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Friday, January 19, 2024

Sin: male circumcision in AM + 2 more

Sin: male circumcision in AM


The original versions of Caryacarya were given by Baba in Bengali in those early days. The English edition of Caryacarya was translated from the original Bengali. So we first have to see what the original Bengali version of Caryacarya states about circumcision. The following is the scan of the original Bengali version along with the English translation for your review.

Original Caryacarya - Sixteen Points

The original Bengali edition of Caryacarya - 2, point #2 of Sixteen Points clearly states that there is no circumcision. Below is the section from the original Bengali edition of Caryacarya part 2 (1997 Edn):

Circumcision (Bangla CC).png

Here Baba guides us that for health and hygiene, one should pull back the foreskin at the time of puberty - before that age the foreskin can remain as is. In Caryacarya Baba guides us that circumcision is not done in our Ananda Marga way of life. Rather, after reaching puberty, the foreskin should be pulled back.

By reviewing the above scan it is quite clear that as per the original Caryacarya there is no scope for circumcision; rather, it is forbidden. 

For some unknown reason, the English version of CC has been altered by some devious elements. In result, across the globe margiis were deceived and misled, unfortunately. And sincere margiis had their young boys circumcised thinking it is Baba’s order, when in reality it is not. Now please again read the above scan for your thorough understanding.

Distortion leads to maiming of innocent newborns

Keeping our scripture in proper shape is highly important, but unfortunately the Publications Dept has committed serious blunders in translating point #2 of Sixteen Points from the original Bengali Caryacarya. Due to this gross distortion, infants born into margii families outside of India - i.e. around the globe - are being maimed due to this distortion. 

Rabbi suck infants mutilated genital

Directly below is a photo of the Jewish circumcision ritual, known in Hebrew as metzitzah b’peh. As you can see, in this mutilation ceremony, the infant’s genital is cut and the helpless child is crying. And in grotesque fashion, the sadistic priest is just busy sucking the blood from the mutilated infant’s body. It is sadistic, gross, and abhorrent. And it is very painful and unbearable to see the child suffering in this way. 

Baba has created AMPS to save these innocent children from the demonic noose of dogma. But unfortunately in our AMPS still this below ritual is done. Circumcision is going on due to the distortion executed by Tiljala Publications in Caryacarya. So this is an awakening call to save these innocent and helpless victims. Remember by seeing others suffering if you do not come forward to help then according to Caryacarya, you are a slur in the name of Ananda Marga.

Again, the above photo depicts the Jewish circumcision ritual, known in Hebrew as metzitzah b’peh. As you can see, in this mutilation ceremony, the infant’s genital is cut and the helpless child is crying. And in grotesque fashion, the sadistic priest is just busy sucking the blood from the mutilated infant’s body. It is sadistic, gross, and abhorrent. And is very painful and unbearable to see the child suffering in this way.

Infant gets venereal disease due to circumcision

The below photo is of a newborn who was infected by the herpes simplex virus. This virus has devastating consequences and can even cause death in a newborn baby. Sadly, the child is suffering from venereal disease. All because in this Semitic ceremony they mercilessly mutilated the infant’s genital and the rabbi sucked the blood from with his mouth. And this rabbi who performed this act had a sexual disease which he passed onto the child. See the infant’s face and body littered with scabs, blisters, sores, and red marks; these are all from the infection of herpes. Those who love their children should not allow their baby to be harmed in this way. Circumcision means inviting death, destruction and disease to their child. Any margii doing this will face the condemnation of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. That is the worst thing.

Again, in the above photo the newborn has been infected by the herpes simplex virus. This virus has devastating consequences & can even cause death in a newborn baby. Sadly, the child is suffering from venereal disease. All because in this Semitic ceremony they mercilessly mutilated the infant’s genital and the rabbi sucked the blood with his mouth. And this rabbi who performed this act had a sexual disease which he passed onto the child. See the infant’s face and body littered with scabs, blisters, sores, and red marks which are from the infection of herpes. Those who love their children should not allow their baby to be harmed in this way. Circumcision means inviting death, destruction and disease to their child. Any margii doing this will face the condemnation of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. That is the worst thing.


Due to the blunder while translating the original Bengali Caryacarya into English, the Publications Dept has committed a terrible sin. This distortion must be corrected. This is vital and crucial because each and every day more and more babies are born to Ananda Marga families outside India - and around the globe such families are being misled and wrongly circumcising their children. And the root cause is the wrong translation from the original Bengali. Performing circumcision contravenes Guru's guideline. This sin was done to appease and support the abhorrent practice done by those from the Muslim / Semitic religions. 

