or to campaign against mill-made cloth by extolling the virtues of khadi, is senseless. As long as advanced mechanization and scientific decentralization have not been adopted, molasses, hand-spun cloth and similar enterprises should be encouraged, and their importance to the rural economy must be accepted.

"Where industrialization is intended to plunder profits, obviously the policy of decentralization is not likely to be supported. But where industrialization is intended to meet the requirements of society, there can be no objection to the policy of decentralization." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #8

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Overflowing with the joy of living is termed a festival

Original Ananda Vanii states: “That which renews human existence and makes it full to the brim and overflowing with the joy of living is termed a festival. Let Sháradotsava (autumn festival) inspire all people to live with a new spirit like true human beings. Let it inspire them with the fact that all humanity is an indivisible entity. On this auspicious day this is my inner wish.” (Ananda Vanii #48)

Note: Sadguru Baba has assigned a number to all His original and true Ananda Vaniis. In contrast, Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. By this simple formula, one can easily recognise which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. For the upcoming occasion of January 1st 2017, all Ananda Marga units should use one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis, not a fake one. By this way, every sadhaka will surely get His blessing.

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