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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Killing babes + 3 more


If you got here by clicking on the links in your email then you may (a) listen to the sound file Baba Condemns Abortion along the left portion of this blog, or (b) scroll down in this post to read Dada A's letter in full.

Killing babes


Nowadays, some are keen to have abortions as they are easily available in society. Those proponents are the same people who advocate of gay marriage etc. On these important contemporary issues we should study teachings of Sadguru Baba.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Abortion is killing the potentialities...there is hardly any difference between you and an embryo...he [the embryo] is now within the body of the mother. And you are outside the body of the mother...You have got no moral right to kill him.” (1)
So the matter is very clear. Ananda Marga philosophy directly opposes the practice of abortion. Further down please find an “as-is” transcription of Baba’s discourse. Side by side there is an English audio file (link appended below) so you can see for yourself how Guru clearly condemns the practice of abortion.

What to do if a "Wt" makes offspring

Suppose a so-called Wt makes someone pregnant then what they usually do is abort the baby. But that is sinful. First off, that "Wt" went against their vows etc, but then why should they commit another sin by killing the innocent child. Rather here are steps that can be taken:
(a) First that "Wt" should be encouraged to get married and lead family life. After some time if their heart changes and they want to again become a Wt then according to the procedure and system of punishment they can train to be a Wt again.

(b) In the worst case scenario, if the mother or father wants to abort the child then they should be convinced otherwise, and if economic pressures are the problem, the society should cover the financial costs of raising the baby.

(c) If the parents are unwilling to rear the child then they should donate the child to an Ananda Marga Children’s Home. Here the main motive in all these steps is the child’s welfare.

(d) Remember Ananda Marga philosophy does not support the notion of family planning and birth control etc. We need more children so abortion is an anti-social and sinful act.

(e) Unfortunately these days some "Wts" are committing sin by aborting the baby.

(f) No doctor should use their medical expertise to participate in this sin, otherwise they will also suffer. No margii should cooperate in aborting the child by supporting any candidate for abortion who is aiming to kill the child.
Here Wt means male and female.


The central idea is that the child should not be punished for the social crimes of the mother and father. Aborting or eliminating the child makes it seem like the problem is solved, but this is actually where the problem starts. Remember the person who aborts their baby killed the child and that is a veritable sin. And they will have to suffer for several lifetimes. Those aborting the child are worse than animals.

in Him,
Roy Stevenson

Around the planet there are thousands of organisations where newly born babies can be deposited. But here in our AMPS, the opposite is going on. We have to be alert. By the above approach there will be all around benefit. Devoid of this is only loss and sin.

Nowadays, certain “progressives” are keen to have abortions freely available in society. And those same progressives are also advocates of gay marriage etc. But on these types of points they are wrong, and go against the teachings of Sadguru Baba.

~ In-depth study ~

Baba’s discourses on abortion

Here is an “as-is” transcription of Baba’s discourse:

[Ma'rgii: "Should abortion be considered crime always?]

BABA: “Abortion is killing the potentialities, taking the potentiality of a living being is certainly a sin. It may or may not be crime. Crime depends on different countries, depends on certain conditions prevailing in different countries.”

BABA: “But there are certain cardinal human values, cardinal human points. Those points remain unassailed. As a matter of principle, abortion is a crime. But, when it is done to save the life of the mother, it is not a crime.”


[Ma'rgii A: "But, sometimes it may also be abused Baba. It may also be abused.]

BABA: “Yes, yes. It has been abused, yes. I know it, it has been abused. There should be proper check, proper control on it. By a strong medical board, or like that.”

[Ma'rgii: Is it a living body, the embryo?]

BABA: “Yes. You see, fundamentally, there is hardly any difference between you and an embryo. You have come here outside, and [the] embryo is within the mother…”


BABA: “That is the difference. And why should you deprive that little man from the joys of life?”

[Ma'rgii B: "Means, living man.]

BABA: “Yes. It is not desirable. You are a man, he is also a man. He is now within the body of the mother. And you are outside the body of the mother, that is the difference. You have got no moral right to kill him. When he is not your enemy. It is not at all a crime to kill the enemy, but that embryo is not your enemy. How can you kill him? How can you kill him? You can’t kill him. You have got no moral right to kill him.”


BABA: “Just when the spermatozoa becomes one with the ovum,”


BABA: “That mind, that spirit with reactive momenta comes in contact with that embryo with the first moment. Because of its congenial physical structure. Congenial to that psychic structure.”

BABA: “Clear?”

BABA: “Spermatozoa is a living being with its peculiar samskara. Ova is a living being with its peculiar samskara. And the combination of the two creates a third animal with its own sam’ska’ra. And according to its physical structure, having parallelism with a certain mental sam’ska’ra that is, sam’ska’ra, the departed soul along with its sam’ska’ras, comes in contact with that newly-born embryo. The ova dies. That ova is also a living creature that takes place, mental death of the spermatozoa; it is also a living creature. And the third entity with its own mental samskaras, is created.”

