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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Not good people + 3 more


Not good people 

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Nowadays in AMPS, group leaders created the culture of talking about Baba in the past tense. No religion that talks about their god in the past tense survives. We should keep this in mind.

One day the master went on a tour...

There once was a master and he had many, many servants. The servants were basically greedy and selfish, but as long as the master was there on site, they worked dutifully and loyally. One day the master went on a tour. The moment the servants found out that the master was on tour, they sold all the master's furniture and household items.

Now we have to think why the same servants - who were quite loyal in the past - suddenly started selling the master's possessions and murdering the master's relations the moment they thought the master is gone. Why did they do that? The answer is simple: In the absence of the master, their true colours came forth. Those who are notorious reveal their real form when they are not watched. The main problem then with those servants was their defective idea that: "The master is not here so we can do what we want".

Nobody will know our misdeeds

In '90, on one particular day at one particular ashram it was propagated that, "Master passed away". Those who truly believed that, “Really my Master is no more”, started expelling others, distorting Master's teachings, selling Master's land, and engaging in so many other nefarious activities. Unitedly they were doing this - i.e. harassing others. Later on they even started killing each other.

Now let's examine how this all came to pass. In the early days after 1990 they were 100% united in their activities. Together these people wrote a declaration and announced that Baba (Master) has not only departed but He has so-called greatly departed - passed away; i.e. mahaprayan. They thought, "Now we are free. Nobody is watching us; nobody will know about our hypocrisy and sins; nobody will hold us accountable for our misdeeds; we are free; so let's enjoy."

That was the "momentous day" when Caryacarya was appended by a unanimous vote of all members of the Central Committee. They unitedly declared that Baba passed away. The meaning was: "Nobody is watching us: we are free." Since then, by their action you can see how their behaviour is the outcome of that very notion that, "Baba has not just departed but He has made His so-called great departure, i.e. mahaprayan, passed away."

Disgraced outlook

So the notion - i.e. Baba's so-called great departure and He passed away - is a very horrible outlook that is causing all all sorts of disasters. Although it is a very simple equation, it is not easy to understand. Because avidya maya has bound such persons and wants to keep them as her servants in the cycle of birth and death for ages and ages. Because of the noose of avidya maya, they cannot understand. Until they realise this point - i.e. that “Baba is ever-present” - one can forget about any and all peace and happiness in AMPS.


Neither Sarvatmananda, nor Rudrananda, nor any other group leader would have done so many injustices like the expulsion of margiis and wts who opposed their sins, the curtailment of margii rights, the distortion of Ananda Marga discourses, the selling of AMPS properties land, and so many more atrocities, even murder, if they thought that Baba is present. All these injustices have occurred solely because in their heart of hearts they feel that Baba has passed away.

So it was that after His "Great Departure" they committed all those sinful deeds and sold those land parcels and properties because they thought: "Baba has passed away, i.e. mahaprayan. He is no longer watching so we can do as we wish." That is their defective outlook and the root cause of all their misdeeds. The story is simple, but difficult to understand.

If anyone is really sincere and wants to address the root cause of all these heinous activities, then the problem will be solved. So long as they are superficially treating the matter they will never be able to solve the problem. The root cause is the false notion that, "Baba passed away - we are free; we can do whatever we like; He is not here watching." It is this defective outlook that needs to be addressed.

Once again, the story is simple but difficult to understand.

In Him,
Subhadra’ Sen

Note: If you are not aware about the full list of injustices inflicted by these group leaders, then let us know as this is a long record that every Ananda Margii should be aware about.

About: For the last 20 years, this News Bulletin network has been only for committed margiis and Wts who want to explore the organisational problems to find out the solution. If by mistake someone else has been added to this forum, kindly let us know.

No religion or spiritual movement can survive this

Nowadays in AMPS, such people have created the culture of talking about Baba in the past tense. No religion that talks about their god in the past tense survives. We should keep this in mind.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Now is not the time to look back 

"Aruńácale notun prabhát, elo áji elo..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4754)


Salutations to Parama Purusa, today the glorious new crimson dawn has come; it has come by His grace. In this brilliant, new era, no longer should anyone remain drowsy or in a state of slumber. Now is not the time to look back and waste this precious moment. This is the time to rip off all those bondages of sa'dripu, as't'apa'sha, mohaja'l etc, since they hinder our forward progress. Now on this auspicious occasion we should move on and on towards the Goal, keeping the mind focused on Him.

In the past, before this auspicious hour, in that pitch-dark atmosphere you were unable to see. Your vision was enveloped by the cloak of deep darkness. You could not see; you could not understand what is right and what is wrong, i.e. what is dharma and what is sinful. In result, neither could you move forward, nor could you pull anyone towards the higher Goal. Do not waste your valuable time reminiscing about those dark days of old. Now you should forget those memories and throw away that retarded and detrimental thinking. Just think and ideate on Him because human life is an ideological flow. Parama Purusa is the Goal.

