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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Murder case history


This blog post contains the long history from 2003 to 2018 - please scroll down to see all. 

This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: This Wt was almost beaten to death
2. History: Murder Case
3. History: 2013 AMPS Team Account with Photos
4. History: Initial report from 2003

Wt: beaten to near death


Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old blunders over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the crimes of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the progress of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) and our stand on key events. Please read this below tragic account that addresses the health and well-being of our Wts. This piece was first posted in 2018 on this network, yet these types of shocking incidents still abound in AMPS.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: this letter was initially posted 4 years ago. 



Here it is my dharmic duty to inform all about this tragic and sad situation how one of our dedicated Wts became a victim of the group fight. Below is Ac Shyamananda Avadhuta. He suffered severe paralysis from when B group allegedly levied an attack and murdered Abhipremananda back in 2003. On that occasion Dada Shyamananda suffered severe blows and the result was lifelong paralysis.

Neglected & battered Wt counting his days in AN sadly

Please find the below photo of Shyamananda dada. He cannot walk on his own. He is now physically very weak. After treatment he was shifted to Varanasi. Then he was shifted to Gorakhpur for two years. In May month 2018, by the order of Rudrananda, Shyamananda dada was forcibly shifted to Ananda Nagar in SDM building where he lies there in a neglected state to die. He is actually quite young but he looks terribly old. He is actually in his 40's but he looks very aged, deteriorated, troubled and confused due to serious neglect by these same groupist people who pushed this Wt into the fire of this bloody, lethal group battle.


~ Dada Shyamananda suffers from severe paralysis since 2003 attack in AN ~


~ Dada Shyamananda suffers from severe paralysis since 2003 attack in AN ~

Our Wts have entered the Marga with the ideal to serve suffering humanity but with the ongoing group fight, what to speak of serving others, our very own Wts are getting maimed, outcasted, and victimised by this group war. It is so unfortunate and tragic.

Notorious Sarvatmananda & Rudrananda

It is a sad story. This simple Dada is a victim, along with so many others, who have been caught in the clutch of two very notorious and devious persons. one is Rudrananda and the other is Sarvatmananda. These Wts attack and try to "behead" each other - one group got a temporary "beheading" in the court. Many were seriously wounded and some have been permanently crippled for their whole life just like this Dada; he cannot move. Before 1990, there used to be the attack of communists, but this happened afterwards by their own siblings.

So watch out. Do not destroy your present and future by supporting any groupist person. To warm their body they will "push you in the fire" where the fat of your body burns and they derive a little warmth for a few hours. They can do such things. This Dada is a victim of this horrendous mentality.

Vampire: saffron cloth, smile sweetly, & prey

The common people cannot recognise such a devilish breed. They move in saffron cloth and smile sweetly. To prey on you they behave very politely and talk sweet words to captivate you. But when you are in their clutch they will "twist your neck and suck the blood and throw the carcass" in the flowing water with dharmic fanfare as a cover up. This is their vampire mentality and this simple Dada is the tragic victim of their dealings.

To save oneself from such a tragedy two things are needed:
(a) sadhana
(b) regular study of Baba's books.

in Him,
Vinay Prakash Mathur

Murder case history

For gruesome photos and more details of that heinous and abhorrent attack scroll down. Then you will understand that all these aforesaid things are not hearsay. Such people exist and they are mostly our bosses.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #26a

== Section 2: Dec 2013 Report ==

History: This report was posted on 03 Dec 2013:


As you probably know, on 18 September 2003, in an attempt to capture the AMIT building, B group waged a fierce attack on Ranchi Dadas who were living there. A blood bath ensued as armed B group attackers annihilated those defenseless inhabitants, many of whom suffered serious injuries like broken bones etc, while one lost an eye, and most tragically one avadhuta was murdered.

Here are the names of those who were attacked, beaten, and killed:
Ac. Abhipremananda Avt: murdered;
Ac. Shyamananda Avt.: severe bodily harm and paralysis;
Ac. Raganugananda Avt.: lost one eye;
Ac. Jyotiprakashananda Avt.: fractured limbs;
Ac. Susmitananda Avt.: multiple fractures, lacerations, & contusions;
Ac. Dayashekharananda Avt.: multiple fractures, lacerations, & contusions;
Ac. Ciradiipananda Avt.: general injuries & contusions;
Ac. Punyadhiishananda Avt.: general injuries & contusions;

(A link to photos of their injuries is appended below.)

