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Sunday, April 28, 2019

AM Bakery sold By Rudrananda #3 of 3

AM Bakery sold By Rudrananda #3 of 3

Note: This is the third and final reply on this important topic. Links to the first two replies are appended below.


The mafia is notorious for killing the offspring of their enemies. If the mafia thugs killed a man who bravely stood up to them then the mafia would wipe out all his children, no matter how young they were. Those mafia leaders would not consider their victory complete unless they exterminated the entire family. Tragically, that is the “ethos” that the devilish Rudrananda has taken towards our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. And verily he is taking aim at our very heart: the Wt training centre (TC).

Cut the lifeline to the TC

The CBI agent Rudrananda is not just after short-term profits, but long term gains as well. No doubt his bank accounts are full to the brim with black money and paid bribes etc. But Rudrananda may only last a few more years - he is an aged man. So hoarding all the money will only go so far. Soon that scheme will run its course. Yet Rudrananda wants to ensure the demise of AMPS even after his own time has passed. For that reason he is systematically dismantling every institution of AMPS.

For years, the bakery and the Wt TC in Sweden were neatly interlinked. The bakery supported the TC financially, and the TC depended upon the TC to buoy its labour force. It was a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship. With the recent sale of the bakery, wherein the greedy Rudrananda devoured all the money, the financial lifeline to the TC has been severed. Verily, it is only a matter of time before Rudrananda and his gang publicly justify that they had to sell the TC as well.

Keeping all of the above in mind, see here the bogus justification issued by chief stooge Madhuvratananda regarding the sale of the bakery.

“Womanizer” Madhuvratananda wrote:
We are making the *bakery* small because of
1. high labour cost.
2. High rent.
3. No trainees to manage and maintain.
Now let’s respond step-wise to the third of Madhuvratananda’s three brainless justifications.

Bogus alibi: destroy TC then cry “no trainees”

Reply #3: No trainees to manage and maintain - Now let’s take a closer look at so-called Madhuvratananda’s claim. Everyone is well aware that there are currently no trainees to manage and maintain the bakery business, but that only begs the question: Who is at fault for the fact that there are no trainees? And who is at fault for destroying the Wt training centre? The devious Rudrananda and his stooges should be taking punishment for running the TC into the ground and ruining the training program. Yet they are crying out, “Look, we have no trainees and that is why we had no option but to sell the bakery.” But who can be befooled by their alibi. They are gleefully pleased that they sold that bakery; that was their plan all long. And the entire outcome of having zero trainees is their own doing, by design. The CBI spy Rudrananda knows that by emptying and tearing down our Wt training centres then our AMPS will be seriously crippled and put on life-support. That is why he also ruined the TC in Davao by placing a known and proven philanderer as the trainer, i.e. Mantrajapananda.

Since the time of when Rudrananda was GTS (General Training Secretary) there have not been any trainees in Sweden. This was not a fluke a occurrence, but a well-executed plan. It is a shocking disgrace when years earlier this was a fully functioning training centre that produced many Wts who are now posted all over the globe. Rudrananda, abetted by his pet stooges, is the cause for the downfall of our established AMPS institutions in Sweden, i.e. the bakery business and the WT training centre.

Next victim: the WT training centre

The aftermath: Now that the bakery is done and gone, margiis from around the globe have been shocked to hear the news. From India to Canada and points in between, all know how the bakery business was a mainstay for our global organisation, Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. It was a perfect fit with the Wt training centre (TC) in Sweden etc. The bakery was a great outreach into the community and provided a needed product; and, it offered financial stability for the TC. And now that the bakery business is gone, the devilish Rudradranda can fulfill his dream of demolishing yet another institution of our AMPS by formally shutting down the WT TC - as he will give the excuse that there is no income to support it. And by shutting down the TC, it ensures that there will be no new generations of Wts being created. That alone is the absolute death wish for AMPS. New blood is needed for any organization to sustain itself and make an impact in the world. Without new workers, our AMPS will simply die a natural death within a decade or two. The devious Rudrananda and his crony stooges have literally sucked the blood out of our AMPS, single-handedly tearing down every institution Beloved Baba created for a happy and thriving AMPS.

Really, are we still going to sit here and watch it all crumble before our very eyes.

In Him,

== Section 2: Links ==
~ Previous letters in this series ~

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Reply to:

Sadvipras fish & goat + Watch for antisocial beings... + 3 more


Sadvipras fish & goat


To catch a fish, a fisherman ties food for the fish onto a hook. Attaching that hook to a string, the fisherman suspends the fish’s food in the water. The fish is foolish and thinks to itself, "Those people have a lot of love for me, and have come to feed me." But when the fish takes the food in its mouth, the fisherman entraps the fish on the fish hook, and the fish is caught. Then the fish realizes the fisherman is its enemy. But there is no benefit in that realization, as by then the fish’s death is a certainty.

Just as the approach of the fisherman, is that of AMPS-group leaders. Sadvipras should not become like the fish, thinking AMPS-group leaders to be their friends and then joining them and getting entrapped. Any who get befooled in this way will realize with time what has happened. By that time it is too late.