BABA: “Clear?”

BABA: “Kalya’namastu” (2)

~ To listen to the original audio file of the above see the links section at the bottom of this email. ~

AM condemns abortion

Ananda Marga philosophy condemns the practice of abortion.
Ananda Marga philosophy says. “Abortion is killing the potentialities...there is hardly any difference between you and an embryo...he [the embryo] is now within the body of the mother. And you are outside the body of the mother...You have got no moral right to kill him.” (3)
Those aware about the book, "A Guide to Human Conduct", know that Baba spoke very clearly and conclusively on this matter with regards to ahimsa.
Manovákkáyaeh sarvabhútá námapiidá namahiḿsá.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Ahiḿsá means not inflicting pain or hurt on anybody by thought, word or action.” (4)

So the stand of Ananda Marga is adamantly against abortion because it goes against the tenet of ahimsa.

See here what Dada A has written - highlighted in yellow below:
“Neither AM nor Prout presently has a clear stand on the abortion issue.” - Dada A
The main problem is that many margiis and wts may read his statement and be misled. They will wrongly conclude that:
(a) Baba did not give any guideline on this point of abortion, and
(b) a person can kill the fetus and still be strict in ahimsa.

Sadly, Dada A. works in Centre, yet is unaware of Guru’s discourses and teachings. See Guru’s below guideline:

Wt conduct rule: “One should not give any false answer and should consult with one`s seniors for the correct answer.” (5)

Ananda Marga has the solution for every problem

Not just abortion, Sadguru Baba has addressed each and every problem confronting humanity - Ananda Marga philosophy is complete in all respects.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers’ stone. Just as the philosophers’ stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem.” (6)

Why abortion discourse is unpublished

Some may naturally wonder, “Why is the above discourse unpublished?” The unfortunate truth is this: Because it is not a Bengali discourse. If it were a Bangla discourse surely it would be have been published.

Actually, they have all those cassettes; but if you raise the point with them why it is not published, then to hide their hypocrisy they will give you their “ready-made” answer: “The cassette was stolen.”

Note: An audio file related with this posting has been uploaded to the blogsite, where you can listen to it or download it. A link to the blogsite has been appended in the Links section at the bottom of the email.

1. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, Unpublished Discourse - 8/22/70
2. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, Unpublished Discourse - 8/22/70
3. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, Unpublished Discourse - 8/22/70
4. Guide to Human Conduct, Ahimsa
5. 37 Workers Rules, Point #3
6. Problems of the Day, Point #36

Dada A's Letter in Full


I have a pro-life blog for the public at

The "About" page of the blog presently says only: "My name is Acyutananda ('c' pronounced as in 'ciao'). All posts are by me unless otherwise mentioned, and express my personal views. The purpose of this blog will be to raise consciousness about the unborn, and awaken our consciences about the rights of the unborn."

Since I am a representative of Ananda Marga and Prout and my views might be considered by the public to represent AM and Prout views, yet neither AM nor Prout presently has a clear stand on the abortion issue, I don't presently mention on the blog my affiliation with AM or Prout.

A November 2014 blog post, "Moral Intuition, Logic and the Abortion Debate," does not take sides on the abortion issue, but tries to explore the origins of moral principles in general.

Also exploring the origins of moral principles is an article I wrote for the June 2014 Prout Journal, "Can Science Determine Moral Values?" It is available online here --

-- and here --

At the former site, it can be commented on.

For the March 2014 Prout Journal, I wrote an article "A Proutist Perspective on Abortion". I can send a digital copy on request.

I may also write about the abortion issue on the new Move On forum, under the "Organizational Development" section, which is for Margis only.

 I also recommend this blog: , "speaking out for the born and unborn children of India, and assisting their parents." Viswakamal is the initiative of a few young Proutists in Kolkata. Within around ten days, a new post will appear about a baby girl whom Viswakamal saved from abortion. Viswakamal has been able to arrange a little financial help for her single mother.

Another article, already mentioned under the recent "Spiritual Philosophy" topic, is "A Teleological Argument for a Non-Material Consciousness". It is available online here:

I can also send Brother Bhaktaviirya's response to it, on request.

And one more article that I could send to anyone interested is “Discipline and the Tantric Path”, which I wrote for Prajiná Bháratii in 1996. It is quite different from any of the other writings I have listed. Though it doesn’t mention AM by name, it is really only for Margis, and particularly WT’s. It is a vindication of all our conduct rules, especially WT conduct rules.

In Him,
Dádá Acyutánanda

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

O’ Parama Purus'a, Baba what do You do all day? Please tell me

"O go bandhu, bolite páro,sárá din dhare tumi kii karo…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0022)


O’ Parama Purus'a, Baba what do You do all day? Please tell me. O’ Baba, some people are ardent supporters of Your ideas, and some are against Your teachings. Some dearly love Your philosophy, and some are vehemently opposed to Your preachings. Baba, with all Your supporters and opponents, how do You continue playing Your liila?...