So it was that on that horrible, tragic occasion we lost our dear brother Ac. Abhipremananda Avt who was killed / murdered at the hands of those B group attackers. And many other sustained serious injuries and permanent bodily deformation.

The above attack had nothing to do with local villagers or football players etc. It was exclusively a group clash with B group taking the offensive in an attempt to take over AMIT (Ananda Marga Institute of Technology). In result, the resident H group workers were mutilated and even murdered. Those are the facts.


Here is a listing of those B Group Dadas facing murder charges:
1. Ac. Sarvatmanandji
2. Ac. Bhaveshanandji
3. Ac. Mantreshvaranandji
4. Ac. Vitmohanandji
5. Ac. Haratmanandji
6. Ac. Ravishanandji
7. Ac. Tanmayanandji
8. Ac. Sarveshvaranandji

Thereafter litigation began and it has been going on for 8 long years. All the while B group was trying to delay the case and escape any blame. Now, just recently, the Supreme Court ruled that the case must continue and 8 top B group Dadas led by Sarvatmanandji will have to stand trial on murder charges. That was the recent decision by the Supreme Court ruling.

On 28 November 2013, the Supreme Court ordered that the aforelisted 8 Dadas to stand trial on charges of murder. And the case will be heard by the Sessions Court of Purulia (WB). The murder case should start in a few months.

In Him,
Tarun Sen


Warning: The photos on the below link are graphic pictures of those who endured terrible bodily harm at the hands of their attackers. Scroll down if you wish....


== Section 3: 2013 Report from AMPS Team ==

Here is the next report on this topic:

Below is Courtesy of AMPS Team: Thursday, 19 September 2013 4:21 PM

* * * *
* * * *
September 18th, 2003
* * * *

KOLKATA Group (Defectors 2003).
18th Septemmber 2003, KOLKATA  criminals
 killed Ac Abhiprenananda Avt and chapter of hatred and anger begin. See detail....
Master mind criminal Ex. Sarvatmananda,
 along with Raviishananda, Mantreshvarananda, Bhaveshananda, Sareshvarananda Sunandananda, Viciitrananda(Vikashananda) and others created massacre in broad day light at Anandanagar and severe crisis in the philanthropic organization begin.
* * * * * * * * *
In the Picture .....??? 
1. Ac Abhipremananda Avt, who was brutally killed in broad day light. 
Head and other limbs of Ac Abhipremananda Avt was severely injured, cut and damaged by iron rode, axes and other arms, which resulted him into death. 
Holy land of Ananda Nagar witnessed the bloodshed and bloody events organised by the Kolkata criminals,

Ac Shyamananda Avt, who got paralyzed for ever and fighting yet with life and death,

Ac Raganugananda Avt, whose eye was taken out with iron rode, he lost his eye for ever. Now the artificial eye of stone has been fixed.

Ac Jyotiprakashananda Avt, who was beaten up so deadly that not a single part was left undamaged,

Ac Susmitananda Avt, who was beaten and thrown from the top of the roof,

Ac Dayashikharananda Avt was severely beaten and his hands and legs were fractured.

7. Ac Cirdiipananda Avt got injured,

8. Ac Punyadhishananda Avt got injured,

9. Others....Look at the photograph. 
Look at the attached photographs of the sufferers:

~ Above is Ac. Abhipremananda ~

~ Above is Ac. Shyamananda ~

~ Above is Ac. Raganugananda ~

~ Above is Ac.  Jyotiprakashananda ~

~ Above is Ac. Susmitananda ~

~ Above is Ac. Dayashekharananda ~

~ Above is Dada ji ~

~ Above is Dada ji ~

~ Above is Dada ji ~

Above is Courtesy of AMPS Team: Thursday, 19 September 2013 4:21 PM

== Section 4: 2003 Historical Account ==

== Here below is the initial report from 19 Sep 2003....

