Wts: clean vs dirty
Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.
Before receiving their Wt-ship, every candidate has to take an oath that they will not maintain relations with their worldly family.
Wt conduct rules state: "No relationship should exist with worldly family." (1)
So Wts only have one family - the universal family. To further emphasize this, each worker is given a new name to reflect their full, 100% dedication to humanity. They are no longer bound by ties to their laokik (worldly) family.
Their so-called oath that Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji is father
For instance, suppose there is a Didi named Ananda Bhakti, and when she was born into this world her laokik (worldly) father was Sudama Singh, and he named her Bhavana Devii. But the moment that Bhavana Devii took her oath to become a Wt, then Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji became her Father. That is the oath she has taken as a Wt. No longer is her father Sudama Singh. That prior connection is gone.
Those sannaysis who think - after taking their Wt oath - that still someone is their laokik (worldly) father, mother, or brother are fake. Similarly, those workers who steal from AMPS and divert those funds to their laokik (worldly) family are misguided and a black spot on Ananda Marga.
Hypocritical dealing
Proper acaryas follow the right code of conduct and by this way they set a sterling example and teach others. Fake acaryas preach to others with their mouth, but do not back up those words with their actions. Rather, they go against. When junior Wts see what is going on with those senior acaryas, then they (junior wts) make jokes about their (senior acaryas) hypocritical dealing. This sets the tone that one need not really follow the rules - just one should tell others to follow. This is not the right ethic for building a healthy and vibrant Wt cadre.
Growing problem in AMPS
Unfortunately, stealing / embezzling from AMPS and giving to their laokik (worldly) family is common these days amongst our Wts. And the problem is growing. The question then becomes: Who is the main culprit? And the answer is: Those workers who are key figures and hold top posts. If they set the wrong example then so many others will fall.
This type of weakness is so negative that it gains more and more momentum. It has a snowball effect or a cascading effect. That's to say, once it starts it just gets bigger and bigger. It is just like if there is one small mouse hole in the side of a canal made of mud. Once the water starts entering that hole then that hole gets bigger and bigger until finally the entire canal or aqueduct is ruined.
So much of our AMPS resources are getting funneled to the laokik (worldly) families of so many Wts. All because those at the top started doing this. We must remember that when Wts are (a) accepting money / donations from general margiis and (b) secretly directing those funds to their laokik (worldly) family, then (c) it is stealing.
Do not become an evil Kaorava
As we know, when on the path of dharma there should not be any partiality or favouritism - otherwise one will meet their fate. Dronacarya indulged in favourtism by giving special teachings to his own son and by that way Dronacarya became part of the Kaoravas (negative side). The same thing happened with Karna when he played favourites with Duryodhana. Wts who maintain relations with their laokik (worldly) family and send them money fall in the same lowly category: favouritism. Those Wts are essentially Kaoravas. In the true sense, our Wts are to look upon the entire humanity with equanimity and love. They should not harbour any partiality towards their laokik (worldly) family. That is unjust and adharmic.
Didi thieves
Countless Didis are in constant communication with their laokik (worldly) families - giving them money, and Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha resources. Didi Ananda Niitimaya is not the only fallen didi. Others doing this include Didi Ananda Kaoshikii, Didi Ananda Prabha, Didi Ananda Vishnumaya, Didi Ananda Advaeya, and so many more. The problem is rampant. And it all started and got reinforced at the top with Didi Ananda Giita - more about this below.
Remember, stealing from AMPS and giving to one’s worldly family means that Wt is fake. This is a fundamental aspect of renunciation: No contact with worldly family and instead dedicate everything to serving Parama Purusa and the universal family. When a worker goes against this fundamental oath to Guru, they are no longer a genuine Wt; rather they are just a bogus Wt.
Instead, those Wt Dadas and Wt Didis should adhere to Guru's guideline and not incur sin. By indulging in sin, those wholetimers set an extremely bad example. That is why this entire problem has multiplied so drastically with so many Wt Dadas and Didis (see list below) giving money and materials to their laokik (worldly) families.
The main issue is that Wts must adhere to their oath - they no longer have relations with laokik (worldly) family. Secretly funnelling cash and kind to their laokik (worldly) families - instead of going toward the allotted social service projects - is stealing. Even worse is that by doing this, other Wts will also be enticed and tempted to do the same. All in all the effect is absolutely disastrous - and that is what is manifesting right now. Everyone should be aware of the situation and be ready accordingly.
Ananda Marga ideology says, "These are all codes of discipline as prescribed by Bhágavata Dharma. You must follow these codes. There cannot be any concession in this respect, rather concession is dangerous." (2)
Rainjana Bhat
~ In-depth study ~
About Ananda Giita
In the past, Didi Ananda Giita was looking after her own laokik (worldly) so-called father and keeping him in a Didi's jagrti. Specifically, Ananda Gita didi's so called father - K.C. Bhalla - lived in the Ren'uka' master unit (Didis MU) in Umariya village of Raipur District. This set a very poor example. Our dedicated Wt Didis are not to have contact with their laokik (worldly) family. To stop their missionary work and address worldly family matters is not appropriate for our Wts.
Didi Ananda Giita should have attended to her Wt life and not engaged herself in this way with her laokik (worldly) relations. When Didi Ananda Giita went against Baba’s rules, she extended an "an open invitation" for all junior Didis to involve with their laokik (worldly) families. In short, this set a very bad example as it directly encouraged others to go against Baba's stated conduct rule. And that is what is going on.
1. 32 Rules for Avadhutas / Avadhutikas, Point #9
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Jaeva Dharma and Bhágavata Dharma
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