Example number two: A goat is brought to a Hindu temple and there it is lavishly fed, adorned with a mala, and its head decorated with sindur. People then come before the goat with folded hands and repeat sacred mantras, feed sweets to the goat, and the foolish goat thinks, “These people are my greatest servants.” Later when the Hindu priest comes with a sword to cut the goat’s throat in a sacrifice ritual, the goat realizes the truth that it is about to die. At that moment it wants to flee, but can't go. And in the next moment, the sword descents swiftly onto the goat’s neck. AMPS-group leaders are like this Hindu priest, in their behavior toward the sadvipras etc.

सद्विप्र, मछली और बकरी

एक बकरी को जब मन्दिर में ले जाकरके खाना खिलाएँगे, माला पहनाएँगे, और उसको माथे में सिन्दुर लगा देंगे, और लोग बकरी के सामने हाथ जोड़करके मन्त्रपाठ करेंगे, मिठाई खिलाएँगे उसको, उस समय मूर्ख अज्ञानी  बकरी सोचती है ये लोग हमारे सबसे बड़े सेवक हैं । उसके बाद जब एक तलवार लेकर बलि चढ़ानेवाला पुजारी बकरी का गरदन काटने आता है, तब बकरी को सच्चाई पता चलती है कि मौत आएगी । उस समय भागना चाहती है, लेकिन भागने का कोई रास्ता नहीं है । और उसी क्षण तलवार उसके गरदन पर पड़ता है । AMPS-group वाले नेता लोग उसी पुजारी की तरह हैं सद्विप्रों के प्रति |

मछली को पकड़ने के लिए कँटिया में मछली का खाना बाँध देते हैं । मछली अज्ञानी है, तो सोचती है कि मुझे बहुत प्यार करते हैं लोग, खाना खिलाने आएँ हैं । लेकिन जब मछली खाना खाती है, उसी समय मछुआरा उसको फँसाता है, पकड़ लेता है । तब मछली को ज्ञान होता है कि वह दुशमन है । लेकिन उस ज्ञान से फ़ायदा नहीं, क्योंकि अब तो मृत्यु होगी । ऐसे ही मछली पकड़नेवाले की तरह, AMPS-group-वाले नेता हैं, सद्विप्रों के प्रति |

In Him,

== Section 2: Main topic ==

Watch out for antisocial beings in AM


Baba says teaching of history is very important, otherwise people make the same mistake again and again, and suffer immensely and unnecessarily. By studying this following historical incident, it will be very clear to all that we should never trust on postholders' without watching their conduct. Mostly those who are sitting in Centre are evil-minded, and have all kinds of vices including cheating and deception.

Here below is an example; please see the photos. Before 1990, this land was arranged by Margiis to run social services activities in AM. Then in 2010, with the support of blind PP and also the devil Rudrananda, devious Nigamananda sold 60% of this land and pocketed the money. Now our AM activities, including our AM school, is running on only 40% of the land that was there earlier.

Please find attached photos of land occupied by buyers. The buyer has constructed boundary walls in order to separate it from the existing Ananda Marga  school.


One should not forget this ugly incident. Otherwise, we will be cheated again in a similar way. So, watch out, never trust. Baba says that demons in human form have a lot of cunningness, and they can befool millions. About this, please read Baba's LOI book.

In Him,
Ramana Gupta

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 3: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Why do You love me so much…

"Ámáy keno bhálobásile, guń nái, guń nái jinánao nái..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2283)


My Parama Purusa, You are so loving and gracious; why do You love me so much. I do not have any quality or merit; nor do I have any knowledge or learning. What then did You observe in me that made You pour Your karuna on me.

Baba, You have given me a healthy physical body, a sound mind, and a heart filled with bhakti, and saturated my core with a strong feeling for realisation of the Supreme. You have bestowed upon me an awakened intellect to serve the society. Knowing that I am helpless and have no one besides You as my own, You have granted me everything, above and beyond - more than what was needed - in all realms. It is Your causeless grace.

Parama Purusa Baba, You brought me onto this earth by providing me with a human form. You filled my mind with spiritual yearning and infused a strong longing of paramartha for You. Even then, such is my miserable condition: I always remain forgetful about You and Your grace. Baba, why do You love me so much…

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

Way to establish peace

Prout philosophy states, “The cry, “Peace! Peace!” has become a craze in the world today. Can anything be achieved by such cries? There is no way to establish peace except to fight against the very factors which disturb peace. Even in the personal life of every human being, there is a constant fight between the benevolent and the malevolent intellect, or between vidyá and avidyá. At times vidyá triumphs, while at other times avidyá wins. In social life, too, this fight between vidyá and avidyá continues."

"Vidyá has to fight avidyá, and in this fight wherever and as long as vidyá remains triumphant, there is a special type of peace which may be called sáttvikii shánti [sentient peace]. Similarly, wherever and as long as avidyá remains victorious in this fight, there, also, a special type of peace prevails which may be called támasikii shánti [static peace]. Thus we find that peace is actually a relative factor." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #15

== Section 5: Links ==

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