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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Profiting from corpse


Profiting from corpse


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Please read this below letter as an historical account which depicts the scene going on wherein the dogma of Hindu priestocracy was dragged into our AMPS. 

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: This below letter first posted in April 2018 delineates how one Dada was engrossed in inculcating a dogma in AMPS so he could encash upon it. 



One new dogma is “hitting the streets” in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha and everyone should be aware about it - lest it spread. The most disturbing aspect is that one avadhuta is encashing in this ritual to earn profits, rather than educating the bereaved family about the ideological stand of Ananda Marga. Here are the details.

You will be shocked to know

  • #1: Smt Savitri Nimbekar of Delhi died on 7th April 2018. You will be shocked to know that 5 - 6 family members of Nimbekarji reached Anand Nagar on 12th April, 2018 to immerse her ashes into the river at Anand Nagar.
  • #2: Ac.' Anirvanand Avadhut (photo appended below), RM, Anand Nagar allowed and accompanied the family to Baba’s Quarter. The pot of ashes was put in front of Baba's pratikriti and Guru puja was offered. From the Baba’s Quarter, the family along with RM Dada started singing kiirtana and reached the dam to immerse the ashes. 
  • #3: Rather than convincing the family otherwise (ideologically), RM accompanied them.
  • #4: To reiterate, on April 12th, numerous family members arrived at Ananda Nagar to immerse her ashes in the river at Ananda Nagar.
  • #5: The rector master Dada, Ac Anirvananda Avadhuta took this as an opportunity to capitalise on the situation. 
  • #6: A family in mourning is in a very vulnerable situation. And Anirvananda pushed them into performing the dogmatic ritual so he could earn money. 
  • #7: Under Anirvananda’s “guidance” and “leadership”, the family came to the Baba’s Quarters at Ananda Nagar, where the urn or pot of ashes was placed in front of Baba’s photo. When they left the BQ they marched ensemble to the river where the ashes were dropped into the water. 
  • #8: Sadly they followed the blueprint of dogma. And it is all Anirvananda’s fault because instead of guiding the grieving family in a dharmic way he led them into a completely dogmatic ritual so he (Dada) could earn money. 

Filth of Hinduism came in AMPS

Throughout all the dogmatic religions, those priests, mullahs, rabbis etc aim to earn money at every twist and turn in life. When a child is born they perform a ritual to collect a fee. When a couple is married, those religious professionals conduct the ceremony to get money. And in all sorts of occasions in life they see to earn a profit, including at the time of death. 

When anyone dies, then such priests play their trump card. They say, “It is so sad that your loved one died, but now is the time you can ensure they reach "heaven" and attain salvation. All you have to do is perform this ritual.” In this way, those priests exploit the grieving family and earn big profits.

See below typical Hindu / cheating ritual came in AMPS

~ Example of typical Hindu worshiper putting the ashes of their loved one in the river at Gaya (Bihar, India) ~

And that is what happened recently at Ananda Nagar. They copied the dogmatic Hindu ritual where ashes are offered into the river at some place of special pilgrimage like Gaya, which is the top spot, or other locations like Varanasi and Haridwar. By this way, with the services of the priest, one can ensure their loved one reaches so-called heaven. There are many Hindu religious traders and professional businesses that specialise in this.

Anirvanananda’s sinful occupation

And now Anirvanananda is running a similar type of outfit out for Ananda Nagar. He preys on the sentiments of the deceased’s family and convinces them that if they do not come to the holy land of Ananda Nagar and perform this ritual then their loved one will not get moksa. This is Anirvanananda’s sinful occupation. And verily Sadguru Baba warns us that one should never indulge in this type of sinful earning. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Nor should one earn one’s livelihood by dealing with dead bodies because such people want more and more people to die, so that they may thereby increase their income.” (1)

As Ananda Margiis, we know that as soon as a person dies, then immediately their mind and unit consciousness dissociate from the lifeless, physical body. So the treatment of the physical body has no bearing on the future of that deceased person. Rather, according to their samskara they will either await a new physical body to again take birth or they will attain moksa. That outcome is based on their psychic samskaras and cosmic grace. 