Behold! A new era has come. Look toward the eastern horizon, the crimson dawn has arrived with the seven-coloured chariot. It is so attractive and charming. By seeing this new era, the inhabitants of the whole planet have become completely captivated with joyous horripilation. Feeling the charged vibration, everyone is smiling in happiness. Behold, in this auspicious new dawn, even in the mud the lotus has blossomed. And by its aromatic fragrance the mind is divinely intoxicated. By the supreme grace of Parama Purusa ordinary people have started doing extraordinary things; and by that way the whole society is getting benefited in multifarious ways. The dark days have disappeared permanently; the era of neo-humanism has arrived. Now is the time to sing and dance and move forward towards Him...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #4754

[1] Sa'dripu: Ananda Marga philosophy says, "S'at' means 'six' and ripu means 'enemies'. These six faculties in human beings are termed as enemies, as they absorb the mind in crudeness and stop its march towards the subtle. The supreme rank for unit consciousness is subtle, and anything which holds it back from reaching the supreme rank, is its enemy. These six faculties are, therefore, termed as six enemies. Ka'ma (longing for earthly objects), krodha (anger), lobha (avarice), moha (blind attachment), mada (vanity) and ma'tsarya (envy) are the six enemies." (1)

[2] As't'a'pa'sha: Ananda Marga philosophy says, "As't'apa'sha means the eight fetters. Anyone bound by fetters will lose his capacity of movement. In the creation we find the movement of human beings is from the crude to the subtle. That is, human beings have to move towards the subtle, but by their leaning towards the eight fetters such as lajja', bhaya, and ghrn'a', they get absorbed in crude things only and their progress towards the subtle is stopped. Bhaya (fear), lajja' (shame), ghrn'a' (hatred), shaunka' (doubt), kula (high descent), shiila (complex of culture), ma'na (vanity) and jugupsa' (backbiting) are the eight fetters." (2)

[3] Mohaja'l: (Literal: 'Moha' meaning 'blind attachment' + 'Ja'l' meaning 'net'). When human beings get stuck in the net of blind attachment then they cannot proceed towards the Goal. This is Baba's warning so in the above song the sadhaka is paying heed to Baba's guideline and tossing aside this mohaja'l and advancing with the advent of the new crimson dawn.

1. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?
2. Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, How Should Human Beings Live In This World?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ancient medicinal cures

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Different kinds of metals and non-metals have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Gold, silver, tin and mercury especially have been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes. The famous Ayurvedic medicine makaradhvaja is prepared from a combination of mercury and sulphide. There is no dearth of medicines produced from calcium in homeopathy, allopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, whatever system it may be. Medicines produced from the conch shell, which have generated excitement since ancient times, are actually nothing but calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide."
   "The value of the principle shama samaḿ shamayati [similia similibus curantue – “like cures like”)] has been understood by human beings since the age of the Mahábhárata, but it was Mahatma Hahnemann who brought it to the scientific level through his system of homeopathy. People realized the value of this principle during the Mahábhárata age from the poison treatment of the poisoned Bhiima. There were considerable advances in Ayurveda in poison research, especially with snake, scorpion, spider and hornet poisons. Within Ayurveda, members of the royal family of Cochin in the state of Kerala were pioneers in this. At one time there was a good deal of individual research into poison treatments. My maternal grandfather, the late Dr. U. M. Basu (allopath) conducted research into the medicinal use of scorpion poison, but he died before his research findings could be properly documented. The science of allopathy does not seem to have made much progress in these treatments, but there are endless opportunities for making progress in this respect." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Receiving boon of such-and-such god or goddess

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Although the knowledge from the unconscious mind flows down to the subconscious only secondarily during the wakeful state, when it does flow down, in most cases it remains well-imprinted in the subconscious mind and thus easily enters the conscious mind from the subconscious. Many diseased or distressed persons, in order to gain the solutions for their sorrows, prostrate before the idols in the temples. In this situation, they are constantly thinking of their diseases and the remedies of their sufferings and the ways to remove them. This ultimately leads to the temporary concentration of the mind. When, after remaining in this state of concentration for a while, their minds ultimately become benumbed, then from the all-knowing unconscious mind the sought-after solution penetrates into their subconscious. Since such a state is a state neither of wakefulness nor of sleep nor of dream, the answer can easily penetrate the subconscious mind, and from the subconscious enter the conscious. People may think that the remedy to their distress was the boon of such-and-such god or goddess, but this was not actually the case at all.” (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya: Disc: 16

== Section 3: Links ==

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