Date: 19 Sep 2003 22:52:32 -0000 
From: "Parashram  Laghate" <>
Subject: Cold-Blooded Brutal Attack 

Cold-Blooded Brutal Attack: One Dada Killed, Many Injured


Now, the struggle to 'Capture the Power in Centre' has reached to a very
criminal and ghastly nature. Those involved are extremely frustrated and
ready to grab the power at any cost. That's why they are using all sorts of
methods, fair or foul, to grab the power by hook or by crook. But in their
desperate approach up to now, they could not get success. That's why this
time they notched up their attack to a more lethal level. Such that the
attackers had all sorts of deadly weapons-- i.e. irons rods, lathi sticks
etc. And it was intricately planned, it seems. Because such a cold-blooded
attack is not possible without a full conspiracy, detailed planning, and a
cold-blooded decision.
If it would have been killing via gun, then it would have been different.
But when it is with lathi, then the attackers have to be even more cruel in
nature. Otherwise they cannot beat defenseless people mercilessly up to the
I received information from both the sides. And by reviewing it carefully,
conclusion was reached that the hand of B group criminals was behind all
this, it appears. Without going in detail about the nature of the incident,
first here please read the names of those respected Dadas who sustained
injury and got killed.

With sorrow I report that Ac. Abhipremananda Avt has been killed.

And following are those who sustained injury and got wounded:

Ac. Shyamananda Avt.: is paralysed;
Ac. Raganugananda Avt.: lost one eye;
Ac. Jyotiprakashananda Avt.: both arms and legs broken;
Ac. Susmitananda Avt.: broken arms and legs;
Ac. Dayashekharananda Avt., Ac. Ciradiipananda Avt., Ac.
Punyadhiishananda Avt., Ac. Raghavananda Avt.: multiple fractures.

This incident took place on 18 September at 5:30 pm at AMIT in Ananda
Nagar. And these below listed persons are suspects to have been involved in
this crime:

Dada Mahidevananda, Dada Devapranananda, Dada Krtamayananda, Dada
Krteshananda, Dada Mahidevananda, Dada Mayatiitananda,  Dada
Satyasvarupananda, Dada Sucirananda, Dada Sunandananda, Dada Sureshananda,
Dada Raviishananda, Dada Tapasnigdhananda, Dada Vasudevananda, and Dada

Unarmed H group Dadas were at AMIT (Ananda Marga Institute of Technology)
at 5:30 pm, and were engaged in their regular programs. And that time, this
terrible incident took place.
About the nature of the incident, it is getting clear that those involved
have a long-term history of criminal violence and criminal activities.
Since long, dedicated margis and WTs have been writing their grievances
against these people. And in the past, so many incidents happened, when
many got killed in the dead of the night. And when Dada Sarvatmanandji was
in full control of things, then all those matters got buried under the
soil. Time to time, this matter has been raised. But now everything is
coming to the surface as the whole AM society is getting aware. And those
who were not believing, they started believing.

It is quite obvious that those who are doing such type of criminal
activities are hardened criminals. They are not simple people. No doubt
their external look is like that of a saint as they wear the dress of
avadhuta; but in their action, they are habitual criminals. They have
long-term experience in such negative misdeeds.
So certainly good persons can understand their black nature. And if those
good persons will ask themselves whether they themselves can do such
terrible things, the answer will surely be no. Because no sadhu-minded
person can brutally beat defenseless people with a lathi, one blow after
another, till they die. Seeing the nature of such violent crimes, it is
obvious that this type of incident is the work of habitual criminals, who
also wear the dress of avadhuta.

Only those who have a criminal history, only they can perform such ghastly
crimes. So here it is obvious that those involved are habitual criminals.
To know their nature and characteristics this must be understood: How in
broad daylight they pose as being saintly, but under the spell of darkness
they commit various crimes.
About those who are involved in such type of cold-blooded crimes, in the
justice chapter of Human Society I, Baba reveals the nature of such
hardened criminals.
Baba says, "They [criminals] even know how to feign saintliness. They play
the saint by day and steal by night. They are Zamindars by sunlight and
marauders by starlight -- Lucretias in public, harlots in private. In the
enormity of crimes they surpass all others." (HS-1)

About such criminals, Baba further tells us:

"In most cases they are intelligent. For small gain they become
anti-social, unpatriotic and traitorous. A large group of them go on
deluding and swindling the public day in and day out in the garb of
political leaders for the fulfillment of their own selfish ends. Most of
the large wars in the world have been evolved by such criminals. The
bigwigs in the community of criminals indeed hail from this stock. The
suffering public has sometimes held these big bugs under their thumb and
sometimes these pests have  given them the slip. To bring them to justice
intelligence alone is not the only thing necessary. Courage and caution are
also necessary in plentitude." (HS-1)