Purport from AM ideology:

O’ Parama Purusa, “Yours is the macrocosm. All the thoughts, all the ideas of the universe have accumulated in Your mind, in that cosmic macrocosm. I fail to understand what You do, and how You can manage with so many thoughts and so many ideas? And not only that, there has been certain polarization regarding your thoughts and expressions, ideas and activities. How do you manage all these business, I fail to understand. And, I want to know from You very secretly—have You got any other personal secret with You?”


“हे परम पुरुष ! “यह बात है कि हम तो दुनियावी काम, तरह-तरह के काम में कहीं ख़रीदना-बेचना, नहाना-खाना, हर तरह के काम में व्यस्त रहते हैं | तो, परमपुरुष तुम दिन में क्या करते हो, दिन भर तुम किस तरह से व्यस्त रहते हो ? ज़रा मुझे बताना, लुक-छिपकर बोल देना | और, दुनिया में जितनी भावनाएँ चिन्ताएँ हैं, सब तो तुम्हारे मन के भीतर में हैं | तो, इतनी भावनाओं को  चिन्ताओं को लेकर तुम किस तरह से अपने को ठीक रखते हो जी ? हम अगर होते तो पागल हो जाते |”

[बाबा को मुस्कराता देखकर सब मार्गी लोग ज़ोर से हँसने लगे |]

“हे परम पुरुष ! “हाँ | और, देखो जी, यह ध्रुवीकरण तुमको लेकर हो गया | तो, कोई तुम्हारे बहुत समर्थक और कोई बहुत ख़िलाफ़ हैं | कोई बहुत प्यार करते हैं, और कोई बहुत विरोध करते हैं | तो, तुम यह विरोध और समर्थनों को लेकर अपनी लीला किस तरह से कर रहे हो ? यही एक अद्भुत बात है, जी | तो, आख़िर तक एक बात पूछनी है, कि जो हम समझते हैं, जहाँ तक समझते हैं, उसी से तो हम कैसा न कैसा हो गए | और, तुम्हारे पास और भी कोई गुप्त बातें हैं क्या ? ज़रा बोल देना जी !” [MGD 30 December 1982 Ananda Nagar]

Purport from AM ideology ends.

== Section ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Before and after revolution - 3

“Devils, demons, black-marketeers and [[adulterators]] joined the gang of demons in large numbers. But even among them, a few felt the pangs of conscience; they repented their own misdeeds and joined the group of humans. But most of the bribers and big officials, police officers and military officials, ticket-collectors, goods-officers and ticket checkers and many others – and along with them those who had mixed sand with sugar, mud in cement, dust of tamarind seeds with flour, and poison in medicine – all ran to join the gang of demons. However, all were not of the same mentality, and of course all the officials of the Demon Kingdom were not corrupt. Those who were honest joined the group of humans.”

“The struggle grew serious. What a grim struggle it was! No one had ever seen such a struggle. In that fight, land, water and sky – hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and stratosphere shuddered. People were fighting without even sufficient food to eat and wearing tattered clothes. The soldiers of the demon, on the other hand, were getting good food and plenty of fine clothes. But in spite of all these hardships, the smiles of the human beings had not abated and their songs never stoppd. They constantly upheld the sublime ideal of life, singing:”

“We are all brethren in this universe,
We will equally share all pleasure and pain.”

“Building up many small squads of soldiers, the youths fought on, singing:”

“Proceed on and on!
The sky above is resounding with the sound of drums
And the earth below is waiting expectantly to welcome the
glorious dawn
O the Youths of the crimson dawn
March ahead! March ahead!”

“Then the youths raised slogans: “Equal rights for all humanity! One nation for all people! Tyranny will no longer be tolerated! No hypocrisy in the name of religion! All people of the world, unite!””

“More and more youths joined the humans, singing unitedly, “Victory is ours! Victory is ours! This beautiful earth is for the humans, not for the demons!””

“The struggle became very grim. Such a struggle was not fought even at the time of the Ramayana or the Mahabharata. The demons had powerful bombs – dangerous arms capable of killing many people at a time, and lethal weapons full of poisonous gas. But they could not use them because both the humans and the demons would fall victim by their use, as both of them were the inhabitants of the same earth.”

“Ultimately the demons began to retreat. Finding no other alternative, the Strange Demon surrendered to the humans.15 The youths said, “Punish them! Give them capital punishment!” But the prince said, “No! We have accepted the real meaning of non-violence (Ahimsa). Not to use arms against harmless people but to fight the exploiters or those who torture innocent people – this is true non-violence – the sacred duty which we have performed. Those who are now captive in our hands, those demons, they are also our brethren. We should try to rectify their nature.” So the prince formed a new government and advised that government to build a good  number of rectification centres where those demons would get every facility for their mental and spiritual upliftment.” (1)

1. The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea


== Section 2: Links ==

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Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate or any other translator, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for the translator:

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