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Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Prone to Bengalis" - Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda - Part H

Subject: Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013
From: narayan panda <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin




Here is the eighth and concluding section of this series of the discussion between Shrii Narayan Panda (BP, Vishakapatnam) and Acarya Bhaskarananda Avt. For your easy reference, links to earlier letters are appended below.

As a reminder, in the beginning of this series, it was presented how Dada Bhaskaranandji made the following false statements based upon his own misunderstanding:

- Dada Bhaskaranandji's first false claim was: "Ba'ba' gave Proutist Bengal because He wanted that Prout should first be established in Bengal and then in other areas."

- Dada Bhaskaranandji's second false claim was: "What Bengal thinks today, India & others think tomorrow. So PROUT will be established in Bengal first and then it will be spread to other areas."

- Dada Bhaskaranandji's third false claim was: "After all, Ba'ba' supported Bengal so much. Shabda Cayanika was given in Bengali, Baba lived in Bengal after 1980 when the organisation was big, Prabhat Samgiita was given in Bengali."

Such were the justifications given by Dadaji.

In response, Shrii Narayan Panda has presented logic and reasoning to demonstrate that Baba is not partial to Bengal and the Amara Bengali samaj. Baba has equal love for all samajas of the globe. Secondly, it was demonstrated that Shabda Cayanika is an investigation into the Sanskrit language, not Bengali. Verily the publishers themselves admit that Shabda Cayanika is based on Sanskrit.

"Guru in the Vedic language is derived gur + un; in later Sanskrit as gu + ru. The contents of this chapter consists of an elaboration on the word Gurusakásha. The author's discourse on that day entailed linguistic discussion of a number of Sanskrit terms; the discussion of each term became an entry in the author's linguistic encyclopedia Shabda Cayaniká (“Collection of Words”). –Eds." (Under the Shelter of the Guru - Footnote #1, 10 June 1990, Kolkata)

And there were many more dharmic and logical points which Pandaji raised which you can access by reading the letters appended below.

Continuing on in the discussion, Dada Bhaskaranandji advocated two more flawed positions. Here is Dada Bhaskaranandji's first faulty claim:

1) Bengali should be treated as the "original" language for all of Baba's discourses.

That means even if Baba has delivered the discourse originally in English, Hindi or any other language, then that original English, Hindi etc should be translated into Bengali, which then becomes the new master or "original." Then using the Bengali as the new source text, the discourse should be translated from Bengali back into Hindi, and from Bengali to English and then into other languages. So even though it is a Hindi discourse, Dada Bhaskaranandji claims that Bengali should be treated as the original. And on the inside of the book it should state: "Translated from the original Bengali." They want to make it appear as though Baba delivered every discourse in Bengali when in fact Baba originally gave discourses in many other languages. So this is the way Dada Bhaskaranandji and certain Publications officials want to publish Baba's discourses.

Here is Dada Bhaskaranandji's second faulty claim:

2) Those in attendance for Baba's English DMC discourses were not up to the proper standard so Baba spoke in simple or "peasant" English.

Specifically English-knowing margiis and those knowing other languages besides Bengali who attended DMC were of a lowly standard so Baba used "peasant" English to communicate with them. Hence it was necessary to rewrite those English discourses into Bengali and then re-translate that Bengali back into proper English.

Thus, Dada Bhaskarananda is seriously insulting all non-Bengalis (Hindi, English & other language speakers) by saying that their mental standard (i.e. intelligence) was so low - i.e. Baba had to employ "dumb English" or "pigeon English" so those dull-witted English speakers in attendance could understand; and Baba had to employ "dumb Hindi" or "pigeon Hindi" so those dull-witted Hindi speakers in attendance could understand. Hence it was needed to rewrite Baba's spoken English & spoken Hindi discourses at DMC to Bengali and then translate that into respectable English or respectable Hindi. Whereas with Bangla, all the Bengali speakers in attendance were highly educated and of keen intellect, so Baba spoke in highly refined Bengali at DMC. In which case, those Bangla discourses could be printed "as is". This is the outrageous claim that Dada Bhaskaranandji makes. Dadaji's misguided analysis smacks of narrow-minded, communal sentiments.

This concludes the editors summarized introduction and again we pick up with Shrii Narayan Panda's words.