Baba furthermore guides us:

"At their trials it is desirable for the judge and the well-wishers of
society to put more stress on the legal aspects of their case than to
relent under sympathetic humanism." (HS-1)

And Baba warns us about the perpetrators of such violent acts:

"Very often such criminals try to interfere with the freedom of judges
also. By intimidating them they want to keep the caravan of their crimes
moving triumphantly. In order to deal with such elements effectively with a
strong hand it is necessary that justice and the judge should be vested
with far greater power." (HS-1)

Overall to face this situation, the following is Baba's guideline.
BABA says, "If a person is dharmic, that person will leave a trace of their
dharmic nature at every step. In their personal life they will never
perpetrate injustice against anyone, nor tolerate anyone's perpetrating
injustice; and in their collective life they will not allow any social
group to perpetrate injustice, nor allow that social group to tolerate its
being perpetrated." (DKG p.82)

BABA says, "So you must under all circumstances give first priority and
primary importance to dharma. Victory is assured to those who put dharma
above everything else. Under no circumstances can they be defeated. Never
have they been, nor are they now, nor will they be in future." (DKG, p. 213)

at HIS louts feet,

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You did not pay any heed

PS Intro: This following song is not a very common type of Prabhat Samgiita. In this song, the scene unfolds wherein Parama Purusa is sitting listlessly in the flower garden all by Himself, and the bhakta is trying in many ways to attract His attention. So Parama Purusa is just playing His liila because although He knows everything, here He is pretending as if He is unaware that the bhakta is close by. This type of liila is displayed in this following song.

"Tomáre dekhechi jabe cámpár vane takhan pápaŕi d́háká madhu chilo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0531)


O’ Parama Purusa, the day when I saw You in the campa’ flower garden, that time also the flower's honey vessels were covered by its petals. Underneath the flower petals, there was an accumulation of nectar. I looked toward You with my eyes full of great longing, expectation, and anticipation; but, that was all in vain because You did not respond to me in that hour. One thing is beyond my understanding: Why were You just sitting there listlessly in that flower garden - You did not seem to notice me at all.

O’ Supreme Entity, in various ways I tried to attract Your attention. When I came into the garden I intentionally placed my foot on some dry, crunchy leaves hoping that by that sound You would hear me and wonder, “Who has come, who is here.” Yet, alas, You did not pay any heed. Even though You were not looking towards me, still You were pulling my heart very strongly by the string of bhakti. In spite of Your playful indifference, in my heart the lamp of hope was still glittering. I was keeping the feeling alive within me that Your liila will change and You will kindly look towards me.    

So again I tried to attract Your attention. This time my heart was filled with fear and shyness; I could not gather the courage to go directly in front of You. So I just continued moving from a distance with gentle steps looking towards with sincere longing and yearning. Slowly, slowly - from time to time -  I was staring at You with anxious and hopeful eyes, hoping that at least You will bless me by looking towards me and calling me closer to You. Alas, all my wishes and dreams were in vain. That day I understood how Your liila generates a blissful pain in my heart.     

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, even then  I continued on with the idea that this liila will end soon, and You will look towards me. That moment the whole atmosphere was charged with the sweet aroma of all those blossoms in the garden. Baba, Your liila is unfathomable. Although You did not look towards me that time, but deep within my core I felt that You are more close than ever. Baba, You graciously pulled my entire existence towards You with the invisible flow of bhakti and tied me in the bond of Your supreme love...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Bhakti is the key

When one has bhakti they can solve all types of problems. And without bhakti, nothing is possible. Due to a lack of bhakti, some did far more harm than good when they tried to help the society. They created huge problems for the people. So bhakti is the key for success in any field or arena of life.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Devotion [to Parama Purusa] has tremendous power which neither knowledge nor action has. Rather people of knowledge, the jina’nis, have a subtle sense of vanity...So, if you can arouse devotion, then by coming in contact with you, thousands and thousands of people will attain real paramartha’ and spiritual salvation. That is, in order to attain liberation from the triple bondages– physical, psychic, and spiritual– you will have to attain paramartha’.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, The Importance of Society

== Section 4: Links ==

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