Tragically, margii families are subjecting their innocent and helpless infants to the pain and torture of circumcision in the name of Ananda Marga and Sixteen Points. All because of the sin of distortion and wrong translation committed by Tiljala Publications. In making this wrong translation, they have grossly misrepresented this point to readers of the English edition of Sixteen Points. In result, innocent babes are maimed; it is shameful and inexcusable.

In Him
(Angela Watson)

Pull back the foreskin at the time of puberty

Here Baba guides us that for health and hygiene, one should pull back the foreskin at the time of puberty - before that age the foreskin can remain as is.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Immediately upon reaching adolescence (in India, one reaches adolescence in between the ages of twelve and fourteen), males should start using Kaopiina (laungot́á) and should pull back the foreskin of the penis." (1)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "The foreskin [at the time of adolescence ] should be pulled back and the area washed and kept clean." (2)

Thus there is no scope for performing circumcision at the time of birth - or at any time. Guru's guideline is that from birth to pre-adolescence the foreskin should remain as is, and then at the time of puberty the foreskin should be pulled back.

~ In-depth study ~

Newspaper: 4 NY babies get herpes from Jewish circumcision rite in past 6 months

Cases reported since September from ‘metzitzah b’peh’; infants were hospitalized, received intravenous antiviral drugs and are now recovering

By Marcy Oster - 25 February 2020, 7:27 am

This is an important topic for our entire Ananda Marga community.

100+ circumcision deaths each year in United States

Each year in the United States more than 100 newborn baby boys die as a result of circumcision and circumcision complications. This is the alarming conclusion of a study, published in the journal Thymos, which examined hospital discharge and mortality statistics in order to answer two questions:  How many baby boys dies as a result of circumcision in the neonatal period (within 28 days of birth)? The study, by researcher Dan Bollinger, concluded that approximately 117 neonatal deaths due directly or indirectly to circumcision occur annually in the United States, or one out of every 77 male neonatal deaths. (Courtesy of

Circumcision is a religious dogma

Here below Baba points out how circumcision is just one cruel custom that was perpetuated over the centuries, from one Semitic religion to the next.

"Certain practices were not originally religious rituals, but traditions or customs. Long ago the Jews started practising circumcision. When Moses converted some of his contemporaries to Judaism, and later when Mohammed converted some local people to Islam, neither prophet dared to instruct their new followers to discard the old customs they followed, consequently the old customs continued after their conversion." (3)

The main thing Baba is stating is that "neither prophet dared to instruct their new followers to discard their old customs."

And now Tiljala Publishers are committing this mistake as those prophets of old. Those Tiljala Publishers are cowards - they lack the courage to follow the principles of Ananda Marga and oppose this dogmatic tradition of circumcision. They are scared to say that circumcision is forbidden in AMPS. So instead, they are carrying on with this dogma in order to appease those indoctrinated by the Semitic religions etc.

No different from those primitive tribal communities

Sadly now our AMPS is no different from those African regions and various other tribal communities that brutally circumcise females as per their local tradition. There has been widespread public outcry about this and now we are doing similar things in our AMPS. All because of the distortion committed by Tiljala Publications.

We should not keep quiet. This problem must be fixed. Otherwise if we fail to point out the problem and do not demand its correction, we will commit pratyavaya.

Link to movie on circumcision

Comments after watching child genital mutilation movie

(a) Out of everything all the horror movies oculus rift disturbing/horror games and my near death experience this circumcision is the worst 9 minutes of my life watching this i can't believe my parents did this to’s obvious who the criminals are, true the parents sign a consent form, wake up parents we don't like being abused.  american doctors and inexperienced interns and anyone participating in this abuse deserve punishment and life in prison, u people are scum of the earth

(b) I am currently pregnant with my first baby boy and my husband and I have been talking about it I agreed to it (I barely knew what it was) but after seeing this FORGET IT! There's no way in hell I would basically sit there and watch that happen to my son! I would rather die than have that happen to him, I do understand the pros and cons but I won't be able to live with myself if he went through that. Circumcision is basically like cutting off your breast to prevent breast cancer! 

(c) Now, all of you who are against fgm, which is horrible and awfully wrong, think about this. This is done to male babies and no-one has asked their opinion on it and it is a long-lasting, brutal and a barbaric ritual. It doesn't matter that on which sex it is performed on, it is equally horrible in both.

(d) Somebody please tell me WTF is the purpose of doing this? Because some Jew did it a couple thousand years ago, it's ok still to mutilate a babies penis? Impaling used to be done a few hundred years ago, but you don't see us doing that anymore. I'm never getting my son circumcised no matter what. This brought tears to my eyes.

