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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Varieties of Wts + 3 more


Varieties of Wts 


With regards to the practice of asanas, we can say that there are three grades of Wts:

1. There are some Wts who are extremely sincere and regular in doing yoga asanas. They do their asanas in all circumstances - when alone, while in camps and at DMS, when traveling, always. This is the small minority of workers.

2. Next are some Wt workers who do their asanas only when they are around others. That means they do yoga asanas only for show, i.e. to impress others. They want those around them to think they are very sincere in following Sixteen Points etc. But, when there is no one around, these same Wt workers skip their asanas etc. Such types of Wt workers suffer from hypocrisy.

"Look at the mahayogii - he is going to get"

3. Then there are those Wt workers who move around in packs and mock others who are sincere in their practices. They just taunt others for following Sixteen Points, and make callous, sarcastic comments like, “Look at the mahayogii, he is going to get moksa!” Their chief intent is to ridicule and deter others from doing asanas etc so that they themselves are not looked upon unfavourably for not doing them. So-called Rudrananda assigns his top lackey lieutenant so-called Madhuvratananda to lead the charge and be the main ring leader in this regard.

Such types of scornful Wt workers suffer from double hypocrisy. First they themselves do not want to give up their bad habits of indolence etc, and secondly they spend their time harassing others who are sincere in Sixteen Points. Verily, they are like thugs who bully others and colour their own beard and moustache to look young and attract the opposite sex. They suffer from numerous vices. Sadly, some of these types of C-grade Wts are purodhas, and we have enlisted a few of their names down below.

Sadhana is just one or two minutes long

And this same type of Wt - i.e. third (lowest) grade Wt workers - follow a similar pattern with sadhana. Their sadhana is one or two minutes long; they do ista mantra japa 80 times and then Guru puja. That is the extent of their sadhana practice. So they skip asanas entirely and sit for a meagre two minutes for sadhana. Tragically, this is the state of affairs of some in our Wt cadre.

In comparison, around the globe some non-margiis, although they may be deficient in various arenas, are very keen on practicing yoga asanas nowadays. Their intent is to retain their youthfulness and beauty, and age in a graceful manner. They are even willing to pay for yoga classes so you can see their level of commitment. They may or may not do the asanas correctly, and they may or may not follow a sattvika (sentient) diet, but they are eager to gain the physical benefits of the asana practice.

Some Wts go to beauty salon in place of doing asanas

Strikingly, even this much interest some of our Wt workers do not have. They are not even interested in doing asanas for their own physical health; yet these same Wt workers want to be good-looking & shining etc. That is why we see a growing number of wholetime Didis and Dadas going to beauty salons for cosmetic treatments etc, unfortunately. Certain Wt workers fall in this category, shockingly. All told the situation is quite sad. The only way to bring about the needed change is to inspire others to practice, as well as create the requisite circumstantial pressure for all Wts to follow Sixteen Points.


So we see that there are three grades of Wts:

Grade A - Those Wts who are very sincere in their practices.

Grade B - Those Wts who want to be looked upon as being sincere, but, in truth, are not sincere. They pass their time in hypocrisy - attempting to show themselves as a sadhu but internally they are fake.

Grade C - These Wts are the worst of the worst. They are notorious. Not only do they fail to do their spiritual practices and go against their conduct rules, but they discourage and mock sincere Wts. These C-grade Wts do not do this ugly behaviour in front of margiis as they wish to show themselves as a sadhu / saintly person.

It is the duty of margiis and Wts to keep watch over these B-grade and C-grade Wts and help them understand their mistakes in a psychological manner - so they can mend their ways.

in Him,
D Avadhuta

In this entire letter Wt refers to both dadas and didis.

~ In-depth study ~

Who are these “mocking Wts”

There are many Wts who mock others for doing asanas and following Sixteen Points. Among them the chief culprits are:

(a) Mocking didis: These two didis are tops in mocking others for doing asanas, sadhana etc
1. Didi Ananda Dyotona: she is the didi who was playing the role of spouse of Dada Nigamananda.
2. Didi Ananda Piyusa: she is the didi who is playing the role of spouse of Rector Master of Ananda Nagar.

(b) Mocking dadas: These two dadas are tops in mocking others for doing asanas, sadhana etc
1. Dada Hariishananda: he is the dada who is playing the role of spouse of Didi Ananda Kalyanmaya.
2. Dada Madhuvratananda: he is the dada who is playing the role of spouse of Ritu Pandey of Delhi.