All along the theme of this discussion has been that Bengali must not be treated as the original language, rather each and every discourse should be printed "as is" in the original language in which Baba spoke. That is the only proper way to accurately depict and preserve the sanctity of Sadguru Baba's discourses. But Dada Bhaskaranandji's stand is the exact opposite.

This was the stand put forward by Ananda Margiis, but always those in-charge Dadas - spearheaded by Ac Sarvatmanandaji - and their followers and "spokespersons" like Dada Bhaskaranandji gave their political reply that Baba wanted that Bengali should be treated as the original language. Because people like Ac Bhaskaranandji were literally brainwashed into thinking this way by Dada Sarvatmanandaji. But we know this is not true - Bengali is not to be treated as the original for such discourses - so it sad.

Verily, in their heart of hearts, the Publications Dept also knows that Baba's discourses are to be printed "as is" in the languages in which they were originally given. This is a general overview of this series. For more details and explanations about any of the above, please refer to the links appended below.


As you can see, this senior-most Dada Bhaskaranandji has unfortunately fallen into some serious dogmas. As is the case when one falls into dogma, the person involved does not know that it has happened. So they tell their dogmatic views to anyone and everyone, without realising that they are inadvertently telecasting how their mind has become grossly dogmatic. Unfortunately this is what has happened with our senior worker, Bhaskaranandji. We should all try and help Dadaji.

I do not know why Dada fell in this way it is very painful to think of all this. It could be  that when Dada came to know that the people of Kerala migrated from Bengal then due to this socio-sentiment he became prone to Bengalis.

Many may know that Baba has explained that Bengalis migrated south to Kerala and ruled there. That is why the female custom of making the sound "Ullu" is practiced in Kerala. And Malayam (the language of Kerala) is about 92% Sanskrit, just like Bengali. Baba describes all this in Shabda Cayanika. All know that Dadaji hails from Kerala and that could be why he fell and started blindly supporting Bengal. Otherwise what could be the reason.

Regardless, we all know Bhaskaranandji to be a senior Dada whose intention is basically good, so we should all try and help him. After all he has many good qualities.


[A] Baba has given sublime ideology and we must not allow any outside elements or persons to distort or twist His teachings in any way. If there is any imposition of dogma, it will have a devastating effect on humanity.

"In the scripture of the psychic world, generally called darshana sha'stra, there should not be the least sprinkling of dogmas, because this sort of philosophically-oriented dogma cumulatively
increases the distortions in the psychic world. These dogmas enter the human mind like fine needles and come out like iron ploughs. If one tries to cast them out, then the whole psychic structure is demolished. " (Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14)

[B] Here again Baba gives us a critical warning that we are tot preserve the sancity and perfection of His discourses. We should not let them get published in the wrong way nor allow others to taint whatsoever.

"The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14)

[C] Finally, we must pay heed to Baba's warning about those with superficial knowledge who interpret and preach about His divine teachings. Such jinanis may do to this to show-off and enhance their prestige, but in the end they lead people astray and make a fool out of themselves. That is Baba's warning.

   "The scriptures should always be interpreted by qualified scholars, competent philosophers, and penetrating thinkers. If one tries to interpret a profound scripture with superficial knowledge, the interpreter appears ridiculous and the audience is confused."      
   "There are some people who are neither scholars, nor philosophers, nor penetrating thinkers, but merely wander about interpreting scriptures as a means of livelihood. They utterly fail to present the proper matter in the correct perspective before the audience...[and] do more harm than good to the society."
    "[They] interpret the scriptures just to exhibit their intellect - to procure for themselves a certificate of erudition. They remain far from the living spirit of the scriptures." (NSS) 

In Him,
Narayan Panda


Here I wish to share a few thoughts about in follow-up to the Shrii Narayan Panda's account.



Throughout his talks and tellings, Daa Bhaskaranandji suffers from a particular blindness and bias. Dadaji thinks that just because Baba lived in Bengal for 10 years, therefore Baba was partial to Bengal and we should be as well.

But what about this: Some silly people may claim that Baba favoured the railway department because he worked there for many years, and that we too should be partial to the Indian Railway department and donate lots of money to them. So this is all just bogus logic.

Where He lived or which language He spoke does not mean that Baba is partial to that place. Those who think in this false manner do not realise that Baba is Parama Purusa and He loves all. There is no question of any partiality. Rather He is the supreme neo-humanist, always looking upon all equally.

In HIS service,
Sushanta Deva

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