(e) What a terrible thing to do to any person.  What kind of sick sadist is this "doctor"?  If this were to happen in any other context, this would be a blatant act of object rape, sex assault, battery, and perversion.  What is WRONG with people. I can't bear watching this... Pity I experienced this. Anyone who says this isn't mutilation is a monster

(f) How could you do this to a child?? I'm in tears watching this! This is torture... absolutely terrible. Genitals are beautiful just the way they are. I could NEVER put my child through this. The foreskin is not meant to be removed.

Tiljala Publications did this distortion

As we know, Baba's teachings are wholly consistent. None of His teachings are contradictory in any way. So the wrongful presentation of this point in Caryacarya-2 English edition is a sin committed by those Tiljala publishers.

The proof is quite clear as per the above documentation. Circumcision is not allowed in Ananda Marga as per the original Bengali version of Caryacarya. And the Hindi edition of Caryacarya part 2 presents point #2 of Sixteen Points also prohibits circumcision. But the Tiljala Publications team has gone against Baba's guideline and distorted point #2 of Sixteen Points in the English edition of Caryacarya part 2.

Infant gets venereal disease due to circumcision

The below photo is of a newborn who was infected and gets diseased. This virus has devastating consequences and can even cause death in a newborn baby. Sadly, the child is suffering from venereal disease. All because in this Semitic ceremony they mercilessly mutilated the infant’s genital and the rabbi sucked the blood from with his mouth. And this rabbi who performed this act had a sexual disease which he passed onto the child. See the infant’s face is completely infected and full of puss. Those who love their children should not allow their baby to be harmed in this way. Circumcision means inviting death, destruction and disease to their child. Any margii doing this will face the condemnation of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. That is the worst thing.

Again, in the above photo the newborn has been infected by the venereal disease. This virus has devastating consequences & can even cause death in a newborn baby. Sadly, the child is suffering from venereal disease. All because in this Semitic ceremony they mercilessly mutilated the infant’s genital and the rabbi sucked the blood from with his mouth. And this rabbi who performed this act had a sexual disease which he passed onto the child. See the infant’s face and body littered with sores and puss from the infection. Those who love their children should not allow their baby to be harmed in this way. Circumcision means inviting death, destruction and disease to their child. Any margii doing this will face the condemnation of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. That is the worst thing.

Rabbi suck infants mutilated genital

Directly below is a photo of the Jewish circumcision ritual, known in Hebrew as metzitzah b’peh. As you can see, in this mutilation ceremony, the infant’s genital is cut and the helpless child is crying. And in grotesque fashion, the sadistic priest is just busy in sucking the blood from the mutilated infant’s body. It is sadistic, gross, and abhorrent. And it is very painful and unbearable to see the child suffering in this way.

Directly below is a photo of the Jewish circumcision ritual, known in Hebrew as metzitzah b’peh. As you can see, in this mutilation ceremony, the infant’s genital is cut and the helpless child is crying. And in grotesque fashion, the sadistic priest is just busy in sucking the blood from the mutilated infant’s body.

The below photo is of a newborn who was infected by the herpes simplex virus. This virus has devastating consequences & can even cause death in a newborn baby. And the root cause is this gross process of circumcision.

1. Caryacarya - 3, General Health Rules, Males point #1
2. Caryacarya - 3, General Health Rules, Males point #2
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, How to Unite Human Society

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Linked & bound with Him

“Áj maneri raunge raungáte hobe, man ke sabákár…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4511)


Today, in this spring season, we have to colour everyone’s mind in the colour of His mind. We have to decorate the Dearmost Parama Purusa with the beauty of a grand bouquet of flowers. 

O’ inhabitants of this land, my brothers and sisters, please open your door; after giving up your dogmas of old, drench yourself in the colour of the Divine Entity, and merge your entire being in His tune. With all the sweetness of the mind, and a heart full of bhakti, love Him. He is the quintessence of this entire universe. 

O’ bhakta! Secretly, in the depths of your core, you are intrinsically linked and bound with Him. Whether in sorrow, suffering, or joy, your whole existence is synchronized with His tune. You are threaded in the flower pollen of His affection as His loving garland.

Today, the dearmost Parama Purusa Baba has come. We have to colour ourselves in His divine colour and drench ourselves in His blessing...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sane people do not eat like this

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "One must have a balanced diet. “Whatever I get, that I will eat” – this must not be the policy of a sane being. This human body is a composite of protoplasmic cells, and these protoplasmic cells are made of the food we take in. If the food and drink is defective, then the protoplasmic cells will also become defective, and the human mind, which is the collective mind of so many protoplasmic minds, will also become defective. That is why támasik or static food has a negative influence on the human mind." (1) 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Physical Propulsion, Psychic Propensities and Spiritual Attainment

== Section 3: Links ==

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