Q & A for asanas

Many do not know even these rules; in that case, how can they follow properly. So either they skip asanas entirely or do them in a harmful manner. Following are quotes and excerpts from Sadguru Baba's teachings on asanas etc.

"Question: What is the definition of ásanas?
Answer: Sthirasukham ásanam (Patanjali). Ásanas are calm, quiet and easy postures which are held with proper inhalation and exhalation. They exercise the nerves, tissues, glands and organs of the human body. While practising ásanas one enjoys physical comfort and mental composure.
The regular practice of ásanas keeps the body healthy and cures many diseases. Ásanas control the glands, the glands control the secretion of hormones, and the secretion of hormones controls the propensities. So ásanas help a sádhaka [spiritual aspirant] to balance the body and concentrate the mind." (1)

"Question: Why do we practise ásanas?
Answer: We perform ásanas for the following reasons:
To increase the flexibility of the body.
To rectify glandular defects and balance hormonal secretions in order to control the vrttis [propensities].
To balance the body and mind.
To withdraw the mind from undesirable thinking.
To prepare the mind for subtler and higher sádhaná [spiritual practices]." (2)

Rules for ásanas: From Caryacarya part 3

(1) Before practising ásanas, do vyápaka shaoca or take a full bath. Vyápaka shaoca must also be done before daily meditation; if ásanas are done with daily meditation then it is not necessary to do vyápaka shaoca separately.

(2) Do not practise ásanas in an open place, because it may result in sudden exposure and thereby you may catch cold. While practising ásanas indoors, attention should be paid to keep the windows open so that air can pass through.

(3) No smoke should be allowed to enter the room. The less smoke the better.

(4) Males must wear a Kaopiina (laungot́á), and there should be no other clothing on the body. Females must wear tight-fitting underwear and a bra.

(5) Practise ásanas on a blanket or a mat. Do not do ásanas on the bare ground, because you may catch cold, and some secretions which come from the body while practising ásanas may be destroyed.

(6) Practise ásanas only while breath is flowing through the left nostril or both nostrils; do not practise ásanas when the breath flows only through the right nostril.

(7) Take sáttvika food. But a person for whom it is difficult to give up rájasika food can for the time being take a small piece of myrobalan (it is better to use the small type of myrobalan), or something of a similar nature, after meals. However, this procedure does not apply in cold countries.

(8) Do not cut the hair of the joints of the body.

(9) The nails of the fingers and toes must be kept cut short.

(10) Do not practise ásanas on a full belly. It is prohibited to perform ásanas for two-and-a-half to three hours after a meal.

(11) After practising ásanas, you should massage your arms, legs and entire body, especially the joints, very well.

(12) After the massage is finished, remain in shavásana (corpse posture) for at least two minutes.

(13) After shavásana do not come in direct contact with water for at least ten minutes.

(14) A practitioner of ásanas should not massage his or her body with oil. If you like you may rub oil lightly over the body.

(15) After practising ásanas, it is desirable to walk in a solitary place for some time.

(16) Just after ásanas práńáyáma is prohibited.

(17) If it is necessary to go outdoors after practising ásanas and if at that time the body temperature has not come down to a normal level, or if there is any difference between the room temperature and the outside temperature, you must cover your body when going out. If possible, inhale a deep breath inside the room and exhale it after coming outside. In that way there will be no chance of catching cold.

(18) It is not prohibited for the practitioner of ásanas to practise free-hand exercise, running or sports, but just after ásanas all these are prohibited.

(19) There is no restriction of nostril for the following ásanas: padmásana (lotus posture), siddhásana (siddha posture), ardhasiddhásana (half siddha posture), bhojanásana (cross-legged sitting posture), viirásana (viira posture), diirgha prańáma (long bowing posture), yogásana (yoga posture) and bhújauṋgásana (snake posture).

(20) For all those ásanas where there is no restriction of nostrils, there is no restriction on food either.

(21) During menstruation, pregnancy and within one month of delivery, women must not practise ásanas or any other exercise. The ásanas for dhyána can be done under all conditions – padmásana, siddhásana and viirásana are the proper ásanas for dhyána and dhárańá. (3)

1. Yoga Psychology, Questions and Answers on Meditation, #4
2. Yoga Psychology, Questions and Answers on Meditation, #5
3. Caryacarya part 3 - Asanas