Cuttings from their fingernails

Think of it this way. While alive a person is very connected with all aspects of their body. There are some who are so attached with their body that they will even polish their finger nails etc. They will make them red, or blue, or green to make their finger nails very attractive. Yet the moment they trim their fingernails and those clippings fall to the ground then that person loses all connection with those trimmings. The person does not think that they have lost part of themselves because their I-feeling is not associated with those cuttings from their fingernails. And same is the case with all aspects of the body. People are typically very attached with their hair and they style and colour it to make it look special. But when they cut their hair they do not feel like they are losing part of their I-feeling. Rather they completely forget about that hair as they feel it is no longer a part of them. This is the case with all aspects of the body.

Even amputees

Even amputees - when they lose a limb - keep their entire I-feeling intact and they forget about that lost limb. Similarly, when the body perishes, then one’s I-feeling is no longer associated with that body. The mind and soul leave the lifeless body. That means that the ashes of that body have no connection with that individual as the mind has moved on and taken rebirth in a new body or attained salvation. So those ashes have nothing to do with that particular person. 

Departed soul does not get any advantage

For social purposes, every corpse should be handled with a sense of decency, dignity, and respect. And Baba has given the appropriate guidelines in Caryacarya. Yet as Baba points out, the proper treatment of the deceased’s body is for the psychic and emotional comfort of the surviving family members, and has no bearing on the future of the deceased. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The departed soul does not get any advantage from the shráddha ceremony [memorial ceremony]. It is only meant for the psychic satisfaction of the person performing it.” (2)


We should all be 100% aware that at the time of death the mind and unit soul immediately leave the body and are handled according to the laws of prakrti, i.e. the cosmic operative principle. What we do with the lifeless body has no effect on whether one gets moksa or not. There is no need to take the ashes to Ananda Nagar and pay big money to Anirvanananda or any other -ananda to perform this type of dogmatic ritual with the ashes etc. That is, dogma and has no place in our AMPS.

Baba has given the teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy to eradicate all such exploitative religious codes and ritualistic dogmas. We should aim to keep our AMPSdogma-free and the best way to do this is follow the guidelines of Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and not fall into the clutches of opportunistic Dadas trying to make a profit. 

In Him, 
Pra’pti Devii

Here below is culprit who earns death ritual tax in Ananda Nagar

~ Anirvananda Rector Master at Ananda Nagar ~

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Supreme Desideratum of the Microcosms
2. Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Heart-pulling persona

"Tomár madhur hási niye eseche, sriśt́ir sab kichu tomári káche..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0328)


Parama Purusa, Your sweet smile has pulled everything of this expressed world very near to You. Your spiritual vibration has such a strong, exquisite charm. All are rushing towards You; everyone wants Your closeness.

From the feeling of the heart up to the changes in epochs, throughout the existence of each and every manifestation of this created world, Your smile has inundated all with Your endless bliss. With its incomparable presence, it has radiated nectar in all directions. Your supreme attraction has saturated all my memories with heavenly honey - and spread across the entire flora and fauna so beautifully. Please come with the rhythm and melody of song and dance.

Supreme Entity, kindly come in my Guru cakra in the mind-intoxicating ideation of dhyana with Your captivating and pleasing appearance. Your affection-filled eyes have immersed my heart with full contentment. Your unparalleled, attractive, and heart-pulling persona has drawn all unto You.

Parama Purusa, Your grace is the essence...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Value of of Saḿskrta names

Ananda Marga Philosophy says “Naming is a matter of great consequence. The names must imply an imposing meaning. Naming was a memorable ceremony among the Áryas. The name has a very significant bearing over the mind. The mental awakening corresponds to the vibrations set in as a result of pronouncing the name. A particular attraction is attached to the words.”

“The human society has to be unified. It must have one standard. Naming in Saḿskrta means providing one standard.” (1)

1. Táttvika Diipiká

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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