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ways of the atheist

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Self-awareness develops through clash. The awareness that develops through physical clash is termed jadábuddhi [crude physical intellect] because it is associated with jadá [matter]. The consciousness of animals and undeveloped human beings is matter-oriented. But even in developed human society, if someone is an atheist or a materialist, we can only term their intellect as jadábuddhi. Such people deny the existence of spirituality in order to hide their intellectual deficiencies. Their denial betrays their moral and intellectual bankruptcy. It does not speak of their glory, nor does it diminish the value of spirituality." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Devotion plays a positive role in the process of clash. Had there been no factor to maintain the balance among all the objects created within the Macrocosmic Mind, the entire structure of the universe would have fallen apart. For the sake of harmony and balance within the universe, there is a mutual attraction among all the objects; each microcosm attracts the other microcosms. All finite microcosms – the innumerable manifestations of the Supreme Entity – are entitled to that universal love with which It has bound each microcosm to Itself, entitled to the wave of that universal love, in which Its divine ocean of bliss is perennially flowing. Attraction is the innate characteristic of microcosms. When this attraction is for finite objects, it is called káma [“physical longing”], and when it surges towards the Cosmic Entity, it is called prema [“divine love”]. Of course, káma is nothing but a limited form of prema. When microcosms rush towards Parama Puruśa [Supreme Consciousness] attracted by the irresistible force of divine love, it is termed “devotion”. Since clash drives the microcosms towards subtlety, it follows that clash must be the sustainer of devotion." (2)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Cosmic Attraction and Spiritual Cult
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Cosmic Attraction and Spiritual Cult

== Section ==

Re: Avadhuta, elder torture, crime, & death [26 Apr 2017]


Nirmeghananda dada was a hard worker and in his life he was doing Baba's work tirelessly. He never did buttering-flattering of anyone even then he reached top level in the organization, not only Purodha, he became the member of Purodha Board. I can say by Baba's grace he went so top so his suffering life of his end also should be considering Baba's grace.

Let me tell you my own experience:

17 May 2015 around 10-12 robber entered my house with gun to rob. 4-5 persons were beating me and others were busy to rob my things. They were looking cash and for that they were beating me mercilessly. Half an hour they were beating so I fell down, may be they were thinking as I have cash and knowingly not giving them. Then they bring axe to cut my legs and hand. I was looking everything how I was beaten. As soon as one took axe over his head to hit me, I told Baba let him kill me instead of breaking cutting my legs. All of sudden within second all they turn back and run away. I couldn’t understand what happen, I was simply lying down in the same position and thinking they will be back to beat me again,

After few minutes I feel they have run and gone very far from my place then I get up and feel nothing has happened to me and my body. My mind was totally fearless. This is my hundred percent believe that as I told Baba let them kill me instead of cutting my legs, all the robber have seen Baba’s presence and fearful face that is why all they run away. I feel I was beaten by Baba’s grace and saved by Baba’s grace.

The fact that Nirmeghanandamji was not taken care properly is very painful.

Yours in HIM

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Re: Avadhuta, elder torture, crime, & death

In this above situation, the teaching of Ananda Marga philosophy is that Parama Purusa will go on doing His liila but every jiiva must go on doing their duty and punish the wrongdoer. Do not make any excuse that the exploitation by the exploiters is all due to His liila. If someone tries cover up the sin of the exploiters by justifying that it is His liila, that is abominable and cowardly and against Ananda Marga teachings.

== Section ==

বৃথা কাল-ক্ষয় হয়েছে | সময় নষ্ট করা হয়েছে |

“যা এত দিন হয়ে গেছে, তা অবনতিই হয়েছে | মানুষকে নিচের দিকেই নামিয়ে দিয়েছে | তাতে কোনও লাভ হয়নি | বৃথা কাল-ক্ষয় হয়েছে | সময় নষ্ট করা হয়েছে | মুখে দাবি করা হয়েছে---”এই করেছি, ওই করেছি, এই করেছিলুম, ওই করেছিলুম” | আসলে কাজের কাজ তাতে কিছুই হয়নি | এই যেন সেই, হয় না---যে ঈশ্বরপ্রেম নেই | কিন্তু খুৰ নাক টিপে প্রাণায়াম করছে | বা খুৰ শীর্ষাসন করছে, ঠ্যাঙ্গ উপরে তুলে, মুণ্ডু নিচে করে | তাতে কি কোনও কাজ হয় ?

আসন মারে ক্যা হুআ, জো গঈ ন মন কী আস |
জ্যোং কোল্হূ  কে ৰৈল কো ঘর হী কোস পচাস ||


তো, সেই ব্যাপার, উন্নতি-টুন্নতি হয়নি |” (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত,আনন্দ নগর ১৯৮৪

== Section 2: Links ==

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